nontoxicSafer Products – Online and Mail-Order Catalogs

(NOTE: Purchasing through any of the banners on this web site—including the Amazon banner at the bottom of each page, as well as any of the ads down the right sidebar—will provide us a small referral fee to help support the costs of keeping this web site up and running! Thank you!

Disclaimer: To the best of our knowledge, the products and companies listed on this page offer nontoxic and/or less-toxic alternatives. However, we have no affiliation with these companies, nor can we guarantee their safety for each individual with MCS! Please research each product you choose to use by reading the labels (and obtaining samples if possible) to be sure they contain no ingredients that you personally react to!

Advanced Foil Systems, Inc. – a supplier of non-toxic barriers (Aluma-Foil™) used to prevent offgassing of building materials. Lightweight and easy to use. 1-800-421-5947; 820 S. Rockefeller Ave., Suite. A, Ontario, California 91761.

Allergy Asthma Technology, Ltd. – dedicated to helping to reduce exposures to allergens as simply and effectively as possible.

American Environmental Health Foundation – 1-800-428-2343 – Catalog of environmentally safe products

Bear River Zeolite – Zeolite is a nontoxic solution for Environmental Cleanup, Soil Amendments, Fertilizer, Water Filtration, Odor Control, Animal Nutrition, Waste Water Filtration, Air Filtration, Pesticide/Herbicide Carrier, Pellet Binders, Desiccants, Catalysts, Building Materials, Flow Agents, Aquaculture, Ponds, Tanks, Pozzolan for Cement, Floor Clean, Kitty Litter, No Skid, Animal Bedding, Household Uses. Bear River Zeolite has the lowest sodium and highest CEC value of any domestic deposit.

E. L. Foust Co., Inc. – Air Purification & Water Filtration for Residential & Commercial Applications

Purely Essential (Environne) – Fruit and Vegetable Wash, Natural Laundry Soap, Produce Cleaner & More.

Fruit of Her Hands – Handcrafted herbal soaps, natural skin care gifts. (NOTE from Jacki: I tried their "unscented" bar soap, and it is really wonderful—gentle enough to use on my extremely-sensitive face! They do have other products that contain essential oils, so be sure to determine your individual sensitivities to essential oils before purchasing!)

Furnature – Organic furniture, pillows, beds, and fabric

Glad Rags – cotton menstrual pads, feminine hygiene products.

Healthy Communications and Environments – personal hygiene and beauty products without carcinogens or harmful ingredients.

Heart of Vermont – 1-800-639-4123 – 100% organic cotton beds and bedding, pillows, comforters, futons, etc.

Heavenly Heat – Free-standing, moveable, home sauna rooms especially designed and constructed for chemical sensitivity.

The Herbs Place – The Place for Herbs & Supplements – We Care About You!

I Can Breathe! – designs and manufactures quality air face filter masks that reduce exposure to airborne irritants, providing environmental control with style.

Janice's – 1-800-JANICES – 100% cotton beds, bedding, fabric, clothing, and less-toxic soaps, cleaning products, etc.

Life Miracle Laundry Balls – Earth-Friendly Laundry Detergent Alternative – SAVE THE ENVIRONMENT, YOUR MONEY, HEALTH & CLOTHES WITH LIFE MIRACLE LAUNDRY BALLS!

Natural Bed – all natural beds and bedding.

Nature's Country Store – contains many wonderful sections, including many products, the MCS-CI Business Directory, the Lighter Side of MCS-CI, Canary Auctions, and Canary Cosmetics. – Your personal neem source! Neem extracts are anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-histamine and have powerful immune-boosting effects. All from one herb! Every family should have some in the home. (A good site that lists all ingredients in their products!)

Nirvana Safe Haven and the Non Toxic Hot Line – Create healing environments for homes and work places. We provide purified, ionized or filtered air, filtered water, organic cotton clothing, natural chemical free wool, organic cotton mattresses and futons, chemical free bedding and natural fiber hemp futons. Preventing and alleviating allergies, asthma, environmental illness, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, chemical reactivities and other allergies to the 20th century.

Non-Toxic Soap – Natural Products for Natural People! Featuring Botanic Gold™—a silky golden liquid non-toxic soap powerful enough to completely free your home from all toxic cleaning chemicals, including your everyday laundry detergent, dish washing soap, floor cleaners, and more. If you think that's great, listen to this. It can also be use for bathing, shampoo, and even brushing your teeth!

Real Goods – 1-800-762-7325 – Where a Renewable Energy Powered, Sustainable Future is our Mission, and Knowledge is our Most Important Product – Since 1978 ("Everything under the sun!")

Refreshingly Free – Natural and Fragrance Free products for those suffering from multiple chemical sensitivity, allergies and asthma. We offer body care products, cosmetics, cleaning supplies, feminine hygiene supplies, and baby supplies. (Samples available of most products.)

Respro – Urban survival, environmental protection, equipment for those who dare! (including the Respro sports mask)

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. – makes masks for allergy patients and has been catering to them since 1985. Masks are cotton, silk, linen, or special request fabrics. They are contoured as are the filters. Fabric filters are available for those sensitive to charcoal. (flier available) For more information contact Sandra through email by clicking on her name. (In Subject line please put: Masks)

Simmons Natural Body Care – Presenting the finest quality natural soaps, body care, and personal care products available. They enhance your life while being environmentally friendly and cruelty-free. Benefit from soothing herbal essences and emollient botanicals in your daily care. Many fragrance-free, suitable for those with sensitivities.

Terressentials – We hand-craft a growing line of truly natural and organic personal care products with no synthetic petrochemical or oleochemical ingredients of any kind—even in the fine print. Also includes the newsletter "Exposure." We are quite radical in our revelation of the truth about the chemical industry's misrepresentation of healthy and natural claims on personal care products.

The Vermont Country Store – 1-802-362-8440 – Includes many miscellaneous products not found elsewhere. (NOTE: Not all are "nontoxic"!)

Water Solutions Drinking Water Systems – "Filter Your Water or You Are The Filter"

Organizations and Newsletters


Blazing Tattles – an international monthly alternative news magazine, covering the fields of Personal & Planetary Health; Cover-Ups in Science, Industry, Media, & Government; Gulf War Aftermath; Consumer Information; and Chemical Injury & Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS).

Canary Club – Hormone testing at a low cost.

Chemical Injury Information Network (CIIN) – a tax-exempt, non-profit, charitable support and advocacy organization run by the chemically injured for the benefit of the chemically injured. It focuses primarily on education, credible research into Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS), and the empowerment of the chemically injured.

Ecological Health Organization (ECHO) – a non-profit support, education and referral organization for people with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity and others who are sensitive to chemicals in the environment and those who care about the prevention of chemical injury.

Peggy Wolff, Environmental Health Consultant – Healthy People, Healthy Places is designed to be part of the solution to the problem of environmentally induced illnesses. This site will introduce you to Peggy Wolff, an environmental health consultant and nurse, and will provide you with a wealth of resources along the way.

Environmental Health Network (EHN) [of California] – EHN works toward increasing access for those disabled by Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS). EHN has advocated for fragrance-free meeting attendance in San Francisco Bay Area cities of San Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley. They have also advocated for a move toward indoor air quality with two members participating in the Air Quality Circle of the Sustainable San Francisco plan. EHN offers support through it's Support and Information Line (SAIL). The number is (415) 541-5075 (long distance calls are returned "collect.") EHN also holds general meetings held monthly in San Rafael, California. EHN has mail order resources—books, tapes, papers, and serves as the outlet for sale of BEST of the Reactor, 11 years of work, edited by Susan Molloy. EHN's newsletter is "The New Reactor", which is published six times a year and read throughout the U.S., in Canada and Germany. Visit EHN's web site or write: EHN, PO Box 1155, Larkspur, CA 94977

Job Accommodation Network – The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is a free consulting service that provides information about job accommodations, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the employability of people with disabilities. (*includes fragrance sensitivities!)

Latitudes – Newsletter of the Association for Comprehensive NeuroTherapy (ACN), dedicated to exploring advanced and alternative treatments for neurological conditions. We are presently focusing on autism, Tourette syndrome, attention deficit disorder/hyperactivity, and learning disabilities.

National Center for Environmental Strategies – a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization that fosters the development of creative solutions to environmental health problems. The mission of NCEHS is to protect the public health and improve the lives of people affected by chemical and environmental exposures.

Miscellaneous Other Resources

The Collaborative on Health and the Environment – a nonpartisan partnership working to further knowledge, action and cooperation regarding environmental contributors to disease and other health problems.

Delgado Ecological Services, Inc. – building consulting firm formed by Professor Alex V. Delgado in l987 to address the mounting problem of indoor pollution.

Immune Web Classifieds – Free Classified Ads for the Immune Community

The Natural Place – Environmentally friendly short-term rental apartments run by an MCS couple. No smoking or pets, filtered air and water, 100% cotton bedding and linens, nontoxic pest control, natural fragrance-free cleaners. Located in a quiet, secure neighborhood at 1962 N.E. 5th St. (between N.E. 20th Ave. and N.E. 19th Ave.), Deerfield Beach, Florida. 954-428-5438. (NOTE: This is where Jacki stayed on her visits to see Dr. Robbins, her Environmental Physician.) – Are you suffering from chemical sensitivity, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome or other environmental illness? Are you unable to work and wondering where to turn? Then the virtual law offices of Michael J. Walkup, an attorney specializing in Social Security and private insurance disability claims for MCS, CFS, FMS, and other forms of environmental illness is the place for you! Michael is able to represent you on most disability claims in any of the 50 states (US only). Michael is familiar with your challenges as he, too, is battling environmental sensitivities. See the web site to read Michael's story.

Walnut Lawn Bed and Breakfast – "We attempt to maintain a healthy, chemical-free environment for all our guests, including those who have allergy and asthma conditions, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity or Environmental Illness." – Right in the heart of Amish Country – Pennsylvania



(NOTE: Online ordering provided for most of the books recommended—just click on the book cover graphic to go to's ordering and information page for that book. This also gives us a small referral fee, which goes towards keeping this site up and running!)

by Peter Radetsky – Traces the history and causes of the disease (multiple chemical sensitivity) with detailed research, including some startling new case histories. It is the first such book to take a look at the shocking increase in illnesses caused by our chemically saturated environment and offers some frightening possibilities, including the charge that certain scientific and medical powers are working to discredit MCS (multiple chemical sensitivity).

by Blanka Filipek – For Multiple Chemically Sensitive People With Food Allergies. We say: "NO!" to Genetically Modified And Irradiated Foods

by Thomas L. Ogren – This book presents a new idea and does so very well indeed. Ogren, a former landscape gardening instructor, proposes that in our private and public landscaping we need to reduce the use of plants that cause allergies. Until the publication of this book, the information needed to make allergy-free choices had not been compiled in one easily accessible source; nor had a scale been devised for rating plants that cause allergies. Here, Ogren accomplishes both these aims.

by Marjorie Hurt Jones, R.N – The millions of people with food allergies will welcome this edition of the only truly allergy-free cookbook. No other book offers such a wide range of recipes that are free of common allergens. Includes recipes for wheat-free breads, wholesome desserts, packable lunches, quick-and-easy dinners, and elegant company entrees.

by Theron G. Randolph – Updated with the latest information, here is the book that revolutionized the way allergies and other common illnesses were diagnosed and treated, claiming that many are caused by sensitivities to certain foods and chemicals found in our increasingly contaminated environment.

by Judi Vance – If you use any cosmetics you may be more at risk than you could imagine. Beauty to Die For is shocking, thought-provoking and rock solid in its research. This landmark book reveals the death traps in the cosmetics that we unwittingly use in our daily lives. It details the devastating toll that modern industry and government knowingly exact on the health of men, women, and children—and may sound the death knell for certain cosmetic industry practices. This book is a practical guide—an interactive tool—that teaches consumers how to shop safely and wisely. It translates the technical jargon into language that everyone can understand. It was written to help you identify the dangers in products you take for granted. Products you use everyday; products in which you put your faith and trust—yet these products threaten your very existence. This book not only illuminates the hazards, it provides sensible suggestions for creating a less toxic life.

by Annie Berthold-Bond (author of Clean & Green) – These days more and more people are saying no to "better living through chemistry" and yes to a lifestyle that is less toxic and more environmentally friendly. This trend toward a more natural lifestyle has become something of a crusade for Annie Berthold-Bond. After developing hypersensitivity to even very low concentrations of chemicals, Berthold-Bond was forced to rid her life of as many toxins as possible. "It wasn't until I had to be away from chemicals that I began to realize how many we lived with. The extent of the contamination is startling - from hair spray and floor wax to dandelion killers and plastic shower curtains and other products that line our hardware stores and supermarket shelves."

This book represents the culmination of her search for a more sustainable lifestyle. Taking her cue from an earlier time, Berthold-Bond, former editor in chief of Green Alternatives for Health and Environment, offers more than 800 simple and practical alternatives to common household toxins, covering everything from skin care to gardening. And the good news is that adopting her suggestions and formulas isn't hard at all. "Mixing up face creams or wood stain isn't much different than cleaning the windows with vinegar, soap, and water instead of using Brand Name X, or making a cake with flour, eggs and milk instead of buying a mix," she asserts. "With a few simple staples we can clean our houses, wash our hair, rid the dog's bed of fleas, and do many other things as well." If you have your doubts, here is her formula for metal polish:

3 teaspoons salt, 1 tablespoon flour, and enough white distilled vinegar to make a paste. Scoop the paste onto a clean sponge, and polish the metal clean. Rinse with hot water and buff dry. Sure, these days it's literally impossible to lead a life that is completely toxin-free. But you can significantly reduce your exposure, and picking up a copy Better Basics for the Home is a great way to get started!

Bruce Haney – This is the odyssey of a human child—a bright, talented, strong and athletic boy who got trapped and imprisoned by forces that took over his body and robbed him of his brain and every skill he had known. This is the story of that grotesquely lost soul fighting for survival, fighting to understand those forces that tortured him, fighting to share what he learned about chemical illness with a resistant medical and scientific community and disbelieving public. This is the adventure of a man who survived the despicable indignities of an intolerant system—survived because of his unique unconquerable spirit, his deep underlying faith, and his search to apply the Golden Rule not only to his fellow human creatures, but to the Earth itself. This is the story of an impossible, but beautiful human who discovered the mystery and truth of our universe: if we humans insist on trying to force our will on Nature and to overpower Her, we will destroy ourselves and all that we love. Salvation comes only when we work as One with Nature. This is Bruce's story—his gift to us of hope and faith.

by Bernice Lifton – Pests, whether of food, the body, the home, or garden, include medically important species and affect all of us at some time. Their attacks may tempt us to use pesticides, which often are more dangerous to our health than the pests themselves. As this book points out, there are safe alternatives to poisons. If we learn a pest's habits, simple measures can be taken to "shut them out," "starve them out," and "wipe them out." This concise, well-organized compendium focuses on roaches, pantry moths and beetles, rats, mice, flies, mosquitos, fleas, ticks, lice, bedbugs, clothes moths, carpet beetles, silverfish, crickets, termites, carpenter ants, and various garden pests. It reveals their habits and outlines common sense and often clever measures to control or eliminate them. Safe pesticides are discussed and their proper use explained. If all else fails, advice is given on finding a competent pest-control company.

by Jacob B. Berkson – A retired lawyer has his house treated for termites with Dursban… and develops Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. This well-written book describes his deteriorating condition, his lawsuit to get compensation, and his fight to get his condition recognized as more than psychosomatic. It also is a cautionary tale for the rest of us - what is the ultimate effect of all the pesticides and chemicals used in our environment? If they're deadly for insects… would they not also harm humans? This book picks up the torch lit by Rachel Carson more than thirty years ago in her Silent Spring and sounds a clarion call to every citizen to get involved in the War to preserve and protect the environment and the public health.

by Nicholas A. Ashford, Claudia S. Miller – Explains how day-to-day variations in chemical exposure may cause unusual and seemingly unpredictable symptoms, including many that have been termed psychosomatic in the past. It describes how everyday, low-level chemical exposures may cause fatigue, memory impairment, headaches, mood changes, breathing difficulties, digestive problems, and a host of chronic unexplained illnesses including chronic fatigue syndrome, Gulf War syndrome, and sick building syndrome.

by Sherry A. Rogers, M.D. – The Sick House Syndrome is one of the many manifestations of our overstressed systems' reactions to the unrelenting chemical assault from our environment. Learn from a leading environmental medicine expert how nutrient deficiencies and genetic causes can contribute to environmental diseases, and how you can counter them.

by Grace Ross Lewis – There is a virtual laboratory of chemicals in the food we eat and the products we encounter every day at home, at school, and at work. What are these substances and how are they used? How are they helpful? Can they be harmful? Here are fast, hands-on answers to these and other crucial questions about hundreds of chemical substances we come into contact with on a regular basis. From MSG in food to perchloroethylene in dry cleaning, this A-Z guide provides clear, no-nonsense information on the use and health effects of hundreds of chemicals found in food, medicines, cosmetics, cleaning solutions, lawn and garden products, and more. Well-organized and easy-to-use, it gives you the help you need to make smarter choices about the products you choose for yourself and your family. Inside 1,001 Chemicals in Everyday Products you'll find: Entries listing products, uses, precautions, and synonyms; Direct answers to over 250 frequently asked questions on everyday chemicals; Handy product and chemical synonym indexes; A nationwide listing of Poison Control Centers

by Annie Berthold-Bond – In a remarkably easy-to-use format, Berthold-Bond tells how to clean effectively using simple, natural ingredients, such a baking soda, Borax, lemon juice, vegetable oil and vinegar. She makes a convincing argument that cleaning with natural products can be handier, cheaper, and just as effective as the alternative. For those concerned about the environment, and the growing population with chemical sensitivities, Berthold-Bond has the solution—actually 500 of them—in this book. Using her thoroughly-researched and personally-tested formulas for easy-to-make, nontoxic and nonpolluting household cleaning aids, it is possible to eliminate the health hazards of standard commercial products.

by Janine Ridings – Finally! A devotional book for the chemically sensitive… (People who are not chemically sensitive can also benefit from this book by applying the principles in this book to their own trials and struggles.) People describe the challenges of living with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) in a variety of ways. To some, it feels like being locked in prison. To others it is like being in a nightmare they wish they could wake up from. In the midst of the various trials associated with MCS, many are in desperate need of encouragement. In this collection of devotionals, Janine Ridings candidly shares anecdotes about her journey through the storms of MCS, and how she has found comfort through her relationship with Christ. She hopes to help others learn how Christ can be their refuge in whatever storms they may be facing.

by Mark Llewellyn Hall – Where do you turn when there are no answers, no cures, no potions, no actions you can take to dig yourself out of a hole you did not create, never anticipated, or even imagined you could find yourself in? As we head into the 21st Century, we are witnessing more and more young people succumbing to a host of auto-immune related illnesses brought on by the stresses of a post-modern industrial era—a high paced, highly competitive workforce, overcrowded living environments, and polluted, chemically contaminated air, food and water resources. In this book Mark Hall offers an astonishing first-person experience in recovering from chronic fatigue syndrome. This is a story about picking up the pieces left behind on the way to adulthood, and learning to love and accept yourself in a toxic world. Written in an alternative voice that is raw and at times wildly spontaneous, the story weaves poetry with ironic insights and commentaries on everything from politics to music and literature. It is the classic tale of the hero's journey—a fall from grace into wilderness, and the quest to find enlightenment on the other side. Most of all, it is an inspiring story that demonstrates the resolution and ability to recover and find peace, after years of personal crisis.

by Connie Pitts – Books have been written about cosmetic ingredients, yet most people are not aware of the serious, harmful health effects of fragrance chemicals due to false advertising, failure to bear warning labels, and lack of media attention. Millions of people are disabled from repeated exposures to these deleterious products. Synthetic fragrances are ubiquitous in the U.S., and avoidance is nearly impossible unless a person remains housebound. Many people are under the false impression that perfumes are derived from flowers and other natural sources. Get A Whiff Of This will educate people and, therefore, give readers the knowledge they need in order to protect their health and the health of their loved ones.

by B. C. Wolverton – Plants are the lungs of the earth. This revolutionary guide, based on 25 years of research by NASA, shows how common houseplants can combat sick building syndrome and cleanse the home or office of common pollutants. Color photos & Illustrations.

by Doris J. Rapp – This 160-page book is designed for caring but perplexed educators and parents who want to help children who have been erroneously labeled as dumb, lazy, nasty, rude, overactive, irritable, slow or impossible. This book will enable you to recognize which children have allergies, or food or chemical sensitivities interfering with their ability to learn and behave normally. Practical sensible ways to help children with these problems are discussed. With this information you may be able to alter the course of some child's life in a more positive direction—today!

by Gloria Gilbere, N.D. – THIS BOOK IS WRITTEN FOR THE MILLIONS OF "INVISIBLE ILLNESS" VICTIMS, who are viewed with suspicion, hostility and anger in a world and consciousness that demands scientific evidence and double-blind studies before acknowledging the condition is "Real." This book will provide some of that much needed scientific evidence to facilitate validation of these syndromes. It's important to keep in mind that science does not make or invent principles; they merely discover them. The information in this book will assist the reader in the discovery of the causes of their distress, while also providing non-drug solutions to restore health and regain quality of life, Naturally.

by Doris J. Rapp – These are the major symptoms of potentially unrecognized allergies. Does your child suffer from any of the following… Allergic Nose Rub, Eye Circles, Red Ears, Red Cheeks, Eye Wrinkles, Aggression, Lack of Alertness, Mottled Tongue? In this breakthrough book, Dr. Doris Rapp offers a simple yet effective approach to handling "problem" children. Is This Your Child? shows parents how to identify the common foods, chemicals, or common allergic substances that could be the culprits that cause some children or adults to feel unwell or act inappropriately. If your child is always sick, hyperactive, a slow learner, or cranky, the first question you should ask is not "What drug should be prescribed?" or "What have I done wrong as a parent?" Instead, find out the cause. Dr. Rapp gives sensible suggestions about how these reactions to foods and environmental factors can be recognized, prevented, and treated. With this information, many affected children should feel, act, behave, and learn better. If you can detect unsuspected environmental illness in your child—or yourself—you can change your lives so you're more content, happy, and free of illness.

by Gloria Gilbere, N.D. – Dr. Gilbere is one of America's leading natural medicine researchers and an authoritative influence in the discovery of the causes, effects and natural solutions of leaky gut syndrome and the related disorders. She is a leading advocate in identifying and reversing multiple chemical sensitivity syndromes. This book reads like a detective story, guiding the reader to clues and solutions with every turn of the page. It is truly a personal odyssey that will open eyes, minds and hearts to invisible gut causes and life-changing consequences for victims of complex autoimmune, inflammatory and digestive disorders.

by Gary Null – Null redefines a health problem that afflicts 40 million Americans: More than mere hay fever, contemporary allergic reactions include chronic fatigue syndrome, Alzheimer's disease, and even HIV infection. These conditions, he explains, occur when our immune systems break down. This ground-breaking book now prescribes effective solutions.

by Debra Lynn Dadd – the ultimate reference of its kind, written by the leading authority on eliminating toxics in the home. It offers more than four hundred tips, including do-it-yourself formulas for inexpensive, safe products to replace the harmful substances we are exposed to in our own households. If you suffer from unexplained headaches, fatigue, or depression, or if you worry about the link between increased use of toxic chemicals and the rising rate of cancer, the many suggestions in this book can make your life virtually toxic-free!

by Marilyn G McVicker, Lawrence A. Plumlee, Richard Layton – For sufferers of multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS), the lack of information on toxicity, coupled with skepticism, misdiagnosis, and very limited research in the medical community, has made it difficult to properly treat the illness. In the early 1980s, doctors began to experiment with using a sauna for detoxification purposes. The program was found surprisingly effective for treatment of a variety of illnesses, including MCS. The information on sauna detoxification therapy for MCS patients is fully presented here so that the reader can make informed decisions. Sauna treatment programs are fully covered, including case studies of MCS sufferers who have chosen sauna treatment. The unique requirements for a home sauna suitable for MCS patients are also fully examined. Includes a directory of organizations and vendors.

by Rachel L. Carson – Released in 1962, offered the first shattering look at widespread ecological degradation and touched off an environmental awareness that still exists. Rachel Carson's book focused on the poisons from insecticides, weed killers, and other common products as well as the use of sprays in agriculture, a practice that led to dangerous chemicals to the food source. Carson argued that those chemicals were more dangerous than radiation and that for the first time in history, humans were exposed to chemicals that stayed in their systems from birth to death. Presented with thorough documentation, the book opened more than a few eyes about the dangers of the modern world and stands today as a landmark work. This fortieth anniversary edition celebrates Rachel Carson's watershed book with a new introduction by the author and activist Terry Tempest Williams and a new afterword by the acclaimed Rachel Carson biographer Linda Lear, who tells the story of Carson's courageous defense of her truths in the face of ruthless assault from the chemical industry in the year following the publication of Silent Spring and before her untimely death in 1964.

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