Archived Guestbook – Page 4
Number of entries: 610
Submitted by
Name: Kev
From: South Dakota
Name: Kev
From: South Dakota
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: March 11, 2016
Submitted by
Name: Karen
From: Knoxville, TN
Name: Karen
From: Knoxville, TN
Hi, I was poisoned with pesticide in 1989 and began receiving disability for Environmental Illness/MCS. But praise God, I have completely recovered. Thanks for sharing your experiences and your faith. I'll definitely stop by your site again!
Hi, I was poisoned with pesticide in 1989 and began receiving disability for Environmental Illness/MCS. But praise God, I have completely recovered. Thanks for sharing your experiences and your faith. I'll definitely stop by your site again!
Added: February 2, 2016
Submitted by
Name: Pam Mendelson
From: Minnesota
Name: Pam Mendelson
From: Minnesota
Hi, I am searching for a reading box...can you offer any suggestion for sites I can find them. Thank you.
Hi, I am searching for a reading box...can you offer any suggestion for sites I can find them. Thank you.
Added: November 24, 2015
Submitted by
Name: Rafael Anastácio Alves Alves
From: Brazil
Name: Rafael Anastácio Alves Alves
From: Brazil
Found interesting the subject of fragrances and scents and how it affects our health. Thanks!
Found interesting the subject of fragrances and scents and how it affects our health. Thanks!
Added: November 15, 2015
Submitted by
Name: LuLu
From: California
Name: LuLu
From: California
I read your testimony of faith and I loved it! I want to convert to Christianity and I'm looking for stories to give me more courage to talk to my Catholic family about me converting
I read your testimony of faith and I loved it! I want to convert to Christianity and I'm looking for stories to give me more courage to talk to my Catholic family about me converting

Added: September 10, 2015
Submitted by
Name: Mark West
From: Manchester NH
Name: Mark West
From: Manchester NH
I purchased Dusty's Song through your link but was unable to download it. There was an error message saying no file was available for download.
I just lost a beloved friend to cancer and happened across your site on petloss. I was so moved that I wanted to download the song to help in my grieving.
Please help.
Mark West
Admin reply: I just emailed the song to you and believe I have the download link fixed - if you wouldn't mind trying it again and let me know if it's working now, I'd really appreciate it! So sorry for the inconvenience...!
I purchased Dusty's Song through your link but was unable to download it. There was an error message saying no file was available for download.
I just lost a beloved friend to cancer and happened across your site on petloss. I was so moved that I wanted to download the song to help in my grieving.
Please help.
Mark West
Admin reply: I just emailed the song to you and believe I have the download link fixed - if you wouldn't mind trying it again and let me know if it's working now, I'd really appreciate it! So sorry for the inconvenience...!
Added: July 28, 2015
Submitted by
Name: Terry
From: Santa Cruz CA
Name: Terry
From: Santa Cruz CA
I want to give the following items to someone who needs them.
2 ceramic oxygen masks
2 reading boxes
I live in Santa Cruz CA, so finding someone in the Bay Area would avoid shipping charges.
Thank you
I want to give the following items to someone who needs them.
2 ceramic oxygen masks
2 reading boxes
I live in Santa Cruz CA, so finding someone in the Bay Area would avoid shipping charges.
Thank you
Added: June 17, 2015
Submitted by
Name: Sharon
From: Wisconsin
Name: Sharon
From: Wisconsin
I have been sickened by "fragrances" for all of my life! I don't like "stink" any better than anyone else, but CHEMICALS to cover up stench, cause me to cough and often "FIGHT" to simply "BREATHE"!!!... this is "REAL"!!! I don't POISON your air, so why do you assume it's ok to POISON mine???
There is a newer study/article titled: "Volatile Emissions from Common Consumer Products" by Dr Anne Steinemann March 2015.
The focus in on various consumer products and includes some labeled as "Fragrance-Free" and "Green".
It's well worth reading, explaining measured VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) from various typically used products. It also identifies some "toxic/hazardous" chemicals which are legally excluded from product labels!
I have been sickened by "fragrances" for all of my life! I don't like "stink" any better than anyone else, but CHEMICALS to cover up stench, cause me to cough and often "FIGHT" to simply "BREATHE"!!!... this is "REAL"!!! I don't POISON your air, so why do you assume it's ok to POISON mine???
There is a newer study/article titled: "Volatile Emissions from Common Consumer Products" by Dr Anne Steinemann March 2015.
The focus in on various consumer products and includes some labeled as "Fragrance-Free" and "Green".
It's well worth reading, explaining measured VOC's (Volatile Organic Compounds) from various typically used products. It also identifies some "toxic/hazardous" chemicals which are legally excluded from product labels!
Added: May 16, 2015
Submitted by
Name: Jim Hempel
From: Bend, Or.
Name: Jim Hempel
From: Bend, Or.
For the last 10 years I have been able to turn any home or building into a very liveable space for the chemical sensitive. 541-350-6147. Thank you
For the last 10 years I have been able to turn any home or building into a very liveable space for the chemical sensitive. 541-350-6147. Thank you
Added: April 27, 2015
Submitted by
Name: Michele
Name: Michele
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: February 17, 2015
Submitted by
Name: John
From: Ft. Myers, FL.
Name: John
From: Ft. Myers, FL.
Hello. I was chemically injured 7 years ago (new house materials). I recovered 90% once, but re-injured after buying a new piece of furniture that reeked of chemicals. I nearly recovered again, and was exposed to mold while living with a friend. It's been difficult to recover this time around. Does anyone live in my area for mutual support/friendship? I just started feeling as if I can begin exercising, but prior, I've just been in bed on I-pad all day trying to occupy my mind so I don't go crazy.
I can walk around the block but am constantly being "hit" in the face with my neighbors scented laundry products. I I've got a strong faith centered life. Anyway, I'm feeling positive and hopeful for another recovery.
I hope someone male or female gets in touch with me.
Hello. I was chemically injured 7 years ago (new house materials). I recovered 90% once, but re-injured after buying a new piece of furniture that reeked of chemicals. I nearly recovered again, and was exposed to mold while living with a friend. It's been difficult to recover this time around. Does anyone live in my area for mutual support/friendship? I just started feeling as if I can begin exercising, but prior, I've just been in bed on I-pad all day trying to occupy my mind so I don't go crazy.

Added: December 26, 2014
Submitted by
Name: Bruce Flora
From: Orlando
Name: Bruce Flora
From: Orlando
Thank you for your efforts.
Please,please translate this into Spanish so we can share with those who do not speak English. We are dying from the smell coming from our wonderful but uninformed neighbors.
Thank you
Thank you for your efforts.
Please,please translate this into Spanish so we can share with those who do not speak English. We are dying from the smell coming from our wonderful but uninformed neighbors.
Thank you
Added: November 14, 2014
Submitted by
Name: Deanna Wrate
From: Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
Name: Deanna Wrate
From: Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: November 6, 2014
Submitted by
Name: julie
From: denver
Name: julie
From: denver
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: October 13, 2014
Submitted by
Name: trish
From: Ocaa, Fl
Name: trish
From: Ocaa, Fl
Just wondering ig there is anyone in ocala , fl that's has MCS and would like to get together. Also with just moving here, does anyone know of a family doctor that will listen to you and help you. Just trusting The Lord ,as He will give you the strength to deal with anything? If I can be a blessing to anyone just email me. Thanks and God bless you all
Just wondering ig there is anyone in ocala , fl that's has MCS and would like to get together. Also with just moving here, does anyone know of a family doctor that will listen to you and help you. Just trusting The Lord ,as He will give you the strength to deal with anything? If I can be a blessing to anyone just email me. Thanks and God bless you all
Added: July 31, 2014
Submitted by
Name: Bill Thibault
From: Sparks, NV
Name: Bill Thibault
From: Sparks, NV
Hi-I just want to thank you for your research. Several friends, all women surprisingly, have developed sudden allergic reactions to basic chemical compounds that they have personal use of such as perfumes, cleaning products and some medications. Also, surprisingly, there seems to be little research on non organic causes of these allergies. We read the part about what constant contact can cause in some people. I don't understand why the Federal government is not doing research into this as baby boomers get older and seem to be developing such reactions as headaches, migraines, nausea and vomiting. Can you recommend anyone-university, private foundation, that is doing more research on this?
Hi-I just want to thank you for your research. Several friends, all women surprisingly, have developed sudden allergic reactions to basic chemical compounds that they have personal use of such as perfumes, cleaning products and some medications. Also, surprisingly, there seems to be little research on non organic causes of these allergies. We read the part about what constant contact can cause in some people. I don't understand why the Federal government is not doing research into this as baby boomers get older and seem to be developing such reactions as headaches, migraines, nausea and vomiting. Can you recommend anyone-university, private foundation, that is doing more research on this?
Added: May 17, 2014
Submitted by
Name: Linda Dettar
From: Sterling Heights, Michigan
Name: Linda Dettar
From: Sterling Heights, Michigan
My husband has an agressive form of cancer. The scriptures on faith have been uplifting us. I am pleased to report that Jesus has healed my husband. I just want to give Him all the glory and honor. Jesus has done so much for us. He is meeting our every need! Jesus is using what satan meant for evil and has turned it into good. My faith in Jesus has increased a hundred fold. The Word of God IS all truth! I have such peace and confidence from His Holy Spirit that I want to tell everybody about what Jesus is doing for us. Thank you, Lord Jesus!
My husband has an agressive form of cancer. The scriptures on faith have been uplifting us. I am pleased to report that Jesus has healed my husband. I just want to give Him all the glory and honor. Jesus has done so much for us. He is meeting our every need! Jesus is using what satan meant for evil and has turned it into good. My faith in Jesus has increased a hundred fold. The Word of God IS all truth! I have such peace and confidence from His Holy Spirit that I want to tell everybody about what Jesus is doing for us. Thank you, Lord Jesus!
Added: February 18, 2014
Submitted by
Name: J.V. Eichelberger
From: Milwaukee WI.
Name: J.V. Eichelberger
From: Milwaukee WI.
Good Morning, I've just finished reading Jacki's story,what a wonderful "I'd say" testimony.I've been a Christian for all my life, never knew a lot about the Catholic teachings but now I do know much more. Thanks for your website....
Good Morning, I've just finished reading Jacki's story,what a wonderful "I'd say" testimony.I've been a Christian for all my life, never knew a lot about the Catholic teachings but now I do know much more. Thanks for your website....
Added: December 31, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Frank
From: Georgetown, On
Name: Frank
From: Georgetown, On
i was just having this same type of conversation with my daughter similar to my story wow. its so true christ alone not all the other distractions . thanks for sharing your story......
i was just having this same type of conversation with my daughter similar to my story wow. its so true christ alone not all the other distractions . thanks for sharing your story......
Added: November 27, 2013
Submitted by
Name: sharon
From: alabama
Name: sharon
From: alabama
thank you lord for leading me !!!!!

Added: September 22, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Diane Voth-Stewart
From: Langley, British Columbia, Canada
Name: Diane Voth-Stewart
From: Langley, British Columbia, Canada
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: September 3, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Benjamin
From: Australia
Name: Benjamin
From: Australia
As someone who's been in the religious system, it makes me want to cry out when I see someone else has been delivered from it all!
Thank you for your testimony
You are by no means alone either. There are thousands of people who are being called, even as we speak, and who are choosing to blindly trust in God for life, rather than themselves. Choosing to not earn salvation, to not earn blessings, and believe that only God can give these, and that He WILL give them freely, can only be believed by setting our eyes on the sacrifice of Christ Jesus - the narrow gate, to the kingdom of heaven.
For what Satan intended for evil, God is turning into good. Religion has trapped the Church in a bondage for so long, but it has FINALLY started. The wolves came and scattered us, just as was prophesied. But now, these dead churches will become rallying points for the return of the only way, the truth, and the life. Our Lord Jesus Christ!
As someone who's been in the religious system, it makes me want to cry out when I see someone else has been delivered from it all!
Thank you for your testimony

For what Satan intended for evil, God is turning into good. Religion has trapped the Church in a bondage for so long, but it has FINALLY started. The wolves came and scattered us, just as was prophesied. But now, these dead churches will become rallying points for the return of the only way, the truth, and the life. Our Lord Jesus Christ!
Added: August 6, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Easy
From: South Africa
Name: Easy
From: South Africa
I am currently going through a very hard time emotionally, financially and spiritually. I lost my Job, the woman of my dreams left me and I am rebuilding my relationship with God.
This is just a thank you for the strength I gain from reading your page daily,
I am currently going through a very hard time emotionally, financially and spiritually. I lost my Job, the woman of my dreams left me and I am rebuilding my relationship with God.
This is just a thank you for the strength I gain from reading your page daily,
Added: July 29, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Shandra
From: North Carolina
Name: Shandra
From: North Carolina
I read the message on this website and the scriptures as well. My husband and I have had a really hard year my husband is in the military and has been deployed over seas this year and a lot has happened. I found out that I was pregnant two weeks after he left it was very scary for me. I didn't know how I was going to have a baby without my husband here. It took a little while for both of us to excited about it but with ultrasounds and baby talk we were starting to get very excited. I told everyone in the family that I was expecting at Christmas time and then bad news came I miscarried at fifteen weeks. It was so hard but I trust in the Lord to get me through it. I am doing better now. I recently went to the doctor last week for some test and I am praying that they come back negative. I am putting all my faith and trusting in God that everything will be ok please pray for me and my husband as we go through this hard time as a couple.
Admin reply: Praying, Shandra!!
I read the message on this website and the scriptures as well. My husband and I have had a really hard year my husband is in the military and has been deployed over seas this year and a lot has happened. I found out that I was pregnant two weeks after he left it was very scary for me. I didn't know how I was going to have a baby without my husband here. It took a little while for both of us to excited about it but with ultrasounds and baby talk we were starting to get very excited. I told everyone in the family that I was expecting at Christmas time and then bad news came I miscarried at fifteen weeks. It was so hard but I trust in the Lord to get me through it. I am doing better now. I recently went to the doctor last week for some test and I am praying that they come back negative. I am putting all my faith and trusting in God that everything will be ok please pray for me and my husband as we go through this hard time as a couple.
Admin reply: Praying, Shandra!!
Added: June 25, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Miriam Kattumuri
From: Stoughton, MA
Name: Miriam Kattumuri
From: Stoughton, MA
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: May 15, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Sally McIntyre
From: Edmonds, WA
Name: Sally McIntyre
From: Edmonds, WA
Hi, I suffer from MCS and found your page. After battling it for several years I began to make my own soap and lotion. After being laid off in January and having difficulty finding a job due to the MCS disability I decided to create my own and have begun to sell my soap and lotion. Hope it is okay to share this information here, but hopefully it might help someone else.
My products are all natural and contain no fragrance. A few contain essential oils, which are different. Before they are made available to customers I test the items, if I don't have any reaction then they are added to my e-store for sale. Just trying to help others, and if there is a way to share this information with others it would help us both.
My website is mcnotions dot net
Hi, I suffer from MCS and found your page. After battling it for several years I began to make my own soap and lotion. After being laid off in January and having difficulty finding a job due to the MCS disability I decided to create my own and have begun to sell my soap and lotion. Hope it is okay to share this information here, but hopefully it might help someone else.
My products are all natural and contain no fragrance. A few contain essential oils, which are different. Before they are made available to customers I test the items, if I don't have any reaction then they are added to my e-store for sale. Just trying to help others, and if there is a way to share this information with others it would help us both.
My website is mcnotions dot net
Added: May 24, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Joys Power
From: Kerrville, TX
Name: Joys Power
From: Kerrville, TX
In response to "Conversion from Catholicism" by Jacque:
My family is Scott-Irish and had been faithful Catholics. My parents grew angry with the Church, with God, and with each other, so before I reached the age of 12, they divorced and my family no longer participated in any faith or worship. I felt hurt and abandoned. I blamed God. As I matured, my hurt turned to anger, then hatred. I lived my life rebelling against God and His commandments. I didn't teach my children moral values. They are in their 30's and still confused about religion. God is not the author of confusion. I am tired of the confusion and deceit. I am tired of pretending I know it all. I want peace. I relinquished control of my life to God. The Paraclete Jesus promised to send us is leading my every thought, word, and action. God is real! He loves us, he never quit being faithful to us. I returned home to the Catholic Church. I pray constantly to ask God's will. My motto is, "Not my will, but Thy will be done." The Catholic Church has withstood turmoil. Dissidents try to get their way in the Church. People accept what they hear about the Church without verifying the facts. Jacque is angry about Catholics praying to Mary. I love Mary because of her humility and unconditional love. I honor her. I respect her advice. This world needs motherly love! Ignoring Mary is a mistake. Peace be with you!
In response to "Conversion from Catholicism" by Jacque:
My family is Scott-Irish and had been faithful Catholics. My parents grew angry with the Church, with God, and with each other, so before I reached the age of 12, they divorced and my family no longer participated in any faith or worship. I felt hurt and abandoned. I blamed God. As I matured, my hurt turned to anger, then hatred. I lived my life rebelling against God and His commandments. I didn't teach my children moral values. They are in their 30's and still confused about religion. God is not the author of confusion. I am tired of the confusion and deceit. I am tired of pretending I know it all. I want peace. I relinquished control of my life to God. The Paraclete Jesus promised to send us is leading my every thought, word, and action. God is real! He loves us, he never quit being faithful to us. I returned home to the Catholic Church. I pray constantly to ask God's will. My motto is, "Not my will, but Thy will be done." The Catholic Church has withstood turmoil. Dissidents try to get their way in the Church. People accept what they hear about the Church without verifying the facts. Jacque is angry about Catholics praying to Mary. I love Mary because of her humility and unconditional love. I honor her. I respect her advice. This world needs motherly love! Ignoring Mary is a mistake. Peace be with you!
Added: April 30, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Mary
From: Michigan
Name: Mary
From: Michigan
An excellent teacher is Steve Ray. You can find him on Or you can find him at catholic-convert . com
An excellent teacher is Steve Ray. You can find him on Or you can find him at catholic-convert . com
Added: April 18, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Lizahn
From: South Africa
Name: Lizahn
From: South Africa
Thank you! I needed scripture on faith tonight, as I am going through a difficult divorce, your bible ref scriptures had me in tears, it is all about faith and that He knows and that He cares, God will carry me, thank you for reminding me of my God's love and commitment!

Admin reply: So very glad to hear God used these Scriptures to bless you!!
Thank you! I needed scripture on faith tonight, as I am going through a difficult divorce, your bible ref scriptures had me in tears, it is all about faith and that He knows and that He cares, God will carry me, thank you for reminding me of my God's love and commitment!

Admin reply: So very glad to hear God used these Scriptures to bless you!!
Added: March 28, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Taylor Watson
From: Bonifay, FL
Name: Taylor Watson
From: Bonifay, FL
I just wanted to let you know that your site has truly touched my soul. I have been so weary with an issue that I've been carrying and have given it to God many times and, just like you said, I "take it back" and nothing is ever accomplished and I never progress in my problem. After reading your articles on trusting God with our issues and not taking it back when we feel that isn't going exactly the way we want, has enlightened me more than I can express. Thank you so very much for writing such an article and for having such wonderful faith in our God. Your faith has taught me to be stronger. God Bless, and thanks again.
I just wanted to let you know that your site has truly touched my soul. I have been so weary with an issue that I've been carrying and have given it to God many times and, just like you said, I "take it back" and nothing is ever accomplished and I never progress in my problem. After reading your articles on trusting God with our issues and not taking it back when we feel that isn't going exactly the way we want, has enlightened me more than I can express. Thank you so very much for writing such an article and for having such wonderful faith in our God. Your faith has taught me to be stronger. God Bless, and thanks again.
Added: March 12, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Larry
From: PA
Name: Larry
From: PA
Dear Jacki,
In your testimony, you mention a conversation with a priest. You asked 'what the problem is' in response to the affirmation that Christ died for all our sins. The priest that you say you talked to, seems not to have been able to ID the problem; that's a shame. However, here's the problem:
You claim that Christ died for all sins, such that no further forgiveness was necessary, right? Well, then, when He appeared to the apostles, Christ should've said, "OK! It's all done now! No more sin, no more 'problems'!" The 'problem', though, is that he didn't say that. Instead, in John 20:23 -- after He resurrected -- Jesus tells the apostles, "Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them". Well, wait a minute! If all sins had been forgiven, without any need for any other forgiveness, then the remission of sins by the apostles should not be necessary! So... oops! ... it looks like your notion not only fails to work, but is directly contradicted by Scripture, straight from Jesus' mouth!
Dear Jacki,
In your testimony, you mention a conversation with a priest. You asked 'what the problem is' in response to the affirmation that Christ died for all our sins. The priest that you say you talked to, seems not to have been able to ID the problem; that's a shame. However, here's the problem:
You claim that Christ died for all sins, such that no further forgiveness was necessary, right? Well, then, when He appeared to the apostles, Christ should've said, "OK! It's all done now! No more sin, no more 'problems'!" The 'problem', though, is that he didn't say that. Instead, in John 20:23 -- after He resurrected -- Jesus tells the apostles, "Whose soever sins ye remit, they are remitted unto them". Well, wait a minute! If all sins had been forgiven, without any need for any other forgiveness, then the remission of sins by the apostles should not be necessary! So... oops! ... it looks like your notion not only fails to work, but is directly contradicted by Scripture, straight from Jesus' mouth!
Added: March 10, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Daniel Farey
From: Hemet, CA
Name: Daniel Farey
From: Hemet, CA
Your testimony of conversion from the Catholic Church is awesome! You are one of the few who get the real message of truth. My book is: Testimonials of a Biblical Christian A Nonreligious Perspective of the Holy Bible.
The main theme is a personal relationship with Jesus. It is available at all the major bookstores and more info at my website
It is not a religion it is a relationship.
God Bless
Your testimony of conversion from the Catholic Church is awesome! You are one of the few who get the real message of truth. My book is: Testimonials of a Biblical Christian A Nonreligious Perspective of the Holy Bible.
The main theme is a personal relationship with Jesus. It is available at all the major bookstores and more info at my website
It is not a religion it is a relationship.
God Bless
Added: February 6, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Lea
From: isanti,mn
Name: Lea
From: isanti,mn
Enjoyed sriptires on faith and trust.What transalation did you use or did you put them in your words along with some from living bible? Sure did like it and want that translation...thanks
Admin reply: They were all taken from the original "Living Bible" translation - one of my favorites!
Enjoyed sriptires on faith and trust.What transalation did you use or did you put them in your words along with some from living bible? Sure did like it and want that translation...thanks
Admin reply: They were all taken from the original "Living Bible" translation - one of my favorites!
Added: January 20, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Mary
From: hendersonville n.c.
Name: Mary
From: hendersonville n.c.
I just wanted to say that I love Jesus!!!!!!!!!!
I just wanted to say that I love Jesus!!!!!!!!!!
Added: January 13, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Andrea
From: California
Name: Andrea
From: California
Do anyone know a no-VOC or very low-VOC caulk?
Do anyone know a no-VOC or very low-VOC caulk?
Added: January 9, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Glen
From: Canada
Name: Glen
From: Canada
(Private post.)
Admin reply: I'm sorry - I really don't know of any place in that area...!
(Private post.)
Admin reply: I'm sorry - I really don't know of any place in that area...!
Added: January 9, 2013
Submitted by
Name: Ginger
From: Spokane, WA
Name: Ginger
From: Spokane, WA
I was amazed when I read Jacki's story of how she was converted to Christianity from Catholicism. I had to keep checking to see if it was a copy of my words I had written so many times to others! Even to the Catholic Chronicles written by Keith Green. I print them out to people who are longing to see them. They are still on the Internet if you would like to know where to find them.
Thank you for confirming my conversion, and for having the courage to speak out!
In His name,
I was amazed when I read Jacki's story of how she was converted to Christianity from Catholicism. I had to keep checking to see if it was a copy of my words I had written so many times to others! Even to the Catholic Chronicles written by Keith Green. I print them out to people who are longing to see them. They are still on the Internet if you would like to know where to find them.
Thank you for confirming my conversion, and for having the courage to speak out!
In His name,
Added: January 7, 2013
Submitted by
Name: sandy
From: California
Name: sandy
From: California
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: December 30, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Name
From: Planet Earth
Name: Name
From: Planet Earth
Jason's is a FAKE natural company. Please remove immediately (see "fake organics" by Natural News). Kiss My Face is filled with toxic c***. Tom's of Maine has SLS & is junk. Vit E is soy (GMO). Aubrey Organics is not so organic (virtually none of their ingredients are, turn & read ingredients label) & stores always sell rotten egg smelling AO products (expired). There are other brands! Make your own stuff with organic EOs. Please update (unless this site is from the 90's & abandoned? Thanks!
Jason's is a FAKE natural company. Please remove immediately (see "fake organics" by Natural News). Kiss My Face is filled with toxic c***. Tom's of Maine has SLS & is junk. Vit E is soy (GMO). Aubrey Organics is not so organic (virtually none of their ingredients are, turn & read ingredients label) & stores always sell rotten egg smelling AO products (expired). There are other brands! Make your own stuff with organic EOs. Please update (unless this site is from the 90's & abandoned? Thanks!
Added: December 26, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Suzy Lord
From: Xenia Ohio
Name: Suzy Lord
From: Xenia Ohio
What an uplifting site,I am looking so forward to much much more! Thankyou*
What an uplifting site,I am looking so forward to much much more! Thankyou*
Added: December 6, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Smith Smith
Name: Smith Smith
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: December 5, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Daniel
From: DE
Name: Daniel
From: DE
everything you said is so contradictory. I was raised in the church and I am starting to doubt because we give praise to god when thing go right but when thing are bad god is nowhere around. Unconditional love yeah right only if you worship give him glory and all that is when i just don't care no more I am done
everything you said is so contradictory. I was raised in the church and I am starting to doubt because we give praise to god when thing go right but when thing are bad god is nowhere around. Unconditional love yeah right only if you worship give him glory and all that is when i just don't care no more I am done
Added: November 30, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Junebug
Name: Junebug
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: November 13, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Marc Strusa
From: Buffalo, NY
Name: Marc Strusa
From: Buffalo, NY
Have been suffering severe allergy symptoms for over ten years. About a year ago they progressed to laryngeal spasm and asthma attack precipitating 5 ER visits and the loss of my job. I have found some improvement through organic foods, cleanses to include candida cleansing, and a myriad of supplements including ayurvedics. If anyone is interested I would love to share what I've learned.
And we know that God causes all thingy to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
Have been suffering severe allergy symptoms for over ten years. About a year ago they progressed to laryngeal spasm and asthma attack precipitating 5 ER visits and the loss of my job. I have found some improvement through organic foods, cleanses to include candida cleansing, and a myriad of supplements including ayurvedics. If anyone is interested I would love to share what I've learned.
And we know that God causes all thingy to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.
Added: November 4, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Rebecca Neary
From: San Diego CA
Name: Rebecca Neary
From: San Diego CA
I have started a petition on that I hope persons will sign, -starts with Church and Dwight, Proctor and Gamble and SCJohnson -and I am letting groups know that may be interested in signing so we get a lot. All these companies tell me they never hear from anybody that is having problems with any scented products so I doubt that is true but want to really get a point across. hopefully people will sign on and can also add their own comments about why they are signing. Rebecca Neary
I have started a petition on that I hope persons will sign, -starts with Church and Dwight, Proctor and Gamble and SCJohnson -and I am letting groups know that may be interested in signing so we get a lot. All these companies tell me they never hear from anybody that is having problems with any scented products so I doubt that is true but want to really get a point across. hopefully people will sign on and can also add their own comments about why they are signing. Rebecca Neary
Added: October 17, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Cheryl Acosta
From: Moreno Valley, Ca
Name: Cheryl Acosta
From: Moreno Valley, Ca
My, nanr is Cheryl,I was tlod I have M.S. April 17 ,2002, 2yrs later on April 17, my son Chris was killed, by a drunk driver, my, husband and I forgiven her, tho ended up having a minor stroke. from the M.S. I was determined not to stay in wheel chair,and I talk with M.A.D.D. mother's against drunk driving. i want to start a ministry for, people, that have been victim's through a loss/ Disability as well.

My, nanr is Cheryl,I was tlod I have M.S. April 17 ,2002, 2yrs later on April 17, my son Chris was killed, by a drunk driver, my, husband and I forgiven her, tho ended up having a minor stroke. from the M.S. I was determined not to stay in wheel chair,and I talk with M.A.D.D. mother's against drunk driving. i want to start a ministry for, people, that have been victim's through a loss/ Disability as well.

Added: October 8, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Barbara Alonge
From: Sebastian, Fl
Name: Barbara Alonge
From: Sebastian, Fl
I have MCS and never feel truly well in my home. When I go to visit my daughters in their homes I feel much better. Here is the strange thing that I cannot figure out: Everything I bring there, luggage, clothing, the dog etc.... when it re-enters my own home it has a sickly flowery smell and I start getting the nerve vibrations all in my body again. When they come to visit here, their stuff needs to stay in the bedroom with the door closed as the flowery smell returns. Why does everything smell fine while at their home, all the stuff I bring as well what's in their home, yet once in this home the smell is there? Once I wash everything I bring and air out all the luggage for weeks, the smells disappear. This is causing such strife between my husband and me as he says it does not make sense, that then we should never go anywhere. Yet I feel so well at their home. Could there be something neurotoxinc in my home? I just can't figure it out and wondering if anyone else has ever had this problem or has an idea what the problem could be? Any ideas would be welcome.
I have MCS and never feel truly well in my home. When I go to visit my daughters in their homes I feel much better. Here is the strange thing that I cannot figure out: Everything I bring there, luggage, clothing, the dog etc.... when it re-enters my own home it has a sickly flowery smell and I start getting the nerve vibrations all in my body again. When they come to visit here, their stuff needs to stay in the bedroom with the door closed as the flowery smell returns. Why does everything smell fine while at their home, all the stuff I bring as well what's in their home, yet once in this home the smell is there? Once I wash everything I bring and air out all the luggage for weeks, the smells disappear. This is causing such strife between my husband and me as he says it does not make sense, that then we should never go anywhere. Yet I feel so well at their home. Could there be something neurotoxinc in my home? I just can't figure it out and wondering if anyone else has ever had this problem or has an idea what the problem could be? Any ideas would be welcome.
Added: October 1, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Keith
From: Denver, CO
Name: Keith
From: Denver, CO
I understand the difficulty of maintaining a site as rich in resource as yours. Respectfully, I have found 2 links no longer active on your Resources page, just wanted to let you know:
Escalante House: Phone number no longer in service, email contact address no longer valid.
Safe Haven Community: Web link to Geocities site no longer valid.
It is sad that these 2 projects seem to be gone.
Thank you for your wonderful site!
I understand the difficulty of maintaining a site as rich in resource as yours. Respectfully, I have found 2 links no longer active on your Resources page, just wanted to let you know:
Escalante House: Phone number no longer in service, email contact address no longer valid.
Safe Haven Community: Web link to Geocities site no longer valid.
It is sad that these 2 projects seem to be gone.
Thank you for your wonderful site!
Added: August 31, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Peggy
From: Lincoln, NE
Name: Peggy
From: Lincoln, NE
Thanks, Jacki! You hit the nail right on the head! My son is dating a catholic girl and has been doing research on the catholic church. This was great! God Bless You (for I'm certain you have blessed Him!) Peggy
Thanks, Jacki! You hit the nail right on the head! My son is dating a catholic girl and has been doing research on the catholic church. This was great! God Bless You (for I'm certain you have blessed Him!) Peggy
Added: August 27, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Phil
From: Ruston, La
Name: Phil
From: Ruston, La
I would like to thank you for having these pages brought to me from my fiancee. I needed a place to start. I do believe that God has touched my life and it is time for to let him in. Thank you again, and please put me in your prayers.
I would like to thank you for having these pages brought to me from my fiancee. I needed a place to start. I do believe that God has touched my life and it is time for to let him in. Thank you again, and please put me in your prayers.
Added: August 17, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Joszette Jones
From: Southfield, Michigan
Name: Joszette Jones
From: Southfield, Michigan
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: August 4, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Christina
From: Wilmington, NC
Name: Christina
From: Wilmington, NC
I am allergic to Formaldehyde (tested positive for) and other chemicals (not yet tested for) and am doing a Food Elimination diet. The food elimination diet has been going on for over 5 years. I am ready to get the blood test done, saving up for it now.
I need to organize a fundraiser to provide enough funds to provide housing and things needed to make life easier, such as air filtration, bedding covering, furniture, etc. possibly for myself and another MCS sufferer who could be a house mate. A housemate is very difficult to find unless they are willing and understanding of every issue you deal with.
I am positive, have lots of faith in God, and believe in healing and conquering all of this with enough funds for all the tests and treatments. I believe in shots and things that can help me get back to normal. I am also going to write a book about the journey in order to get the public more aware and help others. People have no idea how life changing this is and how every single day is a struggle to move, breathe and eat.
Thank you for your site. I am sure I will be using it.
I am allergic to Formaldehyde (tested positive for) and other chemicals (not yet tested for) and am doing a Food Elimination diet. The food elimination diet has been going on for over 5 years. I am ready to get the blood test done, saving up for it now.
I need to organize a fundraiser to provide enough funds to provide housing and things needed to make life easier, such as air filtration, bedding covering, furniture, etc. possibly for myself and another MCS sufferer who could be a house mate. A housemate is very difficult to find unless they are willing and understanding of every issue you deal with.
I am positive, have lots of faith in God, and believe in healing and conquering all of this with enough funds for all the tests and treatments. I believe in shots and things that can help me get back to normal. I am also going to write a book about the journey in order to get the public more aware and help others. People have no idea how life changing this is and how every single day is a struggle to move, breathe and eat.
Thank you for your site. I am sure I will be using it.

Added: July 25, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Jacqueline Scruggs
From: Morristown, Tennessee
Name: Jacqueline Scruggs
From: Morristown, Tennessee
Just now found and wrote down Scriptures to strengthen my faith. I was very happy to have found them and am now going to start studying them. God has brought me a long way, but I still need to work on my faith and not being afraid to step out on it. I would ask your staff to keep me in prayer. Than k you.
Just now found and wrote down Scriptures to strengthen my faith. I was very happy to have found them and am now going to start studying them. God has brought me a long way, but I still need to work on my faith and not being afraid to step out on it. I would ask your staff to keep me in prayer. Than k you.
Added: July 17, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Kimberly
From: Hawaii
Name: Kimberly
From: Hawaii
I was doing a specific internet search on Christian Testimony and was so deeply shocked and offended by the MANY grave blanket statement in error made about the Catholic Church I could not let it go by. I am a member of the Assemblies of God Church but I was raised a Roman Catholic AND have a Degree in Roman Catholic Theology. Roman Catholics ARE Christians. I would love to see where you found your information but more importantly, we have enough division without putting something like this out there!
I was doing a specific internet search on Christian Testimony and was so deeply shocked and offended by the MANY grave blanket statement in error made about the Catholic Church I could not let it go by. I am a member of the Assemblies of God Church but I was raised a Roman Catholic AND have a Degree in Roman Catholic Theology. Roman Catholics ARE Christians. I would love to see where you found your information but more importantly, we have enough division without putting something like this out there!
Added: July 17, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Barbara
From: Baltimore, MD
Name: Barbara
From: Baltimore, MD
I am an MCS sufferer and unable to work outside of the home. I make homemade soaps and other body products that are free of perfumes, dyes, essential oils or anything artificial for folks like myself. Would you consider adding my business to your resource page? Baltimoresoaps dot etsy dot com You can email me through my site. Thanks!
I am an MCS sufferer and unable to work outside of the home. I make homemade soaps and other body products that are free of perfumes, dyes, essential oils or anything artificial for folks like myself. Would you consider adding my business to your resource page? Baltimoresoaps dot etsy dot com You can email me through my site. Thanks!
Added: July 15, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Lindsay Smith
From: Thornton, Ontario
Name: Lindsay Smith
From: Thornton, Ontario
I've been on the website since last week when we had to make the painful decision to put our 6 year old cat Lucifer, to sleep. Because he was so young I am not without guilt. I just read Dusty's story and it filled me with such warmth and appreciation for others who love their pets as much as I do. Dusty was very lucky to have such loving and caring parents and you two are so lucky to have the love you do. If it wasnt for my husband shared grief I dont know if I could have survived this past week. Knowing that there are other people who feel the same grief when I've been feeling so alone is such a wonderful comfort. For people like us, and you Jackie and Gordon, pet's are not just pet's - they are friends and children and a source of unconditional love that can never be matched by a human companion. Allowing our pet's suffering to end peacefully was the right decision for us and for you and I know this now even though it hasnt gotten any easier to accept. I'm so glad you two had the opportunity to share Dusty's life and his story has made me realize even more so how important the good times were and how blessed we've been sharing the last 6 years with our beloved Lucifer. Our teddy bear. Thank you for being such loving people and for sharing Dusty's story with the world.
Much love!
I've been on the website since last week when we had to make the painful decision to put our 6 year old cat Lucifer, to sleep. Because he was so young I am not without guilt. I just read Dusty's story and it filled me with such warmth and appreciation for others who love their pets as much as I do. Dusty was very lucky to have such loving and caring parents and you two are so lucky to have the love you do. If it wasnt for my husband shared grief I dont know if I could have survived this past week. Knowing that there are other people who feel the same grief when I've been feeling so alone is such a wonderful comfort. For people like us, and you Jackie and Gordon, pet's are not just pet's - they are friends and children and a source of unconditional love that can never be matched by a human companion. Allowing our pet's suffering to end peacefully was the right decision for us and for you and I know this now even though it hasnt gotten any easier to accept. I'm so glad you two had the opportunity to share Dusty's life and his story has made me realize even more so how important the good times were and how blessed we've been sharing the last 6 years with our beloved Lucifer. Our teddy bear. Thank you for being such loving people and for sharing Dusty's story with the world.
Much love!
Added: July 4, 2012
Submitted by
Name: keijo
From: sweden
Name: keijo
From: sweden
Life are ful of of exciting things with grace too and be taked into many different of the day ,sometime in worry and those darkness the day will come many time and too the Holy Spirit will touch us and give wisdom and be happy feel with faith to Christ,thanks and bless and joy,keijo sweden
Life are ful of of exciting things with grace too and be taked into many different of the day ,sometime in worry and those darkness the day will come many time and too the Holy Spirit will touch us and give wisdom and be happy feel with faith to Christ,thanks and bless and joy,keijo sweden
Added: July 3, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Dayna Sage
From: Washington Pa
Name: Dayna Sage
From: Washington Pa
I was blessed to read your story and believe God has a plan for me to glorify him as well! Unfortunately, I get off track with my mind being so affected by Chemicals, dust etc. I live with and used to just assume it was SYMPTOMS of FMS/CFIDS or ADHD diagnosis I had been given over past 25 years?
Every doctor said that I had to live with brainfog, however I notice it being better with healthy eating and avoidance of chemicals.
HELP NEEDED: building a house and OSB board (containing formaldehyde) over basement caused reaction when I visited construction site, therefore we are ripping it off
Does anyone have any ideas??????
GOD IS SO GOOD: recently I decided to FINALLY see if removing my amalgym fillings will help brain fog and digestive disorders and in visiting Holistic Dr.she said i was grinding teeth/fillings and She is Having Thorton Device CUSTOM Made AND WANTEDT TO AVOID USING MATERIALS THAT SHOW NEGATIVE REACTIVITY.
When the chemcial reactivity blood work came back it REVEALED thwt i have negative reaction to materials COMMONLY FOUND IN PLYWOOD, (along with several other) SPECIIFICALLT FORMALDEHYDE, PHENOLS GROUP AND TOLUENE GROUP.
Several other came back, a few that I am familiar with were aluminum,m, lead mercury, nickel) however not sure if those woukd be used as building materials in house or if they off GASS.
PLEASE IF ANYONE HAS EXPERIENCE IN THIS AREA OR A LEAD ON WHO I CAN CONTACT I WOULD BE FORECER GRATEFUL! Thank u and may the Lord richly bless all of u!!! I pray that everyone find relief and COMPASSION TO OUR STRUGGLES!
I was blessed to read your story and believe God has a plan for me to glorify him as well! Unfortunately, I get off track with my mind being so affected by Chemicals, dust etc. I live with and used to just assume it was SYMPTOMS of FMS/CFIDS or ADHD diagnosis I had been given over past 25 years?
Every doctor said that I had to live with brainfog, however I notice it being better with healthy eating and avoidance of chemicals.
HELP NEEDED: building a house and OSB board (containing formaldehyde) over basement caused reaction when I visited construction site, therefore we are ripping it off
Does anyone have any ideas??????
GOD IS SO GOOD: recently I decided to FINALLY see if removing my amalgym fillings will help brain fog and digestive disorders and in visiting Holistic Dr.she said i was grinding teeth/fillings and She is Having Thorton Device CUSTOM Made AND WANTEDT TO AVOID USING MATERIALS THAT SHOW NEGATIVE REACTIVITY.
When the chemcial reactivity blood work came back it REVEALED thwt i have negative reaction to materials COMMONLY FOUND IN PLYWOOD, (along with several other) SPECIIFICALLT FORMALDEHYDE, PHENOLS GROUP AND TOLUENE GROUP.
Several other came back, a few that I am familiar with were aluminum,m, lead mercury, nickel) however not sure if those woukd be used as building materials in house or if they off GASS.
PLEASE IF ANYONE HAS EXPERIENCE IN THIS AREA OR A LEAD ON WHO I CAN CONTACT I WOULD BE FORECER GRATEFUL! Thank u and may the Lord richly bless all of u!!! I pray that everyone find relief and COMPASSION TO OUR STRUGGLES!
Added: July 2, 2012
Submitted by
Name: cheryl paine
From: grand rapids, minnesota
Name: cheryl paine
From: grand rapids, minnesota
I read your story, as I have suffered from severe MCS for several years now. Have come close to death several times and have lost everything in the process. Job, friends, family. But I still try to have faith. I have several other diseases now that have shortened my life span, but, nothing compares to MCS. It is the most debilitating disease there is. I can no longer leave the property and do not have finances to change anything. I am thankful for my father for all of his help...I am 49, he 73.
I read your story, as I have suffered from severe MCS for several years now. Have come close to death several times and have lost everything in the process. Job, friends, family. But I still try to have faith. I have several other diseases now that have shortened my life span, but, nothing compares to MCS. It is the most debilitating disease there is. I can no longer leave the property and do not have finances to change anything. I am thankful for my father for all of his help...I am 49, he 73.
Added: June 24, 2012
Submitted by
Added: June 1, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Renee
From: Brisbane in Australia
Name: Renee
From: Brisbane in Australia
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: May 28, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Julia Friday Spivey
From: Raleigh, NC
Name: Julia Friday Spivey
From: Raleigh, NC
I lost my job on March 8 and I asked a friend of mine to send me some scriptures that so that I can read everyday about my situation and she sent me this site. Awesome!!
I lost my job on March 8 and I asked a friend of mine to send me some scriptures that so that I can read everyday about my situation and she sent me this site. Awesome!!
Added: May 17, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Jessica Paden
From: Colorado
Name: Jessica Paden
From: Colorado
I stumbled onto your site while looking for info on chemicals in certain products. I love your commitment to sharing info about how to live chemical free! I have also been interested in this topic for a number of years as I noticed my allergic reaction to products with "fragrance" in them and other chemicals. I was recently introduced to Shaklee in September 2011 (Maybe you have heard of them? Around for over 55 years now!) which has all completely safe and chemical free products! I was thrilled to find these products and have switched over to them for my own home and personal care. What a difference! They work so well and are very cost effective. If you would like to speak to me more about this and my experience please email me or contact me through facebook (search for Jessica's Health Shak). God bless you and good luck with spreading the word about chemical free living!
I stumbled onto your site while looking for info on chemicals in certain products. I love your commitment to sharing info about how to live chemical free! I have also been interested in this topic for a number of years as I noticed my allergic reaction to products with "fragrance" in them and other chemicals. I was recently introduced to Shaklee in September 2011 (Maybe you have heard of them? Around for over 55 years now!) which has all completely safe and chemical free products! I was thrilled to find these products and have switched over to them for my own home and personal care. What a difference! They work so well and are very cost effective. If you would like to speak to me more about this and my experience please email me or contact me through facebook (search for Jessica's Health Shak). God bless you and good luck with spreading the word about chemical free living!
Added: May 10, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Linda
From: Santa Cruz CA
Name: Linda
From: Santa Cruz CA
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: May 9, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Joan Gordon
From: Winsted, CT
Name: Joan Gordon
From: Winsted, CT
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: May 5, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Marie
From: NY
Name: Marie
From: NY
"Those who hope in the Lord renew their strength!"
"Those who hope in the Lord renew their strength!"
Added: April 6, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Zorica
From: Malibu, California
Name: Zorica
From: Malibu, California
Thank you for a great information about toxic fragrances.
Thank you for a great information about toxic fragrances.
Added: April 4, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Syb
From: Jackson,MS
Name: Syb
From: Jackson,MS
I was looking on scriptures on faith to pass along to a loved one and my search brought me here. I have taken comfort in what I found tonight. I do plan to visit this site often in the future.
I was looking on scriptures on faith to pass along to a loved one and my search brought me here. I have taken comfort in what I found tonight. I do plan to visit this site often in the future.
Added: March 27, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Bran
From: oahu
Name: Bran
From: oahu
Was looking up "How to strengthen ones faith." Search brought me here! Much oblige/Mahalo-what I found gave me much comfort.
Was looking up "How to strengthen ones faith." Search brought me here! Much oblige/Mahalo-what I found gave me much comfort.
Added: March 27, 2012
Submitted by
Name: margaret s***
From: colorado
Name: margaret s***
From: colorado
hello- I am looking for someone that has info. about "church packets" like sharecareprayer had. I mailed my request just before the founder passed away. It's hard trying to gather info. to make my own pkg. for church friends! I would appreciate any help! thanks,margaret
hello- I am looking for someone that has info. about "church packets" like sharecareprayer had. I mailed my request just before the founder passed away. It's hard trying to gather info. to make my own pkg. for church friends! I would appreciate any help! thanks,margaret
Added: March 21, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Rutger Claasen
Name: Rutger Claasen
Awesome site!
Awesome site!
Added: March 21, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Cassie Summers
From: Fort Wayne, IN
Name: Cassie Summers
From: Fort Wayne, IN
I read your story on your conversion from Catholicism to Biblical Christianity and really liked it. I myself am a Catholic that is thinking about trying non-denominational churches because I don't agree with the Catholic Church about certain things. I just wanted to ask you about your take on things like the miracles of Fatima.. or the Statue of the Virgin Mary that cried in Las Vegas. These things are kind of holding me back still. Thank you.
I read your story on your conversion from Catholicism to Biblical Christianity and really liked it. I myself am a Catholic that is thinking about trying non-denominational churches because I don't agree with the Catholic Church about certain things. I just wanted to ask you about your take on things like the miracles of Fatima.. or the Statue of the Virgin Mary that cried in Las Vegas. These things are kind of holding me back still. Thank you.
Added: March 19, 2012
Submitted by
Name: MyBBWGF Videos
Name: MyBBWGF Videos
just surfing on my and thought Id sign the guestbook. Come check out my guestbook and sign it too. Cheerios MyBBWGF
just surfing on my and thought Id sign the guestbook. Come check out my guestbook and sign it too. Cheerios MyBBWGF
Added: March 15, 2012
Submitted by
Name: MyBBWGF Videos
Name: MyBBWGF Videos
just surfing on my and thought Id sign the guestbook. Come check out my guestbook and sign it too. Cheerios MyBBWGF
just surfing on my and thought Id sign the guestbook. Come check out my guestbook and sign it too. Cheerios MyBBWGF
Added: March 15, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Justin Wheeler
From: Roanoke va
Name: Justin Wheeler
From: Roanoke va
Im so glad I found this site it has certainly been a help in my spiritual life. Thank you all
Im so glad I found this site it has certainly been a help in my spiritual life. Thank you all
Added: March 12, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Patricia Eskew
From: Albuquerque, NM
Name: Patricia Eskew
From: Albuquerque, NM
I just read Jacki's testimony because I was searching for other Catholics who were beginning to have doubts. In January of this year, I started going to my daughter's church with her husband. The difference was phenomenal. Miracles seem to go on at each service. I have some major guilt thinking about leaving the Catholic Church. Even though we were pretty much forced to go to church, I am still shocked that rosaries, saints and Mary's apparitions can no longer be a part of my life. So I guess I'm still on the fence. Thanks for letting me speak here.
I just read Jacki's testimony because I was searching for other Catholics who were beginning to have doubts. In January of this year, I started going to my daughter's church with her husband. The difference was phenomenal. Miracles seem to go on at each service. I have some major guilt thinking about leaving the Catholic Church. Even though we were pretty much forced to go to church, I am still shocked that rosaries, saints and Mary's apparitions can no longer be a part of my life. So I guess I'm still on the fence. Thanks for letting me speak here.
Added: March 6, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Kathy Willard
From: West Virginia
Name: Kathy Willard
From: West Virginia
My daughter has severe MCS as well as pollen and dust allergies and asthma, and has had 2 kidney transplants. She had pollen allergies when younger and able to take allergy shots, but can't do shots now. She and I had mild MCS, but hers has ballooned in the last 2-3 years. It is hard to travel, clean, shop, go to a show, get away from fabric softeners, perfumes and the godawful air and room freshemers (which all her docs and dentists use) and the chemicals in hospitals. I developed asthma and so has she as well as the MCS. It is severe for her - she can walk by a display of the oily room fresheners and literally fall to her knees and act like she is drunk. This MCS HAS to recognized and health care professionals and hospitals to the best of their abilities need to try to do away with harsh chemicals and the horrible fresheners in every plug-in. My daughter was in the hospital for terrible pneumonia and a nurse actually came in to
spray air freshener even though my daughter said she was very allergic to it !!!!
My daughter has severe MCS as well as pollen and dust allergies and asthma, and has had 2 kidney transplants. She had pollen allergies when younger and able to take allergy shots, but can't do shots now. She and I had mild MCS, but hers has ballooned in the last 2-3 years. It is hard to travel, clean, shop, go to a show, get away from fabric softeners, perfumes and the godawful air and room freshemers (which all her docs and dentists use) and the chemicals in hospitals. I developed asthma and so has she as well as the MCS. It is severe for her - she can walk by a display of the oily room fresheners and literally fall to her knees and act like she is drunk. This MCS HAS to recognized and health care professionals and hospitals to the best of their abilities need to try to do away with harsh chemicals and the horrible fresheners in every plug-in. My daughter was in the hospital for terrible pneumonia and a nurse actually came in to
spray air freshener even though my daughter said she was very allergic to it !!!!
Added: March 4, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Marcia
From: Michigan
Name: Marcia
From: Michigan
Both of my children were healed of MCS/EI.
Our son had it for 16 years,(age 4-20) while our daughter spent the last year and a half of high school on the couch at home, teaching herself because she couldn't go to school.
We're grateful someone told us about the book, A More Excellent Way by Henry Wright, and the ministry Be In Health at Thomaston Georgia.
Both "kids" are living normal lives- and mom and dad- well, we now have more tools to living the Christian life.
God bless you all.
Both of my children were healed of MCS/EI.
Our son had it for 16 years,(age 4-20) while our daughter spent the last year and a half of high school on the couch at home, teaching herself because she couldn't go to school.
We're grateful someone told us about the book, A More Excellent Way by Henry Wright, and the ministry Be In Health at Thomaston Georgia.
Both "kids" are living normal lives- and mom and dad- well, we now have more tools to living the Christian life.
God bless you all.
Added: March 4, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Beckie Williams
From: Louisiana
Name: Beckie Williams
From: Louisiana
As a former Catholic who also attended Catholic school until the 9th grade, is is so refreshing to have read Jacki's testimony. I can relate so well. All my life I felt something was missing in my religous life, had so many questions about things not matching up to Biblical Principals I left the church in my teenage years. Praise God my husband and myself were saved 5 years ago and now live a life according to God's word. We have never been happier. Our grandson got saved at the age of 5 and saved his mom at the age of 7. Get them early I say. Thank you for letting me share.
As a former Catholic who also attended Catholic school until the 9th grade, is is so refreshing to have read Jacki's testimony. I can relate so well. All my life I felt something was missing in my religous life, had so many questions about things not matching up to Biblical Principals I left the church in my teenage years. Praise God my husband and myself were saved 5 years ago and now live a life according to God's word. We have never been happier. Our grandson got saved at the age of 5 and saved his mom at the age of 7. Get them early I say. Thank you for letting me share.
Added: March 1, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Ingrid
From: Hobe Sound,FL
Name: Ingrid
From: Hobe Sound,FL
I recently found 2 Doctors, one in Central Florida and one on Florida's West Coast, who are both treating MCS with Peptide injections. Has anyone done more research on these, or maybe received the Peptide shots? I'd greatly appreciate any comments on this.
I recently found 2 Doctors, one in Central Florida and one on Florida's West Coast, who are both treating MCS with Peptide injections. Has anyone done more research on these, or maybe received the Peptide shots? I'd greatly appreciate any comments on this.
Added: February 25, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Glenna Chance
From: Rochester, NY
Name: Glenna Chance
From: Rochester, NY
Hi, Gorden and Jackie - I think my new book, Which Poison Will Change Your Life? An MCS Survivor's Eye-Opening View into the Socio-Political Forces Which Make Today's "Invisible Illnesses" Possible and Probable, would be a vital addition to your book listings. It is already available through Amazon (also B&N online) so maybe adding a link wouldn't be too difficult. Thanks. Glenna
Hi, Gorden and Jackie - I think my new book, Which Poison Will Change Your Life? An MCS Survivor's Eye-Opening View into the Socio-Political Forces Which Make Today's "Invisible Illnesses" Possible and Probable, would be a vital addition to your book listings. It is already available through Amazon (also B&N online) so maybe adding a link wouldn't be too difficult. Thanks. Glenna
Added: February 23, 2012
Submitted by
Name: pj
From: british columbia Canada
Name: pj
From: british columbia Canada
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: February 23, 2012
Submitted by
Name: julie
From: alaska
Name: julie
From: alaska
Would it be ok to use the detox baths for a 50# child?
Would it be ok to use the detox baths for a 50# child?
Added: February 21, 2012
Submitted by
Name: uayitpau
From: nsraavfv
Name: uayitpau
From: nsraavfv
Propecia 12 Months
Propecia 12 Months
Added: February 16, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Edgar G
From: Lincoln, NE
Name: Edgar G
From: Lincoln, NE
This has to be the biggest crock of c*** I've ever heard. I'm going to continue smelling nice and you can continue smelling like a bag of old salami.
This has to be the biggest crock of c*** I've ever heard. I'm going to continue smelling nice and you can continue smelling like a bag of old salami.
Added: February 15, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Ingrid
From: Hobe Sound,FL
Name: Ingrid
From: Hobe Sound,FL
Jacki, thank you for your website and all the good information. hope you're doing well and that your health is getting better!! I've been sensitive to perfumes most of my life but had no idea how bad it can get. now it's to the point where I can no longer go the Mall and have to avoid some other Stores as well. the perfumes I am exposed to at work(office) are torturous to me. it's hard to get anyone to understand, even my doctors. although, I think my Allergie doctor knew exactly what I am up against and explained that this is not allergy, it's chemicals, and I have to avoid it. I would like to connect with some people in my area who suffer from this invisible illness also. I live in Hobe Sound,FL which is between Jupiter(Palm Beach County)and Stuart(Martin County).
Jacki, thank you for your website and all the good information. hope you're doing well and that your health is getting better!! I've been sensitive to perfumes most of my life but had no idea how bad it can get. now it's to the point where I can no longer go the Mall and have to avoid some other Stores as well. the perfumes I am exposed to at work(office) are torturous to me. it's hard to get anyone to understand, even my doctors. although, I think my Allergie doctor knew exactly what I am up against and explained that this is not allergy, it's chemicals, and I have to avoid it. I would like to connect with some people in my area who suffer from this invisible illness also. I live in Hobe Sound,FL which is between Jupiter(Palm Beach County)and Stuart(Martin County).
Added: February 12, 2012
Submitted by
Added: February 9, 2012
Submitted by
Name: cidvakhf
From: irktslpf
Name: cidvakhf
From: irktslpf
Added: February 2, 2012
Submitted by
Name: axjwhces
From: iuzmooyo
Name: axjwhces
From: iuzmooyo
Female Viagra News
Female Viagra News
Added: January 29, 2012
Submitted by
Name: keijo
From: sweden
Name: keijo
From: sweden
"Thank you Lord for your victory and we wil bind all the devols power around the world in you!"Amazing authory the Lord gave to us that bind and lose and heal and open the eyes of blonda nd forgive and teach and be baptist of the Holy Spirit today,thanks and bless,keijo sweden
"Thank you Lord for your victory and we wil bind all the devols power around the world in you!"Amazing authory the Lord gave to us that bind and lose and heal and open the eyes of blonda nd forgive and teach and be baptist of the Holy Spirit today,thanks and bless,keijo sweden
Added: January 25, 2012
Submitted by
Name: wayne
From: alaska
Name: wayne
From: alaska
I have lived with mcs for many years.
i tried all the masks with little luck.
a few weeks ago i got a papr (powered air purifying
respirator) and it works great.
the papr has changed my life i have been trying to let people know about this contraption but cant seem
to get on any of the old mcs sites.i never thought i would be able to be in a public place again. it freaks people out abit but i will put a ghost busters sticker on or something to put people at ease.
I have lived with mcs for many years.
i tried all the masks with little luck.
a few weeks ago i got a papr (powered air purifying
respirator) and it works great.
the papr has changed my life i have been trying to let people know about this contraption but cant seem
to get on any of the old mcs sites.i never thought i would be able to be in a public place again. it freaks people out abit but i will put a ghost busters sticker on or something to put people at ease.
Added: January 25, 2012
Submitted by
Name: nkmabvnq
From: yrknoiob
Name: nkmabvnq
From: yrknoiob
Added: January 24, 2012
Submitted by
Name: zidjcuca
From: lqoiqanq
Name: zidjcuca
From: lqoiqanq
Added: January 17, 2012
Submitted by
Name: Linda Q
From: Brookfield CT
Name: Linda Q
From: Brookfield CT
I love your site. What I need to know is where do I go to get diagnosed with MCS? I know that perfumes & fragrances are making me ill--but my employer is insensitive to my problem. Help
I love your site. What I need to know is where do I go to get diagnosed with MCS? I know that perfumes & fragrances are making me ill--but my employer is insensitive to my problem. Help
Added: January 11, 2012
Submitted by
Name: sharon
From: san diego, ca
Name: sharon
From: san diego, ca
Your web site is beautiful and just what I needed today. I was asking for scriptures on faith. And found many beautiful wonderful scriptures on your site.
Thank You
God Bless you. You will be well soon y the grace of God
Your web site is beautiful and just what I needed today. I was asking for scriptures on faith. And found many beautiful wonderful scriptures on your site.
Thank You
God Bless you. You will be well soon y the grace of God
Added: January 10, 2012
Submitted by
Name: lyn
From: maine
Name: lyn
From: maine
Hi, I read your story. I too had amalgams removed correctly. The composites crumbled. Advice to others: Go with a nontoxic gold product the first time. Do a quadrant every 3 months! Be careful. My reaction to toxins is worse by 100 times since having my teeth done. We followed the Huggins Protocol. I had chelation therapy. I am worse than before I started. I am so chemical sensitive now, I can barely leave the house. Can anyone start a movement to ban perfume at church? I can't go to the morning services. We could fund a lot of stuff with the $ saved by not buying "toxic-water" aka cologne.
Hi, I read your story. I too had amalgams removed correctly. The composites crumbled. Advice to others: Go with a nontoxic gold product the first time. Do a quadrant every 3 months! Be careful. My reaction to toxins is worse by 100 times since having my teeth done. We followed the Huggins Protocol. I had chelation therapy. I am worse than before I started. I am so chemical sensitive now, I can barely leave the house. Can anyone start a movement to ban perfume at church? I can't go to the morning services. We could fund a lot of stuff with the $ saved by not buying "toxic-water" aka cologne.
Added: January 4, 2012
Submitted by
Name: condy hammer
From: ft worth texas
Name: condy hammer
From: ft worth texas
Thank you for getting the word out! I'm new to learning obout how toxic our environment and our BODIES are. I am committed to learn, implement, and tell as many people as possible about this. Thanks again. May Gods grace, righteousnes and love be with you and your family in Jesus name. Ps: I found ur website by googeling " are there any nontoxic shampoos".
Thank you for getting the word out! I'm new to learning obout how toxic our environment and our BODIES are. I am committed to learn, implement, and tell as many people as possible about this. Thanks again. May Gods grace, righteousnes and love be with you and your family in Jesus name. Ps: I found ur website by googeling " are there any nontoxic shampoos".
Added: December 31, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Barbara Alonge
From: Sebastian, Florida
Name: Barbara Alonge
From: Sebastian, Florida
I'm sure there are other sufferers of MCS that were patients of Dr. Albert Robbins. I called today and the telephone lines are now disconnected. I know that at one time his office was closed for a few months, then he changed his hours to 1/2 day. This was sudden for me and I was not informed that the office was closing. Since the phones are disconnected I don't know who to talk to in order to obtain my medical records. Also, does anyone know of another Physician that is familiar with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities? I live up in Sebastian, right above Vero Beach. I understand there are very few Physicians that even give LDA injectins, let alone know what MCS even is. If anyone can give me some direction in any way, I sure would appreciate it. I must say, I am almost in a panic right now. Thank you.
I'm sure there are other sufferers of MCS that were patients of Dr. Albert Robbins. I called today and the telephone lines are now disconnected. I know that at one time his office was closed for a few months, then he changed his hours to 1/2 day. This was sudden for me and I was not informed that the office was closing. Since the phones are disconnected I don't know who to talk to in order to obtain my medical records. Also, does anyone know of another Physician that is familiar with Multiple Chemical Sensitivities? I live up in Sebastian, right above Vero Beach. I understand there are very few Physicians that even give LDA injectins, let alone know what MCS even is. If anyone can give me some direction in any way, I sure would appreciate it. I must say, I am almost in a panic right now. Thank you.
Added: December 29, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Brenda Burns
From: Dallas TX
Name: Brenda Burns
From: Dallas TX
I would like to join a support group for MCS, I have done so well for 10 years... cannot afford to go to Dr WM Rae again... after 14 months with no Job went to work for a company in an office, it is a large printing company, I am concerned that the inks may have weakened my immune system... your links are disabled, please help
I would like to join a support group for MCS, I have done so well for 10 years... cannot afford to go to Dr WM Rae again... after 14 months with no Job went to work for a company in an office, it is a large printing company, I am concerned that the inks may have weakened my immune system... your links are disabled, please help
Added: December 29, 2011
Submitted by
Name: krystina
From: england
Name: krystina
From: england
I didnt understand what was wrong with me, for years iv been having problems at petrol stations and even when im in someones home using a gas cooker, i get bad headaches, sickness, dizzyness and severe sinus problems. as soon as i smell it its an instant reaction. any strong smell of perfumes and chemicals doesnt affect me as bad but i still have headaches and a sting in my nose. iv been trying to tell my docter and friends and family but get fobbed of with the common thought im just being a hyperchondriac. its not good that i have this problem but such a relief to know im not alone. aprt from avoiding these situations is tere anything else i can do to relieve this problem? i understaand its difficult to respond to all questions but i hope someone can sugest somthing. thankyou for speaking out xxx
I didnt understand what was wrong with me, for years iv been having problems at petrol stations and even when im in someones home using a gas cooker, i get bad headaches, sickness, dizzyness and severe sinus problems. as soon as i smell it its an instant reaction. any strong smell of perfumes and chemicals doesnt affect me as bad but i still have headaches and a sting in my nose. iv been trying to tell my docter and friends and family but get fobbed of with the common thought im just being a hyperchondriac. its not good that i have this problem but such a relief to know im not alone. aprt from avoiding these situations is tere anything else i can do to relieve this problem? i understaand its difficult to respond to all questions but i hope someone can sugest somthing. thankyou for speaking out xxx
Added: December 26, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Brenda Burns
From: Dallas Tx
Name: Brenda Burns
From: Dallas Tx
I have been battling/winning MCS since 1999, however since I have been working, it is more of a challenge, someone at work was cleaning with clorox wipes, I could feel, my insides twisting, my emotions ran high, depression set in, was attempting to continue however I was crying. my supervisor was angry told me to pack my bags and go home the next day I was told I was immature and the new training position had been canceled, I had taken meds to counteract the reaction I was having and was very subdued, sigh.. I have to work... what should I do... pray pray and more prayer Have told so many people over the years about your wonderful website God Bless y'all
I have been battling/winning MCS since 1999, however since I have been working, it is more of a challenge, someone at work was cleaning with clorox wipes, I could feel, my insides twisting, my emotions ran high, depression set in, was attempting to continue however I was crying. my supervisor was angry told me to pack my bags and go home the next day I was told I was immature and the new training position had been canceled, I had taken meds to counteract the reaction I was having and was very subdued, sigh.. I have to work... what should I do... pray pray and more prayer Have told so many people over the years about your wonderful website God Bless y'all
Added: December 26, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Ann Chapman
From: Houston, TX
Name: Ann Chapman
From: Houston, TX
I also suffer from MCS and it is very difficult to attend church. Do you know of any good Bible based church in Houston that has a fragrance-free section. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. Yes, I can hear good preaching on TV but the fellowship is missing. Bless you for your ministry.
I also suffer from MCS and it is very difficult to attend church. Do you know of any good Bible based church in Houston that has a fragrance-free section. Any help you can give would be greatly appreciated. Yes, I can hear good preaching on TV but the fellowship is missing. Bless you for your ministry.
Added: December 20, 2011
Submitted by
Name: drrbykly
From: tpmesjrw
Name: drrbykly
From: tpmesjrw
Propecia Online Australia
Propecia Online Australia
Added: December 16, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Lori Covington
From: Port Medway, NS, Canada
Name: Lori Covington
From: Port Medway, NS, Canada
Could we have permission to use one of your No Perfume buttons in our workplace newsletter? It would help us a lot!
Lori Covington
Could we have permission to use one of your No Perfume buttons in our workplace newsletter? It would help us a lot!
Lori Covington
Added: December 13, 2011
Submitted by
Name: live,love,laugh
From: US
Name: live,love,laugh
From: US
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: December 8, 2011
Submitted by
Name: dtecqjcf
From: ejrssclw
Name: dtecqjcf
From: ejrssclw
Buy Cefpodoxime Proxetil
Buy Cefpodoxime Proxetil
Added: December 8, 2011
Submitted by
Name: hnmhnrav
From: zouaozlo
Name: hnmhnrav
From: zouaozlo
Flagyl Metronidazole 400mg
Flagyl Metronidazole 400mg
Added: December 7, 2011
Submitted by
Name: jhzrcuck
From: yymniogf
Name: jhzrcuck
From: yymniogf
Added: December 7, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Vera Strahan
From: Indiana
Name: Vera Strahan
From: Indiana
I have MCS and have always depended upon your site for moral support and guidance. I would not like to ask you to list our website with your helpful links. We feel people applying for disability, especially people with "unseen" illnesses such as fibromyalgia and MCS are treated unfairly. We have put up a petition for SSDI - disability reform on our site. We intend to take it to the news media as soon as we can get enough signatures.
I have MCS and have always depended upon your site for moral support and guidance. I would not like to ask you to list our website with your helpful links. We feel people applying for disability, especially people with "unseen" illnesses such as fibromyalgia and MCS are treated unfairly. We have put up a petition for SSDI - disability reform on our site. We intend to take it to the news media as soon as we can get enough signatures.
Added: December 7, 2011
Submitted by
Name: nmqrpkwr
From: yetswjkv
Name: nmqrpkwr
From: yetswjkv
Cefpodoxime Proxetil Medicine
Cefpodoxime Proxetil Medicine
Added: December 6, 2011
Submitted by
Name: zhmqbtoe
From: ajtirjcl
Name: zhmqbtoe
From: ajtirjcl
Taking Metronidazole During Pregnancy
Taking Metronidazole During Pregnancy
Added: December 6, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Rev.John and Dana Dale
From: Nokomis, Florida
Name: Rev.John and Dana Dale
From: Nokomis, Florida
Wonderful sight, a great resource in troubled times. May the Lord continually bless you and keep you.
In Him, John and Dana
Wonderful sight, a great resource in troubled times. May the Lord continually bless you and keep you.
In Him, John and Dana

Added: December 1, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Pam Jinks
From: Oklahoma
Name: Pam Jinks
From: Oklahoma
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: November 29, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Steve
From: Chattanooga, TN
Name: Steve
From: Chattanooga, TN
Thank you so much for your so clear presentation of the gospel in "The way to Peace with God"/ "Eternity:Non-Smoking&quo t;! I rarely can find something as accurate as this. It is refreshing. If you have this in tract/booklet form, I would love to obtain copies. Please let me know. Thanks.
Thank you so much for your so clear presentation of the gospel in "The way to Peace with God"/ "Eternity:Non-Smoking&quo t;! I rarely can find something as accurate as this. It is refreshing. If you have this in tract/booklet form, I would love to obtain copies. Please let me know. Thanks.

Added: November 28, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Sharita Martin
From: Pine Hill, NJ
Name: Sharita Martin
From: Pine Hill, NJ
Bless the lord for your ministry through this site, I was searching for supplements in the homework I had to complete for classes at church and I decided to look at your site. It really blessed me to read this and I received your testimony, that is awesome how the holy spirit encouraged you to read about Jesus and spread the Gospel because that is what we are called to do. Thank you for the increase in the body of Christ, God bless you!
Bless the lord for your ministry through this site, I was searching for supplements in the homework I had to complete for classes at church and I decided to look at your site. It really blessed me to read this and I received your testimony, that is awesome how the holy spirit encouraged you to read about Jesus and spread the Gospel because that is what we are called to do. Thank you for the increase in the body of Christ, God bless you!
Added: November 17, 2011
Submitted by
Name: A. Franks
From: Atlanta
Name: A. Franks
From: Atlanta
Thanks for the inspiration!
Thanks for the inspiration!
Added: November 15, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Concerned
From: WA
Name: Concerned
From: WA
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: November 3, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Felicia
From: Henderson, NV
Name: Felicia
From: Henderson, NV
I googled and landed on your page to get some much needed inspiration. Thank you! I also have a page on Facebook named "Daily Dose of Inspiration" that has a litle over 2300 follers to date. Inspirations are posted daily!
Felic ia :clap: :clap:
I googled and landed on your page to get some much needed inspiration. Thank you! I also have a page on Facebook named "Daily Dose of Inspiration" that has a litle over 2300 follers to date. Inspirations are posted daily!
Felic ia :clap: :clap:
Added: October 30, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Denise Mize
From: Bogart, GA
Name: Denise Mize
From: Bogart, GA
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: October 27, 2011
Submitted by
Name: kgxtpdvt
From: jltgqgfb
Name: kgxtpdvt
From: jltgqgfb
Augmentin 600 es dosage for children
Augmentin 600 es dosage for children
Added: October 27, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Mel
From: NJ
Name: Mel
From: NJ
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: October 26, 2011
Submitted by
Name: mecamiyy
From: owhxcklo
Name: mecamiyy
From: owhxcklo
Dog Medicine Cephalexin
Dog Medicine Cephalexin
Added: October 24, 2011
Submitted by
Name: vaejzygt
From: gpxszetu
Name: vaejzygt
From: gpxszetu
Is There A Generic For Proscar
Is There A Generic For Proscar
Added: October 20, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Rosaline
From: Alabama
Name: Rosaline
From: Alabama
I googled Scriptures to strengthen your faith. I have enjoyed your website. Thank you for being here for me. God Bless you!

I googled Scriptures to strengthen your faith. I have enjoyed your website. Thank you for being here for me. God Bless you!

Added: October 19, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Royal Hsu
From: shanghai china
Name: Royal Hsu
From: shanghai china
Royal's Chinese Antique Furniture in Shanghai China
--- occupy 500m2 square meter warehouse, focusing Chinese antique furniture, Make to Order Reproduction furnitures, 1930 Shanghai Art Deco Furniture
--- is an antique restoration & wood finishing company based in Shanghai City. Specializing in Chinese Traditional furniture Polishing, Color Matching, Piece Replacement, Re-gluing , Repairing.and Re-canning.,Wood carving, Mechanical repairing, Gold/Silver galvanizing, Anodizing, sofa upholstery
--- run business Chinese antique furniture business 15 years in Shanghai, export to 60 countries and regions in the World, fluent in English. Of course, in Chinese
--- Free Delivery within Shanghai, or Pick up Freely by clients.
--- Resident outside of Shanghai city, Wooden Package/Truck Carrier way to ship to your door house Address, such as Chongqing, Beijing and other cities.
--- 40 minutes driving time from downtown Shanghai, close by Hongqiao Airport. Send SMS to 13901685220 for the directions. OR taking subway No.2, get off at XuJing Dong Station, will be collected by our team and then go to our warehouse for visiting.
--- export personal belongings for abroad residents lived in Shanghai
--- Chinese Furniture Hardware in Brass material, ship worldwide basis, online Ordering.Custom made Chinese furniture hardware
Mobile Phone :0086 13901685220 OR 13621990301
Opening Time: 24 hours all day all time if appointment firstly
ATTN: Mr. Royal Hsu
Address : NO.4849 Beiqing Road,QingPu Region Shanghai China
Royal's Chinese Antique Furniture in Shanghai China
--- occupy 500m2 square meter warehouse, focusing Chinese antique furniture, Make to Order Reproduction furnitures, 1930 Shanghai Art Deco Furniture
--- is an antique restoration & wood finishing company based in Shanghai City. Specializing in Chinese Traditional furniture Polishing, Color Matching, Piece Replacement, Re-gluing , Repairing.and Re-canning.,Wood carving, Mechanical repairing, Gold/Silver galvanizing, Anodizing, sofa upholstery
--- run business Chinese antique furniture business 15 years in Shanghai, export to 60 countries and regions in the World, fluent in English. Of course, in Chinese
--- Free Delivery within Shanghai, or Pick up Freely by clients.
--- Resident outside of Shanghai city, Wooden Package/Truck Carrier way to ship to your door house Address, such as Chongqing, Beijing and other cities.
--- 40 minutes driving time from downtown Shanghai, close by Hongqiao Airport. Send SMS to 13901685220 for the directions. OR taking subway No.2, get off at XuJing Dong Station, will be collected by our team and then go to our warehouse for visiting.
--- export personal belongings for abroad residents lived in Shanghai
--- Chinese Furniture Hardware in Brass material, ship worldwide basis, online Ordering.Custom made Chinese furniture hardware
Mobile Phone :0086 13901685220 OR 13621990301
Opening Time: 24 hours all day all time if appointment firstly
ATTN: Mr. Royal Hsu
Address : NO.4849 Beiqing Road,QingPu Region Shanghai China
Added: October 18, 2011
Submitted by
Name: szlnojkv
From: mzhxhxrd
Name: szlnojkv
From: mzhxhxrd
Added: October 17, 2011
Submitted by
Name: John
From: Pennsylvania
Name: John
From: Pennsylvania
I just want to thank you and Praise the Lord and thank Him for you and your testimony on becoming a Bible believing Christian coming out of Roman Catholicism. My experience is similar so I found your testimony encouraging and moving. God Bless you!!
I just want to thank you and Praise the Lord and thank Him for you and your testimony on becoming a Bible believing Christian coming out of Roman Catholicism. My experience is similar so I found your testimony encouraging and moving. God Bless you!!
Added: October 11, 2011
Submitted by
Name: mfyvzvwn
From: rjvkqjzc
Name: mfyvzvwn
From: rjvkqjzc
Male hair loss propecia
Male hair loss propecia
Added: October 10, 2011
Submitted by
Name: kaxfdsgc
From: syqeinct
Name: kaxfdsgc
From: syqeinct
Added: October 5, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Ester Fain
From: Texas
Name: Ester Fain
From: Texas
Very educational.

Very educational.

Added: October 4, 2011
Submitted by
Name: dphzodut
From: xewkurnw
Name: dphzodut
From: xewkurnw
Added: October 2, 2011
Submitted by
Name: bbofukqs
From: ruzugcjw
Name: bbofukqs
From: ruzugcjw
Added: October 2, 2011
Submitted by
Name: jtmunswj
From: dfbwhkqr
Name: jtmunswj
From: dfbwhkqr
Cefpodoxime Proxetil Pharmacokinetics
Cefpodoxime Proxetil Pharmacokinetics
Added: October 1, 2011
Submitted by
Name: wysylyze
From: hiwoeusb
Name: wysylyze
From: hiwoeusb
Vantin Allergy
Vantin Allergy
Added: October 1, 2011
Submitted by
Name: June
From: Melbourne Beach FL
Name: June
From: Melbourne Beach FL
I have some attractive, fairly safe housing available near lovely, almost pristine beach on FL East Coast. Rent or sell. 443 418 1963
I have some attractive, fairly safe housing available near lovely, almost pristine beach on FL East Coast. Rent or sell. 443 418 1963
Added: September 28, 2011
Submitted by
Name: susan abod
From: santa fe, nm
Name: susan abod
From: santa fe, nm
I am almost finished with my 2nd film about MCS. This one is about MCS and housing called 'Homesick'. You can find out about the film on Facebook.
I am almost finished with my 2nd film about MCS. This one is about MCS and housing called 'Homesick'. You can find out about the film on Facebook.
Added: September 21, 2011
Submitted by
Name: xmdgjybh
From: rzljyzzg
Name: xmdgjybh
From: rzljyzzg
Added: September 21, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Jennie Sherwin
From: NM
Name: Jennie Sherwin
From: NM
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: September 18, 2011
Submitted by
Name: xievicfe
From: oyufenup
Name: xievicfe
From: oyufenup
Augmentin es ear
Augmentin es ear
Added: September 16, 2011
Submitted by
Name: ofunqgsx
From: hfswlfga
Name: ofunqgsx
From: hfswlfga
Added: September 13, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Beth
From: ohio
Name: Beth
From: ohio
I have muliple sensitivity. My problem started about 14 months ago. It was minor then, however,
it has gotten much worse. I am allergic formaldihye phenol/glycerine,and ethanol.It's hard for me to get out of the house because I'm always in contact with a chemical. The combination of the chemical and fragrances make me short and breath, and I start to cough and can't stop until I'm out of that environmnet. Also, everything that is listed burns my eyes. Any suggestions on how to cope with this? I feel like I'm the only one with this problem. My husband is understanding,however, he suggested somekind of support because i's stuck in the house all day.
I have muliple sensitivity. My problem started about 14 months ago. It was minor then, however,
it has gotten much worse. I am allergic formaldihye phenol/glycerine,and ethanol.It's hard for me to get out of the house because I'm always in contact with a chemical. The combination of the chemical and fragrances make me short and breath, and I start to cough and can't stop until I'm out of that environmnet. Also, everything that is listed burns my eyes. Any suggestions on how to cope with this? I feel like I'm the only one with this problem. My husband is understanding,however, he suggested somekind of support because i's stuck in the house all day.
Added: September 11, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Mike Bell
From: Eastern Washington State
Name: Mike Bell
From: Eastern Washington State
I found your link on I lost my Sniffles on Sept. 9, 2011. It's still very hard for me even though I have other dogs and cats, but Sniffy was my "Baby Dog." Your tribute to Dusty was beautiful. I wish I could find the words to describe how much I loved my dog. Maybe someday. Thank you for sharing.
I found your link on I lost my Sniffles on Sept. 9, 2011. It's still very hard for me even though I have other dogs and cats, but Sniffy was my "Baby Dog." Your tribute to Dusty was beautiful. I wish I could find the words to describe how much I loved my dog. Maybe someday. Thank you for sharing.
Added: September 11, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Mary
From: Bellingham, Washington
Name: Mary
From: Bellingham, Washington
I just found your website. I have been suffering from mcs for over two years now with the reactions to perfumes and other chemicals having now become debilitating. I wound up in the hospital recently after three major "triggering" reactions from the same perfume within a 5-day period. In the emergency room, I was exposed to an0ther chemical which started another triggering reaction. The emergency room doctor did not appear to have knowledge of mcs or how to treat it, and the situation became very difficult requiring me to leave the hospital. I am thankful for your website and the information you have on it.
I just found your website. I have been suffering from mcs for over two years now with the reactions to perfumes and other chemicals having now become debilitating. I wound up in the hospital recently after three major "triggering" reactions from the same perfume within a 5-day period. In the emergency room, I was exposed to an0ther chemical which started another triggering reaction. The emergency room doctor did not appear to have knowledge of mcs or how to treat it, and the situation became very difficult requiring me to leave the hospital. I am thankful for your website and the information you have on it.
Added: September 9, 2011
Submitted by
Name: gxvfrxzb
From: wjuzevtz
Name: gxvfrxzb
From: wjuzevtz
Azithromycin Nursing Responsibilities
Azithromycin Nursing Responsibilities
Added: September 8, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Carlotta
From: PA
Name: Carlotta
From: PA
Just remembering how helpful you were to our ministry when we were first building our web site etc. The seeds you were sowing then are oak trees now. Thank you so much!! I need to just ask a question this time. Please tell me how I can call you. Miss you, Big hugs, Carlotta

Just remembering how helpful you were to our ministry when we were first building our web site etc. The seeds you were sowing then are oak trees now. Thank you so much!! I need to just ask a question this time. Please tell me how I can call you. Miss you, Big hugs, Carlotta

Added: September 7, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Carmen
From: Wisconsin
Name: Carmen
From: Wisconsin
hello, if anyone can help me i would appreciate it so much...i am ooking for any help/suggestions re: a bed I can sleep on w/ out getting a migraine or hurting my body. I have fibromyalgia so I need a bed that is really soft, but I also have MCS(multiple chemical sensitivity) so I react to most beds(fire retardant chemicals in mattresses) w/ a migraine w/in half an hour of laying on one..haven't been able to find a bed for over 10 years! Tried almost everything...
Tried all natural beds(gave me a migraine as well cause smelled too natural(burlap sack smell). Any soft cushiony toppers are either foam or natural latex which smell and give me a migraine. Tried special zippered covers designed for people... w/ chemical sensitivities..didn't work and could smell everything through the cover. Even researched online and covered my bed in mylar blankets(kind of like aluminum foil) help either. I just would really love a bed I could sleep on that wouldn't hurt either my body or my head and i'm tired of sleeping on a couch for 10 years(only thing that doesn't give me a migraine but really aggravates my fibro symptoms;-(.........any help/thoughts/suggestions are greatly appreciated! ps..i see some have tried wool mattresses but i am allergic and get migraines from the smell of wool so that is out and i am at my witz end...please help! Carmen
hello, if anyone can help me i would appreciate it so much...i am ooking for any help/suggestions re: a bed I can sleep on w/ out getting a migraine or hurting my body. I have fibromyalgia so I need a bed that is really soft, but I also have MCS(multiple chemical sensitivity) so I react to most beds(fire retardant chemicals in mattresses) w/ a migraine w/in half an hour of laying on one..haven't been able to find a bed for over 10 years! Tried almost everything...
Tried all natural beds(gave me a migraine as well cause smelled too natural(burlap sack smell). Any soft cushiony toppers are either foam or natural latex which smell and give me a migraine. Tried special zippered covers designed for people... w/ chemical sensitivities..didn't work and could smell everything through the cover. Even researched online and covered my bed in mylar blankets(kind of like aluminum foil) help either. I just would really love a bed I could sleep on that wouldn't hurt either my body or my head and i'm tired of sleeping on a couch for 10 years(only thing that doesn't give me a migraine but really aggravates my fibro symptoms;-(.........any help/thoughts/suggestions are greatly appreciated! ps..i see some have tried wool mattresses but i am allergic and get migraines from the smell of wool so that is out and i am at my witz end...please help! Carmen
Added: September 6, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Nancy Brown
From: Lewiston, Maine
Name: Nancy Brown
From: Lewiston, Maine
Ava Anderson Non-Toxic are absolutely wonderful Non-Toxic personal care products you should really check out and list on your website! They offer Non-toxic products such as shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner, styling cream, body wash, lotion, moisturizer, suntan lotion, lip balm, lip gloss, lip stick, sugar lip scrub and are coming up with new products all the time - They have been nominated for Emerging Entrepeneur of 2011! Check this company out!
Ava Anderson Non-Toxic are absolutely wonderful Non-Toxic personal care products you should really check out and list on your website! They offer Non-toxic products such as shampoo, conditioner, deep conditioner, styling cream, body wash, lotion, moisturizer, suntan lotion, lip balm, lip gloss, lip stick, sugar lip scrub and are coming up with new products all the time - They have been nominated for Emerging Entrepeneur of 2011! Check this company out!
Added: September 4, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Peggy Fisher
From: New Jersey
Name: Peggy Fisher
From: New Jersey
This about our JESSIE who went to sleep Aug.31,2009.We miss her so much everyday.
Mike and I found JESSIE in a shelter, thin and
scared. She at first didn't look at us just walked
away. We found out later that she was abused by
her last family. We loved her right away and took
her home. JESSIE was sick all the way home just so
scared what would we would do to her.
Mike and our family show her so much love. JESSIE
had a lot of toys and love to run in our yard.
She was a clown and knew how to get her own way.
I can not believe we don't have her. JESSIE lived
13 1/2 years with love. She had develop a enlarge
heart and lived with it for atleast a year.
That day Aug. 31,2009, we will never forget or
our Jessie. Know JESSIE, your family will always
love you and never forget. Our baby!

This about our JESSIE who went to sleep Aug.31,2009.We miss her so much everyday.
Mike and I found JESSIE in a shelter, thin and
scared. She at first didn't look at us just walked
away. We found out later that she was abused by
her last family. We loved her right away and took
her home. JESSIE was sick all the way home just so
scared what would we would do to her.
Mike and our family show her so much love. JESSIE
had a lot of toys and love to run in our yard.
She was a clown and knew how to get her own way.
I can not believe we don't have her. JESSIE lived
13 1/2 years with love. She had develop a enlarge
heart and lived with it for atleast a year.
That day Aug. 31,2009, we will never forget or
our Jessie. Know JESSIE, your family will always
love you and never forget. Our baby!

Added: September 1, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Teresa DeGoede
From: az
Name: Teresa DeGoede
From: az
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: August 30, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Franca G
Name: Franca G
WHO MAKES Granny's Old Fashioned Concentrate. I can't seem to locate any information on them.
Did someone buy their formula? They had the best products ever. Do you know or have any information about them?
WHO MAKES Granny's Old Fashioned Concentrate. I can't seem to locate any information on them.
Did someone buy their formula? They had the best products ever. Do you know or have any information about them?
Added: August 11, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Jan
From: Belleville, Mi
Name: Jan
From: Belleville, Mi
Thank Goodness there is sites like yours. I have learned so much from your site. I am one that suffers from being near any type of fragrance. It has gotten much worse as I have gotten older. This last time it took over six weeks to start feeling better and over 500 dollars in meds plus making many changes in how I live in my own home. Seems I do not have many friends any longer. No one seems to understand this problem. They cannot understand that it is not just the perfume they wear but also the hair spray or conditioner or fabric softner they use that causes my attacks.
So thankful I found a new doctor who already has a patient that has this problem so is helping by making sure she wears nothing that will lead to an attack during my appointments with her. Hoping the news will get with the program and out government also to let all understand this problem and make our lives safer.
Thank Goodness there is sites like yours. I have learned so much from your site. I am one that suffers from being near any type of fragrance. It has gotten much worse as I have gotten older. This last time it took over six weeks to start feeling better and over 500 dollars in meds plus making many changes in how I live in my own home. Seems I do not have many friends any longer. No one seems to understand this problem. They cannot understand that it is not just the perfume they wear but also the hair spray or conditioner or fabric softner they use that causes my attacks.
So thankful I found a new doctor who already has a patient that has this problem so is helping by making sure she wears nothing that will lead to an attack during my appointments with her. Hoping the news will get with the program and out government also to let all understand this problem and make our lives safer.
Added: August 6, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Paula
From: Illinois
Name: Paula
From: Illinois
I too struggle a lot with these sensitivities. Your son-in-law has to be given a kind but very direct message that you love him and want him to visit, but you simply cannot have the fragrance/chemicals inside your home. If he must wear them, then he must find somewhere else to stay. Whether he believes you really have this problem or not is up to him, but he must respect it (by complying) if he wants to be there. I know it is hard, I deal with similar issues, but we have to do it. Kind but firm, and their reaction is their choice, and not always a happy one.
I too struggle a lot with these sensitivities. Your son-in-law has to be given a kind but very direct message that you love him and want him to visit, but you simply cannot have the fragrance/chemicals inside your home. If he must wear them, then he must find somewhere else to stay. Whether he believes you really have this problem or not is up to him, but he must respect it (by complying) if he wants to be there. I know it is hard, I deal with similar issues, but we have to do it. Kind but firm, and their reaction is their choice, and not always a happy one.
Added: August 4, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Peggy
From: San Diego, Ca
Name: Peggy
From: San Diego, Ca
I have MCS it on my job so I'm allergic to detergent..perfume and any thing that hangs up in the air so it was good when I find web sites like yours.Thank you
I have MCS it on my job so I'm allergic to detergent..perfume and any thing that hangs up in the air so it was good when I find web sites like yours.Thank you
Added: July 31, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Stephanie
From: Florida
Name: Stephanie
From: Florida
I like your site!
I like your site!
Added: July 31, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Patrick Parreno
From: Tacurong City, Philippines
Name: Patrick Parreno
From: Tacurong City, Philippines
I was enlighten after reading some of your quotes... thank you. I learn to GIVE every thing to GOD
I was enlighten after reading some of your quotes... thank you. I learn to GIVE every thing to GOD
Added: July 26, 2011
Submitted by
Name: rtlkygpi
From: jojadppb
Name: rtlkygpi
From: jojadppb
Added: July 26, 2011
Submitted by
Name: gervaalb
From: xqhkfexk
Name: gervaalb
From: xqhkfexk
Keflex Dosage For Dogs
Keflex Dosage For Dogs
Added: July 15, 2011
Submitted by
Name: bqxzkhhj
From: qbgilbgc
Name: bqxzkhhj
From: qbgilbgc
Added: July 15, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Anna
From: Baton Rouge
Name: Anna
From: Baton Rouge
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: July 14, 2011
Submitted by
Name: xovrqbhw
From: ovzmkcki
Name: xovrqbhw
From: ovzmkcki
What Are The Side Effects To Amoxicillin
What Are The Side Effects To Amoxicillin
Added: July 14, 2011
Submitted by
Name: tsjekpxs
From: rrgkjwyn
Name: tsjekpxs
From: rrgkjwyn
Metrogel Application
Metrogel Application
Added: July 14, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Debra Hatzel
From: Colorado Springs CO
Name: Debra Hatzel
From: Colorado Springs CO
Thanks for such an informative website. I hadn't thought about adding plants to help with chemical sensitivities. Right now I am just desperate and so sick due to a houseguest (son-in-law) who constantly wears very heavy fragrances. I have asked him to stop but he won't; not sure if this is deliberate, or if he just doesn't care. My daughter has also asked him to stop, with no effect. I don't know if plants will provide enough help but I'm at my wit's end. My sympathies to folks who need to avoid toxins for their health, and get no support. Your website really helps validate our situation and offers practical help -- thank you!
Thanks for such an informative website. I hadn't thought about adding plants to help with chemical sensitivities. Right now I am just desperate and so sick due to a houseguest (son-in-law) who constantly wears very heavy fragrances. I have asked him to stop but he won't; not sure if this is deliberate, or if he just doesn't care. My daughter has also asked him to stop, with no effect. I don't know if plants will provide enough help but I'm at my wit's end. My sympathies to folks who need to avoid toxins for their health, and get no support. Your website really helps validate our situation and offers practical help -- thank you!
Added: July 12, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Jade
From: UK
Name: Jade
From: UK
Hi Jackie
I read your article on weight loss, then I read about your environmental allergies. Can you tell me if you had your weight problem first or if allowing yourself to eat anything was something that triggered environmental allergies. I am with you all the way regarding diet. Diets simply do not work because your body makes sure they do not. I have had allergies to food, wool, linen and plasters. Last year I was quite ill and had hospital tests. My doctor wanted me to have more tests, but I turned to God instead. I think that believing one hundred percent in the power of God to heal me did in fact heal me. I joined with my Higher Self and totally believed that I was healthy. Sometimes I would wake up in the night in a panic, worrying about what was supposed to be wrong with me. I would relax, breathe deeply and become one with my higher self and completely believe that I was well. I also dropped all my medication because I felt that it made me worse. I cut it down slowly and cut the tablets in half, then halved them again. Then I took one every other day, then lengthened the time to a week and stopped altogether. I would not tell anyone else to do this because I am not responsible for anyone else's health. For me though, the power of faith, trust and belief worked.
Bless your website.

Hi Jackie
I read your article on weight loss, then I read about your environmental allergies. Can you tell me if you had your weight problem first or if allowing yourself to eat anything was something that triggered environmental allergies. I am with you all the way regarding diet. Diets simply do not work because your body makes sure they do not. I have had allergies to food, wool, linen and plasters. Last year I was quite ill and had hospital tests. My doctor wanted me to have more tests, but I turned to God instead. I think that believing one hundred percent in the power of God to heal me did in fact heal me. I joined with my Higher Self and totally believed that I was healthy. Sometimes I would wake up in the night in a panic, worrying about what was supposed to be wrong with me. I would relax, breathe deeply and become one with my higher self and completely believe that I was well. I also dropped all my medication because I felt that it made me worse. I cut it down slowly and cut the tablets in half, then halved them again. Then I took one every other day, then lengthened the time to a week and stopped altogether. I would not tell anyone else to do this because I am not responsible for anyone else's health. For me though, the power of faith, trust and belief worked.
Bless your website.

Added: July 11, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Lynn
From: BC, Canada
Name: Lynn
From: BC, Canada
I am my household's sole income. All my work experience is in retail, and as personal care attendant doing homecare. The past 3 years I have worked part time as a merchandiser for a wholesaler. I pretty much stay home except to go to work because it takes all my days off to recover. The question I have been asking everyone is how do I make a decent living, when exposure to everyday household items such as shampoo, laundry detergents, soap, plastics, paint, and perfumes makes me ill? I really don't think people really understand that when they walk by me with some scented product on their skin or clothes that feels like physical assault. Has anyone got a suggestion?
I am my household's sole income. All my work experience is in retail, and as personal care attendant doing homecare. The past 3 years I have worked part time as a merchandiser for a wholesaler. I pretty much stay home except to go to work because it takes all my days off to recover. The question I have been asking everyone is how do I make a decent living, when exposure to everyday household items such as shampoo, laundry detergents, soap, plastics, paint, and perfumes makes me ill? I really don't think people really understand that when they walk by me with some scented product on their skin or clothes that feels like physical assault. Has anyone got a suggestion?
Added: July 11, 2011
Submitted by
Name: otuziixd
From: gnbrwbay
Name: otuziixd
From: gnbrwbay
Clindamycin Side Effects Forum
Clindamycin Side Effects Forum
Added: July 7, 2011
Submitted by
Name: phnsxlji
From: yikczpfg
Name: phnsxlji
From: yikczpfg
Staph aureus augmentin
Staph aureus augmentin
Added: July 7, 2011
Submitted by
Name: hcldmwhk
From: incnbxrj
Name: hcldmwhk
From: incnbxrj
Effectiveness Of Azithromycin For Chlamydia
Effectiveness Of Azithromycin For Chlamydia
Added: July 7, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Jackie Chalmers
From: Australia Christies Beach S.A.
Name: Jackie Chalmers
From: Australia Christies Beach S.A.
Hi my name is Jacqui, Basically Ive had ill health since I was born and developed MCS over the last 10 years resulting in not been able to attend church or work as it makes me sick, I now have only a few friends, as I'm seen as weird. I felt like you virtually a mirror image of me its so ironic that we have the same first name, I have also removed all my mercury fillings the wrong way in Cambodia long story. so much to share God bless Jacqui
PS I'm on Skype and would love to connect and share, I live in Australia and want to get off the Grid
Hi my name is Jacqui, Basically Ive had ill health since I was born and developed MCS over the last 10 years resulting in not been able to attend church or work as it makes me sick, I now have only a few friends, as I'm seen as weird. I felt like you virtually a mirror image of me its so ironic that we have the same first name, I have also removed all my mercury fillings the wrong way in Cambodia long story. so much to share God bless Jacqui
PS I'm on Skype and would love to connect and share, I live in Australia and want to get off the Grid
Added: June 28, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Jennifer
From: Joliet, IL
Name: Jennifer
From: Joliet, IL
This website is such a great resource for MCS, Provocation/neutralization treatment. Thank you for this.
I have a daughter who was diagnosed with moderate Autism when she was 2 years old. I asked God to help me find a way to get her better, because I knew that she was sick and not "mentally ill" as the medical establishment has labeled her. That was 4 years ago and today she is 6 years old and does not have "autism" any longer, thanks to a doctor who treated her chronic viral infections and her enviromental medicine doctor who treated her chronic inflammation due to allergies to foods, pollens, and chemicals (he used P/N). I have my daughter back and she is beautiful, happy, and NOT autistic at all. I pray that God can bring these treatments in the mainstream so that other kids and families can be set free from this awful and misunderstood illness we call Autism. God bless you folks!
This website is such a great resource for MCS, Provocation/neutralization treatment. Thank you for this.
I have a daughter who was diagnosed with moderate Autism when she was 2 years old. I asked God to help me find a way to get her better, because I knew that she was sick and not "mentally ill" as the medical establishment has labeled her. That was 4 years ago and today she is 6 years old and does not have "autism" any longer, thanks to a doctor who treated her chronic viral infections and her enviromental medicine doctor who treated her chronic inflammation due to allergies to foods, pollens, and chemicals (he used P/N). I have my daughter back and she is beautiful, happy, and NOT autistic at all. I pray that God can bring these treatments in the mainstream so that other kids and families can be set free from this awful and misunderstood illness we call Autism. God bless you folks!
Added: June 24, 2011
Submitted by
Name: ddhwqimu
From: jpxnhlfk
Name: ddhwqimu
From: jpxnhlfk
Does propecia work on hairline
Does propecia work on hairline
Added: June 22, 2011
Submitted by
Name: iwexmhoe
From: jzgdwads
Name: iwexmhoe
From: jzgdwads
Added: June 22, 2011
Submitted by
Your site is a such a blessing. I goggled "blind trust in God" and surely God delivered me to your site for deliverance!! Thank you so much for providing this spiritual in site. May God Bless you in all that you do.
Your site is a such a blessing. I goggled "blind trust in God" and surely God delivered me to your site for deliverance!! Thank you so much for providing this spiritual in site. May God Bless you in all that you do.
Added: June 20, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Sandy
From: California
Name: Sandy
From: California
Hi! Found your site because I was researching hair highlighting chemicals - and read further. Thought I would add a bit of my health history in case it might help Jackie with her MCS. Around 1993 I had a battery of skin allergy tests, and was found to be very allergic to many things. They put me on a battery of self injections of the various allergens, and after a year and a half of that, my IGG allergies had become IGE (throat swelling) ones. So, I almost starved to death, because most of my shots were for food allergies.
Anyway, went to a different set of doctors, and found that I had candida in my blood and digestive system, went on a candida diet, and took one month of diflucan (100 mlg) a day, and had the twenty mercury fillings in my mouth removed, by a dentist who knew how to do it without my ingesting all the mercury. Fillings replaced with fillings made of Brilliant, and caps of Gold. Had the mercury removed before I went on the month of Diflucan.
Now, my allergies are much improved, and so is my SENSITIVITY TO CHEMICALS, which was very prevalent before the mercury fillings were removed.
In my case, my systemic yeast infection made my system incredible sensitive to almost everything, and also made me very allergic. So, if you are suffering from MCS, make sure you don't have mercury fillings (!), and make sure you don't have a systemic yeast infection. If you do, and you take care of those imbalances, I am sure that your MCS will improve.
Good luck to you!
Hi! Found your site because I was researching hair highlighting chemicals - and read further. Thought I would add a bit of my health history in case it might help Jackie with her MCS. Around 1993 I had a battery of skin allergy tests, and was found to be very allergic to many things. They put me on a battery of self injections of the various allergens, and after a year and a half of that, my IGG allergies had become IGE (throat swelling) ones. So, I almost starved to death, because most of my shots were for food allergies.
Anyway, went to a different set of doctors, and found that I had candida in my blood and digestive system, went on a candida diet, and took one month of diflucan (100 mlg) a day, and had the twenty mercury fillings in my mouth removed, by a dentist who knew how to do it without my ingesting all the mercury. Fillings replaced with fillings made of Brilliant, and caps of Gold. Had the mercury removed before I went on the month of Diflucan.
Now, my allergies are much improved, and so is my SENSITIVITY TO CHEMICALS, which was very prevalent before the mercury fillings were removed.
In my case, my systemic yeast infection made my system incredible sensitive to almost everything, and also made me very allergic. So, if you are suffering from MCS, make sure you don't have mercury fillings (!), and make sure you don't have a systemic yeast infection. If you do, and you take care of those imbalances, I am sure that your MCS will improve.
Good luck to you!
Added: June 14, 2011
Submitted by
Name: qjnhczdv
From: ffntbxbk
Name: qjnhczdv
From: ffntbxbk
Cefpodoxime Proxetil Bioavailability
Cefpodoxime Proxetil Bioavailability
Added: June 13, 2011
Submitted by
Name: cgjxjhbx
From: akcpwgly
Name: cgjxjhbx
From: akcpwgly
Generic Isotretinoin Canada
Generic Isotretinoin Canada
Added: June 13, 2011
Submitted by
Name: dancwdji
From: noebyczm
Name: dancwdji
From: noebyczm
Added: June 12, 2011
Submitted by
Name: dikchrgf
From: psthnjsb
Name: dikchrgf
From: psthnjsb
Added: June 12, 2011
Submitted by
Name: wlbtjuzy
From: mwmrbhgm
Name: wlbtjuzy
From: mwmrbhgm
Valtrex For Herpes Simplex 1
Valtrex For Herpes Simplex 1
Added: June 12, 2011
Submitted by
Name: byjyatmu
From: blaorjdt
Name: byjyatmu
From: blaorjdt
Buy generic levaquin
Buy generic levaquin
Added: June 12, 2011
Submitted by
Name: dnvqlude
From: mwhbfcmf
Name: dnvqlude
From: mwhbfcmf
Added: June 11, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Jollean
From: Vancouver British Columbia
Name: Jollean
From: Vancouver British Columbia
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: June 10, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Invisible Disabilities Team
From: Invisible Disabilities Assoc
Name: Invisible Disabilities Team
From: Invisible Disabilities Assoc
As you may know, in 2006 the Invisible Disabilities Association (formerly Advocate) launched the Cleaner Indoor Air Campaign (CIAC). IDA has been serving those with debilitating conditions since 1996.
The purpose of CIAC has been to provide information and support for those living with Environmental Illness, as well as helpful tools such as letters and posters for people to use to make changes in their community businesses, medical facilities and churches.
We have revamped the site and added a new project Choose Friendships Over Fragrances with 9 new posters and ways to help loved ones omit or change out products. We also have a candid video between two friends talking about the challenges of getting together, because of fragrances, but how rewarding it can be for everyone.
We would like to exchange links with your wonderful organization (we do not see either of our websites listed on your resources). Also, please consider adding this exciting news to your blogs, site, publications and more!
Hope to hear from you soon! Together we can make a difference!
IDA Volunteer Team
Invisible Disabilities Association
Cleaner Indoor Air Campaign
As you may know, in 2006 the Invisible Disabilities Association (formerly Advocate) launched the Cleaner Indoor Air Campaign (CIAC). IDA has been serving those with debilitating conditions since 1996.
The purpose of CIAC has been to provide information and support for those living with Environmental Illness, as well as helpful tools such as letters and posters for people to use to make changes in their community businesses, medical facilities and churches.
We have revamped the site and added a new project Choose Friendships Over Fragrances with 9 new posters and ways to help loved ones omit or change out products. We also have a candid video between two friends talking about the challenges of getting together, because of fragrances, but how rewarding it can be for everyone.
We would like to exchange links with your wonderful organization (we do not see either of our websites listed on your resources). Also, please consider adding this exciting news to your blogs, site, publications and more!
Hope to hear from you soon! Together we can make a difference!
IDA Volunteer Team
Invisible Disabilities Association
Cleaner Indoor Air Campaign
Added: June 9, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Brenda Burns
From: Dallas TX
Name: Brenda Burns
From: Dallas TX
I became chemically aware in 1980's, through my mom, however I did not get a full understanding till I became sick myself from mercury fillings. 1999 started going to Dr. Rea, I have been sharing your website, since then. God Bless you and your family!!! My youngest son wears such toxic cologne, I have bad reaction even today, Praise God... bible says be thou not ignorant why should you die before your time... Your wonderful site, is wisdom and education for those who are willing to listen... Unfortunately we as humans do not listen till it is too late sometimes!!
I became chemically aware in 1980's, through my mom, however I did not get a full understanding till I became sick myself from mercury fillings. 1999 started going to Dr. Rea, I have been sharing your website, since then. God Bless you and your family!!! My youngest son wears such toxic cologne, I have bad reaction even today, Praise God... bible says be thou not ignorant why should you die before your time... Your wonderful site, is wisdom and education for those who are willing to listen... Unfortunately we as humans do not listen till it is too late sometimes!!
Added: May 31, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Debbie
From: Australia
Name: Debbie
From: Australia
I have MCS and was trying to contact one of the support groups you offered however when I did I got the error message as follows:
Sorry, this group is available to members ONLY.
You are not allowed to access this group
Admin reply: Hi - this sounds like you may have tried to subscribe using the actual list email address instead of the "subscribe" address... If it happens again, please let me know which list it is and I'll see if I can help
I have MCS and was trying to contact one of the support groups you offered however when I did I got the error message as follows:
Sorry, this group is available to members ONLY.
You are not allowed to access this group
Admin reply: Hi - this sounds like you may have tried to subscribe using the actual list email address instead of the "subscribe" address... If it happens again, please let me know which list it is and I'll see if I can help

Added: May 28, 2011
Submitted by
Name: mhygqbag
From: lfohuvwh
Name: mhygqbag
From: lfohuvwh
Cefpodoxime elderly
Cefpodoxime elderly
Added: May 7, 2011
Submitted by
Name: John
From: Estero, florida
Name: John
From: Estero, florida
I was poisoned 3 years ago upon moving into a new home. They used muratic acid to clean the tiles and the fumes from the new construction nearly killed me. I had neurological issues, balance problems, visual disturbances, panic disorder, etc. caused by this exposure. I am living in a prison with no escape. I can't go anywhere...people are perfume crazy and all the buildings have plug-ins/mold or new construction chemicals! I can't work, have lost think I m making this all up. Doctors look at me as if they want to commit me. Where is the sense in all of this. I'm only 48 and I feel as if I want to go home to be with Our Lord soon. Where's the hope? I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
I was poisoned 3 years ago upon moving into a new home. They used muratic acid to clean the tiles and the fumes from the new construction nearly killed me. I had neurological issues, balance problems, visual disturbances, panic disorder, etc. caused by this exposure. I am living in a prison with no escape. I can't go anywhere...people are perfume crazy and all the buildings have plug-ins/mold or new construction chemicals! I can't work, have lost think I m making this all up. Doctors look at me as if they want to commit me. Where is the sense in all of this. I'm only 48 and I feel as if I want to go home to be with Our Lord soon. Where's the hope? I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.
Added: May 5, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Leanne
From: Phoenix, AZ
Name: Leanne
From: Phoenix, AZ
Hello!! I accidently came across your website when I was researching scriptures through google. I love this site and you have touched me and I thank God for leading me to 'Our Little Place.' I feel that my understanding of his truth is so clearner now and I'm going to finally let go and let God. Thank you!
Hello!! I accidently came across your website when I was researching scriptures through google. I love this site and you have touched me and I thank God for leading me to 'Our Little Place.' I feel that my understanding of his truth is so clearner now and I'm going to finally let go and let God. Thank you!

Added: May 5, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Andy
From: portland
Name: Andy
From: portland
Thank you. I was going through a struggle, and your site plus prayer calmed me. Thank you. God bless you and your ministry.
Thank you. I was going through a struggle, and your site plus prayer calmed me. Thank you. God bless you and your ministry.
Added: May 5, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Rebeca
From: Florida, USA
Name: Rebeca
From: Florida, USA
Thank you so much for the quotes on Scriptures to Strengthen Your Faith, they were beautiful. God bless!
Thank you so much for the quotes on Scriptures to Strengthen Your Faith, they were beautiful. God bless!
Added: April 30, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Arthur Karpfe
From: West.Co. NY
Name: Arthur Karpfe
From: West.Co. NY
Thank you for your enlightening information that uncovers questionable ingredients as part of fragrance, that is the only word listed. ak
Thank you for your enlightening information that uncovers questionable ingredients as part of fragrance, that is the only word listed. ak

Added: April 27, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Pop
Name: Pop
Wow nice design, really enjoyed your website 10/10
God bless you! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Wow nice design, really enjoyed your website 10/10
God bless you! This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Added: April 9, 2011
Submitted by
Name: engle
Name: engle
I read your page on becoming a Bible Christian after being Catholic. I am glad you have grown closer in your relationship with Jesus but I think that some of the things that you found appalling about Catholic Church teaching during your conversion just are not true - such as Catholics don't believe heaven is a real place or that penance makes up for sin. Purgatory and Mary are not light subjects, but worth looking into because distortions can happen from Catholics and non-Catholics who don't fully understand the Church's stance. I would encourage you to look into what the Church truly teaches on these matters, if not for a change of heart, atleast for accuracy and understanding. If you would like me to help or explain myself, please email me back.
I read your page on becoming a Bible Christian after being Catholic. I am glad you have grown closer in your relationship with Jesus but I think that some of the things that you found appalling about Catholic Church teaching during your conversion just are not true - such as Catholics don't believe heaven is a real place or that penance makes up for sin. Purgatory and Mary are not light subjects, but worth looking into because distortions can happen from Catholics and non-Catholics who don't fully understand the Church's stance. I would encourage you to look into what the Church truly teaches on these matters, if not for a change of heart, atleast for accuracy and understanding. If you would like me to help or explain myself, please email me back.
Added: April 6, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Ellen
From: Wisconsin
Name: Ellen
From: Wisconsin
Thank you for your articles. I work for a small firm. Mine and one other cubicle sit in a corner next to a single bathroom that one would imagine is merely for the convenience of relieving one's self quickly in order to get back to work. Unfortunately some use those chemical Bath and Body company body sprays in there to mask their over use of such a publicly spaced latrine. There is another bathroom with multiple stalls on the next floor but there are a couple who don't want to walk the stairs to do that 2nd business. The side affect of using the B&BW sprays is that the scent only seems to linger, for hours mind you, right in our two cubicles. If you turn the other way you smell nothing. Consequently it burns the sinuses, leads to a stomachache and/or migraines and fits of sneezing and is even stronger in the bathroom. As I'm sure you are aware it makes it so hard to concentrate on work and hard to ignore it, even with a fan in my face it seems to get sronger! I tried offering febreeze with a mild scent but they bothered someone else so I was asked to remove them. With multiple mentions to the office administrator about these women using those B&BW sprays there is still no sign indicating not to use perfumes in the bathroom. She did take some sprays that people put in there out but the one big culprit just brings hers with her when she goes to the bathroom. I've reached my boiling point and it will do no good. Why if someone else complains its okay but when I do I get ignored? I know if I complain or threaten any sort of lawsuit to end the stink the owner will just fire me with no qualms whatsoever, he'd call me a malcontent and apparently he'd be within his rights as owner of the company. How does one fight something like this?
I have no problem with people wearing colognes or perfumes just not to the extent that you can smell them coming and going and when it clings to me as well!
Thank you for your articles. I work for a small firm. Mine and one other cubicle sit in a corner next to a single bathroom that one would imagine is merely for the convenience of relieving one's self quickly in order to get back to work. Unfortunately some use those chemical Bath and Body company body sprays in there to mask their over use of such a publicly spaced latrine. There is another bathroom with multiple stalls on the next floor but there are a couple who don't want to walk the stairs to do that 2nd business. The side affect of using the B&BW sprays is that the scent only seems to linger, for hours mind you, right in our two cubicles. If you turn the other way you smell nothing. Consequently it burns the sinuses, leads to a stomachache and/or migraines and fits of sneezing and is even stronger in the bathroom. As I'm sure you are aware it makes it so hard to concentrate on work and hard to ignore it, even with a fan in my face it seems to get sronger! I tried offering febreeze with a mild scent but they bothered someone else so I was asked to remove them. With multiple mentions to the office administrator about these women using those B&BW sprays there is still no sign indicating not to use perfumes in the bathroom. She did take some sprays that people put in there out but the one big culprit just brings hers with her when she goes to the bathroom. I've reached my boiling point and it will do no good. Why if someone else complains its okay but when I do I get ignored? I know if I complain or threaten any sort of lawsuit to end the stink the owner will just fire me with no qualms whatsoever, he'd call me a malcontent and apparently he'd be within his rights as owner of the company. How does one fight something like this?
I have no problem with people wearing colognes or perfumes just not to the extent that you can smell them coming and going and when it clings to me as well!

Added: March 25, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Colleen O'Callaghan
From: Enfield,CT
Name: Colleen O'Callaghan
From: Enfield,CT
I really like the website. There were some great tips and information. I did however want to let you know that seventh generation uses SLS (sodium lauryl Sulfate) in their detergent.
I really like the website. There were some great tips and information. I did however want to let you know that seventh generation uses SLS (sodium lauryl Sulfate) in their detergent.
Added: March 14, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Kevin Aikman
Name: Kevin Aikman
Hello, really nice website, I had a great time reading information
Thanks again keep up good work!
Kevin Aikman
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. m
God bless you!
Hello, really nice website, I had a great time reading information

Kevin Aikman
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. m
God bless you!
Added: March 9, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Denise
From: Lansing MI
Name: Denise
From: Lansing MI
Hi I have MCS and I am looking for a monthly meet up group..just top hang out..have food..let the kids play and meet new people. Email if interested, married with 2 kids.
Hi I have MCS and I am looking for a monthly meet up group..just top hang out..have food..let the kids play and meet new people. Email if interested, married with 2 kids.
Added: March 6, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Kevin Aikman
Name: Kevin Aikman
Best things in our lifes are small ones!
Best things in our lifes are small ones!
Added: March 5, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Rita Dolphin
From: Santa Fe New Mexico
Name: Rita Dolphin
From: Santa Fe New Mexico
My living situation is changing and I will now need to use a public laudromat [or some other option that I've not yet thought of] to wash my clothes. Does anyone have suggestions for how a chemically sensitive person can manage to use a washer that has been used by other folks who may be using scented products?
Also, suggestions for how to deal with outgassing from newly installed carpet??
Thank you so much for any suggestions and encouragement!!
My living situation is changing and I will now need to use a public laudromat [or some other option that I've not yet thought of] to wash my clothes. Does anyone have suggestions for how a chemically sensitive person can manage to use a washer that has been used by other folks who may be using scented products?
Also, suggestions for how to deal with outgassing from newly installed carpet??
Thank you so much for any suggestions and encouragement!!
Added: March 3, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Ruth
Name: Ruth
I have used plain baking soda (and NO detergent whatsoever) to wash towels and washcloths since my husband and I got married well over 30 years ago. Even our washcloths that we use everyday, we have had since 1989. We bought good quality ones and they have proven themselves over time. They still have no holes in them, but are now starting to get a tiny bit thin...because they are over 20 years old! I have never used fabric softener in them...and they are still very soft.
I cleaned houses for many years and one of my clients asked me one day why her towels would not absorb anymore. I asked her if she used fabric softener in them and she said, "Oh, yes...all the time." I suggested to her that she use plain baking soda and no detergent to wash them, and skip the softener. You would not believe all the oily, sludgy residue that came out of them! It floated to the surface. It looked really nasty! She washed them a couple more times and the rest of the stuff came out. They were clean and soft again and absorbed like they should.
My husband is allergic to all fabric softeners (both the liquid & dryer sheets), so I have never used them. Even his denim jeans are soft with no fabric softener. We use plain white vinegar when we want something like a fabric softener...and it works great. The vinegar smell dissipates, so it does not linger. Adding a bit of baking soda to your laundry detergent also boosts its cleaning power, so you can use far less detergent and save money as well.
I have used plain baking soda (and NO detergent whatsoever) to wash towels and washcloths since my husband and I got married well over 30 years ago. Even our washcloths that we use everyday, we have had since 1989. We bought good quality ones and they have proven themselves over time. They still have no holes in them, but are now starting to get a tiny bit thin...because they are over 20 years old! I have never used fabric softener in them...and they are still very soft.
I cleaned houses for many years and one of my clients asked me one day why her towels would not absorb anymore. I asked her if she used fabric softener in them and she said, "Oh, yes...all the time." I suggested to her that she use plain baking soda and no detergent to wash them, and skip the softener. You would not believe all the oily, sludgy residue that came out of them! It floated to the surface. It looked really nasty! She washed them a couple more times and the rest of the stuff came out. They were clean and soft again and absorbed like they should.
My husband is allergic to all fabric softeners (both the liquid & dryer sheets), so I have never used them. Even his denim jeans are soft with no fabric softener. We use plain white vinegar when we want something like a fabric softener...and it works great. The vinegar smell dissipates, so it does not linger. Adding a bit of baking soda to your laundry detergent also boosts its cleaning power, so you can use far less detergent and save money as well.
Added: February 23, 2011
Submitted by
Name: amie parker
From: georgia
Name: amie parker
From: georgia
I love this site!It has became a priortity in my life I am struggling with accepting a death ...But as I read these scriptures I get a little stronger everday.. Thank you lord for all that you do for me and my family and thank you for walking and talking with me everyday without you god i would be LOST!!
I love this site!It has became a priortity in my life I am struggling with accepting a death ...But as I read these scriptures I get a little stronger everday.. Thank you lord for all that you do for me and my family and thank you for walking and talking with me everyday without you god i would be LOST!!
Added: February 23, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Misty Blake
From: Spokane, WA
Name: Misty Blake
From: Spokane, WA
I suffer from MCS for many years now. I have been misdiagnosed for most of this time. Being called Vocal cord Dysfunction. I am trying an all natural pathto relieve me of these symptoms. I have vowed once I am well and able to function properly again I am going to start an organization for people like us. One where those in need can come and recieve finacial assistance and moral support ot conquer this illness. I am new at this does any one have suggestions where to start and is anyone out there willing to partner with me and make this happen. It willnot be today I am not able yet, but it will happen. Try to keep your spirits up, I know first hand how hard that is. God Bless You All.
I suffer from MCS for many years now. I have been misdiagnosed for most of this time. Being called Vocal cord Dysfunction. I am trying an all natural pathto relieve me of these symptoms. I have vowed once I am well and able to function properly again I am going to start an organization for people like us. One where those in need can come and recieve finacial assistance and moral support ot conquer this illness. I am new at this does any one have suggestions where to start and is anyone out there willing to partner with me and make this happen. It willnot be today I am not able yet, but it will happen. Try to keep your spirits up, I know first hand how hard that is. God Bless You All.
Added: February 20, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Kim Macaulay
From: Oregon WI
Name: Kim Macaulay
From: Oregon WI
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: February 17, 2011
Submitted by
Name: saintanselm
Name: saintanselm
I'm distressed by your site. Some of the information on here is great, and has been very helpful, but some represents a rejection of scientific discovery. Metabolism seems to be completely ignored (the safety of aspartame has been repeatedly verified in continued studies). The ability of fluoride to prevent cavities is summarily dismissed despite significant scientific study on the matter. Not that you can avoid fluoride anyway, water has been fluoridated for decades. There's even a claim that chemicals aren't tested at all before being put into use, which is absolutely silly, there are numerous regulatory bodies in place, and the amount of testing done on any newly discovered natural or synthetic compound is stunning. I'm distressed by a general lack of scientific understanding, basic biological processes, and the ability to independently verify claims. I'm hoping for a helpful response, these are serious charges. If not for what I've mentioned I would have complete faith in your site's information.
I'm distressed by your site. Some of the information on here is great, and has been very helpful, but some represents a rejection of scientific discovery. Metabolism seems to be completely ignored (the safety of aspartame has been repeatedly verified in continued studies). The ability of fluoride to prevent cavities is summarily dismissed despite significant scientific study on the matter. Not that you can avoid fluoride anyway, water has been fluoridated for decades. There's even a claim that chemicals aren't tested at all before being put into use, which is absolutely silly, there are numerous regulatory bodies in place, and the amount of testing done on any newly discovered natural or synthetic compound is stunning. I'm distressed by a general lack of scientific understanding, basic biological processes, and the ability to independently verify claims. I'm hoping for a helpful response, these are serious charges. If not for what I've mentioned I would have complete faith in your site's information.
Added: February 13, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Kara P
From: Delaware
Name: Kara P
From: Delaware
I have been extremely stressed and have been worrying nonstop, but I believe God sent me a sign when I stumbled upon this website, particularly the page about blind trust. Once I read that page, along with the other scriptures on this website, I cried. I feel this website was a gift from God to help me through my journey. Thank you.
I have been extremely stressed and have been worrying nonstop, but I believe God sent me a sign when I stumbled upon this website, particularly the page about blind trust. Once I read that page, along with the other scriptures on this website, I cried. I feel this website was a gift from God to help me through my journey. Thank you.
Added: February 4, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Merrin Guice
From: Cincinnati, Oh
Name: Merrin Guice
From: Cincinnati, Oh
Thank you for this web-site. I can not tell you how much being able to read the scriptures to strengthen faith help me every single day. I am in a place right now of great pain and sorrow, but I know that all really is in perfect order and having this page in my favorites is a consistent element of renewing my faith every day. Thank you...
Thank you for this web-site. I can not tell you how much being able to read the scriptures to strengthen faith help me every single day. I am in a place right now of great pain and sorrow, but I know that all really is in perfect order and having this page in my favorites is a consistent element of renewing my faith every day. Thank you...
Added: February 2, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Richard Baldwin
From: Syracuse, NY
Name: Richard Baldwin
From: Syracuse, NY
I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savour May 19, 1974. Once I started reading the bible I did not like what God was giving me. He was preparing me for the future. I thought accepting Christ my trials and pain will go away. I was not a good leader to the family I help raise.
1993 I excepted a job to work in an engineering lab. I did not pray and ask God if it was his will.
I was exposed to 737Lf cleaning product and a molocoat product. I was label in 1994 by a doctor that I have multiple chemical sensitive.
For 7 years I fought to get NYS worker's com. During that time I learn to trust in God even if he choose not heal me. He is after my heart.
This month I having a bad time with a house that is closed because of winter. Dealing with exhaust when I take my wife to work. This past Sunday I was exposed to perfume. Because I choose to support my daughter and go to a wedding planning event.
Signs that I am going through headache, body trimmers, depression, need to sleep a lot, and sometimes feeling like I want to throw up.
I do not want to take pills to fight depression. I believe it is chemicals fighting chemcicals.
I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savour May 19, 1974. Once I started reading the bible I did not like what God was giving me. He was preparing me for the future. I thought accepting Christ my trials and pain will go away. I was not a good leader to the family I help raise.
1993 I excepted a job to work in an engineering lab. I did not pray and ask God if it was his will.
I was exposed to 737Lf cleaning product and a molocoat product. I was label in 1994 by a doctor that I have multiple chemical sensitive.
For 7 years I fought to get NYS worker's com. During that time I learn to trust in God even if he choose not heal me. He is after my heart.
This month I having a bad time with a house that is closed because of winter. Dealing with exhaust when I take my wife to work. This past Sunday I was exposed to perfume. Because I choose to support my daughter and go to a wedding planning event.
Signs that I am going through headache, body trimmers, depression, need to sleep a lot, and sometimes feeling like I want to throw up.
I do not want to take pills to fight depression. I believe it is chemicals fighting chemcicals.
Added: January 19, 2011
Submitted by
Name: David
Name: David
Thank you for sharing your testimony. I too am a Roman Catholic converted to Christian.
I just have one comment or error that The Holy Spirit has revealed to me.
No where in the Bible is the term RAPTURE....
That is a false, mam made term and not for true believers.
Prove me wrong if you can,but I am trusting the saints and testimony of the 12 as it is written in the Word.
In Him,
Thank you for sharing your testimony. I too am a Roman Catholic converted to Christian.
I just have one comment or error that The Holy Spirit has revealed to me.
No where in the Bible is the term RAPTURE....
That is a false, mam made term and not for true believers.
Prove me wrong if you can,but I am trusting the saints and testimony of the 12 as it is written in the Word.
In Him,
Added: January 17, 2011
Submitted by
Name: ren
From: united states
Name: ren
From: united states
I love your info on MCS! your site is awesome!
I love your info on MCS! your site is awesome!
Added: January 16, 2011
Submitted by
Name: lisa simmons
From: south florida
Name: lisa simmons
From: south florida
I would like any and all information you have on MCS and to join your email group. I am 18, have extremly severe MCS secondary to Dysautonomia which is secondary to Ehlers Danlos Syndrome(EDS) and am working on medical research with medical professionals on the link between EDS and MCS and a lot of what your website has been discussing(endocrine system, immunology, limibic system, autonomic nervous system all being affected). I write to you from my bubble of a world in hopes of one day being able to travel without worrying what air I am breathing! Hope your having a good day.
Admin reply: Hi - All the info we have is already posted on the web site for your convenience! We do not host an email group ourselves, but just have links to ones we know about that you can join... Take care!
I would like any and all information you have on MCS and to join your email group. I am 18, have extremly severe MCS secondary to Dysautonomia which is secondary to Ehlers Danlos Syndrome(EDS) and am working on medical research with medical professionals on the link between EDS and MCS and a lot of what your website has been discussing(endocrine system, immunology, limibic system, autonomic nervous system all being affected). I write to you from my bubble of a world in hopes of one day being able to travel without worrying what air I am breathing! Hope your having a good day.
Admin reply: Hi - All the info we have is already posted on the web site for your convenience! We do not host an email group ourselves, but just have links to ones we know about that you can join... Take care!
Added: January 15, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Frank & Lucille Smith
From: Philipp, Ms
Name: Frank & Lucille Smith
From: Philipp, Ms
I found your website while trying to find a site to help us with the death of our Brittany Spanial, "Spot" and am glad I did. We have cried our eyes out and have felt so guilty because we had Spot put dowm. He was suffering from a very bad case of heartworms. The previous owner had taken hm to the vet and had him treated, but failed to follow up with the second round of medication. We Loved him so much, and we are taking it very hard. We will be fine for maybe a day or so and then something would hit us, like a memory and here comes the guilt and the pain, followed closely by the tears.
I think that your website will help us some, at least we know that we are not crazy for feeling the way we do about Spot.
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.
Frank & Lucille Smith
Philipp, Ms
I found your website while trying to find a site to help us with the death of our Brittany Spanial, "Spot" and am glad I did. We have cried our eyes out and have felt so guilty because we had Spot put dowm. He was suffering from a very bad case of heartworms. The previous owner had taken hm to the vet and had him treated, but failed to follow up with the second round of medication. We Loved him so much, and we are taking it very hard. We will be fine for maybe a day or so and then something would hit us, like a memory and here comes the guilt and the pain, followed closely by the tears.
I think that your website will help us some, at least we know that we are not crazy for feeling the way we do about Spot.
Thank you so much for sharing your story with us.
Frank & Lucille Smith
Philipp, Ms
Added: January 14, 2011
Submitted by
Name: keijo
From: sweden
Name: keijo
From: sweden
Thank you Lord for you are with us today!"Amazing grace will pour down from God to all the nations hope and healing with gospel and the bible will get so much food and the living waters with the honey sweet na the wine from Jesus today,let us joy and celebrate, for feast has already entered in, thanks and bless and pray,keijo sweden
Thank you Lord for you are with us today!"Amazing grace will pour down from God to all the nations hope and healing with gospel and the bible will get so much food and the living waters with the honey sweet na the wine from Jesus today,let us joy and celebrate, for feast has already entered in, thanks and bless and pray,keijo sweden
Added: January 14, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Billy Ray
From: England
Name: Billy Ray
From: England
What a wonderful site. Your words of faith have helped me so much. I don't know how I found this site. God's will I guess.
God bless you all.
What a wonderful site. Your words of faith have helped me so much. I don't know how I found this site. God's will I guess.
God bless you all.
Added: January 12, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Gerry
From: ohio
Name: Gerry
From: ohio
Hello everyone,
I have had MCs all of my life. So when I had taken the time to read everyones message, I had thought: "WOW ! I must have written that message and did not remember doing it." A lot of these messages sounded so familiar. I had to write you back to you all, and let you know that I truly understand and sympathize with everyone. I honestly know how frustrating and overwhelming it is to have this type of a medical condition can be. Remember there is hope out there....."JUST BE PATIENT, AND HANG IN THERE...FOR YOU ARE NOT ALONE AND BELIEVE ME THERE IS HOPE IN RECOVERY"
Hello everyone,
I have had MCs all of my life. So when I had taken the time to read everyones message, I had thought: "WOW ! I must have written that message and did not remember doing it." A lot of these messages sounded so familiar. I had to write you back to you all, and let you know that I truly understand and sympathize with everyone. I honestly know how frustrating and overwhelming it is to have this type of a medical condition can be. Remember there is hope out there....."JUST BE PATIENT, AND HANG IN THERE...FOR YOU ARE NOT ALONE AND BELIEVE ME THERE IS HOPE IN RECOVERY"
Added: January 7, 2011
Submitted by
Name: Brenda Kauffman
From: Harrisonburg, VA
Name: Brenda Kauffman
From: Harrisonburg, VA
Thanks for the website...would love to be in contact with you and with others who are suffering with this...
Brenda Kauffman
Thanks for the website...would love to be in contact with you and with others who are suffering with this...
Brenda Kauffman
Added: January 6, 2011
Submitted by
MAY GOD BLESS YOUR STEPS! Keep up the good works good and faithful servants!
When we really want Him, God does give us the truth! After learning the truth about this world it is hard to like the system here right? The Word does say that God hates the method in which this world is run and if we don't learn to hate it too we havn't changed enough!
I have been poisoned with BENZENE over 40 years now! The big auto company, it occured through, ran and hid from it's responsibility and now is struggling! I won't try to list the hardships of my life, they happen for our growth anyway. Ask for big things from our big God he does answer!
We must isolate from the rapant uses of chemicals the best we can. One thing God has directed me to has been IONIZED WATER! IT has been my best hope after going organic and raw foods. The water flushes toxic things from us on the celler level. After drinking this water for about a month(ONE LITER a day) I could again go out into society. The only useful ionized water on the market is from REAL WATER or from the filtered ionizers on the market today. Real Water started in Vegas and now has opened a plant in TN. The ionizer waters must be drank within 48 hrs. after drawing it or the ionized value is gone. The ionized quality of REAL WATER is stablized in their bottles. Yes the bottles are plastic( the least leeching),but the water will flush away great quanities of toxic stuff that you will feel! They are trying to use glass bottles, but believe me their water gives relief even in plastic. Along with the water, God has shared with me huge things that if employed would change the entire world. The closer we are to Him the greater the rewards. I'm 74 now and he has made me the energizer bunny of this chemical world. Praise Him, He is awesome!

MAY GOD BLESS YOUR STEPS! Keep up the good works good and faithful servants!
When we really want Him, God does give us the truth! After learning the truth about this world it is hard to like the system here right? The Word does say that God hates the method in which this world is run and if we don't learn to hate it too we havn't changed enough!
I have been poisoned with BENZENE over 40 years now! The big auto company, it occured through, ran and hid from it's responsibility and now is struggling! I won't try to list the hardships of my life, they happen for our growth anyway. Ask for big things from our big God he does answer!
We must isolate from the rapant uses of chemicals the best we can. One thing God has directed me to has been IONIZED WATER! IT has been my best hope after going organic and raw foods. The water flushes toxic things from us on the celler level. After drinking this water for about a month(ONE LITER a day) I could again go out into society. The only useful ionized water on the market is from REAL WATER or from the filtered ionizers on the market today. Real Water started in Vegas and now has opened a plant in TN. The ionizer waters must be drank within 48 hrs. after drawing it or the ionized value is gone. The ionized quality of REAL WATER is stablized in their bottles. Yes the bottles are plastic( the least leeching),but the water will flush away great quanities of toxic stuff that you will feel! They are trying to use glass bottles, but believe me their water gives relief even in plastic. Along with the water, God has shared with me huge things that if employed would change the entire world. The closer we are to Him the greater the rewards. I'm 74 now and he has made me the energizer bunny of this chemical world. Praise Him, He is awesome!

Added: January 1, 2011
Submitted by
Name: gerry
From: ohio
Name: gerry
From: ohio
Thank you, Lisa for placing your information in this web site dated September 11, 2010.
It was very good information to know. I will definitely write to them and complain about many of the toxic chemicals products that affect us all. I am also very sensitive to "Febreeze" and simple hate their false TV advertisements. I feel that it is not alright to show and inform other that it is normal to have addictive behavior, and that in oder to have more healthier house, you need to add their toxic chemicals into your environment.
Another product which I am have recently been having problems with is: the old fashion cleanser called: "BON AMI" iI had used that product all of my life now suddenly they have added a chemicals fragrance which had triggered a horrible reaction. I am so disappointed with this once great product. BUT...... now that I had read you message board I will be sending my complaints to that group. I like how you had suggested to state the neurological problems rather then just stating that you have an allergic reaction to their product......That makes a lot more sense and I would think it would be a more effective way of communicating a problem.
Thank you.
Thank you, Lisa for placing your information in this web site dated September 11, 2010.
It was very good information to know. I will definitely write to them and complain about many of the toxic chemicals products that affect us all. I am also very sensitive to "Febreeze" and simple hate their false TV advertisements. I feel that it is not alright to show and inform other that it is normal to have addictive behavior, and that in oder to have more healthier house, you need to add their toxic chemicals into your environment.
Another product which I am have recently been having problems with is: the old fashion cleanser called: "BON AMI" iI had used that product all of my life now suddenly they have added a chemicals fragrance which had triggered a horrible reaction. I am so disappointed with this once great product. BUT...... now that I had read you message board I will be sending my complaints to that group. I like how you had suggested to state the neurological problems rather then just stating that you have an allergic reaction to their product......That makes a lot more sense and I would think it would be a more effective way of communicating a problem.
Thank you.
Added: December 22, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Jack
From: NorthCarolina
Name: Jack
From: NorthCarolina
I have just been diagnosed with MCS. I think my exposure to CARC paint in the military set me on the road to MCS. I found your site after surfing for MCS and our site has helped me a lot thanks for sharing.
I have just been diagnosed with MCS. I think my exposure to CARC paint in the military set me on the road to MCS. I found your site after surfing for MCS and our site has helped me a lot thanks for sharing.
Added: December 13, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Festus Okpor
From: Nigeria
Name: Festus Okpor
From: Nigeria
Thank God this site. I was checking a scripture for a particular note I was preparing for a friend and stumbled on this site. i found the cotent very rich and did not regret time spent at all. in fact, I got more blessed and enriched spiritually for another day's task.
Thank God this site. I was checking a scripture for a particular note I was preparing for a friend and stumbled on this site. i found the cotent very rich and did not regret time spent at all. in fact, I got more blessed and enriched spiritually for another day's task.
Added: November 25, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Michele Grabbe
From: Montana
Name: Michele Grabbe
From: Montana
I used to come to your site a lot when I was sick! It was encouraging!! I wanted to return and share that I am well!! I had Environmental Illness for about 5 yrs. I had been healthy and no problems until we started building our home and moved into a travel trailer that we found out later it had black mold. I got very sick very quickly reacting to more and more things. I saw 16 doctors without much help. The naturalpath did h...elp if I knew what I had gotten into then he would treat me and i would feel better for a bit of time, but my body never held those treatments. If I got into that same thing a few days later I would again be ill. I also had severe depression and anxiety along with my reactions. What would happen for me when I had a reaction was that my pulse would race and my blood pressure dropped so I was very dizzy and nauseous. I spent 90% of my time in bed! I have 3 kids and that was rough! We did finish our house toxin free and I didn't leave my house for weeks at a time. I basically lived a life of avoidance. Well, I had a friend that had results using nutrition with her Rhuematoid Arthritis...... she went from heading to a wheelchair to teaching dance again! That got my attention. I started using the same products and what happened over that first year and a half is that my reactions reduced slowly and at this point - over 4 years later I do whatever I want to do, go where ever I want to go and feel better than I ever dreamed possible again. I wasn't looking for a business, but how could I keep my mouth shut?! The first person I shared with was my mom - she had Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue for about 15 yrs. In a matter of months she went from a cane to not even needing it! She feels amazing now and I can barely keep up with her!! I am SO grateful for this company - the products are unique and many are patented. In fact they have more patents than any other nutrition company I am aware of. To be honest, it is hard to share with people with EI and CF. They have all done SO much research and are so knowledgable about nutrition, they don't understand how different these products are. I get frustrated with that - because in over 4 years i have not seen anyone NOT get results that take them consistently. They work, period! If you want to get more info you can go to my website, there are several videos on there: (no www in front) my contact info is on there. I would be happy to connect anyone to others that have been where they are and ask questions. It is OK to be skeptical - but you do deserve to at least check it out fully before you say no! I said no 2 years before I said yes...and I really regret that. - Michele
I used to come to your site a lot when I was sick! It was encouraging!! I wanted to return and share that I am well!! I had Environmental Illness for about 5 yrs. I had been healthy and no problems until we started building our home and moved into a travel trailer that we found out later it had black mold. I got very sick very quickly reacting to more and more things. I saw 16 doctors without much help. The naturalpath did h...elp if I knew what I had gotten into then he would treat me and i would feel better for a bit of time, but my body never held those treatments. If I got into that same thing a few days later I would again be ill. I also had severe depression and anxiety along with my reactions. What would happen for me when I had a reaction was that my pulse would race and my blood pressure dropped so I was very dizzy and nauseous. I spent 90% of my time in bed! I have 3 kids and that was rough! We did finish our house toxin free and I didn't leave my house for weeks at a time. I basically lived a life of avoidance. Well, I had a friend that had results using nutrition with her Rhuematoid Arthritis...... she went from heading to a wheelchair to teaching dance again! That got my attention. I started using the same products and what happened over that first year and a half is that my reactions reduced slowly and at this point - over 4 years later I do whatever I want to do, go where ever I want to go and feel better than I ever dreamed possible again. I wasn't looking for a business, but how could I keep my mouth shut?! The first person I shared with was my mom - she had Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue for about 15 yrs. In a matter of months she went from a cane to not even needing it! She feels amazing now and I can barely keep up with her!! I am SO grateful for this company - the products are unique and many are patented. In fact they have more patents than any other nutrition company I am aware of. To be honest, it is hard to share with people with EI and CF. They have all done SO much research and are so knowledgable about nutrition, they don't understand how different these products are. I get frustrated with that - because in over 4 years i have not seen anyone NOT get results that take them consistently. They work, period! If you want to get more info you can go to my website, there are several videos on there: (no www in front) my contact info is on there. I would be happy to connect anyone to others that have been where they are and ask questions. It is OK to be skeptical - but you do deserve to at least check it out fully before you say no! I said no 2 years before I said yes...and I really regret that. - Michele
Added: November 11, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Iris Brooks
From: Georgia
Name: Iris Brooks
From: Georgia
Divinely lead to your site this morning. My husband and I were poisoned by toxic mold and mycotoxins, trichothecene and aflatoxins..It caused severe mcs, organ damage, chronic debilitating pain, breathing issues.. loss of possessions twice, homelessness, 8 moves..but the blessing has been the opportunity to reach out to others who are living this mold/mcs nightmare. God has not abandoned us. Your site is wonderful and inspiring. Also hurt when we lost our music studio..but through Godly friends we are writing again, only gospel songs... and we've recently found something that has helped relieve my debilitating pain and inflammation, has restored my husband's breathing (he has gone from oxygen every night to a week with none and purple discoloration of feet has almost disappeared) and also how to keep our home mold and chemical free.. we don't know how to act to actually feel better after almost 7 years... Still dealing with the mcs, but we are thankful for the positive changes and feel maybe our lives are turning around. Thanks so much for your site and everything you do to help others.. God bless you. If anyone wishes to contact us we're at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Divinely lead to your site this morning. My husband and I were poisoned by toxic mold and mycotoxins, trichothecene and aflatoxins..It caused severe mcs, organ damage, chronic debilitating pain, breathing issues.. loss of possessions twice, homelessness, 8 moves..but the blessing has been the opportunity to reach out to others who are living this mold/mcs nightmare. God has not abandoned us. Your site is wonderful and inspiring. Also hurt when we lost our music studio..but through Godly friends we are writing again, only gospel songs... and we've recently found something that has helped relieve my debilitating pain and inflammation, has restored my husband's breathing (he has gone from oxygen every night to a week with none and purple discoloration of feet has almost disappeared) and also how to keep our home mold and chemical free.. we don't know how to act to actually feel better after almost 7 years... Still dealing with the mcs, but we are thankful for the positive changes and feel maybe our lives are turning around. Thanks so much for your site and everything you do to help others.. God bless you. If anyone wishes to contact us we're at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Added: November 6, 2010
Submitted by
Name: T Cooper
From: Lakewood, CA
Name: T Cooper
From: Lakewood, CA
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: November 4, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Vera Manley
From: Greensboro NC
Name: Vera Manley
From: Greensboro NC
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: November 2, 2010
Submitted by
Name: i love perfume
From: some where
Name: i love perfume
From: some where
perfume is a way for people to express themselves so get over it. if you dont like it then bamd it from your house. i practicly live off of perfume its almost like my baby. i dont care if i die from it. infact i want to be buried in it when i die!!! i have over 300 bottles of perfume and i have never had to spend a penny on any of it thanks to my moms job. she gets all the tester bottles when they throw them out and the bottle are always bigger and fuller than original bottles
ph god i wish i had more that stuff just makes me so happy 
perfume is a way for people to express themselves so get over it. if you dont like it then bamd it from your house. i practicly live off of perfume its almost like my baby. i dont care if i die from it. infact i want to be buried in it when i die!!! i have over 300 bottles of perfume and i have never had to spend a penny on any of it thanks to my moms job. she gets all the tester bottles when they throw them out and the bottle are always bigger and fuller than original bottles

Added: October 23, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Dee Collins-Wood
From: Cortland, N.Y. originally WV.
Name: Dee Collins-Wood
From: Cortland, N.Y. originally WV.
I was searching for information to help me alleviate the reaction I am having to some chemical I have inhaled (I live in an apartment building next door to my apartment is the laundry room and unfortunately a lot of the laundry products are causing me to have severe headaches, itching and nausea; sometimes the odors are so severe I have to go to bed to recover from the nausea, etc.) I used a pillow I had purchased at a thrift store ( I had used it in the living room on my sofa then moved it to my bedroom, then I wore a thermal top I had laundered several months ago and used Downy on it and suddenly I have headaches, itching and a terrible chemical smell in my nose, my chest hurts and I can even taste it on my lips). I found all of the information very informative and helpful and printed it out to check all of my shampoos, etc. I have started being more health conscious lately and use herbal supplements now instead of prescriptions, I still take acetaminophen for the headaches when they are severe and for my back. I didn't realize that the chemicals I have been exposed to might be caused pain in different areas of my body and some of the other medical problems until I read the information on your website. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, it meant so much to me (now I am crying because I have been praying for God to heal me and help me through this as it has been so difficult to go through, not being able to sleep and the nausea and headaches have been really bad) I thank God for you and the information you have made available to help others, even in your time of hurt. I stopped using Scope (when I found out it had Sodium Saccahrin in it and regular toothpast, now I use an herbal mouthwash from the health food store and baking soda for toothpaste). I need to find a good and healthful alternative to Downy fabric softener as my skin is sensitive and the laundry detergent while fragance free does not smell good irritates my skin. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Please know I will be praying for you. God Bless you all. Take you for placing the heading our Christian faith and your witness on your website...I am a Christian also and it really uplifted me as I know from personal experience that God still heals His people and that His word, The Holy Bible is absolutely true. Dee Collins-Wood
I was searching for information to help me alleviate the reaction I am having to some chemical I have inhaled (I live in an apartment building next door to my apartment is the laundry room and unfortunately a lot of the laundry products are causing me to have severe headaches, itching and nausea; sometimes the odors are so severe I have to go to bed to recover from the nausea, etc.) I used a pillow I had purchased at a thrift store ( I had used it in the living room on my sofa then moved it to my bedroom, then I wore a thermal top I had laundered several months ago and used Downy on it and suddenly I have headaches, itching and a terrible chemical smell in my nose, my chest hurts and I can even taste it on my lips). I found all of the information very informative and helpful and printed it out to check all of my shampoos, etc. I have started being more health conscious lately and use herbal supplements now instead of prescriptions, I still take acetaminophen for the headaches when they are severe and for my back. I didn't realize that the chemicals I have been exposed to might be caused pain in different areas of my body and some of the other medical problems until I read the information on your website. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, it meant so much to me (now I am crying because I have been praying for God to heal me and help me through this as it has been so difficult to go through, not being able to sleep and the nausea and headaches have been really bad) I thank God for you and the information you have made available to help others, even in your time of hurt. I stopped using Scope (when I found out it had Sodium Saccahrin in it and regular toothpast, now I use an herbal mouthwash from the health food store and baking soda for toothpaste). I need to find a good and healthful alternative to Downy fabric softener as my skin is sensitive and the laundry detergent while fragance free does not smell good irritates my skin. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Please know I will be praying for you. God Bless you all. Take you for placing the heading our Christian faith and your witness on your website...I am a Christian also and it really uplifted me as I know from personal experience that God still heals His people and that His word, The Holy Bible is absolutely true. Dee Collins-Wood
Added: October 16, 2010
Submitted by
Name: keijo
From: sweden
Name: keijo
From: sweden
Thank you to the Lord for his power are moving among us more and more with signs and wonders with the name of Jesus and the word of God in many wisdom and thanksgiving with pleasure of heaven in th songs and my piano play andlove to Christ with peace and harmony ,thanks and bless and pray,your brother in faith,keijo sweden
Thank you to the Lord for his power are moving among us more and more with signs and wonders with the name of Jesus and the word of God in many wisdom and thanksgiving with pleasure of heaven in th songs and my piano play andlove to Christ with peace and harmony ,thanks and bless and pray,your brother in faith,keijo sweden
Added: October 11, 2010
Submitted by
Name: BR
From: Tampa, Florida
Name: BR
From: Tampa, Florida
Going through a divorce and loosing my faith. Thanks for this page, Such a great help!
Going through a divorce and loosing my faith. Thanks for this page, Such a great help!
Added: October 5, 2010
Submitted by
Name: brad MCcarthy
From: newfoundland
Name: brad MCcarthy
From: newfoundland
beautiful page God bless you
beautiful page God bless you
Added: October 5, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Joanne
From: New Zealand
Name: Joanne
From: New Zealand
Hi there
I posted some queries on 15 September but as yet have no answers and do not know what my password is. Can you help>
Hi there
I posted some queries on 15 September but as yet have no answers and do not know what my password is. Can you help>
Added: September 30, 2010
Submitted by
Name: just a girl
Name: just a girl
(tears) Thank You!
You have no idea the comfort that you brought to someone who has had MCS for their entire life just trying to survive, to live as normal as possible despite the world making it ever more difficult. You have inspired me, that maybe, just maybe I can do something, anything, to help others realize that they are not alone in their struggle for a normal life.
(tears) Thank You!
You have no idea the comfort that you brought to someone who has had MCS for their entire life just trying to survive, to live as normal as possible despite the world making it ever more difficult. You have inspired me, that maybe, just maybe I can do something, anything, to help others realize that they are not alone in their struggle for a normal life.
Added: September 20, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Lisa
From: North Carolina
Name: Lisa
From: North Carolina
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: September 17, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Tiffany
From: TX
Name: Tiffany
From: TX
Comments: yRose
Fragrance free. 0 score on EWG
Myself and some of my clients have MCS and have had great success with her products
you have a great web site Ty yRose
Fragrance free. 0 score on EWG

Myself and some of my clients have MCS and have had great success with her products
you have a great web site Ty
Added: September 17, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Rob
From: Australia
Name: Rob
From: Australia
Thank you for your wonderful scriptures i enjoyed the faith ones in particular.As someone who suffers from Anxiety and Deppression these scriptures are very uplifting
Thank you for your wonderful scriptures i enjoyed the faith ones in particular.As someone who suffers from Anxiety and Deppression these scriptures are very uplifting

Added: September 16, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Michael Owens
From: USA Va. Pound 24279
Name: Michael Owens
From: USA Va. Pound 24279
Glad to know you come to Jesus Christ.
I am born again christian. I gave my heart to Jesus on October 1977. I am awaiting on the rapture of the church soon to come. God bless
Glad to know you come to Jesus Christ.
I am born again christian. I gave my heart to Jesus on October 1977. I am awaiting on the rapture of the church soon to come. God bless
Added: September 15, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Joanne
From: New Zealand
Name: Joanne
From: New Zealand
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: September 15, 2010
Submitted by
Name: sherrY G
Name: sherrY G
Added: September 12, 2010
Submitted by
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: September 12, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Lisa
From: North Carolina
Name: Lisa
From: North Carolina
Please report all specific product problems, including neurological problems, to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Report all complaints to the manufacturer, which is easy to find these days on the internet. It is important that the U.S. CPSC receive all complaints. They are not "being bothered" these days with "allergies," so if you are having neurological symptoms like headache, strange sensations, seizures, etc., please put that at the top of the list. Any other symptoms not classically included as an "allergy," please be sure to report that.
Even if you have a general product problem, like the one I see in this discussion blog for triclosan (in the hand cleaners and sanitizers), please send them a complaint. The agency is fully aware, as is the EPA, that this chemical is toxic. However, they did not pull it off the market when the studies revealed that it is toxic! If they get enough pressure from consumers, they'll have to investigate.
I see another thread here at the this site - Febreze. It is not a "breathe of fresh air." This is false advertising. If anyone knows how to sue them for misleading ads, please share with us.
Please report all specific product problems, including neurological problems, to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Report all complaints to the manufacturer, which is easy to find these days on the internet. It is important that the U.S. CPSC receive all complaints. They are not "being bothered" these days with "allergies," so if you are having neurological symptoms like headache, strange sensations, seizures, etc., please put that at the top of the list. Any other symptoms not classically included as an "allergy," please be sure to report that.
Even if you have a general product problem, like the one I see in this discussion blog for triclosan (in the hand cleaners and sanitizers), please send them a complaint. The agency is fully aware, as is the EPA, that this chemical is toxic. However, they did not pull it off the market when the studies revealed that it is toxic! If they get enough pressure from consumers, they'll have to investigate.
I see another thread here at the this site - Febreze. It is not a "breathe of fresh air." This is false advertising. If anyone knows how to sue them for misleading ads, please share with us.
Added: September 11, 2010
Submitted by
Name: steve
Name: steve
Great stuff! Thanks
Great stuff! Thanks
Added: September 10, 2010
Submitted by
Name: ali
From: sf ca
Name: ali
From: sf ca
you wrongly suggest products that have methylparaben, propryl paraben, sodium laurel sulfate... (kiss my face moisture soaps and others).
you wrongly suggest products that have methylparaben, propryl paraben, sodium laurel sulfate... (kiss my face moisture soaps and others).
Added: September 3, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Lisa
From: North Carolina
Name: Lisa
From: North Carolina
There are complaints about breathing fragrance from newly marketed laundry products. It is absolutely terrible, on top of having to breathe it in the neighborhood coming out from dryer vents. There are 2 Facebook groups you may want to join:
Are you allergic to Tide laundry detergent?
Problems with Laundry Chemicals and Fragrance
These sites will be improved shortly with much more information.
There are complaints about breathing fragrance from newly marketed laundry products. It is absolutely terrible, on top of having to breathe it in the neighborhood coming out from dryer vents. There are 2 Facebook groups you may want to join:
Are you allergic to Tide laundry detergent?
Problems with Laundry Chemicals and Fragrance
These sites will be improved shortly with much more information.
Added: September 2, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Jackie
From: West Palm Beach FL
Name: Jackie
From: West Palm Beach FL
I was encouraged by Jacki's story. I too have this disgusting condition. I need to know if many sufferers of MSC also had endometriosis. I believe this condition triggered MCS.
Also, even buying a car 2 years old makes me ill.
Has anyone else had this experience with purchasing cars?
I was encouraged by Jacki's story. I too have this disgusting condition. I need to know if many sufferers of MSC also had endometriosis. I believe this condition triggered MCS.
Also, even buying a car 2 years old makes me ill.
Has anyone else had this experience with purchasing cars?
Added: August 29, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Todd
From: Dothan, AL
Name: Todd
From: Dothan, AL
Stumbled upon this site, good info for healthier living, even though our family doesn't have any real symptoms from our toxic world, God Bless. FYI, the Dr. Bonners baby castille soap is sold at Target, Givoanni's shampoo products too. We picked up some yesterday, good pricing. Target the bottles w/ an $8 rebate tag for the Giovanni's conditioner (shampoo too I think) my wife uses, so it'll end up costing us $.50 for the bottle.
Stumbled upon this site, good info for healthier living, even though our family doesn't have any real symptoms from our toxic world, God Bless. FYI, the Dr. Bonners baby castille soap is sold at Target, Givoanni's shampoo products too. We picked up some yesterday, good pricing. Target the bottles w/ an $8 rebate tag for the Giovanni's conditioner (shampoo too I think) my wife uses, so it'll end up costing us $.50 for the bottle.
Added: August 29, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Pamela Simpson
From: Arizona,USA
Name: Pamela Simpson
From: Arizona,USA
I have been suffering since they started putting chemicals in our products like fragrance. I have to stay away from anything that has fragrance in it. But the problem is my respiratory system so I cannot go outside when a dryer is using laundry softener or around people who have use a product containing fragrance. I also have PTSD which together keeps me really depressed and suicidal. I am a disabled veteran who does get help mentally but not being able to socialize is really getting to me. I have heard that Europe has banned toxic chemicals in their consumer products. If this is true I will move there. Does anyone know if the toxic chemicals have been banned from fragrance.
I have been suffering since they started putting chemicals in our products like fragrance. I have to stay away from anything that has fragrance in it. But the problem is my respiratory system so I cannot go outside when a dryer is using laundry softener or around people who have use a product containing fragrance. I also have PTSD which together keeps me really depressed and suicidal. I am a disabled veteran who does get help mentally but not being able to socialize is really getting to me. I have heard that Europe has banned toxic chemicals in their consumer products. If this is true I will move there. Does anyone know if the toxic chemicals have been banned from fragrance.
Added: August 24, 2010
Submitted by
Name: nancy olson
From: St. Paul mn
Name: nancy olson
From: St. Paul mn
I can't go anywhere, don't have anyfriends left,& am sick most days. Anyone willing to write me ???? im so lonely. I am having anphlactic shock from Purel hand stuff now. I almonst died from Avon scented lotions. Please write me if u have the time...nancy
I can't go anywhere, don't have anyfriends left,& am sick most days. Anyone willing to write me ???? im so lonely. I am having anphlactic shock from Purel hand stuff now. I almonst died from Avon scented lotions. Please write me if u have the time...nancy
Added: August 19, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Liz Kendall
From: Florida
Name: Liz Kendall
From: Florida
I am into Health and Wellness because of a toxic exposure that lead to Fibromialgia and Chronic Fatigue diagnosis. I use all natural everything.
I am into Health and Wellness because of a toxic exposure that lead to Fibromialgia and Chronic Fatigue diagnosis. I use all natural everything.
Added: July 30, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Brenda Richardson
From: Minnesota
Name: Brenda Richardson
From: Minnesota
I am just like all of you, diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, postural orthostatic tachecardia syndrome, chemical sensativity , severe allergies, severe isnt even the right word, I am unable to eat much of any thing with out a reaction! I just eat all natural food no processed. my symptoms will take 2 pages...I do know most of them are enviornmental and from chemicals, we own a cleaning company, lawn and landscaping & kennel, need I say more!!!
I am now chair ridden and able to do very little, hoping to detoxify my home asap!!Thank you so much for your informations, I KNOW this is what is causing all my syndromes, and antiphalatic reactions,not being able to walk far, I so look forward to healing!! May God richly bless your lives and grant you with healing!
I am just like all of you, diagnosed with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, postural orthostatic tachecardia syndrome, chemical sensativity , severe allergies, severe isnt even the right word, I am unable to eat much of any thing with out a reaction! I just eat all natural food no processed. my symptoms will take 2 pages...I do know most of them are enviornmental and from chemicals, we own a cleaning company, lawn and landscaping & kennel, need I say more!!!
I am now chair ridden and able to do very little, hoping to detoxify my home asap!!Thank you so much for your informations, I KNOW this is what is causing all my syndromes, and antiphalatic reactions,not being able to walk far, I so look forward to healing!! May God richly bless your lives and grant you with healing!

Added: July 20, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Cheryl Sprague
From: Merrimack NH
Name: Cheryl Sprague
From: Merrimack NH
Thank you! Thank you! and Thank you! for your wonderful website. After many years of having problems with perfumes and perfumed products, you solved the puzzle and gave it a name. It seems when something has an actual name, people take you a little more seriuosly and I've used parts of your site, several times, to explain to people what causes my problems, including my employer and my doctor who had no clue. I also share your site with anyone I know who has constant headaches and doesn't seem to know why they have them. Including the headache "club" that my boyfriend attends monthly. I just had to send a scathing email to Proctor and Gamble for perfumed coupons I received for Febreeze, one of the worst products being advertized these days. Please, please, please don't ever remove this site.
Thank you,
Cheryl Sprague
Thank you! Thank you! and Thank you! for your wonderful website. After many years of having problems with perfumes and perfumed products, you solved the puzzle and gave it a name. It seems when something has an actual name, people take you a little more seriuosly and I've used parts of your site, several times, to explain to people what causes my problems, including my employer and my doctor who had no clue. I also share your site with anyone I know who has constant headaches and doesn't seem to know why they have them. Including the headache "club" that my boyfriend attends monthly. I just had to send a scathing email to Proctor and Gamble for perfumed coupons I received for Febreeze, one of the worst products being advertized these days. Please, please, please don't ever remove this site.
Thank you,
Cheryl Sprague
Added: July 19, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Gail Blair
From: PSL Florida
Name: Gail Blair
From: PSL Florida
I have been through Wellspring Ak and Be in Health
seminars. Read Henry's book many times and find nowhere where he says disease is 100% spiritual roots. Please look in his book at blocks to healing #22 and #16 You need to call Henry and get a verbatim statement fo your website.
Blessings Gail
I have been through Wellspring Ak and Be in Health
seminars. Read Henry's book many times and find nowhere where he says disease is 100% spiritual roots. Please look in his book at blocks to healing #22 and #16 You need to call Henry and get a verbatim statement fo your website.
Blessings Gail
Added: July 17, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Drewen Young
From: Powell River, BC, Canada
Name: Drewen Young
From: Powell River, BC, Canada
I've had MCS for 20 years and consider myself a pro on the subject. I want you all to know this chronic illness changes our DNA so all new cells are replicated as "diseased". However, there is hope and solutions to our problems. I'm happy to share my knowledge and help make you healthier, even as I struggle to stay the same. I work in an employment agency and educating my fellow workers and clients is an on going challenge. I appreciate this website and all your comments and stories.
I've had MCS for 20 years and consider myself a pro on the subject. I want you all to know this chronic illness changes our DNA so all new cells are replicated as "diseased". However, there is hope and solutions to our problems. I'm happy to share my knowledge and help make you healthier, even as I struggle to stay the same. I work in an employment agency and educating my fellow workers and clients is an on going challenge. I appreciate this website and all your comments and stories.
Added: July 5, 2010
Submitted by
Name: jasmine
From: georgia/monore
Name: jasmine
From: georgia/monore
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: July 2, 2010
Submitted by
Name: kim
From: nashville
Name: kim
From: nashville
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: July 2, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Stephanie Page
From: Canada
Name: Stephanie Page
From: Canada
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: June 29, 2010
Submitted by
Name: cindy
From: Santa Cruz area
Name: cindy
From: Santa Cruz area
I have not been to a dentist in years. Do you know of one in the bay area that works with individuals with MCS?
Thanks, cindy
I have not been to a dentist in years. Do you know of one in the bay area that works with individuals with MCS?
Thanks, cindy
Added: June 19, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Cathy
From: Tucson
Name: Cathy
From: Tucson
Affresh™ Washer Cleaner from WHIRLPOOL CORPORATION
(Product Number: W10135699, W10139509, W10139509A, 461970239311) has a fragrance in it. I am trying to find out what the chemicals are so that I can help my community with this. We have 28 homes and there are two washers and all of our water goes into a constructed wetlands and feed back into the community landscaping. Also, many people might be affected by the fragrances so I don't want to use it before having as much information as I can. I have contacted Whirlpool and they sent the Material Data Sheet which only lists the "active ingredients". Any help with this would be appreciated.
Affresh™ Washer Cleaner from WHIRLPOOL CORPORATION
(Product Number: W10135699, W10139509, W10139509A, 461970239311) has a fragrance in it. I am trying to find out what the chemicals are so that I can help my community with this. We have 28 homes and there are two washers and all of our water goes into a constructed wetlands and feed back into the community landscaping. Also, many people might be affected by the fragrances so I don't want to use it before having as much information as I can. I have contacted Whirlpool and they sent the Material Data Sheet which only lists the "active ingredients". Any help with this would be appreciated.
Added: June 16, 2010
Submitted by
Name: keijo
From: sweden
Name: keijo
From: sweden
Thank you God for grace in love and peace of Jesus who are God and all has been made through him and he is wisdom self with beautiful favor and prospetery always to us ,thanks and bless and pray ,your brother in faith,keijo sweden
Thank you God for grace in love and peace of Jesus who are God and all has been made through him and he is wisdom self with beautiful favor and prospetery always to us ,thanks and bless and pray ,your brother in faith,keijo sweden
Added: June 9, 2010
Submitted by
Name: stargazer
From: Rochester, NY
Name: stargazer
From: Rochester, NY
Can anyone tell me if there is anything or anyone that I can contact to prevent a neighbor from using highly scented dryer sheets in the neighborhood?? I really need some help with this. I can't open my windows and can barely venture outside to walk my dogs or just enjoy the "fresh air"
Thanks for any help
Can anyone tell me if there is anything or anyone that I can contact to prevent a neighbor from using highly scented dryer sheets in the neighborhood?? I really need some help with this. I can't open my windows and can barely venture outside to walk my dogs or just enjoy the "fresh air"
Thanks for any help

Added: June 7, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Linda Joy Hardy adams
From: OK
Name: Linda Joy Hardy adams
From: OK
We have a new group of sufferers to add to our community. At least that it=s what many news reports are indicating. These are the workers and others in the area that were exposed to the disbursement chemicals used to 'solve' the Gulf oil spill. I even saw a report that workers are having to go to court and sue for the right to wear protective respirator masks. This site can be a great service to those who may well end up suffering from some form of chemical sensitivity or chemically induced asthma. In my case a horrendous incident at work on 1/10/89 left me permanently susceptible to various chemicals causing inflammation and asthma exacerbation's. On exposure of even parts per billion for all mucous membranes "burn" and get inflamed and if it continues even blood is affected. If I were a worker or lived in the area, I would get a respirator mask and cartridges for organic vapors and acid gases and hepa filters. its will not protect your skin, but at least your lungs, the most delicate of tissues, will have some protection. And if one gets fired for protecting ones self: file EEOC complaints and any other kind of complaints. As I experienced: By the time my lungs burned; it was too late. So often, there is little scent and one is unaware of the danger until the harm is done. There are those in 'power' that seem to think that rules and cautions are not needed: as if they have become 'almighty gods' immune from any thing and any one. Problem is when those in authority are allowed to continue with such an 'attitude' horrendous things occur and now we are faced with oil gushing out into the ocean. it seems only the Dept of Agriculture has on site inspectors anymore. Maybe its time to place more in many other places when humanity in general can be so adversely affected. I welcome discussions and e-mails from any of those who will be seeking information. I am not a doctor! Just a 21+year old sufferer. Best advice: protect yourself. File whatever is needed to assure protection and medcial care. Find a doctor(s) who will blend the 'natural" with the most up to date treatments accepted by the medcial community. That is often not the rationed care that many insurance companies and govt programs provide! its time for our new administration that publicly promotes the 'green' environment to realize that there are many who have been injured because policies have not been as such. Every disaster has emotional trauma. Seek that help if its needed: but remember your injures are physical and very real and our own govt's scientific studies have proven it is so even if the FDA has ignored us for years. My prayers go out to the newly injured! May you receive prompt and good medcial care and may you not have to be in a constant battle for medcial care and livelihood against humongous companies that don't seem to 'care.' Linda Joy Adams
We have a new group of sufferers to add to our community. At least that it=s what many news reports are indicating. These are the workers and others in the area that were exposed to the disbursement chemicals used to 'solve' the Gulf oil spill. I even saw a report that workers are having to go to court and sue for the right to wear protective respirator masks. This site can be a great service to those who may well end up suffering from some form of chemical sensitivity or chemically induced asthma. In my case a horrendous incident at work on 1/10/89 left me permanently susceptible to various chemicals causing inflammation and asthma exacerbation's. On exposure of even parts per billion for all mucous membranes "burn" and get inflamed and if it continues even blood is affected. If I were a worker or lived in the area, I would get a respirator mask and cartridges for organic vapors and acid gases and hepa filters. its will not protect your skin, but at least your lungs, the most delicate of tissues, will have some protection. And if one gets fired for protecting ones self: file EEOC complaints and any other kind of complaints. As I experienced: By the time my lungs burned; it was too late. So often, there is little scent and one is unaware of the danger until the harm is done. There are those in 'power' that seem to think that rules and cautions are not needed: as if they have become 'almighty gods' immune from any thing and any one. Problem is when those in authority are allowed to continue with such an 'attitude' horrendous things occur and now we are faced with oil gushing out into the ocean. it seems only the Dept of Agriculture has on site inspectors anymore. Maybe its time to place more in many other places when humanity in general can be so adversely affected. I welcome discussions and e-mails from any of those who will be seeking information. I am not a doctor! Just a 21+year old sufferer. Best advice: protect yourself. File whatever is needed to assure protection and medcial care. Find a doctor(s) who will blend the 'natural" with the most up to date treatments accepted by the medcial community. That is often not the rationed care that many insurance companies and govt programs provide! its time for our new administration that publicly promotes the 'green' environment to realize that there are many who have been injured because policies have not been as such. Every disaster has emotional trauma. Seek that help if its needed: but remember your injures are physical and very real and our own govt's scientific studies have proven it is so even if the FDA has ignored us for years. My prayers go out to the newly injured! May you receive prompt and good medcial care and may you not have to be in a constant battle for medcial care and livelihood against humongous companies that don't seem to 'care.' Linda Joy Adams
Added: May 31, 2010
Submitted by
Name: cindy
From: Seattle
Name: cindy
From: Seattle
I was chemically poisened 10 years ago working as a housekeeper I have had bouts of of trouble off and on this whole time I never thought about doing an internet search until last weekend I cried for an hour I thought I was losingmy mind several months ago my neighbor was using spray and I got exposed 3 times in 20 minitiues there are no windows in our halls and even though it is against the lease she refused to stop or close her door I have been much every since that incedent to the point where I can hardly go outside I am going to the Dr. on Tuesday to try to get diability I have only been working partime for 2 years thsnk god I live in subsidized housing my income is only 400 a month I didn't know I had a real disease I am only 47 never thought I would be happy to get a diagnosis but I am if any one wants to talk to me plese emailme Cindy I am glad I am not alone thanks Cindy

I was chemically poisened 10 years ago working as a housekeeper I have had bouts of of trouble off and on this whole time I never thought about doing an internet search until last weekend I cried for an hour I thought I was losingmy mind several months ago my neighbor was using spray and I got exposed 3 times in 20 minitiues there are no windows in our halls and even though it is against the lease she refused to stop or close her door I have been much every since that incedent to the point where I can hardly go outside I am going to the Dr. on Tuesday to try to get diability I have only been working partime for 2 years thsnk god I live in subsidized housing my income is only 400 a month I didn't know I had a real disease I am only 47 never thought I would be happy to get a diagnosis but I am if any one wants to talk to me plese emailme Cindy I am glad I am not alone thanks Cindy

Added: May 31, 2010
Submitted by
Name: David
From: Tampa Bay
Name: David
From: Tampa Bay

Added: May 22, 2010
Submitted by
Name: iamzeny
From: philippines
Name: iamzeny
From: philippines
I need your help. Please pray for me to strenhten my faith in the Lord. Thank you so much.
I need your help. Please pray for me to strenhten my faith in the Lord. Thank you so much.
Added: May 21, 2010
Submitted by
Name: james
From: bastrop la
Name: james
From: bastrop la
i my self have been sufering from (tia)stroaks due to msg,formaldehyde,and many other chemicals my chrotic artery seased up and bout took my life, my life has totaly changed. people need to know these efects of products the gov, is puting in our body, and put a stop to it. the more info, that is readily available the better. thanks
i my self have been sufering from (tia)stroaks due to msg,formaldehyde,and many other chemicals my chrotic artery seased up and bout took my life, my life has totaly changed. people need to know these efects of products the gov, is puting in our body, and put a stop to it. the more info, that is readily available the better. thanks
Added: May 15, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Dennis
From: Vermont
Name: Dennis
From: Vermont
We have a safe, non-toxic home we would like to sell. Is it possible to place a small ad at your website? It would link to our website for pics and details. Thx.
We have a safe, non-toxic home we would like to sell. Is it possible to place a small ad at your website? It would link to our website for pics and details. Thx.
Added: May 13, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Eve
From: Greer, SC
Name: Eve
From: Greer, SC
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: May 12, 2010
Submitted by
Name: m.d.d.
From: western georgia. u.s.a.
Name: m.d.d.
From: western georgia. u.s.a.
yes there is a smelling disorder going on. it can get real strong for some people.but dont be worryed you are not can be treatabul dont buy or use those items..... ect...etc..
yes there is a smelling disorder going on. it can get real strong for some people.but dont be worryed you are not can be treatabul dont buy or use those items..... ect...etc..
Added: May 8, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Deborah
From: Florida
Name: Deborah
From: Florida
Just wanted to say I enjoyed reading the page about being abandoned to God. I have been thinking and praying about a sermon on "Complete Surrender". I really liked the analogy that you used. If we could always remember that no matter what God always works everything for our good it would be easier for us to surrender. God Bless!
Just wanted to say I enjoyed reading the page about being abandoned to God. I have been thinking and praying about a sermon on "Complete Surrender". I really liked the analogy that you used. If we could always remember that no matter what God always works everything for our good it would be easier for us to surrender. God Bless!
Added: May 7, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Tim
From: Floridq
Name: Tim
From: Floridq
I have listened to Dustys song over and over again. It is such a special song and captures so much of what I am feeling right now after putting my Jack down on 5/1.
I am hurting so much and the song seems to make me cry which makes me feel a bit better, I think. Thank you for writing it.
I have listened to Dustys song over and over again. It is such a special song and captures so much of what I am feeling right now after putting my Jack down on 5/1.
I am hurting so much and the song seems to make me cry which makes me feel a bit better, I think. Thank you for writing it.
Added: May 3, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Sherry Cooper
From: Miami Beach
Name: Sherry Cooper
From: Miami Beach
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: April 28, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Brenda Richardson
From: Minnesota
Name: Brenda Richardson
From: Minnesota
Jackie!!! You explained me to a T!!! I have so much to share with you, thats helped me but also know you have so much that has helped me also!! Please e-mail me!!! I can help you with your teeth.... mine are so much better! Still trying to get family and friends to understand my illness, some not buying it, so I just pray and trust God will keep me alive. My reactions to things are very severe! Blood pressure drops, heart rate is so weak its not detectable. I to made myself so sick over the years not knowing it, still trying to rebuild a better enviornment. Own a cleaning and restoration company, cleaning chemicals, painting Lawn and landscaping pesticides gas etc...PLUS a dog kennel groom and training more chemicals! I am on my way to healing your web site gave me hope! I would love to have you contact me personally if all possible, I know your days are filled! I know God has kept me alive for a reason I have faced death MANY times, but God has always answered my prayers to keep me here. I NEED to heal so I can have the strength to help others as you are doing!! Thank you so much for your web site and your faith and love to help others!! God bless you!! Tears are running down my face I am so happy to have found you! Hugs,
Jackie!!! You explained me to a T!!! I have so much to share with you, thats helped me but also know you have so much that has helped me also!! Please e-mail me!!! I can help you with your teeth.... mine are so much better! Still trying to get family and friends to understand my illness, some not buying it, so I just pray and trust God will keep me alive. My reactions to things are very severe! Blood pressure drops, heart rate is so weak its not detectable. I to made myself so sick over the years not knowing it, still trying to rebuild a better enviornment. Own a cleaning and restoration company, cleaning chemicals, painting Lawn and landscaping pesticides gas etc...PLUS a dog kennel groom and training more chemicals! I am on my way to healing your web site gave me hope! I would love to have you contact me personally if all possible, I know your days are filled! I know God has kept me alive for a reason I have faced death MANY times, but God has always answered my prayers to keep me here. I NEED to heal so I can have the strength to help others as you are doing!! Thank you so much for your web site and your faith and love to help others!! God bless you!! Tears are running down my face I am so happy to have found you! Hugs,
Added: April 28, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Laura Avelar
From: Phoenix Arizona
Name: Laura Avelar
From: Phoenix Arizona
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: April 22, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Kimberly Gomez
From: Texas
Name: Kimberly Gomez
From: Texas
I will be looking over this site extensively in the days to come, but if anyone can tell me quickly if there are tests that can be done to determine MCS. My 10 year old has been suffering since January. We have checked sinuses with a CT, gallbladder with ultrasound, gone through a complete chiropractic treatment, and are currently seeing a nutritionist. I am finally able to put some pieces of the puzzle together since my daughter's already horrible symptoms have been made worse after being in certain places. I don't think this is just a Candida Yeast issue. Thanks for any help. I don't know what types of doctors/natural practitioners I should take her to, test to be done, or how to start the healing process. Do I need to limit her activities? She is an actor, dancer, singer, and musician. Plus she's 10! Do I need to buy a great air filter and keep her in the house until her immune system recovers?
I will be looking over this site extensively in the days to come, but if anyone can tell me quickly if there are tests that can be done to determine MCS. My 10 year old has been suffering since January. We have checked sinuses with a CT, gallbladder with ultrasound, gone through a complete chiropractic treatment, and are currently seeing a nutritionist. I am finally able to put some pieces of the puzzle together since my daughter's already horrible symptoms have been made worse after being in certain places. I don't think this is just a Candida Yeast issue. Thanks for any help. I don't know what types of doctors/natural practitioners I should take her to, test to be done, or how to start the healing process. Do I need to limit her activities? She is an actor, dancer, singer, and musician. Plus she's 10! Do I need to buy a great air filter and keep her in the house until her immune system recovers?
Added: April 20, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Judi
From: Arnold, MO
Name: Judi
From: Arnold, MO
Does anyone have any ideas how to explain to a regular MD so they understand that SSRIs & SNRIs can be harmful to those of us with this condition? I am desperate for any suggestions.
So glad to find this place!!
Does anyone have any ideas how to explain to a regular MD so they understand that SSRIs & SNRIs can be harmful to those of us with this condition? I am desperate for any suggestions.
So glad to find this place!!
Added: April 8, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Janine
From: Michigan
Name: Janine
From: Michigan
Thank you for this website. Some days I feel like I am alone in my struggles, though I know the Lord is with me. He helped me find this site! The little I have read here, so far, has really blessed me. Thank you!
Thank you for this website. Some days I feel like I am alone in my struggles, though I know the Lord is with me. He helped me find this site! The little I have read here, so far, has really blessed me. Thank you!

Added: March 29, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Sylvia
From: Houston
Name: Sylvia
From: Houston
Wonderful, encouraging page! Please be on social networks. Thank you and may God bless.
Wonderful, encouraging page! Please be on social networks. Thank you and may God bless.
Added: March 26, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Maury Lee
From: Kansas City, MO
Name: Maury Lee
From: Kansas City, MO
Bought a Tempurpedic mattress and the off-gaesing made me extremely ill. We returned the mattress, but now I am reacting terribly to any smells. Even organic shampoos that have a strong smell make me weak, dizzy, irritable, and confused. I now have to get into the change my living space to get my health back. Thanks for you site. I have all the symptoms, and it was sent over the edge by a mattress that turns out is just a chemical sponge of petrochemicals. Thanks for the info.
Bought a Tempurpedic mattress and the off-gaesing made me extremely ill. We returned the mattress, but now I am reacting terribly to any smells. Even organic shampoos that have a strong smell make me weak, dizzy, irritable, and confused. I now have to get into the change my living space to get my health back. Thanks for you site. I have all the symptoms, and it was sent over the edge by a mattress that turns out is just a chemical sponge of petrochemicals. Thanks for the info.
Added: March 22, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Rick Hancock
From: Los Angeles
Name: Rick Hancock
From: Los Angeles
I am very thankful to have found this website and especially the verses page for strengthening my faith. I have found myself in a position with my business that has put me in a place financially with many ramifications that I have never been exposed to before. It is making me look like someone who I am not. This has made me look to God and bring me to him and now put me in a position to give him the ultimate controll. I have not learned how to do this yet but I know it is right and this is what he wants me to do. I have a beautful wife and 2 year old daughter that are everything to me and hope that god will see fit to keep me and my family together and bring me through this. The scriptures I have found on this site are powerful and I feel they are directed to my soul. I look forward to share good news back to you soon on how god has worked in my life. I also want to have this be the ultimate change in my life.
Best wishes to all,
I am very thankful to have found this website and especially the verses page for strengthening my faith. I have found myself in a position with my business that has put me in a place financially with many ramifications that I have never been exposed to before. It is making me look like someone who I am not. This has made me look to God and bring me to him and now put me in a position to give him the ultimate controll. I have not learned how to do this yet but I know it is right and this is what he wants me to do. I have a beautful wife and 2 year old daughter that are everything to me and hope that god will see fit to keep me and my family together and bring me through this. The scriptures I have found on this site are powerful and I feel they are directed to my soul. I look forward to share good news back to you soon on how god has worked in my life. I also want to have this be the ultimate change in my life.
Best wishes to all,
Added: March 1, 2010
Submitted by
Name: cindy
From: California
Name: cindy
From: California
I had a Lysol Neutra Air Automatic unit in my Livingroom, a room we seldom use. I fell asleep there last Sunday and when I woke up, realized how strong the odor was. I had been asleep across the room from this unit for an hour. Since then I have suffered allergic reaction type symptoms that got worse every day. Yesterday I had flu like symptoms. After a long night's sleep I am feeling somewhat better but the painful cough is still with me. Any suggestions on how to speed recovery from this would be appreciated. I will never use these products in my home again.
I had a Lysol Neutra Air Automatic unit in my Livingroom, a room we seldom use. I fell asleep there last Sunday and when I woke up, realized how strong the odor was. I had been asleep across the room from this unit for an hour. Since then I have suffered allergic reaction type symptoms that got worse every day. Yesterday I had flu like symptoms. After a long night's sleep I am feeling somewhat better but the painful cough is still with me. Any suggestions on how to speed recovery from this would be appreciated. I will never use these products in my home again.
Added: February 26, 2010
Submitted by
Name: janet
From: nj
Name: janet
From: nj
I love this website.
I love this website.
Added: February 23, 2010
Submitted by
From: PA
From: PA
Added: February 22, 2010
Submitted by
Name: starshine
From: Eugene, Oregon
Name: starshine
From: Eugene, Oregon
great website, however fyi Toms of Maine toothpaste contains sodium lauryl sulfate - something we don't really want to put on/in our bodies - you might want to take if off your "OK" to use list.
great website, however fyi Toms of Maine toothpaste contains sodium lauryl sulfate - something we don't really want to put on/in our bodies - you might want to take if off your "OK" to use list.
Added: February 22, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Marsha
From: Sunbury,OH
Name: Marsha
From: Sunbury,OH
I am a Registered Respiratory Therapist who worked in the same hospital for 32 years--- I delivered a certain type of medication to help open up the airways -- instead it made me loose my voice and get very sick -- my boss who tried to find a place for me to work without irritants was impossible-- so now I can't work unable to collect disability-- because the BWC doesn't get it -- after much explaination on my part doctors etc. don't know what to do with me-- Thank God and Heaven that I have a wonderful husband who understands and is very supportive --- however, it still is very frustrating not to be able to support myself, if God forbide something should happen to him. I have MCS directly related to inhaling racemic epinephrine and then it morphed into everything that is chemically based. LOVELY!!! God Bless you all!!!
I am a Registered Respiratory Therapist who worked in the same hospital for 32 years--- I delivered a certain type of medication to help open up the airways -- instead it made me loose my voice and get very sick -- my boss who tried to find a place for me to work without irritants was impossible-- so now I can't work unable to collect disability-- because the BWC doesn't get it -- after much explaination on my part doctors etc. don't know what to do with me-- Thank God and Heaven that I have a wonderful husband who understands and is very supportive --- however, it still is very frustrating not to be able to support myself, if God forbide something should happen to him. I have MCS directly related to inhaling racemic epinephrine and then it morphed into everything that is chemically based. LOVELY!!! God Bless you all!!!
Added: February 14, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Trina
From: Arizona
Name: Trina
From: Arizona
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: February 5, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Sharon
From: Upstate New York
Name: Sharon
From: Upstate New York
I have just found your site. I have MCS and allergies to many foods, dusts, molds, pollens. Environmental illness big-time. Am on all kinds of serums. I had started a new job mid December 2009. It was a 'dream job' for me. Yesterday was my last day. Was @ new job only 3 days when my face started to swell and get inflamed. Found out that there were many culprits: big copy machine 7 or 6 feet away from me, asbestos flooring, pesticides from a year ago (for cockroaches), carpeting..glued down. Face is still having a difficult time.Had two rounds of prednisone while there for that short month and a half. I just had to call it quits. I am grateful for your site. I, too, have a born again faith in the Lord.
I have just found your site. I have MCS and allergies to many foods, dusts, molds, pollens. Environmental illness big-time. Am on all kinds of serums. I had started a new job mid December 2009. It was a 'dream job' for me. Yesterday was my last day. Was @ new job only 3 days when my face started to swell and get inflamed. Found out that there were many culprits: big copy machine 7 or 6 feet away from me, asbestos flooring, pesticides from a year ago (for cockroaches), carpeting..glued down. Face is still having a difficult time.Had two rounds of prednisone while there for that short month and a half. I just had to call it quits. I am grateful for your site. I, too, have a born again faith in the Lord.
Added: February 5, 2010
Submitted by
Name: cindy
From: Memphis, TN
Name: cindy
From: Memphis, TN
I just found your site and am enjoying it. I was wondering how you feel about Therapuetic Grade Essential Oils?
Admin reply: They seem to be fine for some people - others have problems with them! It depends on how sensitive each person is. I will say, however, that they are definitely a better choice than using chemical fragrances!
I just found your site and am enjoying it. I was wondering how you feel about Therapuetic Grade Essential Oils?
Admin reply: They seem to be fine for some people - others have problems with them! It depends on how sensitive each person is. I will say, however, that they are definitely a better choice than using chemical fragrances!
Added: January 8, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Peter
From: Connecticut
Name: Peter
From: Connecticut
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: January 4, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Louise Voss
From: California
Name: Louise Voss
From: California
Thank you for sharing your story. I knew that I couldn't be the only person in the world to be suffering with this problem. I have been suffering with asthma, allergies and multiple chemical sensitivity for over 30 years. Most of my family and friends don't understand how this affects every aspect of my life. I can't be around people that use scented products or smoke or even the smell of coffee and other foods. Which as you know includes work, school, church or any function that I am not able to exit from or wear my mask to avoid breathing in the smells and suffering the consequences of the exposure. As a result I limit my time spent in public places. I would just love to have someone to talk to that understands what it's like to live with this condition.
Thank you for sharing your story. I knew that I couldn't be the only person in the world to be suffering with this problem. I have been suffering with asthma, allergies and multiple chemical sensitivity for over 30 years. Most of my family and friends don't understand how this affects every aspect of my life. I can't be around people that use scented products or smoke or even the smell of coffee and other foods. Which as you know includes work, school, church or any function that I am not able to exit from or wear my mask to avoid breathing in the smells and suffering the consequences of the exposure. As a result I limit my time spent in public places. I would just love to have someone to talk to that understands what it's like to live with this condition.
Added: January 2, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Betsy
From: Orlando, FL
Name: Betsy
From: Orlando, FL
To begin with, I am interested in starting a formal lobby or coalition to fight the chemical scents/deodorizers/fragrances (whatever is unnatural) and would be willing to testify before the U.S. Senate or other political entity. If you know of a lobby or coalition, or would like to start one, please contact me.
I agree that we are all in a chemical warfare in the U.S.. What are the government regulatory bodies doing? What about all the commotion about "green"? Are any of the "green" coalitions working on this problem?
The list of chemical fragrances in products is growing at a terrible rate. And why did I see "Febreeze" advertised on this website? Most of the household and cosmetic products are now saturated with nauseating chemicals called "fragrance" on the label. I noticed that Febreeze, Tide detergent, Aussie hair products, Head and Shoulders, to name a few, now have lingering fragrances that are very different than those just 5-10 years ago. The chemists are busy working on ones that do not leave your clothes or hair like the old ones. The smell is also different and obnoxious to me.
I just wrote the U.S. Consumer Products division asking why companies are not required to tell us the specific, or chemical names, of "fragrance". We have no idea what toxins we are being exposed to. I agree with this website that peoples' sense of smell, their immune systems, and everything else, are being dulled by these products and they don't even know it. Because I am very healthy, I respond to toxins.
I live with migraines, and would like to have a job like everyone else. Unfortunately, all of these fragrance/deodorizer/chemical sensitivities make me miserable and hesitate to work in an office setting. Maybe a park ranger? It is hard to even stay in a hotel room anymore because the deodorizer and scented spray they use, make me sick. I complained upside down recently and got no reply from a Fairfield Inn.
Admin reply: Just a correction, Betsy! I do NOT advertise Febreeze on this web site!!!! In fact, I abhor that product. It is being advertised as a product that NEUTRALIZES odors - however, all it is doing is using yet another toxic FRAGRANCE to simply MASK odors... Just "perfume" with a new name <sigh>
To begin with, I am interested in starting a formal lobby or coalition to fight the chemical scents/deodorizers/fragrances (whatever is unnatural) and would be willing to testify before the U.S. Senate or other political entity. If you know of a lobby or coalition, or would like to start one, please contact me.
I agree that we are all in a chemical warfare in the U.S.. What are the government regulatory bodies doing? What about all the commotion about "green"? Are any of the "green" coalitions working on this problem?
The list of chemical fragrances in products is growing at a terrible rate. And why did I see "Febreeze" advertised on this website? Most of the household and cosmetic products are now saturated with nauseating chemicals called "fragrance" on the label. I noticed that Febreeze, Tide detergent, Aussie hair products, Head and Shoulders, to name a few, now have lingering fragrances that are very different than those just 5-10 years ago. The chemists are busy working on ones that do not leave your clothes or hair like the old ones. The smell is also different and obnoxious to me.
I just wrote the U.S. Consumer Products division asking why companies are not required to tell us the specific, or chemical names, of "fragrance". We have no idea what toxins we are being exposed to. I agree with this website that peoples' sense of smell, their immune systems, and everything else, are being dulled by these products and they don't even know it. Because I am very healthy, I respond to toxins.
I live with migraines, and would like to have a job like everyone else. Unfortunately, all of these fragrance/deodorizer/chemical sensitivities make me miserable and hesitate to work in an office setting. Maybe a park ranger? It is hard to even stay in a hotel room anymore because the deodorizer and scented spray they use, make me sick. I complained upside down recently and got no reply from a Fairfield Inn.
Admin reply: Just a correction, Betsy! I do NOT advertise Febreeze on this web site!!!! In fact, I abhor that product. It is being advertised as a product that NEUTRALIZES odors - however, all it is doing is using yet another toxic FRAGRANCE to simply MASK odors... Just "perfume" with a new name <sigh>

Added: January 1, 2010
Submitted by
Name: Atle
From: Norway
Name: Atle
From: Norway
Struggeling with much of the same problems as Jackie have since 2000, I've been trying to understand better what my body reacts to over time. It is a fact that to avoid irritants is the best way, but sometimes those are difficult even to detect. The place(s) where you spend most time, are of most importance, and staying outside in the open far away from a city works good for the body, but is seldom possible. I live in a enviromentally good house after learning which materials, which fabrics, detergents a.s.o to use. My car is (deliberately) old, I buy used things when uncertain about reactions (check your bed), I travel mostly alone, I avoid malls etc., and yes it is not very sosializing, but those who know me mostly are aware, and those who don't care, I don't spend much time with. ;-) It is fair to say it has been a tough decade, but I see light in the smallest things.
The awareness around MCS is still low in my country, and this is an area that needs attention. Another decade with the same level of chemicals (or more?) will most certainly lead to an explotion in cases of MCS. So - keep up the good work, informing "healthy" citizens on the hazards of chemicals.
Struggeling with much of the same problems as Jackie have since 2000, I've been trying to understand better what my body reacts to over time. It is a fact that to avoid irritants is the best way, but sometimes those are difficult even to detect. The place(s) where you spend most time, are of most importance, and staying outside in the open far away from a city works good for the body, but is seldom possible. I live in a enviromentally good house after learning which materials, which fabrics, detergents a.s.o to use. My car is (deliberately) old, I buy used things when uncertain about reactions (check your bed), I travel mostly alone, I avoid malls etc., and yes it is not very sosializing, but those who know me mostly are aware, and those who don't care, I don't spend much time with. ;-) It is fair to say it has been a tough decade, but I see light in the smallest things.
The awareness around MCS is still low in my country, and this is an area that needs attention. Another decade with the same level of chemicals (or more?) will most certainly lead to an explotion in cases of MCS. So - keep up the good work, informing "healthy" citizens on the hazards of chemicals.
Added: December 27, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Amy
Name: Amy
I stumbled upon your site and had to bookmark it. Your site is very informative. I find myself simply frustrated that the people in my life don't take me seriously about how negatively chemicals affect me due to MCS and chronic migraine disorder. I am so glad I stumbled upon this site using the Google image search.
I stumbled upon your site and had to bookmark it. Your site is very informative. I find myself simply frustrated that the people in my life don't take me seriously about how negatively chemicals affect me due to MCS and chronic migraine disorder. I am so glad I stumbled upon this site using the Google image search.
Added: December 26, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Lisa
From: California
Name: Lisa
From: California
Thank you for posting this very important information regarding the toxins we encounter every day. We truly are in the midst of chemical warfare - whether intentional or not. I believe it would be most helpful, however, if people began to understand that their "sensitivities" are not an illness, but are instead are signs that they are still healthy enough to know that they are in the presence of dangerous chemicals. A healthy immune system will naturally attack dangerous toxins, which in turn produces the symptoms that encourage one to (quickly) depart the area containing the toxins. People need not view themselves as weak or deficient in some way because of these reactions. The reactions are natural and are a sign that one's immune system is still alive - and kicking.
Thank you for posting this very important information regarding the toxins we encounter every day. We truly are in the midst of chemical warfare - whether intentional or not. I believe it would be most helpful, however, if people began to understand that their "sensitivities" are not an illness, but are instead are signs that they are still healthy enough to know that they are in the presence of dangerous chemicals. A healthy immune system will naturally attack dangerous toxins, which in turn produces the symptoms that encourage one to (quickly) depart the area containing the toxins. People need not view themselves as weak or deficient in some way because of these reactions. The reactions are natural and are a sign that one's immune system is still alive - and kicking.
Added: December 21, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Jeremy
Name: Jeremy
A plea for help and prayer.
My name is Jeremy, I'm twenty-seven years old and my mother, sister, and I have suffered from extremely severe allergies for most of our lives. My aunt is also developing problems as well.
I think the first symptoms began for me when I was very young, maybe seven or eight. Since then, our health problems have continued to get worse and worse as the years have gone by. We've all been exposed over the years, to very high amounts of mold and suspect that that might have been the main cause.
It was surprising reading the first of Gloria Gilbere`s articles, talking about reactions. We can list all but one or two of the symptoms as things we're currently experiencing, at any given point in a typical day.
We have numerous sensitivities and allergies that prevent us from: leaving our house, working in a normal environment, eating/drinking most things, being around various animals/pets (cats in particular), plants, chemicals, scents, smoke (cigarettes and cedar are terrible for us), dust, mold, etc., without experiencing reactions of varying (often powerful) degrees. I'm wondering now if MCS/EI might be the reason for all these things, as well as the fact our allergies seem to have grown/be growing worse over time.
It's been amazing to read all the other people's stories and comments on the guest book here (I've read all thirty-three pages in the New Guest Book).
We've always known there are other people that suffer from similar things, but I've never really met anyone personally, that does. At least not as severely or widespread as ours are, that I'm aware of anyway. While I feel badly that others are suffering from these things as well, it really is genuinely nice to know that we're not alone.
Like many people, we've been told by nearly everyone we've met that "It's all in your head.", "You're crazy!", and/or "You're a liar, you're making all this up.". I've heard it so many times that, I myself, have almost given up hope from time to time and believed I must be crazy after all.
Right now we're looking for a job we can do from home, something that we can do safely. Even going to the store for groceries can be difficult if something has been spilled, broken, or sprayed (heavily seasoned or strongly scented foods, perfumes/colognes, cleaners, etc.). Simply walking down the aisles at times is very hard and makes buying the various things we need difficult.
I was hoping that someone here might be able to help us to find a job, know of one available, or have information about things we could do to make an income. Until now my father has supported us but he doesn't believe we have any health problems. He has told us we're all just lazy and making it all up so that we don't have to get jobs and work for a living.
Due to that, he's given us until the end of the year to get "normal jobs" like "normal people" are supposed to and to stop taking advantage of him or he's leaving.
We love him, we always have and always will. It's just very discouraging to be told this by your own father.
I've spent a long time looking over jobs, dozens and dozens of companies, hundreds, likely thousands of different positions. So far I haven't had much success finding positions that can work from home, most require you to work at the business itself. The few I do find all require various levels of education or experience in that particular field to qualify for the position.
Because of our health, neither my sister or I ever finished school or got a diploma/GED (my sister and I weren't able to stay in the building). Without either of those, however, we don't even qualify for the basic, simple work at home jobs I've found.
We can't read books anymore either because of the smell of the ink(s) and new paper, so studying and taking tests like most people isn't possible for us. I'm willing to work, I'm willing to learn, I just can't do it outside of my house or in the conventional manner.
Even our house is making us sick, it's poorly built, has very little insulation, and has an ever growing (no pun intended) mold problem. We've used weather stripping on the doors, "winterizing" plastic to cover almost all the windows, and safety plugs for all the electrical outlets to block the strong drafts from them. Unfortunately, none of it has really helped much. We need to build a house that is safe for us but don't have the money or all the information on materials, supplies, appliances, furnishings, etc., for the house to be built properly.
My mother just found this site less than a week ago and asked me if I would post something to see if we could find some more information (she hurt her shoulder, was in extreme pain, and hasn't been able to be up long enough to read or post here). We've been praying for God to help us, to show us what to do for a long time now. She thought maybe this site and all of you, people who have been through the same thing, and hopefully have more knowledge of jobs or materials then we do, might be the answer to our prayers.
I apologize for the length of this. If you have any information, advice, or options, we would greatly appreciate the help. Thank you for listening and God bless you.
A plea for help and prayer.
My name is Jeremy, I'm twenty-seven years old and my mother, sister, and I have suffered from extremely severe allergies for most of our lives. My aunt is also developing problems as well.
I think the first symptoms began for me when I was very young, maybe seven or eight. Since then, our health problems have continued to get worse and worse as the years have gone by. We've all been exposed over the years, to very high amounts of mold and suspect that that might have been the main cause.
It was surprising reading the first of Gloria Gilbere`s articles, talking about reactions. We can list all but one or two of the symptoms as things we're currently experiencing, at any given point in a typical day.
We have numerous sensitivities and allergies that prevent us from: leaving our house, working in a normal environment, eating/drinking most things, being around various animals/pets (cats in particular), plants, chemicals, scents, smoke (cigarettes and cedar are terrible for us), dust, mold, etc., without experiencing reactions of varying (often powerful) degrees. I'm wondering now if MCS/EI might be the reason for all these things, as well as the fact our allergies seem to have grown/be growing worse over time.
It's been amazing to read all the other people's stories and comments on the guest book here (I've read all thirty-three pages in the New Guest Book).
We've always known there are other people that suffer from similar things, but I've never really met anyone personally, that does. At least not as severely or widespread as ours are, that I'm aware of anyway. While I feel badly that others are suffering from these things as well, it really is genuinely nice to know that we're not alone.
Like many people, we've been told by nearly everyone we've met that "It's all in your head.", "You're crazy!", and/or "You're a liar, you're making all this up.". I've heard it so many times that, I myself, have almost given up hope from time to time and believed I must be crazy after all.
Right now we're looking for a job we can do from home, something that we can do safely. Even going to the store for groceries can be difficult if something has been spilled, broken, or sprayed (heavily seasoned or strongly scented foods, perfumes/colognes, cleaners, etc.). Simply walking down the aisles at times is very hard and makes buying the various things we need difficult.
I was hoping that someone here might be able to help us to find a job, know of one available, or have information about things we could do to make an income. Until now my father has supported us but he doesn't believe we have any health problems. He has told us we're all just lazy and making it all up so that we don't have to get jobs and work for a living.
Due to that, he's given us until the end of the year to get "normal jobs" like "normal people" are supposed to and to stop taking advantage of him or he's leaving.
We love him, we always have and always will. It's just very discouraging to be told this by your own father.
I've spent a long time looking over jobs, dozens and dozens of companies, hundreds, likely thousands of different positions. So far I haven't had much success finding positions that can work from home, most require you to work at the business itself. The few I do find all require various levels of education or experience in that particular field to qualify for the position.
Because of our health, neither my sister or I ever finished school or got a diploma/GED (my sister and I weren't able to stay in the building). Without either of those, however, we don't even qualify for the basic, simple work at home jobs I've found.
We can't read books anymore either because of the smell of the ink(s) and new paper, so studying and taking tests like most people isn't possible for us. I'm willing to work, I'm willing to learn, I just can't do it outside of my house or in the conventional manner.
Even our house is making us sick, it's poorly built, has very little insulation, and has an ever growing (no pun intended) mold problem. We've used weather stripping on the doors, "winterizing" plastic to cover almost all the windows, and safety plugs for all the electrical outlets to block the strong drafts from them. Unfortunately, none of it has really helped much. We need to build a house that is safe for us but don't have the money or all the information on materials, supplies, appliances, furnishings, etc., for the house to be built properly.
My mother just found this site less than a week ago and asked me if I would post something to see if we could find some more information (she hurt her shoulder, was in extreme pain, and hasn't been able to be up long enough to read or post here). We've been praying for God to help us, to show us what to do for a long time now. She thought maybe this site and all of you, people who have been through the same thing, and hopefully have more knowledge of jobs or materials then we do, might be the answer to our prayers.
I apologize for the length of this. If you have any information, advice, or options, we would greatly appreciate the help. Thank you for listening and God bless you.
Added: December 17, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Donna
From: NC
Name: Donna
From: NC
What a wonderful website with good advice. I have lived with MCS since 1990 and boy some days are really hard.
What a wonderful website with good advice. I have lived with MCS since 1990 and boy some days are really hard.
Added: December 14, 2009
Submitted by
Name: shanan torres
From: seattle
Name: shanan torres
From: seattle
I believe EVERYONE should look into the amount of
immunizations, types and when they were injected.
The adjufuncts (preservatives) are known to cause
neurological problems. Dr. Mercola's web site is a
good place to start.
I believe EVERYONE should look into the amount of
immunizations, types and when they were injected.
The adjufuncts (preservatives) are known to cause
neurological problems. Dr. Mercola's web site is a
good place to start.
Added: December 14, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Lance landall
From: New Zealand
Name: Lance landall
From: New Zealand
Sorry to hear of your chronic fatigue problems Jacki. I can relate as a fellow sufferer.
Sorry to hear of your chronic fatigue problems Jacki. I can relate as a fellow sufferer.
Added: December 12, 2009
Submitted by
Name: lane
From: bahamas
Name: lane
From: bahamas
Hey the website is very informative and creative. This does give me some positive statements about life and words of faith.
In Habakuh, it says that the vision is for an appointed time. This means that God's destiny will be fufilled in our lives in due time and season.
Hey the website is very informative and creative. This does give me some positive statements about life and words of faith.
In Habakuh, it says that the vision is for an appointed time. This means that God's destiny will be fufilled in our lives in due time and season.
Added: December 11, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Christina Batista-Ferreira
From: Canada
Name: Christina Batista-Ferreira
From: Canada
(Private post.)
Admin reply: I'm SO happy that God used my site and testimony to help confirm His Truth for you! God bless you deeply!
- Jacki
(Private post.)
Admin reply: I'm SO happy that God used my site and testimony to help confirm His Truth for you! God bless you deeply!
- Jacki
Added: November 21, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Betty Paulsen
From: Ammon, Idaho
Name: Betty Paulsen
From: Ammon, Idaho
When I was fourteen I had perferated appendix for a year and a half. It sept through my whole system. When they took them out my body was full of gangreen. I have done okay through my childhood and teens, but had to be careful of perfums. Now I can't go to church, stores, etc. without wearing a mask. But that doesn't help much. I can't eat cinniman or be around it either. My throat swells up if I eat it. If I smell it I end up with different systems. I can't even go to a doctor. My husband died 3 yrs ago and I have five children and almost 10 grandchildren. My youngest has problems with smells. I am not complaining, but I don't even have money to be checked and they don't believe me anyways. I live with my 82 yr old parents. They made their home free from things for my purpose. Any help would be nice.
When I was fourteen I had perferated appendix for a year and a half. It sept through my whole system. When they took them out my body was full of gangreen. I have done okay through my childhood and teens, but had to be careful of perfums. Now I can't go to church, stores, etc. without wearing a mask. But that doesn't help much. I can't eat cinniman or be around it either. My throat swells up if I eat it. If I smell it I end up with different systems. I can't even go to a doctor. My husband died 3 yrs ago and I have five children and almost 10 grandchildren. My youngest has problems with smells. I am not complaining, but I don't even have money to be checked and they don't believe me anyways. I live with my 82 yr old parents. They made their home free from things for my purpose. Any help would be nice.
Added: November 11, 2009
Submitted by
Name: russ coopr
From: warner robins, ga
Name: russ coopr
From: warner robins, ga
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: October 25, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Chukwuka
From: Akuwkwu-Igbo
Name: Chukwuka
From: Akuwkwu-Igbo
Until you encounter Jesus Christ you can not succeed
Praise JAH
Until you encounter Jesus Christ you can not succeed
Praise JAH
Added: October 21, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Debbie Oosterbeek
From: Australia Melbourne
Name: Debbie Oosterbeek
From: Australia Melbourne
I had to put my Beloved Dog down this morning, this was the hardest day of my life,
Rodac was 10 years old, she was part of our families, and she will be missed so much,
My Daughter Christie told me about this site and i had to come and read for myself, this is our first loss of a pet and this has helped me so far, so thought that i leave a little message about my dog Rodac, people offten asked why did we pick that name for her that was from our first names of our family
R is for Robin O is for our last name D is for Debbie A is for my son Anthony and C is for our Daughter Christie, alltogether spells ~RODAC~
She was put to sleep today 12/10/2009 lived for 10 years so she did pretty good over the years, with all her faults that she was battling though, but she knew that it was time for her to put to rest, she didnt fight me she just put her head snuggle into my hands and went to sleep, it was all over and she was gone, I just cried i count'nt help myself, she was our first dog and she will allways be in our hearts...
Never forgotten allways will be loved,
your onwers Debbie & Robin and the Kids who loved you from Christie and Anthony oxoxox
I had to put my Beloved Dog down this morning, this was the hardest day of my life,
Rodac was 10 years old, she was part of our families, and she will be missed so much,
My Daughter Christie told me about this site and i had to come and read for myself, this is our first loss of a pet and this has helped me so far, so thought that i leave a little message about my dog Rodac, people offten asked why did we pick that name for her that was from our first names of our family
R is for Robin O is for our last name D is for Debbie A is for my son Anthony and C is for our Daughter Christie, alltogether spells ~RODAC~
She was put to sleep today 12/10/2009 lived for 10 years so she did pretty good over the years, with all her faults that she was battling though, but she knew that it was time for her to put to rest, she didnt fight me she just put her head snuggle into my hands and went to sleep, it was all over and she was gone, I just cried i count'nt help myself, she was our first dog and she will allways be in our hearts...
Never forgotten allways will be loved,
your onwers Debbie & Robin and the Kids who loved you from Christie and Anthony oxoxox

Added: October 12, 2009
Submitted by
Name: missy
From: north port florida
Name: missy
From: north port florida
I'm looking for a no perfume sign to post in the md office I work in. Hopefully free. I,m tired of hacking like a tb patient. I work at the hospital also, where pts are not wearing perfume, no problem
I'm looking for a no perfume sign to post in the md office I work in. Hopefully free. I,m tired of hacking like a tb patient. I work at the hospital also, where pts are not wearing perfume, no problem
Added: October 9, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Drew Brown
From: Chicago, IL
Name: Drew Brown
From: Chicago, IL
Just surfing the net and came across your website. God certainly does work in the most mysterious of ways.
I pray God blesses and keeps you and yours.
I pray His Spirit maginifies you with the joy and peace that surpasses all understanding.

Just surfing the net and came across your website. God certainly does work in the most mysterious of ways.
I pray God blesses and keeps you and yours.
I pray His Spirit maginifies you with the joy and peace that surpasses all understanding.

Added: September 25, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Marsha
From: San Jose, CA
Name: Marsha
From: San Jose, CA
I would to recommend that you include the HEAL newsletter from Arizona. It is THE best information source on MCS that is available.
I would to recommend that you include the HEAL newsletter from Arizona. It is THE best information source on MCS that is available.
Added: September 22, 2009
Submitted by
Name: James Aston
From: Opelika, AL
Name: James Aston
From: Opelika, AL
My wife and I are highly sensitive to fabric softeners and have tried several brands in an attempt to find something we could tolerate. I was researching different manufacturers when I saw your site. I am very alarmed at the information you provided, although I should not be surprised. We have had serious side effects and have just recently determined the source. Is there a product available that we might possibly be able to use and avoid all of the toxicity? If anybody has any ideas please let us know.
My wife and I are highly sensitive to fabric softeners and have tried several brands in an attempt to find something we could tolerate. I was researching different manufacturers when I saw your site. I am very alarmed at the information you provided, although I should not be surprised. We have had serious side effects and have just recently determined the source. Is there a product available that we might possibly be able to use and avoid all of the toxicity? If anybody has any ideas please let us know.
Added: September 16, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Linda Richardson
From: Huron, Ohio
Name: Linda Richardson
From: Huron, Ohio
Found your page very informing..alarming..but informative. I don't understand why this product is still on the market.
Found your page very informing..alarming..but informative. I don't understand why this product is still on the market.
Added: September 15, 2009
Submitted by
Name: grace barnes
From: cortland IL
Name: grace barnes
From: cortland IL
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: September 14, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Bob and Donna Sherman
From: Kingsville,Ontario.Canada
Name: Bob and Donna Sherman
From: Kingsville,Ontario.Canada
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: September 11, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Danielle
From: Iowa
Name: Danielle
From: Iowa
I found your site after typing in "how to strengthen your faith". I am thankful for the stories and scriptures you have posted!
I found your site after typing in "how to strengthen your faith". I am thankful for the stories and scriptures you have posted!
Added: September 9, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Denise Hartley
From: Dewitt Mi
Name: Denise Hartley
From: Dewitt Mi
Hello all I have been suffering from MCS for a year now, since I had my 2nd child. My main symptoms are when I get exposed my mouth and nose become very irritated. Anyone ever get these symptoms?
Looking for people that want to talk or exchange stories, so feel free to email me at anytime.
Hello all I have been suffering from MCS for a year now, since I had my 2nd child. My main symptoms are when I get exposed my mouth and nose become very irritated. Anyone ever get these symptoms?
Looking for people that want to talk or exchange stories, so feel free to email me at anytime.
Added: September 6, 2009
Submitted by
Name: angela
From: maryland
Name: angela
From: maryland
My daughter was doing youth alter call on Sunday and this site was a blessing...after reading the various scriptures it help me to come up with something that had scripture and a little twist to it for the youth alter call.
My daughter was doing youth alter call on Sunday and this site was a blessing...after reading the various scriptures it help me to come up with something that had scripture and a little twist to it for the youth alter call.

Added: September 6, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Suzie
From: Portland Oregon
Name: Suzie
From: Portland Oregon
Hi everyone. I read and pass along this site to many people. It really is a great site. I just want you all to know that there's a great cleaning product new to the USA. It's called "Enjo" It is cleaning fibers that use only water! They really work!!! I have them and my house had never been cleaner!!! and NO chemicals! Canary Suzie
Hi everyone. I read and pass along this site to many people. It really is a great site. I just want you all to know that there's a great cleaning product new to the USA. It's called "Enjo" It is cleaning fibers that use only water! They really work!!! I have them and my house had never been cleaner!!! and NO chemicals! Canary Suzie
Added: September 3, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Ramona
From: Milwaukee, WI
Name: Ramona
From: Milwaukee, WI
I lost my mom a month ago, just found out a very intimate friend died 6 months ago, and a work friend of mine died in early August. I'm a single mom with four kids and work full time. I'm in such anguish. I don't know how to handle it all. Thank you for the encouragement of the scriptures on mourning you compiled. They do bring me comfort. Thanks.
I lost my mom a month ago, just found out a very intimate friend died 6 months ago, and a work friend of mine died in early August. I'm a single mom with four kids and work full time. I'm in such anguish. I don't know how to handle it all. Thank you for the encouragement of the scriptures on mourning you compiled. They do bring me comfort. Thanks.
Added: September 3, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Holliday
From: Cape Coral, FL
Name: Holliday
From: Cape Coral, FL
I would very much like to join this site. The "Contact Us" section has been disabled. How can I be a member so that I can join the support groups listed?
Admin reply: Hi - You don't have to be a "member" of this site - there actually is no membership(!) - if you're wanting to join the support groups listed, you simply "Join" by subscribing to each particular group you want to join... Hope this helps!
I would very much like to join this site. The "Contact Us" section has been disabled. How can I be a member so that I can join the support groups listed?
Admin reply: Hi - You don't have to be a "member" of this site - there actually is no membership(!) - if you're wanting to join the support groups listed, you simply "Join" by subscribing to each particular group you want to join... Hope this helps!
Added: September 2, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Ariane Groskurth
From: Chicago, IL
Name: Ariane Groskurth
From: Chicago, IL
Hello, I just wanted to say you have an awesome testimony! Praise God for all He has done and continues to do! Keep up the good fight of faith!
May God's grace, peace, and mercy be with you!! : )
Hello, I just wanted to say you have an awesome testimony! Praise God for all He has done and continues to do! Keep up the good fight of faith!
May God's grace, peace, and mercy be with you!! : )
Added: September 1, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Jackie Harper
From: Heaven
Name: Jackie Harper
From: Heaven
Jackie & Gordon,
This website is really great, so clean to read, and VERY Informative! You never cease to amaze me! May GOD increase your readers and open new doors so MANY will hit on this website.
Love you both. Dave and Jackie

Jackie & Gordon,
This website is really great, so clean to read, and VERY Informative! You never cease to amaze me! May GOD increase your readers and open new doors so MANY will hit on this website.
Love you both. Dave and Jackie
Added: August 29, 2009
Submitted by
Name: E Valach
Name: E Valach
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: August 25, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Carol
From: Long Island, NY
Name: Carol
From: Long Island, NY
I was wondering if anyone out there knows any MD's who specialize in MCS, Sick Building Syndrome, ect.
My employer installed a low grade industrial commercial toxic carpet. I have been suffering ill effects for the past year. Unable to work a full 8 hours in the office. Working from home but they want me back, went to Occupational & Environmental Health Clinic Dr. Told me alot of times stress related, sometimes woman who have been sexually abused have this issue. What kind of quack tells a patient that. Why be an Environmental Dr. if you are not for the cause.
I was wondering if anyone out there knows any MD's who specialize in MCS, Sick Building Syndrome, ect.
My employer installed a low grade industrial commercial toxic carpet. I have been suffering ill effects for the past year. Unable to work a full 8 hours in the office. Working from home but they want me back, went to Occupational & Environmental Health Clinic Dr. Told me alot of times stress related, sometimes woman who have been sexually abused have this issue. What kind of quack tells a patient that. Why be an Environmental Dr. if you are not for the cause.
Added: August 13, 2009
Submitted by
Name: KT
From: formerly Tally and CHC
Name: KT
From: formerly Tally and CHC
Please let me know if you know of any apartments, mobile home communities or houses with rooms for rent, or even houses, that are SAFE HOUSING. We can only afford about 250 to 300 for a room, and if larger space for storage up to 500 or 850 for a place. We live in the Miami area and looking between Boca Raton and Miami/Coral Gables/Coconut Grove. Thank you!
Readers: If you have a house for rent and you have MCS and your house is SAFE and in this area, Please let us know! FW mail to the Jacki and she will let us know...
Please let me know if you know of any apartments, mobile home communities or houses with rooms for rent, or even houses, that are SAFE HOUSING. We can only afford about 250 to 300 for a room, and if larger space for storage up to 500 or 850 for a place. We live in the Miami area and looking between Boca Raton and Miami/Coral Gables/Coconut Grove. Thank you!
Readers: If you have a house for rent and you have MCS and your house is SAFE and in this area, Please let us know! FW mail to the Jacki and she will let us know...
Added: August 13, 2009
Submitted by
I got this website from while reading reviews on Travelodge in Shreveport. My husband has severe chemical allergies and asthma and we have the hardest time finding a motel room that we can afford that he can breathe in. I am going to try the Travelodge in Shreveport because of your review, as it is a price I can afford. Thanks so much.
I got this website from while reading reviews on Travelodge in Shreveport. My husband has severe chemical allergies and asthma and we have the hardest time finding a motel room that we can afford that he can breathe in. I am going to try the Travelodge in Shreveport because of your review, as it is a price I can afford. Thanks so much.
Added: August 11, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Elise
From: WI
Name: Elise
From: WI
I think it is CRAZY that it is allowed for companies to sell such harsh chemicals! Thank God for companies that sell safe products. I know where to get safer products, email me if you would like more info!
I think it is CRAZY that it is allowed for companies to sell such harsh chemicals! Thank God for companies that sell safe products. I know where to get safer products, email me if you would like more info!
Added: July 23, 2009
Submitted by
Name: enrique
From: usa new york
Name: enrique
From: usa new york
my little dog pass on 07-19-2009 daisy was 10 years old i'm very sad ,the vet put her down, he said it was the best thing to do for her ,but i feel soo guilty god can you help me.
my little dog pass on 07-19-2009 daisy was 10 years old i'm very sad ,the vet put her down, he said it was the best thing to do for her ,but i feel soo guilty god can you help me.
Added: July 22, 2009
Submitted by
Name: michaela cerda
From: modesdo
Name: michaela cerda
From: modesdo
hi I'm michaela and I am 10 yrs old and I lost my dog rile whom I have known scince befor and after I was born and he died in his sleep on june 18 2009 and the vets I know I am young but will you help me please some times I get so sad I want to throw up and so can you help me
hi I'm michaela and I am 10 yrs old and I lost my dog rile whom I have known scince befor and after I was born and he died in his sleep on june 18 2009 and the vets I know I am young but will you help me please some times I get so sad I want to throw up and so can you help me
Added: July 21, 2009
Submitted by
Name: R Moulden
From: CA
Name: R Moulden
From: CA
I will be praying for Jacki. Remember that God is a healer who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, beyond what we can even ask or think.
I will be praying for Jacki. Remember that God is a healer who is able to do exceedingly, abundantly, beyond what we can even ask or think.
Added: July 9, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Denise Hartley
From: Dewitt Mi
Name: Denise Hartley
From: Dewitt Mi
Living with MCS
Living with MCS
Added: July 7, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Sara Yu
From: California
Name: Sara Yu
From: California
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: July 6, 2009
Submitted by
Name: keijo
From: sweden
Name: keijo
From: sweden
Thank you for your site and be encourage and bless with favor AND PROSPETERY WITH PEACE AND JOY IN CHRIST, and find more heavenly wisdom and let the Lord make you strong and powerful believer and win the men to him and joy for Jesus is coming,thanks and bless and pray for gospel,keijo sweden
Thank you for your site and be encourage and bless with favor AND PROSPETERY WITH PEACE AND JOY IN CHRIST, and find more heavenly wisdom and let the Lord make you strong and powerful believer and win the men to him and joy for Jesus is coming,thanks and bless and pray for gospel,keijo sweden
Added: July 6, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Maureen
From: Visalia
Name: Maureen
From: Visalia
I have had MCS for over 10 years now. Mine started with an exposure at work. I was doing very well, and had built up a certain immunity to chemicals, and then I went to the doctor for my rosacea and he gave me medicine with acid in it, and this was last year. Since then my sensitivity has increased. I let all my co-workers know about this and they were great until yesterday when a co-worker I got into an argument with than proceeded to use pine-sol to clean her office. My mouth and tongue became numb, and my bones ached, now my head feels foggy, and my arm is numb. I am really greatful that there is a place to vent. I am very scared!
I have had MCS for over 10 years now. Mine started with an exposure at work. I was doing very well, and had built up a certain immunity to chemicals, and then I went to the doctor for my rosacea and he gave me medicine with acid in it, and this was last year. Since then my sensitivity has increased. I let all my co-workers know about this and they were great until yesterday when a co-worker I got into an argument with than proceeded to use pine-sol to clean her office. My mouth and tongue became numb, and my bones ached, now my head feels foggy, and my arm is numb. I am really greatful that there is a place to vent. I am very scared!
Added: July 3, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Ellen
From: New Jersey
Name: Ellen
From: New Jersey
Hi Jacki,
I have had weird symptoms for many years and they sound a lot like what you described. When I drink from a can my lips swell up and burn. When I read a soft covered book I get an allergy attack. When I smell perfume I get an instant headache and feel very ill. I avoid malls for this reason. My new one is my front teeth and gums burn when I smell any cleaning products. Everyone (especially in-laws) think I am a crack pot. My husband doubts me and thinks I'm looking for attention. It's been hell. I have no energy and feel like c*** all the time. We don't have any insurance right now but as soon as I have it, I know what type of doctor I need to find because of you.
Thank you so much!
Hi Jacki,
I have had weird symptoms for many years and they sound a lot like what you described. When I drink from a can my lips swell up and burn. When I read a soft covered book I get an allergy attack. When I smell perfume I get an instant headache and feel very ill. I avoid malls for this reason. My new one is my front teeth and gums burn when I smell any cleaning products. Everyone (especially in-laws) think I am a crack pot. My husband doubts me and thinks I'm looking for attention. It's been hell. I have no energy and feel like c*** all the time. We don't have any insurance right now but as soon as I have it, I know what type of doctor I need to find because of you.
Thank you so much!
Added: June 23, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Anne
From: TN
Name: Anne
From: TN
Wow! I thought I was a weird lost soul, I just found out there is a name for my issues,MCS, and that I'm not the only person in the world, in a wierd sence that is some what comforting. I, unlike some on those didnot have a doctor, and when all these symtomes hid me sinus infection, and cronic sinus headace and other flu like systems from time to time. Me and my daughter went to allergies, and had all kinds of thus adjusted our lifes acordingly..but my desgive "issue" worsen, to but it nicely. Three different doc. wrote me off as if I was lying and could not find what my problems were caused by, now 17years later slowing figuring out what to elimiatat from my deit, which is nearly everthing, acohol, all extracts, viniger, vitames, colors, preseritives, all man made "fake" sugars, and ect...ofcorse I've not used hairspray, or purfum in 20 years nor could I be around it or get headach, and sinus instantly. Anyway like you and alot of other I too, am believing for healing...also Ps. 103:3..He heals us from all our diseases. God has healed my back supernaturally, and a really bad right handed carpel tunnel (could not move it) so, nothing is to hard, or impossible for Our All Mighty, Matchless God. Now, I know what it is and other suffer I will also pray you'll, for the Bible state, that you do for others God will do for you........God bless and thanks for this site to see other!.........Love
Wow! I thought I was a weird lost soul, I just found out there is a name for my issues,MCS, and that I'm not the only person in the world, in a wierd sence that is some what comforting. I, unlike some on those didnot have a doctor, and when all these symtomes hid me sinus infection, and cronic sinus headace and other flu like systems from time to time. Me and my daughter went to allergies, and had all kinds of thus adjusted our lifes acordingly..but my desgive "issue" worsen, to but it nicely. Three different doc. wrote me off as if I was lying and could not find what my problems were caused by, now 17years later slowing figuring out what to elimiatat from my deit, which is nearly everthing, acohol, all extracts, viniger, vitames, colors, preseritives, all man made "fake" sugars, and ect...ofcorse I've not used hairspray, or purfum in 20 years nor could I be around it or get headach, and sinus instantly. Anyway like you and alot of other I too, am believing for healing...also Ps. 103:3..He heals us from all our diseases. God has healed my back supernaturally, and a really bad right handed carpel tunnel (could not move it) so, nothing is to hard, or impossible for Our All Mighty, Matchless God. Now, I know what it is and other suffer I will also pray you'll, for the Bible state, that you do for others God will do for you........God bless and thanks for this site to see other!.........Love
Added: June 6, 2009
Submitted by
Name: emily
From: washington
Name: emily
From: washington
my mother and I have had to live with mcs for few people understand it they just say i am picky. I was really happy to find your webpage finally there are people who know mcs is real. I would like to exchange emails with others
my mother and I have had to live with mcs for few people understand it they just say i am picky. I was really happy to find your webpage finally there are people who know mcs is real. I would like to exchange emails with others
Added: June 2, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Leslie
From: Philippines
Name: Leslie
From: Philippines
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: May 24, 2009
Submitted by
Name: helen
From: newport south wales
Name: helen
From: newport south wales
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: May 20, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Linda Joy Hardy Adams
From: Oklahoma
Name: Linda Joy Hardy Adams
From: Oklahoma
Tried to e-mail Michelle Curtis and I am having problems with my server/ So an open response: Chemical sensitivity is the opposite of an allergy. My doctors over last 20 years since i was injured call it damage= to the mucous membrane. Mine was a traumatic event. some get injured more gradually. The IGE blood test can help confirm this. It is so important to find a doctor that recognized a disease that affect over 3 million and is willing to treat. Occupational asthma is treated with oxygen. i started with 1 liter and now am on 2 and if in an exposure it has been increased temporarily; ionizing ozone producing air purifiers harm also ozone producing concentrators. i travel 150 miles to one docotr and 90 to another. FDA does not recognize us and i am hoping that them regulating tobacco will break the deadlock on this. Even one is not exposed to tobocca , the legal canumdrum exists as the research at NIH on toxins and chemicals was done as part of the tobacco research. Digestive tract is also mucous membranes and I avoid food with the chemicals that bother me. I have found that a good live many germ pro-biotic helps a lot, I think the chemicals kill the bacteria, maybe why so many products are now sold. But, I find i need the one that has several of the h=good bacteria and i get mine from Mountain Home and its a little expensive. tried some cheaper kind and didn't seem to help. eating a good plain yogurt helps,, but one without added chemicals. i have learned to use plain yogurt as a substitute for many milk products in cooking. watch for daibietes coming on as an underlying problem . i got m sugar under control with cinnamon pills and salmon omega 3. But, I am not a c=doctor and what works for me may not be the right thing for anyone else, so its important to work with a doctor c=that can watch over you as you 'try' different things. I never take any pill , etc. without letting doctors know, etc. Fighting infection can be a problem especially in the sinus is=f this was an inhalation injury. The windows surgery helped a lot that i had and has reduced this and my doctors have me use bactroban ointment , just a little in the nose daily to kill the bad bacteria before it gets inside. saline washes help also. Again finding one without chemicals is difficult If you have sensitivity to formaldehyde, MSG, and aspartame are formaldehyde producers and milk processed with formaldehyde is common. FDA allows the producers to not wash it out before bottling our milk. You can get organic now or find a farmer and pasteurize your own at home. Again ask your DOCTOR. I am only repeating from my experiences over the last 20 years and what many good doctors have advised me to do. Linda Joy Adams
Tried to e-mail Michelle Curtis and I am having problems with my server/ So an open response: Chemical sensitivity is the opposite of an allergy. My doctors over last 20 years since i was injured call it damage= to the mucous membrane. Mine was a traumatic event. some get injured more gradually. The IGE blood test can help confirm this. It is so important to find a doctor that recognized a disease that affect over 3 million and is willing to treat. Occupational asthma is treated with oxygen. i started with 1 liter and now am on 2 and if in an exposure it has been increased temporarily; ionizing ozone producing air purifiers harm also ozone producing concentrators. i travel 150 miles to one docotr and 90 to another. FDA does not recognize us and i am hoping that them regulating tobacco will break the deadlock on this. Even one is not exposed to tobocca , the legal canumdrum exists as the research at NIH on toxins and chemicals was done as part of the tobacco research. Digestive tract is also mucous membranes and I avoid food with the chemicals that bother me. I have found that a good live many germ pro-biotic helps a lot, I think the chemicals kill the bacteria, maybe why so many products are now sold. But, I find i need the one that has several of the h=good bacteria and i get mine from Mountain Home and its a little expensive. tried some cheaper kind and didn't seem to help. eating a good plain yogurt helps,, but one without added chemicals. i have learned to use plain yogurt as a substitute for many milk products in cooking. watch for daibietes coming on as an underlying problem . i got m sugar under control with cinnamon pills and salmon omega 3. But, I am not a c=doctor and what works for me may not be the right thing for anyone else, so its important to work with a doctor c=that can watch over you as you 'try' different things. I never take any pill , etc. without letting doctors know, etc. Fighting infection can be a problem especially in the sinus is=f this was an inhalation injury. The windows surgery helped a lot that i had and has reduced this and my doctors have me use bactroban ointment , just a little in the nose daily to kill the bad bacteria before it gets inside. saline washes help also. Again finding one without chemicals is difficult If you have sensitivity to formaldehyde, MSG, and aspartame are formaldehyde producers and milk processed with formaldehyde is common. FDA allows the producers to not wash it out before bottling our milk. You can get organic now or find a farmer and pasteurize your own at home. Again ask your DOCTOR. I am only repeating from my experiences over the last 20 years and what many good doctors have advised me to do. Linda Joy Adams
Added: May 17, 2009
Submitted by
Name: michelle curtis
From: Kentucky
Name: michelle curtis
From: Kentucky
I would like to know what the latest treatment for this! It has just about distroyed my life. Im borna gain christian, and my faith is what has got me through this I feel like Im the only person on earth with this! I was working with chemical in a Dental office taking x- rays ect with no lined lead walls using bleach and harsh chemicals.(2005) It has been difficult, I cant be around perfume ect, I have been treating the symptons, ashtma ect. Please help if u can offered any insight.I still make my self go, allergy shot have just about killed me and now I have food allergies. Please write if u know a soulution. GOD Bless, Michelle
I would like to know what the latest treatment for this! It has just about distroyed my life. Im borna gain christian, and my faith is what has got me through this I feel like Im the only person on earth with this! I was working with chemical in a Dental office taking x- rays ect with no lined lead walls using bleach and harsh chemicals.(2005) It has been difficult, I cant be around perfume ect, I have been treating the symptons, ashtma ect. Please help if u can offered any insight.I still make my self go, allergy shot have just about killed me and now I have food allergies. Please write if u know a soulution. GOD Bless, Michelle
Added: May 14, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Linda Chancey
From: Bartow Florida
Name: Linda Chancey
From: Bartow Florida
I am amazed by this information. I will research this more and change my buying habits. Thank you for the information. Jesus is truly the way, truth and life. God Bless you.
I am amazed by this information. I will research this more and change my buying habits. Thank you for the information. Jesus is truly the way, truth and life. God Bless you.
Added: May 13, 2009
Submitted by
Name: tester
From: testing
Name: tester
From: testing
Added: May 12, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Kelly Peet
From: West Virginia
Name: Kelly Peet
From: West Virginia
I just survived being shot in the head while taking pictures of an old log cabin, and being in the hospital one month with MCS. If you would like to read my story go to my website kellypeet
Going to the hospital with MCS was almost as scary as being shot.
I just survived being shot in the head while taking pictures of an old log cabin, and being in the hospital one month with MCS. If you would like to read my story go to my website kellypeet
Going to the hospital with MCS was almost as scary as being shot.
Added: May 12, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Alicia
From: Taiwan
Name: Alicia
From: Taiwan
I happen to do a persuasive speech. My topic is "Perfume is harmful." This site really helps and make me more aware of the chemicals in my life. thanks a lot =)
I happen to do a persuasive speech. My topic is "Perfume is harmful." This site really helps and make me more aware of the chemicals in my life. thanks a lot =)
Added: April 29, 2009
Submitted by
Name: tracy
From: elicott city, maryland
Name: tracy
From: elicott city, maryland
Great site-wish I had more time. Will be back again.
Thank you.
Great site-wish I had more time. Will be back again.
Thank you.
Added: April 14, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Stephanie Mellace
From: Charleston WV
Name: Stephanie Mellace
From: Charleston WV
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: April 10, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Ann Gourieux
From: Texas
Name: Ann Gourieux
From: Texas
This is a wonderful site. Although, it does terrfy me.
This is a wonderful site. Although, it does terrfy me.
Added: April 8, 2009
Submitted by
Name: ypgpwwoi
From: rjzkcloj
Name: ypgpwwoi
From: rjzkcloj
Terramycin for rabbits
Terramycin for rabbits
Added: April 6, 2009
Submitted by
Name: David Thompson
From: Dallas, Texas, United States
Name: David Thompson
From: Dallas, Texas, United States
God bless you both for your lovingkindness and perseverence.
God bless you both for your lovingkindness and perseverence.
Added: March 23, 2009
Submitted by
Name: mark
From: oxford-uk
Name: mark
From: oxford-uk
Hi just came across your site.
I am quite isolated in uk and dont have contacts with others suffereing same thing.
I havent worked for some years but am involved with music and art but its the isolation here thats biggest problem.
I guess it would be anywhere really with mcs.
I also have food allergies which can alienate me from others socially.
I was thinking of a trip to States as have been in contact with a very helpful person by phone for some years but so far haven`t found the courage to try it -also the plane trip worries me!
But its good to see there are groups like this.
Thanks mark
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Hi just came across your site.
I am quite isolated in uk and dont have contacts with others suffereing same thing.
I havent worked for some years but am involved with music and art but its the isolation here thats biggest problem.
I guess it would be anywhere really with mcs.
I also have food allergies which can alienate me from others socially.
I was thinking of a trip to States as have been in contact with a very helpful person by phone for some years but so far haven`t found the courage to try it -also the plane trip worries me!
But its good to see there are groups like this.
Thanks mark
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Added: March 21, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Wiebke Truelsen
From: Germany
Name: Wiebke Truelsen
From: Germany
I`m ill with intrinsic asthma
and i cannot use many oils ,wachses, farben, Waschmittel, Weichspüler, candles, perfumes..,i cannot visit theater, kino, shopping-center evwerywhre is parfume..
i live very isoliert, but i am not sad,
because i learned to be alone,have my seaside ,
I am glad with good medicine and that nmy house is free of chemie.other people cannot understand ,whats the matter with me
and no one is using no perfume!
sory my english is very bad..
thanks for your page!!!
I`m ill with intrinsic asthma
and i cannot use many oils ,wachses, farben, Waschmittel, Weichspüler, candles, perfumes..,i cannot visit theater, kino, shopping-center evwerywhre is parfume..
i live very isoliert, but i am not sad,
because i learned to be alone,have my seaside ,
I am glad with good medicine and that nmy house is free of chemie.other people cannot understand ,whats the matter with me
and no one is using no perfume!
sory my english is very bad..
thanks for your page!!!
Added: March 18, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Rev. Tony Hinton
From: North Carolina
Name: Rev. Tony Hinton
From: North Carolina
I was please to find such an inspirational site such as yours. My prayer is that God increase your vision and give you more provision for your vision........
Gods Love, Rev. Hinton
I was please to find such an inspirational site such as yours. My prayer is that God increase your vision and give you more provision for your vision........
Gods Love, Rev. Hinton
Added: March 10, 2009
Submitted by
Name: LuAnn Johnson
From: Rapid City South Dakota
Name: LuAnn Johnson
From: Rapid City South Dakota
Thank you for this web site. I have spent many hours trying to figure out what is wrong with me. People think I am making this up. I have managed to make my home my safe zone, but my work day most often is very uncomfortable. I sure wish I could make people really listen. If they only knew that it could happen to them very quickly, quite possible to alot of people in the near future.
Thank you for this web site. I have spent many hours trying to figure out what is wrong with me. People think I am making this up. I have managed to make my home my safe zone, but my work day most often is very uncomfortable. I sure wish I could make people really listen. If they only knew that it could happen to them very quickly, quite possible to alot of people in the near future.
Added: March 9, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Charlotte Freemon
From: san diego, Ca.
Name: Charlotte Freemon
From: san diego, Ca.
I've just purchased a foreclosed home and have an opportunity to make it as clean and safe as possible before I move in. I will be purchasing a new bed and couch etc. Do you know of any place or person that I can call upon for questions along the way? I am putting in a complete air conditioning and air & water purifying system. I need a clean up crew that might understand severe chemical sensitivites.
I am now dying in a terribly polluted home. I have severe ashma and anti-trypsin defeciency, a genetic liver/lung disease.
Should you know of a place where I can go to for questions along the way on our new home I would certainly appreciate it.
I've just purchased a foreclosed home and have an opportunity to make it as clean and safe as possible before I move in. I will be purchasing a new bed and couch etc. Do you know of any place or person that I can call upon for questions along the way? I am putting in a complete air conditioning and air & water purifying system. I need a clean up crew that might understand severe chemical sensitivites.
I am now dying in a terribly polluted home. I have severe ashma and anti-trypsin defeciency, a genetic liver/lung disease.
Should you know of a place where I can go to for questions along the way on our new home I would certainly appreciate it.
Added: March 4, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Lydia Brown
From: Spring Hill Florida
Name: Lydia Brown
From: Spring Hill Florida
I too suffer from MCS for many years now,,also I suffer from Fibromyalgia..I have had a difficult time trying to find a fragrance free church,,so for now I have to worship at home alone..
I too suffer from MCS for many years now,,also I suffer from Fibromyalgia..I have had a difficult time trying to find a fragrance free church,,so for now I have to worship at home alone..
Added: February 17, 2009
Submitted by
Name: nathan cruz
From: oregon
Name: nathan cruz
From: oregon
well i just wanted to say i really enjoy this site my famliy is at a hard time right now fighting a illness with my father ive been sitting in the icu with him for 5 days now putting all my faith in the lord i found this site and read the scriptures and it gave me more faith im going to read them everyday nothing more powerfull than power of prayer so plz pray for my father with me thxs and god bless every one
well i just wanted to say i really enjoy this site my famliy is at a hard time right now fighting a illness with my father ive been sitting in the icu with him for 5 days now putting all my faith in the lord i found this site and read the scriptures and it gave me more faith im going to read them everyday nothing more powerfull than power of prayer so plz pray for my father with me thxs and god bless every one
Added: February 14, 2009
Submitted by
Name: D Robert Dunn
From: Indianapolis, IN
Name: D Robert Dunn
From: Indianapolis, IN
I found your site by Googling "witnessing to former Catholics". Thanks for sharing your story. As a New Testament Believer, I have tried to witness to Catholics with some failure, and some success. What you have shared is helpful.
I found your site by Googling "witnessing to former Catholics". Thanks for sharing your story. As a New Testament Believer, I have tried to witness to Catholics with some failure, and some success. What you have shared is helpful.
Added: February 13, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Matt King
From: Ventura CA
Name: Matt King
From: Ventura CA
My name is Matt, and I work for a company that can offer a vital service to those suffering from MCS. We use a patented heating process to clean and kill mold, bacteria, dust mites, and Viruses. We can also eliminate toxic VOC's in your home, auto, and boats. We are hear to help. Thank you. Matt
My name is Matt, and I work for a company that can offer a vital service to those suffering from MCS. We use a patented heating process to clean and kill mold, bacteria, dust mites, and Viruses. We can also eliminate toxic VOC's in your home, auto, and boats. We are hear to help. Thank you. Matt
Added: January 30, 2009
Submitted by
Name: vicki
From: kentucky
Name: vicki
From: kentucky
thank you, this site really hit me .just lost my pet he was my best friend. helped me thur alot of good times and bad. i will miss you so much cheyenne.we had 13 years together ,i wish it was longer.
thank you, this site really hit me .just lost my pet he was my best friend. helped me thur alot of good times and bad. i will miss you so much cheyenne.we had 13 years together ,i wish it was longer.

Added: January 30, 2009
Submitted by
Name: sbjlaqae
From: erufyxod
Name: sbjlaqae
From: erufyxod
Added: January 26, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Immanuel
From: Baltimore
Name: Immanuel
From: Baltimore
These verses really strengthen my faith and each one encourages me!
These verses really strengthen my faith and each one encourages me!
Added: January 9, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Lynne
From: Stockbridge GA
Name: Lynne
From: Stockbridge GA
44yr old female with MCS. Homebound. Can only eat potatoes, bacon bread, cheddar cheese, cool whip, and only drinks water. I have everything in life a woman could ever want, a husband who adores me, and a loving compassionate and respectful son who is an EMT-I85, a beautiful home. I live in a very beautiful gold fish bowl. Other than my husband and son, I lost all my friends, cannot interact in society at all.
This is a complete nightmare!
44yr old female with MCS. Homebound. Can only eat potatoes, bacon bread, cheddar cheese, cool whip, and only drinks water. I have everything in life a woman could ever want, a husband who adores me, and a loving compassionate and respectful son who is an EMT-I85, a beautiful home. I live in a very beautiful gold fish bowl. Other than my husband and son, I lost all my friends, cannot interact in society at all.
This is a complete nightmare!
Added: January 7, 2009
Submitted by
Name: Bobbi Ausubel
From: San Fran
Name: Bobbi Ausubel
From: San Fran
Got some good tips here. Thanks people. Anyone in the Washington DC area? How can I meet you? 650-743 4212?
Got some good tips here. Thanks people. Anyone in the Washington DC area? How can I meet you? 650-743 4212?
Added: January 3, 2009
Submitted by
Name: florencia
From: Miami
Name: florencia
From: Miami
I've always reading articles about our Saviour Jesus. I'm going through some rough times myself and reading your post about trusting him made me realize that I'm not letting go the problem, as I'm still thinking of it. It is so true that if we give it to the Lord there should be no more worries. That will be my first resolution for 2009. I wish all of you my brothers and sisters to have a blesses holiday season and make God plans come true for all of you and remember...on his time. Let's pray for patience, peace and love all around.
I've always reading articles about our Saviour Jesus. I'm going through some rough times myself and reading your post about trusting him made me realize that I'm not letting go the problem, as I'm still thinking of it. It is so true that if we give it to the Lord there should be no more worries. That will be my first resolution for 2009. I wish all of you my brothers and sisters to have a blesses holiday season and make God plans come true for all of you and remember...on his time. Let's pray for patience, peace and love all around.
Added: December 30, 2008
Submitted by
Name: mike keller
From: new jersey
Name: mike keller
From: new jersey
I could use some prayer right now my wife and I are having problems we are living apart and she sees no future.
I could use some prayer right now my wife and I are having problems we are living apart and she sees no future.
Added: December 29, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Immanuel
From: Maryland
Name: Immanuel
From: Maryland
I was so encouraged with every scripture I read I will read them every day.
I was so encouraged with every scripture I read I will read them every day.
Added: December 22, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Linda Joy Hardy Adams
Name: Linda Joy Hardy Adams
Very sad, the guy that doesn't recognize the millions suffering from MCS of any kind. I was not unsymapathetic to those who mentioned that things bothered them beofre i was injured. Read the White paper done and published by Dr Rebecca Bascom M D in the ealy nineties. Extreme exposures can traumatically burn off the mucous membrance. In others long term less extreme exposure can burn it gradually. This is a 'protective' barrier. Within hours of my injury, my husband walked in wearing his cologne and i said "why are you wearing bug spray" I smelled no wonderful scent. To that 'gentleman' It is not just a scent. It feels like the mist or particles are burning and they in a medical sense are. No different than you put your hand on a hot stove. You are causing undue distress to anyone who sufferes from MCS. In my case, an asthmatic attack. And the other complications as i have already posted. It is hard to understand unless you have it. In this world of toxins and chemicals, the wrong ones can get together and cause harm. Doctors and tests are available to try and sort out which ones to avoid. Some have it as a mild case, some moderate and some severe.
Very sad, the guy that doesn't recognize the millions suffering from MCS of any kind. I was not unsymapathetic to those who mentioned that things bothered them beofre i was injured. Read the White paper done and published by Dr Rebecca Bascom M D in the ealy nineties. Extreme exposures can traumatically burn off the mucous membrance. In others long term less extreme exposure can burn it gradually. This is a 'protective' barrier. Within hours of my injury, my husband walked in wearing his cologne and i said "why are you wearing bug spray" I smelled no wonderful scent. To that 'gentleman' It is not just a scent. It feels like the mist or particles are burning and they in a medical sense are. No different than you put your hand on a hot stove. You are causing undue distress to anyone who sufferes from MCS. In my case, an asthmatic attack. And the other complications as i have already posted. It is hard to understand unless you have it. In this world of toxins and chemicals, the wrong ones can get together and cause harm. Doctors and tests are available to try and sort out which ones to avoid. Some have it as a mild case, some moderate and some severe.
Added: December 14, 2008
Submitted by
Name: nettielpowell
From: texas
Name: nettielpowell
From: texas
i cant copy on this computer,is there any wayi could get the prayers sentto me in the mail?thank you nettie
i cant copy on this computer,is there any wayi could get the prayers sentto me in the mail?thank you nettie
Added: December 8, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Rose
From: New Jersey
Name: Rose
From: New Jersey
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: December 4, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Barb
From: Indiana
Name: Barb
From: Indiana
Hello, I am a Roman Catholic who believes you are misinterpeting the bible. Please go to to find true answers on what the Church teaches. It all comes down to authority. Jesus left the Church not a "book" to lead us. Personnel interpretation of the bible have left us with 40-50,000 different churches. Fact:the bible is the inspired word of God given to us through His Church (the Catholic Church).
Hello, I am a Roman Catholic who believes you are misinterpeting the bible. Please go to to find true answers on what the Church teaches. It all comes down to authority. Jesus left the Church not a "book" to lead us. Personnel interpretation of the bible have left us with 40-50,000 different churches. Fact:the bible is the inspired word of God given to us through His Church (the Catholic Church).
Added: November 28, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Angela
From: Glendora, CA
Name: Angela
From: Glendora, CA
I think it's a great thing to have a web site like this put out by Christians. So much of this stuff is more for worshiping the earth and such.
I am concerned about some of the products you suggest. I go to website, cosmetics database, where you can enter products or ingredients to see the level of toxicity, and some of your suggestions have level of toxicity.
I would also like to see some homemade recipies for house hold and beauty product substitutes.
Thank you for your site.
I think it's a great thing to have a web site like this put out by Christians. So much of this stuff is more for worshiping the earth and such.
I am concerned about some of the products you suggest. I go to website, cosmetics database, where you can enter products or ingredients to see the level of toxicity, and some of your suggestions have level of toxicity.
I would also like to see some homemade recipies for house hold and beauty product substitutes.
Thank you for your site.
Added: November 25, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Chris
From: Wyoming
Name: Chris
From: Wyoming
Hahaha all this about cologne and perfume causing health issues is so stupid. Same with the MCS and all that allergy business. This is just stupid stuff invented by hypochondriacs.
Just because I read this website I'm going to spray as much cheap cologne as I can all over bus stops, elevators, libraries, and any public place I can.
Hahaha all this about cologne and perfume causing health issues is so stupid. Same with the MCS and all that allergy business. This is just stupid stuff invented by hypochondriacs.
Just because I read this website I'm going to spray as much cheap cologne as I can all over bus stops, elevators, libraries, and any public place I can.
Added: November 24, 2008
Submitted by
Name: pong
From: thailand ,bangkok
Name: pong
From: thailand ,bangkok
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: November 20, 2008
Submitted by
Alert: my family doctor would not let me have flu shot today because it used a formaldehyde wash in t he shot. no warning but was listed in ingredients did inform the nurse on he insert that there was no latex in the part the nurse would touch of course the usual warning was there for those allergic to eggs. Is this in al shots now like the mercury. Flu shots have usually been helpful but sometimes I did have a toxic reaction. A couple of months ago I had a severe toxic reaction and was documented with blood and urine tests and doctors were puzzled. I had to have teeth pulled and now I wonder if the novocaine contained formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is one of the chemicals that causes problems for the chemically sensitive. For me the whole body gets inflammed kidneys start to fail and t-4 cells increase blood clots etc and immune system is suppressed and causes bacterial infections causing the need for antibiotics. and white cells get granulated on contined exposure the reason some used to call chemical sensitivity "chemical aids". where is the FDA? I actually went into stage 3 kidney failure over it. So beware/ I have never learned what to do from such an exposure except drink lots of purified water, rest and I drink a cayenne pepper tea rather tan take over the counter pain medicines. Anyone know how long formaldehyde has been used in shots and vaccines?
Alert: my family doctor would not let me have flu shot today because it used a formaldehyde wash in t he shot. no warning but was listed in ingredients did inform the nurse on he insert that there was no latex in the part the nurse would touch of course the usual warning was there for those allergic to eggs. Is this in al shots now like the mercury. Flu shots have usually been helpful but sometimes I did have a toxic reaction. A couple of months ago I had a severe toxic reaction and was documented with blood and urine tests and doctors were puzzled. I had to have teeth pulled and now I wonder if the novocaine contained formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is one of the chemicals that causes problems for the chemically sensitive. For me the whole body gets inflammed kidneys start to fail and t-4 cells increase blood clots etc and immune system is suppressed and causes bacterial infections causing the need for antibiotics. and white cells get granulated on contined exposure the reason some used to call chemical sensitivity "chemical aids". where is the FDA? I actually went into stage 3 kidney failure over it. So beware/ I have never learned what to do from such an exposure except drink lots of purified water, rest and I drink a cayenne pepper tea rather tan take over the counter pain medicines. Anyone know how long formaldehyde has been used in shots and vaccines?
Added: October 21, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Lindsay
From: Florida
Name: Lindsay
From: Florida
my little puppy skippy died 10/14/08. i love him so much. he would always runaway and play with other kids in the neighborhood and was known at the highschools. he had been everywhere, he would always come home. i was just about to go to school and he had got out of the house. my little man ran off again. at school all day i thought about him for some reason espeacially today. i got home and my dad told me that my baby got hit by a car. he was running with the other dogs through the fence up and down. and then ran out in to the street. My dad had told me that a couple walking(ofcourse knew him cause he went everywhere) came to the door. my brother had to go and get my little puppy and take him home. my little booger died instantly as he got hit. I cried so hard when i got home. My dad told me that he had put him in a bag and that we will burry him when my mom got home. i was devastated. that little guy always sat at my feet at night while i was sleeping. i miss that. now my old golden retriever is sad that her buddy isnt here to keep her active anymore. my dad gave me skippys collar. i havent let go of it since. my dog loved to chase squirrels. so we burried him at his favorite tree to chase squirrels at. my golden retriever (cloe) went outside this morning. and i went with her while she went to the bathroom and i sat at his grave crying.i talked to him. and cloe came up and could smell his scent. i went back inside and i watched cloe, outside, rolling around as if skippy was right there with her playing with her. she was rolling and rolling. and the dog behind us was looking at me like "where is he" "whats going on." i will miss my baby boy forever. cause i have so many funny memories. i still cant stop crying. when i look into cloe's eyes i see his little face looking at me. and last night i kept thinking he was there at my feet, but he wasnt. its so different.i love him soooooo much.<3 ( skippy was a rat terrier and i have had him for 5 years)
my little puppy skippy died 10/14/08. i love him so much. he would always runaway and play with other kids in the neighborhood and was known at the highschools. he had been everywhere, he would always come home. i was just about to go to school and he had got out of the house. my little man ran off again. at school all day i thought about him for some reason espeacially today. i got home and my dad told me that my baby got hit by a car. he was running with the other dogs through the fence up and down. and then ran out in to the street. My dad had told me that a couple walking(ofcourse knew him cause he went everywhere) came to the door. my brother had to go and get my little puppy and take him home. my little booger died instantly as he got hit. I cried so hard when i got home. My dad told me that he had put him in a bag and that we will burry him when my mom got home. i was devastated. that little guy always sat at my feet at night while i was sleeping. i miss that. now my old golden retriever is sad that her buddy isnt here to keep her active anymore. my dad gave me skippys collar. i havent let go of it since. my dog loved to chase squirrels. so we burried him at his favorite tree to chase squirrels at. my golden retriever (cloe) went outside this morning. and i went with her while she went to the bathroom and i sat at his grave crying.i talked to him. and cloe came up and could smell his scent. i went back inside and i watched cloe, outside, rolling around as if skippy was right there with her playing with her. she was rolling and rolling. and the dog behind us was looking at me like "where is he" "whats going on." i will miss my baby boy forever. cause i have so many funny memories. i still cant stop crying. when i look into cloe's eyes i see his little face looking at me. and last night i kept thinking he was there at my feet, but he wasnt. its so different.i love him soooooo much.<3 ( skippy was a rat terrier and i have had him for 5 years)
Added: October 15, 2008
Submitted by
Name: rhianna
From: australia
Name: rhianna
From: australia
Hello my names rhianna im 12 years old, i first read The story about dusty a few years back when we thought we were going to loose my dog mitzy. It broke my heart to think you had to go through that. GOD BLESS YOU. rhianna
Hello my names rhianna im 12 years old, i first read The story about dusty a few years back when we thought we were going to loose my dog mitzy. It broke my heart to think you had to go through that. GOD BLESS YOU. rhianna
Added: October 14, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Jane
From: Leola, PA
Name: Jane
From: Leola, PA
Hi. Just read your story...I have had chemical sensitivity for about 12 years..just started a treatment program called "LDA" by Dr. Shrader - it might take up to 2 years to get completely better. I am having a hard time in the work place with chemicals and fragrances, but with God's help I hope to keep working. Thanks for sharing your experiences!
Hi. Just read your story...I have had chemical sensitivity for about 12 years..just started a treatment program called "LDA" by Dr. Shrader - it might take up to 2 years to get completely better. I am having a hard time in the work place with chemicals and fragrances, but with God's help I hope to keep working. Thanks for sharing your experiences!
Added: October 3, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Gina
From: Oregon
Name: Gina
From: Oregon
Guess I did the last post wrong. So again, I just wanted to put my 2 cents in about the children and the incredible amounts of chemicals they are exposed to. Three times a year I have to test about 200 elementary children in our school district. I have to sometimes go outside after a test to try and air out. The smell from perfumes, hair gel, deodorant, and very over- fabric- softenered(new word -LOL)is crazy! If parents only knew what we know. Their little immune systems must be sick. --Gina
Guess I did the last post wrong. So again, I just wanted to put my 2 cents in about the children and the incredible amounts of chemicals they are exposed to. Three times a year I have to test about 200 elementary children in our school district. I have to sometimes go outside after a test to try and air out. The smell from perfumes, hair gel, deodorant, and very over- fabric- softenered(new word -LOL)is crazy! If parents only knew what we know. Their little immune systems must be sick. --Gina
Added: October 3, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Tracy Varjabedian
From: Michigan
Name: Tracy Varjabedian
From: Michigan
Your scriptures on faith has lifted me up when I was having some very low days. I now read your scriptures on faith every day before work and in the evening at the end of the day. I am so thankful I found this site.
Your scriptures on faith has lifted me up when I was having some very low days. I now read your scriptures on faith every day before work and in the evening at the end of the day. I am so thankful I found this site.
Added: October 2, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Rodrigo
From: Massachusetts
Name: Rodrigo
From: Massachusetts
My name is Rodrigo and I am in the same mission as most of you guys here in this forum/comment page. I have seen a lot of people around me being a victim of these nasty harsh chemicals products sold out there. We need to STOP POISONING OUR CHILDREN... starting with cleaning products we use at our houses ... #1 cause of major illness like cancer, asthma and etc name it .... I would more than glad to share some wellness with whomever wants ... I finally found a way to completely convert my house green becoming totally, spending less money than I was spending at traditional supermarket and bringing more health into my house.... email me if you like to know more info...
Let's not leave a deteriorated world to our children. BE GREEN AND SAVE MONEY !
Rodrigo Souza
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
My name is Rodrigo and I am in the same mission as most of you guys here in this forum/comment page. I have seen a lot of people around me being a victim of these nasty harsh chemicals products sold out there. We need to STOP POISONING OUR CHILDREN... starting with cleaning products we use at our houses ... #1 cause of major illness like cancer, asthma and etc name it .... I would more than glad to share some wellness with whomever wants ... I finally found a way to completely convert my house green becoming totally, spending less money than I was spending at traditional supermarket and bringing more health into my house.... email me if you like to know more info...
Let's not leave a deteriorated world to our children. BE GREEN AND SAVE MONEY !
Rodrigo Souza
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Added: October 1, 2008
Submitted by
Name: GINA
From: oregon
Name: GINA
From: oregon
This is great! I have been sick for at least 8 years. It is so good to at least know that others are experiencing the same things that I am. I am so going to try a few of the things like the large doses of vit. C and the detox bath regiment. I already have a fragrance free house. I know wonder about a lot of other things in my house. I will be making changes. I will keep you updated. I bought some good shampoo that doesnt have SLS from health food store.I also am using baking soda for toothpaste. I am also using salt crystal deoderant and am so pleasantly surprised that it keeps me drier and works better than any of the unscented regular kinds did. I will continue that for sure. Good Luck To ME!! and good Luck to all you!! God Bless!
This is great! I have been sick for at least 8 years. It is so good to at least know that others are experiencing the same things that I am. I am so going to try a few of the things like the large doses of vit. C and the detox bath regiment. I already have a fragrance free house. I know wonder about a lot of other things in my house. I will be making changes. I will keep you updated. I bought some good shampoo that doesnt have SLS from health food store.I also am using baking soda for toothpaste. I am also using salt crystal deoderant and am so pleasantly surprised that it keeps me drier and works better than any of the unscented regular kinds did. I will continue that for sure. Good Luck To ME!! and good Luck to all you!! God Bless!
Added: September 21, 2008
Submitted by
Name: keijo
From: sweden
Name: keijo
From: sweden
Let the bibles victory take us to wisdom and understanding and love for Satans power are broken and Jesus is the king of the king ,rejoice all you who love Christ and let your joy and joy be powerful and win ,and pray,thanks and bless and hope,keijos wededen
Let the bibles victory take us to wisdom and understanding and love for Satans power are broken and Jesus is the king of the king ,rejoice all you who love Christ and let your joy and joy be powerful and win ,and pray,thanks and bless and hope,keijos wededen
Added: September 18, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Diana Moriarty
From: Bromley Ky
Name: Diana Moriarty
From: Bromley Ky
Thank you for safe landing Jesus!

Thank you for safe landing Jesus!

Added: September 12, 2008
Submitted by
Name: richard mayhew
From: ga
Name: richard mayhew
From: ga
Hey all like your page everyone one looks the same must be the water down there, Good to hear everyone is doing good. I started back at my old church Central Baptisit Meet your uncle Bob Waller well send a line when yall can take care

Hey all like your page everyone one looks the same must be the water down there, Good to hear everyone is doing good. I started back at my old church Central Baptisit Meet your uncle Bob Waller well send a line when yall can take care

Added: August 31, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Regina
From: live in KY/ come from Germany
Name: Regina
From: live in KY/ come from Germany
Thank you for sharing your Family and your wisdome. May GOD bless all of you !
Thank you for sharing your Family and your wisdome. May GOD bless all of you !
Added: August 30, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Richard
From: Alberta, Canada
Name: Richard
From: Alberta, Canada
What a Wonderful Site.., and such Smart people
What a Wonderful Site.., and such Smart people
Added: August 28, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Audrey Goodwin
From: Cleveland TN
Name: Audrey Goodwin
From: Cleveland TN
5 year and counting since my first episode od getting sick wahing clothese. It was the Chlorine. Then I would get sick when showered or washed my hair. After that it was deorrant and other people and my work place.
We are a fragrance free household now. I have to wear a respirator with hepa filters anytime I go out. And yes, it can happen to anybody. My doctor thinks it may have come from low dose long term exposure to commercial painting products in a badly ventilated office contractors office. We will keep coping and telling everybody that will listen about this invisible disease
5 year and counting since my first episode od getting sick wahing clothese. It was the Chlorine. Then I would get sick when showered or washed my hair. After that it was deorrant and other people and my work place.
We are a fragrance free household now. I have to wear a respirator with hepa filters anytime I go out. And yes, it can happen to anybody. My doctor thinks it may have come from low dose long term exposure to commercial painting products in a badly ventilated office contractors office. We will keep coping and telling everybody that will listen about this invisible disease

Added: August 21, 2008
Submitted by
Name: J. Hart
From: Texas
Name: J. Hart
From: Texas
This site is very comforting. I am looking for either a renter who wants to live in a fragrance/chemical free home, or a fragrance/chemical free home where I can rent a room. Please contact if interested.
This site is very comforting. I am looking for either a renter who wants to live in a fragrance/chemical free home, or a fragrance/chemical free home where I can rent a room. Please contact if interested.
Added: August 15, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Marianne Williams
From: Chicago
Name: Marianne Williams
From: Chicago
Your website is a wonderful resource for anyone with allergies and chemical sensitivities. I am sending a great big Thank You.
Marianne W.
Your website is a wonderful resource for anyone with allergies and chemical sensitivities. I am sending a great big Thank You.
Marianne W.
Added: August 11, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Kelly
From: Chino Hills, CA
Name: Kelly
From: Chino Hills, CA
I'm not sure if I'm doing this this is just a test. I'm interested in talking with anyone who has MCS.
I'm not sure if I'm doing this this is just a test. I'm interested in talking with anyone who has MCS.
Added: August 6, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Jeni
From: Milwaukee
Name: Jeni
From: Milwaukee
I'm very glad to have found this website! I live in the Milwaukee, WI area and can't find any support groups or other people with MCS to connect with. It's very hard to find a home or job where I don't have to be exposed to chemicals like bleach/cleaners, gas fumes, perfumes/colognes, etc. Are there any groups for single people with MCS to meet- it would be nice to find someone who understands and also needs to live and work away from chemicals. I do childcare at home and need to find more work I can do at home to help support myself. Does anyone else work at home? I'd love to hear from other people with MCS. Thanks!
I'm very glad to have found this website! I live in the Milwaukee, WI area and can't find any support groups or other people with MCS to connect with. It's very hard to find a home or job where I don't have to be exposed to chemicals like bleach/cleaners, gas fumes, perfumes/colognes, etc. Are there any groups for single people with MCS to meet- it would be nice to find someone who understands and also needs to live and work away from chemicals. I do childcare at home and need to find more work I can do at home to help support myself. Does anyone else work at home? I'd love to hear from other people with MCS. Thanks!
Added: August 6, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Tomoko
From: Hokkaido,Japan
Name: Tomoko
From: Hokkaido,Japan
Thank you for this site.
I'm 35 t\years old Japanese female,
worked as a doctor and am sufferring from MCS for these 15 months.
I really want to have contact with other patients to talk about many things and encourge each other to suvive this ituation. I will be very happy if someone who's intereted give me an E-mail!
Thank you for this site.
I'm 35 t\years old Japanese female,
worked as a doctor and am sufferring from MCS for these 15 months.
I really want to have contact with other patients to talk about many things and encourge each other to suvive this ituation. I will be very happy if someone who's intereted give me an E-mail!
Added: August 5, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Donna
From: Minneapolis/ St. Paul
Name: Donna
From: Minneapolis/ St. Paul
Hi thank you for this site... it is reasuring that there are others that deal with MCS. We're not alone. I had it so bad a few years ago we decided to build a healthy home. (want to know more? drop us a note) Since then I have been getting better. Now we are considering moving out of state due to a new job and are looking for a renter for our healty home. (still in the planning stages)
We understand the plight that others suffer this might be a win win for someone in need.
Four bedroom country home with Victorian accents. There are 2.25 bath, raised rambler with large front porch and back deck, exterior furnace with A/C,(mounted on the outside of the home) electric off peak 105 gal.water heater, floor heat and A/C. All wood flooring, central Ozone, HEPA filtration, central vaccume, whole house reverse osmosis water system, (each full bath, kitchen sink, and ice maker) cherry wood cabinets throughout, two car garage attached, built in 2004. It is located on a corner lot in a Culdesac in a great location.
Hi thank you for this site... it is reasuring that there are others that deal with MCS. We're not alone. I had it so bad a few years ago we decided to build a healthy home. (want to know more? drop us a note) Since then I have been getting better. Now we are considering moving out of state due to a new job and are looking for a renter for our healty home. (still in the planning stages)
We understand the plight that others suffer this might be a win win for someone in need.
Four bedroom country home with Victorian accents. There are 2.25 bath, raised rambler with large front porch and back deck, exterior furnace with A/C,(mounted on the outside of the home) electric off peak 105 gal.water heater, floor heat and A/C. All wood flooring, central Ozone, HEPA filtration, central vaccume, whole house reverse osmosis water system, (each full bath, kitchen sink, and ice maker) cherry wood cabinets throughout, two car garage attached, built in 2004. It is located on a corner lot in a Culdesac in a great location.
Added: August 1, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Pam
From: Georgia
Name: Pam
From: Georgia
Thanks for remindin me who is really in control.
Thanks for remindin me who is really in control.
Added: July 31, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Margo
From: UK
Name: Margo
From: UK
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: July 22, 2008
Submitted by
Name: shannon dearmon
From: north carolina
Name: shannon dearmon
From: north carolina
wow i am so happy to find someone who my can help me . i have allergies to the smell of cantaloupes and oatmeal rasian cookies when they are cooking my daughter has a allergy to the smell of lavnder and my mother has an allergy to tar, banannas, nail polish and polish remover what can we do about these allergies. we have the same symptoms but mine are worst what can we do
wow i am so happy to find someone who my can help me . i have allergies to the smell of cantaloupes and oatmeal rasian cookies when they are cooking my daughter has a allergy to the smell of lavnder and my mother has an allergy to tar, banannas, nail polish and polish remover what can we do about these allergies. we have the same symptoms but mine are worst what can we do
Added: July 20, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Your mom
From: Your dad
Name: Your mom
From: Your dad
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: June 26, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Melissa
From: California
Name: Melissa
From: California
I found this one night and love everything about it. Thanks for sharing everything about you. I look forward to more.
I found this one night and love everything about it. Thanks for sharing everything about you. I look forward to more.
Added: June 25, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Lucie
From: New Jersey
Name: Lucie
From: New Jersey
I recovered completely from severe MCS. You can too. Believe. God made us all to heal... I am now helping others understand the power from God that they have and the ability to heal...
I recovered completely from severe MCS. You can too. Believe. God made us all to heal... I am now helping others understand the power from God that they have and the ability to heal...
Added: June 21, 2008
Submitted by
Name: opbabu
From: India, A.P, VijayaWada
Name: opbabu
From: India, A.P, VijayaWada
Your web site is very nice. It is so good to find out how wonderfully your ministry is doing. God is miracles God still today and he can do this things today with powerful hands touch and works .And hope that your church will continue grow and prosper, and that the Lord will bless you. Thanks .Babu
Your web site is very nice. It is so good to find out how wonderfully your ministry is doing. God is miracles God still today and he can do this things today with powerful hands touch and works .And hope that your church will continue grow and prosper, and that the Lord will bless you. Thanks .Babu
Added: June 15, 2008
Submitted by
Name: carla murray
From: stuart, florida
Name: carla murray
From: stuart, florida
Hi Jackie,
Thank you so much for your website and for your honesty in describing your life with MCS....I had been praying to remember Dr. Robbins name and address, and then, there it was on your website!! I had sinus surgery 3 years ago due to benign polyps that were assumed to have come from chemials or mold??? It has made me much worse, I can't stand the smell of anything...and my sense of smell is overly 'hypersentive' now...I can barely work or find anywhere to live. Old places smell old, I can smell former tenants smoke, cats and dogs, glade air freshener plug-ins..etc. New places are outgassing formaldehyde....but, in the long run, they are better. If I can air them out enough to begin living there. Thank you for sharing your faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. I know He has a plan for me to survive this, and not only to survive it, but to have 'life' in the midst of such disabiling circumstances. I will call and make an appointment with Dr. Robbins ASAP. I need help, and I am tiring of being treated like a sick, neurotic by my family who refuses to learn about MCS and have some understanding.....Praise God for other believers like you willing to fellowship with others who are suffering...
Hi Jackie,
Thank you so much for your website and for your honesty in describing your life with MCS....I had been praying to remember Dr. Robbins name and address, and then, there it was on your website!! I had sinus surgery 3 years ago due to benign polyps that were assumed to have come from chemials or mold??? It has made me much worse, I can't stand the smell of anything...and my sense of smell is overly 'hypersentive' now...I can barely work or find anywhere to live. Old places smell old, I can smell former tenants smoke, cats and dogs, glade air freshener plug-ins..etc. New places are outgassing formaldehyde....but, in the long run, they are better. If I can air them out enough to begin living there. Thank you for sharing your faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. I know He has a plan for me to survive this, and not only to survive it, but to have 'life' in the midst of such disabiling circumstances. I will call and make an appointment with Dr. Robbins ASAP. I need help, and I am tiring of being treated like a sick, neurotic by my family who refuses to learn about MCS and have some understanding.....Praise God for other believers like you willing to fellowship with others who are suffering...
Added: June 14, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Rickie
From: NM
Name: Rickie
From: NM
Hello Everyone, I bought a bath tub mat a couples a weeks agon never realizing that it was a rubber product and it the smell of it really caused me a lot of trouble. My MCS problem is bloating in my left lung, don't know why the left but every time I am exposed to a strong odor that is where I am affected. I am getting off the subject. I have done everything possible to get rid of the odor without success. Today I went to WalMart and checked there bath tub mats and found one that doesn't have any odor at all. The product is called Mainstays home cushioned Bath Mat. It is made for Walmart. Sooooooooooo if any of you have a problem with the rubber odor here's a bath tub mat that doesn't smell.
Hello Everyone, I bought a bath tub mat a couples a weeks agon never realizing that it was a rubber product and it the smell of it really caused me a lot of trouble. My MCS problem is bloating in my left lung, don't know why the left but every time I am exposed to a strong odor that is where I am affected. I am getting off the subject. I have done everything possible to get rid of the odor without success. Today I went to WalMart and checked there bath tub mats and found one that doesn't have any odor at all. The product is called Mainstays home cushioned Bath Mat. It is made for Walmart. Sooooooooooo if any of you have a problem with the rubber odor here's a bath tub mat that doesn't smell.
Added: May 29, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Ashlee
From: Alabama
Name: Ashlee
From: Alabama
I am 18 years old and i got MCS from a chemical burn on my head from hair dye and a pesticide poisoning a week before that. I got it when i was 16 and have been suffering since. I feel ill a lot of the times, i cant even be on a computer longer than an hour without feeling that cataplexy feeling. Although i must say i have made remarkable progress with a Naturopath. I am convinced that in about a year or two i should be back to normal. Doctors have laughed at me, and tell me its just allergies. It makes me so angry because they have no idea how much pain i have gone through, I couldnt go to prom or graduate high school. I really recommend everyone at least gets a live blood cell analysis test, the results wee alarming, Anyway, i hope everyone the best of health. And never be embarrassed to share your voice, how many more people have to get sick or die thanks to toxic injuries? No one deserves this.
I am 18 years old and i got MCS from a chemical burn on my head from hair dye and a pesticide poisoning a week before that. I got it when i was 16 and have been suffering since. I feel ill a lot of the times, i cant even be on a computer longer than an hour without feeling that cataplexy feeling. Although i must say i have made remarkable progress with a Naturopath. I am convinced that in about a year or two i should be back to normal. Doctors have laughed at me, and tell me its just allergies. It makes me so angry because they have no idea how much pain i have gone through, I couldnt go to prom or graduate high school. I really recommend everyone at least gets a live blood cell analysis test, the results wee alarming, Anyway, i hope everyone the best of health. And never be embarrassed to share your voice, how many more people have to get sick or die thanks to toxic injuries? No one deserves this.
Added: May 18, 2008
Submitted by
Name: cherly
From: md
Name: cherly
From: md
Greetings. We are in need of help for the following situation. My brother was employed for some time in the state of Maryland by Lowe's Home Improvement as a night manager. During overnight shifts, he was responsible for supervising a team of employees during the flat-stacking of huge pallets of lumber and such. None of the employees, including my brother, was allowed to leave the building because of security restrictions. After a year of this activity, my brother became increasingly ill. During a phone call that my brother had with another Lowe's night department manager, it was revealed that there had been inadequate ventilation in the work area, as mandated by Lowe's Policy and Procedure Manual on "Energy Management". Security restrictions during the night demand confinement to these specific spaces and 'no air passage' is a condition of the workplace. Employees are locked inside from eleven p.m. until six a.m. The forklifts used to move and lift the lumber pallets are powered by propane gas; the lumber itself has been cited as hazardous due to arsenic content. The burning of propane gas creates clouds of carbon monoxide, as well as other noxious elements; other merchandise being handled were the fertilizers and pesticides, which at that time, was moved by employees who wore no protective gear. Nor was anyone educated as to the potential hazards of contact with the chemicals contained in the merchandise.The drivers of the forklifts are also subjected to driving within the confines of eighteen wheelers to move merchandise from the trucks into the stores. Employees constantly complained of headaches and other ailments; on one occasion, when the team was taken ill, my brother opened the entry door so they could step outside and breathe fresh air. As a result, he was 'written up' and warned of further discipline by a district manager.
After months of unexplained illness and unproductive medical treatment, my brother collapsed on the job and was taken to the emergency room. Finally, after enumerable tests, he was diagnosed with brain damage from exposure to toxic chemicals and carbon monoxide. He then filed for Workman's Compensation. The hearing was held on September 28th, 2007 and he received a letter of denial on October 4th, which offered no explanation or even comment. I firmly believe that Lowe's has discarded him and perhaps many others as so much rubble because they know he is ill and believe him unable to fight back. His case for Workman's Compensation is now in appeal and will be heard before a judge.
However, my brother's medical problems are severe, and the prognosis for even long-term, low-grade exposure to these elements can be frightening. Some conditions are chronic and said to be permanent. The apathy of the legal system and the antipathy of Lowe's, for whom he worked hard, has been daunting; in addition, he has been unable to work and fears further complications with the illness. The idea that he can help those who are still employed by Lowe's, and those others who may have been sickened by similar conditions, is an inspiration to him to keep fighting for his health. Any insights or advice the forum can offer will be much appreciated by us, and passed on to those others in need. Thanking you in advance, we look forward to your response.
Greetings. We are in need of help for the following situation. My brother was employed for some time in the state of Maryland by Lowe's Home Improvement as a night manager. During overnight shifts, he was responsible for supervising a team of employees during the flat-stacking of huge pallets of lumber and such. None of the employees, including my brother, was allowed to leave the building because of security restrictions. After a year of this activity, my brother became increasingly ill. During a phone call that my brother had with another Lowe's night department manager, it was revealed that there had been inadequate ventilation in the work area, as mandated by Lowe's Policy and Procedure Manual on "Energy Management". Security restrictions during the night demand confinement to these specific spaces and 'no air passage' is a condition of the workplace. Employees are locked inside from eleven p.m. until six a.m. The forklifts used to move and lift the lumber pallets are powered by propane gas; the lumber itself has been cited as hazardous due to arsenic content. The burning of propane gas creates clouds of carbon monoxide, as well as other noxious elements; other merchandise being handled were the fertilizers and pesticides, which at that time, was moved by employees who wore no protective gear. Nor was anyone educated as to the potential hazards of contact with the chemicals contained in the merchandise.The drivers of the forklifts are also subjected to driving within the confines of eighteen wheelers to move merchandise from the trucks into the stores. Employees constantly complained of headaches and other ailments; on one occasion, when the team was taken ill, my brother opened the entry door so they could step outside and breathe fresh air. As a result, he was 'written up' and warned of further discipline by a district manager.
After months of unexplained illness and unproductive medical treatment, my brother collapsed on the job and was taken to the emergency room. Finally, after enumerable tests, he was diagnosed with brain damage from exposure to toxic chemicals and carbon monoxide. He then filed for Workman's Compensation. The hearing was held on September 28th, 2007 and he received a letter of denial on October 4th, which offered no explanation or even comment. I firmly believe that Lowe's has discarded him and perhaps many others as so much rubble because they know he is ill and believe him unable to fight back. His case for Workman's Compensation is now in appeal and will be heard before a judge.
However, my brother's medical problems are severe, and the prognosis for even long-term, low-grade exposure to these elements can be frightening. Some conditions are chronic and said to be permanent. The apathy of the legal system and the antipathy of Lowe's, for whom he worked hard, has been daunting; in addition, he has been unable to work and fears further complications with the illness. The idea that he can help those who are still employed by Lowe's, and those others who may have been sickened by similar conditions, is an inspiration to him to keep fighting for his health. Any insights or advice the forum can offer will be much appreciated by us, and passed on to those others in need. Thanking you in advance, we look forward to your response.
Added: May 14, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Susan
From: Issaquah, WA
Name: Susan
From: Issaquah, WA
Thanks so much for the website. Although I have known for quite some time that I have MCS, I always wondered why me? When I read your story, and saw how many similarities it had to mine, I realized right then why it was me. When I read your poem, I cried so hard-it is exactly how I feel. I want to remember myself as I was and be that woman again. I too am slowly getting there. My faith is the only thing that has pulled me through this and I thank God every single day for my life, even as it is. Even misery in life is still a life and pain is a form of love that teaches us things we would not have known otherwise. I think of my pain as messages from God. If I don't listen, I get sicker, if I do listen, I get better. I can't say it's nice to know others have this, but a kindred spirit is hard to find and I appreciate that you took the time to make this website and help others with their MCS.
God Bless You,
Thanks so much for the website. Although I have known for quite some time that I have MCS, I always wondered why me? When I read your story, and saw how many similarities it had to mine, I realized right then why it was me. When I read your poem, I cried so hard-it is exactly how I feel. I want to remember myself as I was and be that woman again. I too am slowly getting there. My faith is the only thing that has pulled me through this and I thank God every single day for my life, even as it is. Even misery in life is still a life and pain is a form of love that teaches us things we would not have known otherwise. I think of my pain as messages from God. If I don't listen, I get sicker, if I do listen, I get better. I can't say it's nice to know others have this, but a kindred spirit is hard to find and I appreciate that you took the time to make this website and help others with their MCS.
God Bless You,
Added: April 28, 2008
Submitted by
Name: aba
From: imo
Name: aba
From: imo
i love this page.
i love this page.
Added: April 25, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Henning N. Simonsen
From: Denmark
Name: Henning N. Simonsen
From: Denmark
Just pasing by Mange venlige hilsner fra Henning
Just pasing by Mange venlige hilsner fra Henning
Added: April 23, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Rickie
From: New Mexico
Name: Rickie
From: New Mexico
Hi everyone. I have some good news for myself. I am not rid of the MCS to all the smells and things that I had mention before but I am in the process of being pain free in my body. A doctor thought that I was having never pain in reguad to my MCS, which by the way she didn't think I was crazy which was a first, she perscribe Gabapentin, genric to Neuraton (sp) which is slowly taken care of the body, teeth, mouth, throat pain that I have suffered with for 3 years. She started me on 300mg 1x a day but have had to increase it to 600mg 4x's a day which I am sure will have to be increased as I am still having to take 2 Loratab a day but I am making progress on getting off of it, I was taking 4x's a day. In case you don't know that is codine/tylenol. That's not good. Just wanted to let you know that I am doing better in some areas of my life but the fragrances, odors, ect. are still number ONE in my life and can't be around people, crowds, ect. because of the fragrances they use. I have hope that one day I might be healed of MCS but you know God promised that he will heal me but I don't know which side of heaven it will happen. Like a little story that I read about a family praying for their love one to be healed and they tolded their pastor that God didn't answer their prayers. His responce was, "Yes he answered your prayers because your love one is healed in heaven, he just didn't answer your prayer the way you wanted it to be." So this how I look at it God will heal me in his own time and in his own place. God is my strength as I go through this each day. There is a lot to be thankful for, I don't have MCS as bad as many of you do. I can get out of the house but I just have to time it just right when I go to stores and that's when they first open. Just have to avoid crowds and people with fragrances of any kind. I am thankful that I haven't been called for jury duty and pray that I never will be for I might have a difficult time getting out of it if I have to get a doctors letter stating that I can't because I can't be arount crowds. I think I am just beginning to rattle around here so I guess I will sign off now, but I am so glad for this site.
Hi everyone. I have some good news for myself. I am not rid of the MCS to all the smells and things that I had mention before but I am in the process of being pain free in my body. A doctor thought that I was having never pain in reguad to my MCS, which by the way she didn't think I was crazy which was a first, she perscribe Gabapentin, genric to Neuraton (sp) which is slowly taken care of the body, teeth, mouth, throat pain that I have suffered with for 3 years. She started me on 300mg 1x a day but have had to increase it to 600mg 4x's a day which I am sure will have to be increased as I am still having to take 2 Loratab a day but I am making progress on getting off of it, I was taking 4x's a day. In case you don't know that is codine/tylenol. That's not good. Just wanted to let you know that I am doing better in some areas of my life but the fragrances, odors, ect. are still number ONE in my life and can't be around people, crowds, ect. because of the fragrances they use. I have hope that one day I might be healed of MCS but you know God promised that he will heal me but I don't know which side of heaven it will happen. Like a little story that I read about a family praying for their love one to be healed and they tolded their pastor that God didn't answer their prayers. His responce was, "Yes he answered your prayers because your love one is healed in heaven, he just didn't answer your prayer the way you wanted it to be." So this how I look at it God will heal me in his own time and in his own place. God is my strength as I go through this each day. There is a lot to be thankful for, I don't have MCS as bad as many of you do. I can get out of the house but I just have to time it just right when I go to stores and that's when they first open. Just have to avoid crowds and people with fragrances of any kind. I am thankful that I haven't been called for jury duty and pray that I never will be for I might have a difficult time getting out of it if I have to get a doctors letter stating that I can't because I can't be arount crowds. I think I am just beginning to rattle around here so I guess I will sign off now, but I am so glad for this site.
Added: April 18, 2008
Submitted by
Added: April 16, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Denise Spain
From: Willow, Alaska
Name: Denise Spain
From: Willow, Alaska
It is so refreshing to read the truth about all of the nasty and harmful garbage in this world. At the same time it is so scary, and I only learn the truth after raising my three children not knowing what poisonous chemicals I was filling there little bodies with.
It is so refreshing to read the truth about all of the nasty and harmful garbage in this world. At the same time it is so scary, and I only learn the truth after raising my three children not knowing what poisonous chemicals I was filling there little bodies with.
Added: April 14, 2008
Submitted by
Name: jean
From: Minneapolis MN
Name: jean
From: Minneapolis MN
HI Friends,
I work as an RN, and I still suffer when I'm around chemicals, such as scented sprays that they use in public restrooms to cover odors. I get so ill, I nearly throw up. Strong colognes give me headaches and I can almost taste the cologne. I feel best when I can get some fresh air. I would say I've been reacting to these chemical smells for around 4 years.
I'm glad I'm not alone. I Just wanted to say HI.
I think the most harsh scents are detergents, colognes, cleaning sprays, scented candles, potpourri.
FRESH AIR!! yes, jeanie
HI Friends,
I work as an RN, and I still suffer when I'm around chemicals, such as scented sprays that they use in public restrooms to cover odors. I get so ill, I nearly throw up. Strong colognes give me headaches and I can almost taste the cologne. I feel best when I can get some fresh air. I would say I've been reacting to these chemical smells for around 4 years.
I'm glad I'm not alone. I Just wanted to say HI.
I think the most harsh scents are detergents, colognes, cleaning sprays, scented candles, potpourri.
FRESH AIR!! yes, jeanie
Added: April 10, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Mr. Prasit Subkosaruk
From: Thailand
Name: Mr. Prasit Subkosaruk
From: Thailand
I learnt a lot about the danger of (artificial fragrance in)fabric softener from your web.Now I start to educate people about their health's risk. Early in March 2007 I called and emailed Unilever office in Thailand after going through their webside.I had never get any response from them.Now one year later I contacted the Unilever head office in Great Britain.Quite surprisingly I did receive a reply back within one hour,saying that it might take up to three weeks to answer my concern from the experts of their company.Twenty-four days later I emailed to remind them.NO answer.Four weeks away I tried again,they reply me with the same message(thank you for your message we will get back to you personally as soon as possible. In some case it may takes up to three weeks).To me what they said in their websites just propaganda cover up their image. I write you today to request your advice what should be done in response to their ignorant. Thanks! Best regards. Prasit.
I learnt a lot about the danger of (artificial fragrance in)fabric softener from your web.Now I start to educate people about their health's risk. Early in March 2007 I called and emailed Unilever office in Thailand after going through their webside.I had never get any response from them.Now one year later I contacted the Unilever head office in Great Britain.Quite surprisingly I did receive a reply back within one hour,saying that it might take up to three weeks to answer my concern from the experts of their company.Twenty-four days later I emailed to remind them.NO answer.Four weeks away I tried again,they reply me with the same message(thank you for your message we will get back to you personally as soon as possible. In some case it may takes up to three weeks).To me what they said in their websites just propaganda cover up their image. I write you today to request your advice what should be done in response to their ignorant. Thanks! Best regards. Prasit.
Added: March 31, 2008
Submitted by
Name: GodsPatriot
From: WV
Name: GodsPatriot
From: WV
I started getting spamed as soon as I posted my email address below, so I deleted those accounts. Here is a new email address that you can use if you wish to contact me. I didn't put it in the hyperlink format so that the Internet spiders can't find it to spam me.
mcscom AT godspatriot DOT com
I started getting spamed as soon as I posted my email address below, so I deleted those accounts. Here is a new email address that you can use if you wish to contact me. I didn't put it in the hyperlink format so that the Internet spiders can't find it to spam me.
mcscom AT godspatriot DOT com
Added: March 29, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Rickie
From: Farmington, NM
Name: Rickie
From: Farmington, NM
Hi Everyone, I signed in with a different email in case anyone whats to be part of my ministry that God has opened up for me to do since I came down with MCS. I thought my world had come to an end and didn't know how I was going to sever God when I couldn't be involved with church activites, like visiting the people in the nursing home and shut ins with my husband because I couldn't be around all the fragrancs, odors and other toxins that cause me to be sick. Bot God is good he wasn't going to let me idle he has opened up doors that would have never happen if I had stayed well. I started a postcard ministry that I send 35-40 cards to the shut-in and nursing home residents, then I started sending to my church staff, prayer groups, then God impress on me last April to minister to the military men and women that has a connection with our church but didn't know just what to do. Then in September I thought I'd get their email address and started sending to them, now I send to the college students, all of my friends in my email address book and have pick up others here and there. In September I started makeing a video or photo's that I have taken setting them to Christian music and praise songs. Sometimes I add a verse to it also. I have an Easter one that I will be sending out in the next few days. If anyone is interested in receiving these you can get in touch with me at the email address. Put in you subject line "Want e-postcards and videos" because all the emails will go into my junk mail.
Here's Bible Scripture that I want to shae with you which has become my verse since I was struck down with MCS:
When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold. My foot has help me fast to His path; I have kept His way and not turned aside. I have not departed from the command of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more that necessary food.
Job 23:10-12 NASV
Hi Everyone, I signed in with a different email in case anyone whats to be part of my ministry that God has opened up for me to do since I came down with MCS. I thought my world had come to an end and didn't know how I was going to sever God when I couldn't be involved with church activites, like visiting the people in the nursing home and shut ins with my husband because I couldn't be around all the fragrancs, odors and other toxins that cause me to be sick. Bot God is good he wasn't going to let me idle he has opened up doors that would have never happen if I had stayed well. I started a postcard ministry that I send 35-40 cards to the shut-in and nursing home residents, then I started sending to my church staff, prayer groups, then God impress on me last April to minister to the military men and women that has a connection with our church but didn't know just what to do. Then in September I thought I'd get their email address and started sending to them, now I send to the college students, all of my friends in my email address book and have pick up others here and there. In September I started makeing a video or photo's that I have taken setting them to Christian music and praise songs. Sometimes I add a verse to it also. I have an Easter one that I will be sending out in the next few days. If anyone is interested in receiving these you can get in touch with me at the email address. Put in you subject line "Want e-postcards and videos" because all the emails will go into my junk mail.
Here's Bible Scripture that I want to shae with you which has become my verse since I was struck down with MCS:
When He has tried me, I shall come forth as gold. My foot has help me fast to His path; I have kept His way and not turned aside. I have not departed from the command of His lips; I have treasured the words of His mouth more that necessary food.
Job 23:10-12 NASV
Added: March 14, 2008
Submitted by
Name: GodsPatriot
From: WV
Name: GodsPatriot
From: WV
I've been researching MCS for a few years now, and find it to be really similar to aspartame (and other artificial sweeteners) poisoning. I was wondering who uses artificial sweeteners and has MCS? I used to drink 3 two liters a day of Diet Coke. I also know that many of the Gulf War Vets who have the Gulf War Syndrome and MCS also drank the free diet coke that was shipped to Iraq and sat in the hot sun and the aspartame turns to formaldehyde in the body. It's a VERY DANGEROUS chemical and I believe aspartame is what caused my MCS. I would love to hear from others who have MCS and use or used artificial sweeteners.
I've been researching MCS for a few years now, and find it to be really similar to aspartame (and other artificial sweeteners) poisoning. I was wondering who uses artificial sweeteners and has MCS? I used to drink 3 two liters a day of Diet Coke. I also know that many of the Gulf War Vets who have the Gulf War Syndrome and MCS also drank the free diet coke that was shipped to Iraq and sat in the hot sun and the aspartame turns to formaldehyde in the body. It's a VERY DANGEROUS chemical and I believe aspartame is what caused my MCS. I would love to hear from others who have MCS and use or used artificial sweeteners.
Added: March 14, 2008
Submitted by
Name: GodsPatriot
From: WV
Name: GodsPatriot
From: WV
Hello everyone! I wanted to pass on some great information that I have learned the hard way. I have MCS and 2 years ago it was horrible! I could not be around people, go shopping, eat anything except organic foods that I made myself, use soap, etc. etc. My life was miserable and I was always in severe pain from the horrible headaches. Then I read about a woman who cured her MCS by taking massive doses of Vitamin C. I read about Vitamin C and decided to try it. I began taking aprox.52, 000mg over a 12-hour period (divided up into 4,000mg an hour) with distilled water that I make with my distiller. I do not recommend any other type of water other than distilled. Even bottled water isn't safe and doesn't have to meet the gov. standards of tap water. Water in plastic jugs is not safe. The chemicals leach into the water. Anyway, I began to heal! It was a miracle! I then threw the Gerson Therapy ( gersontherapy dot org)into the mix, and it was amazing! I also added at least 15 minutes of sunshine or sunlamp therapy to the mix for vital Vitamin D, and walks and weight lifting. I'm not healed yet, but have came a long ways in a short period of time, and wanted to share this with you all since I have improved by at least 50% from what I used to be. May God be with you all!
Hello everyone! I wanted to pass on some great information that I have learned the hard way. I have MCS and 2 years ago it was horrible! I could not be around people, go shopping, eat anything except organic foods that I made myself, use soap, etc. etc. My life was miserable and I was always in severe pain from the horrible headaches. Then I read about a woman who cured her MCS by taking massive doses of Vitamin C. I read about Vitamin C and decided to try it. I began taking aprox.52, 000mg over a 12-hour period (divided up into 4,000mg an hour) with distilled water that I make with my distiller. I do not recommend any other type of water other than distilled. Even bottled water isn't safe and doesn't have to meet the gov. standards of tap water. Water in plastic jugs is not safe. The chemicals leach into the water. Anyway, I began to heal! It was a miracle! I then threw the Gerson Therapy ( gersontherapy dot org)into the mix, and it was amazing! I also added at least 15 minutes of sunshine or sunlamp therapy to the mix for vital Vitamin D, and walks and weight lifting. I'm not healed yet, but have came a long ways in a short period of time, and wanted to share this with you all since I have improved by at least 50% from what I used to be. May God be with you all!
Added: March 14, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Jen
From: Zion IL
Name: Jen
From: Zion IL
AMEN for whoever started this website!! I thought I was the only one suffering and recently came across your website and demanded more information from my personal physician as well as my allergist. I have been suffering painfully since we built and moved into a new home and I now realize it is all due to MCS. I have now taken steps to eliminate as many chemicals in my everyday life that I can control and my suffering has lessened. Take care and again, a wonderful website!!
AMEN for whoever started this website!! I thought I was the only one suffering and recently came across your website and demanded more information from my personal physician as well as my allergist. I have been suffering painfully since we built and moved into a new home and I now realize it is all due to MCS. I have now taken steps to eliminate as many chemicals in my everyday life that I can control and my suffering has lessened. Take care and again, a wonderful website!!
Added: March 10, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Shareen
From: IL
Name: Shareen
From: IL
Thank you for your very informative website. Having gone through the many years of suffering from chemical/fragrance intolerence, and the writings you gave, I can recognize so much of what I'm going through that has limited my life and activities. I long for the the 'old' me.
I will be seeing a specicalist for environmental illness/chemical/frgrance severe intolerance. I seem to spend 3/4 of my time searching out what has triggered another disabilitating bout of intolerance! It makes me so ill that often I have to go to bed. And, many times, I've had to seek emergency medical help. Your 'Poem' 'hit home' immensely for me, as 'it IS home' for me.
I will printed out much literature from your site and will be 'armed' with material and info for the next physician I see. But, this time, I will go with 'hope' in finding treatment that will give me relief and hopefully give me some 'freedom' in every day life! God Bless you and all your endeavors in dedicating so much of your time to this cause.
Thank you for your very informative website. Having gone through the many years of suffering from chemical/fragrance intolerence, and the writings you gave, I can recognize so much of what I'm going through that has limited my life and activities. I long for the the 'old' me.
I will be seeing a specicalist for environmental illness/chemical/frgrance severe intolerance. I seem to spend 3/4 of my time searching out what has triggered another disabilitating bout of intolerance! It makes me so ill that often I have to go to bed. And, many times, I've had to seek emergency medical help. Your 'Poem' 'hit home' immensely for me, as 'it IS home' for me.
I will printed out much literature from your site and will be 'armed' with material and info for the next physician I see. But, this time, I will go with 'hope' in finding treatment that will give me relief and hopefully give me some 'freedom' in every day life! God Bless you and all your endeavors in dedicating so much of your time to this cause.
Added: March 10, 2008
Submitted by
I am imprest with this site.I suffer with asthma and was quite aware that some perfumes really botherd me but I had know idea how bad they all are.I will be showing this site to my wife she likes to use candles and they really bother me and we have gone around and around over them thank for all you do.

I am imprest with this site.I suffer with asthma and was quite aware that some perfumes really botherd me but I had know idea how bad they all are.I will be showing this site to my wife she likes to use candles and they really bother me and we have gone around and around over them thank for all you do.

Added: March 10, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Frances Dunigan
From: Sacramento, CA
Name: Frances Dunigan
From: Sacramento, CA
I thank God for leading me to this site. It has information galore. To read about others who have suffered also. But to encounter a faith-based site as well was overwhelming. I will visit your site again. Thank you Lord Jesus!
I thank God for leading me to this site. It has information galore. To read about others who have suffered also. But to encounter a faith-based site as well was overwhelming. I will visit your site again. Thank you Lord Jesus!
Added: March 7, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Tina
From: Memphis, TN
Name: Tina
From: Memphis, TN
I was having one of those nights, when you get that tug at your heart of a loss that you have suffered. I have a beautiful little poodle name Anjelette she went to the beauty parlor yesterday so she looked just beautiful. As I looked at her I couldn't help to think of my sweetness, my little Mignette she looked liked Anjelette in her prime. So I visited my favorite site and found a link to your song, it touched my heart so much. I could tell that it was sung with love and from your heart and said everything that I would want to say about Mignette. I lost her Nov 21, 2002 at 5pm, three months to the day I found her suffering one morning with a large tumor on the side of her head. Three months was all that it took for such a loving little poodle to go through two surgeries, chemo, stroke and them auto immune that did take her down. She wanted to live and she did try but it was just too much. I read you site about Dusty and I have struggled with my choice to fight for Mignette's life - did I do the right thing? I just loved her so much and still grieve for her to this day, even now with a new beautiful puppy that is just what God sent to me to help me move forward.
I was not there when she died, I was on my way and only five minutes away. This still haunts me.
This is what I go through from time to time and I want you to know that your song has helped me and you writings about Dusty has helped as well. I wish you much happiness and love in your life. Thank you for what you have shared with the world.
I was having one of those nights, when you get that tug at your heart of a loss that you have suffered. I have a beautiful little poodle name Anjelette she went to the beauty parlor yesterday so she looked just beautiful. As I looked at her I couldn't help to think of my sweetness, my little Mignette she looked liked Anjelette in her prime. So I visited my favorite site and found a link to your song, it touched my heart so much. I could tell that it was sung with love and from your heart and said everything that I would want to say about Mignette. I lost her Nov 21, 2002 at 5pm, three months to the day I found her suffering one morning with a large tumor on the side of her head. Three months was all that it took for such a loving little poodle to go through two surgeries, chemo, stroke and them auto immune that did take her down. She wanted to live and she did try but it was just too much. I read you site about Dusty and I have struggled with my choice to fight for Mignette's life - did I do the right thing? I just loved her so much and still grieve for her to this day, even now with a new beautiful puppy that is just what God sent to me to help me move forward.
I was not there when she died, I was on my way and only five minutes away. This still haunts me.
This is what I go through from time to time and I want you to know that your song has helped me and you writings about Dusty has helped as well. I wish you much happiness and love in your life. Thank you for what you have shared with the world.
Added: March 6, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Rickie
From: Farmington, NM
Name: Rickie
From: Farmington, NM
I have been suffering with MCS going on 3 years now. Fragrance,odors, rubber tires, cooking odor,seasonings, wood smoke, fabric softners in the air you name it and it will most likely cause me problems.I haven't been able to go to church or social grathings. I have to stay home and still have problems. I am affected with pain starting with my teeth,mouth on down into the stomach which this pain isn't stopped will go through my entire body. I am on Lortab 4 times a day which helps with that pain for now. It is like acid reflex in the reverse. When I get around people, places, crowds that have fragraces or odors my left adominal side will blow up just like a balloon and can get very very bad with the pressure. I have this feeling every day and all day long. The only way I get relief from the pressuer is taking Lorazepam which helps with the bloating by relaxing it but not entirely. I find laying down helps so I spend a lot of time in the bedroom reclining. I have been told I am having panic attacks, depression and the primary doctors just don't listen. I found an allergest that deal with MCS who diagnose me but I had to quit taking the allergy shots to build up my allergies resitance to my other allergies because my PC would't give me the shots anymore. The allgerest wasn't in town he had told me if you could get the vegtation under control I would be able to handle the MCS better. I am so tired of dealing with this and being isolated from everything. I can't even travel to see my grandchildren because of the fragrances that are in their houses. They do come to visit once a year and use my products. I just wonder if there is anyone else that is affected in this same way as I am. I know others are affected differently.
I have been suffering with MCS going on 3 years now. Fragrance,odors, rubber tires, cooking odor,seasonings, wood smoke, fabric softners in the air you name it and it will most likely cause me problems.I haven't been able to go to church or social grathings. I have to stay home and still have problems. I am affected with pain starting with my teeth,mouth on down into the stomach which this pain isn't stopped will go through my entire body. I am on Lortab 4 times a day which helps with that pain for now. It is like acid reflex in the reverse. When I get around people, places, crowds that have fragraces or odors my left adominal side will blow up just like a balloon and can get very very bad with the pressure. I have this feeling every day and all day long. The only way I get relief from the pressuer is taking Lorazepam which helps with the bloating by relaxing it but not entirely. I find laying down helps so I spend a lot of time in the bedroom reclining. I have been told I am having panic attacks, depression and the primary doctors just don't listen. I found an allergest that deal with MCS who diagnose me but I had to quit taking the allergy shots to build up my allergies resitance to my other allergies because my PC would't give me the shots anymore. The allgerest wasn't in town he had told me if you could get the vegtation under control I would be able to handle the MCS better. I am so tired of dealing with this and being isolated from everything. I can't even travel to see my grandchildren because of the fragrances that are in their houses. They do come to visit once a year and use my products. I just wonder if there is anyone else that is affected in this same way as I am. I know others are affected differently.
Added: March 5, 2008
Submitted by
Name: John J Drake
From: Heath Springs, S.C.
Name: John J Drake
From: Heath Springs, S.C.
THANX A HEAP!! for your website. The perfume industry must hate us indeed. I had a bad attack Thursday, which affected my sinuses and chest.
It's Saturday, and my sinuses still hurt badly.
Don't know how much this old world will endure, before a New Earth as promised in the Bible will bring about a change. One thing that I've not seen as of yet, was how 2nd hand smoke affects us. What about 2nd hand Perfume/Cologne affecting some??
THANX A HEAP!! for your website. The perfume industry must hate us indeed. I had a bad attack Thursday, which affected my sinuses and chest.
It's Saturday, and my sinuses still hurt badly.
Don't know how much this old world will endure, before a New Earth as promised in the Bible will bring about a change. One thing that I've not seen as of yet, was how 2nd hand smoke affects us. What about 2nd hand Perfume/Cologne affecting some??
Added: March 1, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Ty
From: Our falling World
Name: Ty
From: Our falling World
Thank you so much for all the great information. I found your website on my search regarding "fragrance", then I saw the link talking about your faith.... I pray the Lord our God continue to bless you both.
Thank you so much for all the great information. I found your website on my search regarding "fragrance", then I saw the link talking about your faith.... I pray the Lord our God continue to bless you both.
Added: February 28, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Camille
From: Skokie, Illinois
Name: Camille
From: Skokie, Illinois
We have a healthy house for sale in the Chicago area. Knowing how hard it is to find this type of housing, we have been looking for someone who would appreciate all of the work we put into this house. I have a flyer and would like to find folks in the Chicago (Skokie) area who could really use this home. Real estate agents do not care here. Do you know anyone in this area who needs a safe home?
We have a healthy house for sale in the Chicago area. Knowing how hard it is to find this type of housing, we have been looking for someone who would appreciate all of the work we put into this house. I have a flyer and would like to find folks in the Chicago (Skokie) area who could really use this home. Real estate agents do not care here. Do you know anyone in this area who needs a safe home?
Added: February 28, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Jaimee Kennedy
From: Perth Western Australia
Name: Jaimee Kennedy
From: Perth Western Australia
Thank you so much for this website, I was really beginning to feel alone with this illness. Approximately 6 months ago I had an allergic reaction to a facial which landed me in hospital & then a few weeks later my partner & I went up to inspect our new house that we were building & they were spraying gloss paint everywhere. Upon inhalation I immediately began to feel extemely sick and I guess you can say from that point onwards, my life hasn't been the same since!! I am now unable to work & confined to the home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week because if I step outside I have intense reactions to all sorts of things like car tyres, exhaust fumes, petrol, perfume, grass etc etc. And not to mention inside the home, we've had to dispose of all cleaning products and resort to using bi-carb soda for everything. I have managed to find 3 doctors who know of the illness, however they all have different theories on what causes MCS. Is it a malfunction of the liver, the immune system or the nervous system or all three!! I'm so confused and would love to find a way out of this hell without jusy being told to avoid chemicals, which is just totally unavoidable in todays society. I do not wish to be a hermit for the rest of my life. I would give anything to get my life back to atleast some degree or normal existance so I can't interact with others again. I refuse to believe that there is no cure for this thing. So, if anybody has any helpful advice or knows of anything I can do to help myself besides avoidance, please will you email me...I'm desperate!!!!
Thank you so much for this website, I was really beginning to feel alone with this illness. Approximately 6 months ago I had an allergic reaction to a facial which landed me in hospital & then a few weeks later my partner & I went up to inspect our new house that we were building & they were spraying gloss paint everywhere. Upon inhalation I immediately began to feel extemely sick and I guess you can say from that point onwards, my life hasn't been the same since!! I am now unable to work & confined to the home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week because if I step outside I have intense reactions to all sorts of things like car tyres, exhaust fumes, petrol, perfume, grass etc etc. And not to mention inside the home, we've had to dispose of all cleaning products and resort to using bi-carb soda for everything. I have managed to find 3 doctors who know of the illness, however they all have different theories on what causes MCS. Is it a malfunction of the liver, the immune system or the nervous system or all three!! I'm so confused and would love to find a way out of this hell without jusy being told to avoid chemicals, which is just totally unavoidable in todays society. I do not wish to be a hermit for the rest of my life. I would give anything to get my life back to atleast some degree or normal existance so I can't interact with others again. I refuse to believe that there is no cure for this thing. So, if anybody has any helpful advice or knows of anything I can do to help myself besides avoidance, please will you email me...I'm desperate!!!!
Added: February 25, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Charlotte Bernard
From: CT
Name: Charlotte Bernard
From: CT
I didn't think it was normal to grieve so deeply for a pet as I have grieved for my little Bichon Frise Nicole who passed recently.
The hole she has left in my heart and the loss my son and I are feeling is too great to put into words.
What breaks our hearts in this moment is that our other little girl, Cleo, my other Bichon Frise, is grieving the loss of her sister as well.
I am grateful I found your site and now I don't feel strange to be grieving as much as I am. I can see it's only normal.
Thank You..
I didn't think it was normal to grieve so deeply for a pet as I have grieved for my little Bichon Frise Nicole who passed recently.
The hole she has left in my heart and the loss my son and I are feeling is too great to put into words.
What breaks our hearts in this moment is that our other little girl, Cleo, my other Bichon Frise, is grieving the loss of her sister as well.
I am grateful I found your site and now I don't feel strange to be grieving as much as I am. I can see it's only normal.
Thank You..
Added: February 19, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Karen Porter
From: Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada
Name: Karen Porter
From: Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada
I was diagnosed with MCS/EI in June 2005. Your story is so eerily similar to mine. I was very happy in life, with my husband and my two jobs - then I could no longer function. I would fall asleep at work and couldn't even answer basic questions. I have gone from an outgoing very social person to a hermit. I used to think people like me were crazy - but they are not. Vanilla scented dryer sheets used to be my favorite. I now use tin foil rolled up into a ball shiny side out. I have a sense of smell now like that of a bloodhound :-)) Anyway thanks for this site and I will continue to try to educate people about the poison in their products. I used to think that I didn't like cleaning (especially the bathtub). Now that I use toxic free products I don't mind at all. Looking back I was probably getting a bad reaction but didn't realize it. All the best to you.
I was diagnosed with MCS/EI in June 2005. Your story is so eerily similar to mine. I was very happy in life, with my husband and my two jobs - then I could no longer function. I would fall asleep at work and couldn't even answer basic questions. I have gone from an outgoing very social person to a hermit. I used to think people like me were crazy - but they are not. Vanilla scented dryer sheets used to be my favorite. I now use tin foil rolled up into a ball shiny side out. I have a sense of smell now like that of a bloodhound :-)) Anyway thanks for this site and I will continue to try to educate people about the poison in their products. I used to think that I didn't like cleaning (especially the bathtub). Now that I use toxic free products I don't mind at all. Looking back I was probably getting a bad reaction but didn't realize it. All the best to you.
Added: February 18, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Alison
From: Australia (Newcastle
Name: Alison
From: Australia (Newcastle
What a beautiful song for Dusty - you have an amazing voice and what a wonderful life Dusty had with you both. I know it has been a while since you wrote that, I hope life has been good to you since.
What a beautiful song for Dusty - you have an amazing voice and what a wonderful life Dusty had with you both. I know it has been a while since you wrote that, I hope life has been good to you since.
Added: February 16, 2008
Submitted by
Name: B
Name: B
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: February 9, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Mary
From: PA
Name: Mary
From: PA
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: February 8, 2008
Submitted by
Name: joan Woods
From: England
Name: joan Woods
From: England
I was diagnosed with polymyositis,an incurable muscular disease,and by chance saw an article on fabric softeners etc.Stopped using straight away, and my illness slowly disappeared.I am now desperate to get the message across to all mothers
I was diagnosed with polymyositis,an incurable muscular disease,and by chance saw an article on fabric softeners etc.Stopped using straight away, and my illness slowly disappeared.I am now desperate to get the message across to all mothers
Added: February 3, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Ruth Ann
From: Waukesha, Wisconsin USA
Name: Ruth Ann
From: Waukesha, Wisconsin USA
Thanks for creating this space for us to express ourselves to others who understand what we are
going through. I have had MCS since about 2002, and have lost my best friend, my husband, of 17 years. He was my champion and helped me to understand what my illness is, by doing research on it on the internet. I think when we first get sick with this, it is so hard to cope, because we
do not understand what is happening. As we learn and grow through problems and finding solutions to
how to live with it, we can get healthier, and hopefully reclaim some of the ground that has been taken from us. Educating others about MCS is the only way we can beat this thing!!!
Thanks! Ruth Ann
Thanks for creating this space for us to express ourselves to others who understand what we are
going through. I have had MCS since about 2002, and have lost my best friend, my husband, of 17 years. He was my champion and helped me to understand what my illness is, by doing research on it on the internet. I think when we first get sick with this, it is so hard to cope, because we
do not understand what is happening. As we learn and grow through problems and finding solutions to
how to live with it, we can get healthier, and hopefully reclaim some of the ground that has been taken from us. Educating others about MCS is the only way we can beat this thing!!!
Thanks! Ruth Ann
Added: January 30, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Robin
Name: Robin
Thank you for your very informational website, I love it.. I enjoy reading your stories..
Thank you for your very informational website, I love it.. I enjoy reading your stories..
Added: January 22, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Mary
From: Nebraska
Name: Mary
From: Nebraska
Thank you for sharing your story about Dusty--and your song is beautiful. It made me cry. I lost my grandpa kitty Spike this week. He lived a long life (almost 19 years) and got kidney failure. We were able to spend alot of time with him and he told us in his own way that it was his time to go. We too had our wonderful vet help us take his suffering away. May God continue to bless you as you are a blessing to all those who read your words and listen to your beautiful musical tribute to your dear little dog. I know our Spike is playing with your Dusty on that Rainbow Bridge. It will be a wonderful day when we all cross that bridge to take our little children with fur home to heaven. Thank you! You are wonderful! (((HUGS)))
Thank you for sharing your story about Dusty--and your song is beautiful. It made me cry. I lost my grandpa kitty Spike this week. He lived a long life (almost 19 years) and got kidney failure. We were able to spend alot of time with him and he told us in his own way that it was his time to go. We too had our wonderful vet help us take his suffering away. May God continue to bless you as you are a blessing to all those who read your words and listen to your beautiful musical tribute to your dear little dog. I know our Spike is playing with your Dusty on that Rainbow Bridge. It will be a wonderful day when we all cross that bridge to take our little children with fur home to heaven. Thank you! You are wonderful! (((HUGS)))
Added: January 15, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Alissa
From: California
Name: Alissa
From: California
Hey guys! I was working on a science project and we are trying to make purfume/lotion so i googled it and this one showed up. Thank you for all the helpful information. I will deffinately tell my science fair partners and spread the word.
Hey guys! I was working on a science project and we are trying to make purfume/lotion so i googled it and this one showed up. Thank you for all the helpful information. I will deffinately tell my science fair partners and spread the word.
Added: January 15, 2008
Submitted by
Name: lili
From: sxm
Name: lili
From: sxm
hey Jackie,
cool you...just saying hey!!!!
hey Jackie,
cool you...just saying hey!!!!

Added: January 14, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Lauren Williams
From: Wichita, Kansas
Name: Lauren Williams
From: Wichita, Kansas
Gorden and Jacki,
You ROCK! I stumbled upon your sight, and I found myself reading several of your different findings and fun facts. I'm going to keep stumbling!
Gorden and Jacki,
You ROCK! I stumbled upon your sight, and I found myself reading several of your different findings and fun facts. I'm going to keep stumbling!
Added: January 11, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Alastair
From: UK
Name: Alastair
From: UK
What has happened to Diana Buckland's website for global recognition for mcs?
Does any one know why it has been replaced by a "dodgy" global mcs org ?
What has happened to Diana Buckland's website for global recognition for mcs?
Does any one know why it has been replaced by a "dodgy" global mcs org ?
Added: January 10, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Debbyanne Brice
From: Adelaide
Name: Debbyanne Brice
From: Adelaide
I think this site is terrific! I love the Remember me poem which is heart felt! I think the articles are really informative and keep up your wonderful work!
GOD Bless you all! Debby

Added: January 8, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Alice Amanda Jones
From: Anderson Missouri
Name: Alice Amanda Jones
From: Anderson Missouri
This site is so educational. A person can learn alot from here.
This site is so educational. A person can learn alot from here.

Added: January 2, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Lida
From: Canada
Name: Lida
From: Canada
I am interested in learning more about chemical sensitivity...I have been an extremely ill person for years. My big concern is for the well being of my kids! They are unfortunately following in my footsteps. No one seems to understand.
I am interested in learning more about chemical sensitivity...I have been an extremely ill person for years. My big concern is for the well being of my kids! They are unfortunately following in my footsteps. No one seems to understand.
Added: January 1, 2008
Submitted by
Name: Mgbada
From: Usa
Name: Mgbada
From: Usa
Very good site keep it up.
Very good site keep it up.
Added: December 15, 2007
Submitted by
Name: BJ
Name: BJ
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: December 9, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Brandi Chapman
From: Monroe, La.
Name: Brandi Chapman
From: Monroe, La.
I just recently found this website( to the fact that I gave my best friend in the world back to his Lord this past Friday. King LOuie XVI was a beautiful brown tabby pure bred Maine Coon cat with the biggest, greenest shiney eyes Ive ever seen on an animal. Everyone that saw him commented on his eyes.I rescued him 10 years ago from what I found out to be a Kitty Mill and as a result he was not vaccinated properly as a kitten and exsposed to F I P.Most cats die w/in 3 years of contracting this virus. But in some rare cases it may remain dormant for years. That was the case for Louie. He was healthy as a horse the whole 10 years I had him up until about 11 months ago when strange litle things , colds, stuffy nose, watery,runny eyes, lack of appetite, unusual fatigue and just about anything else you can think of. We were back and forth to the vet and ran up a bill of well over 1000.00 dollars,but that did not matter to me. I had to get him well. I was told he had allergies and it was just something we would have to deal with anf treat at certain times of the year. I thought I was going to loose him about a year ago but with all the love, determination, encouragement, patience and syringe feedings 5 times a day for 10 days alonfg with a battery of antibiotics and stereoids I managed to get him back up on his feet. He has been his normal self for tha last year then about 10 days ago he started leaving my bed to sleep somewhere else. Louie was a strickly indoor cat or I think now he would have run off and died somewhere alone. That was my Lou, always protecting, always proclaiming his dominance in our home, and always the sweetest, most gentle and affectionate cat Ive ever seen. I m 35 years old and was not allowed pets as a child. My parents were clean freaks and from the school of "Its an animal and animals are messy,exspensive and have no place inside a house" so when I moved out into my first apartment I got a pet. Little did I know I also got the sweetest gift the Lord would ever give me.
I just recently found this website( to the fact that I gave my best friend in the world back to his Lord this past Friday. King LOuie XVI was a beautiful brown tabby pure bred Maine Coon cat with the biggest, greenest shiney eyes Ive ever seen on an animal. Everyone that saw him commented on his eyes.I rescued him 10 years ago from what I found out to be a Kitty Mill and as a result he was not vaccinated properly as a kitten and exsposed to F I P.Most cats die w/in 3 years of contracting this virus. But in some rare cases it may remain dormant for years. That was the case for Louie. He was healthy as a horse the whole 10 years I had him up until about 11 months ago when strange litle things , colds, stuffy nose, watery,runny eyes, lack of appetite, unusual fatigue and just about anything else you can think of. We were back and forth to the vet and ran up a bill of well over 1000.00 dollars,but that did not matter to me. I had to get him well. I was told he had allergies and it was just something we would have to deal with anf treat at certain times of the year. I thought I was going to loose him about a year ago but with all the love, determination, encouragement, patience and syringe feedings 5 times a day for 10 days alonfg with a battery of antibiotics and stereoids I managed to get him back up on his feet. He has been his normal self for tha last year then about 10 days ago he started leaving my bed to sleep somewhere else. Louie was a strickly indoor cat or I think now he would have run off and died somewhere alone. That was my Lou, always protecting, always proclaiming his dominance in our home, and always the sweetest, most gentle and affectionate cat Ive ever seen. I m 35 years old and was not allowed pets as a child. My parents were clean freaks and from the school of "Its an animal and animals are messy,exspensive and have no place inside a house" so when I moved out into my first apartment I got a pet. Little did I know I also got the sweetest gift the Lord would ever give me.
Added: December 5, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Dodie Herrmann
From: Nebraska
Name: Dodie Herrmann
From: Nebraska
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: November 30, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Deb Esposito
Name: Deb Esposito
If anyone is looking for a safe & effective daily detox that addresses heavy metals, chemicals and other environmental toxins email me. I successfulyy addressed my mercury/mold-induced sudden-onset asthma. She has been episode free for over a year. NO MEDS!!! Not a miracle (though it feels like one), just some heavy-duty protection from the unavoidable environmental assault we are bombarded with on a daily basis. It can't hurt, and it just might help. If you email, please put "our little place" in the "re:" line. Health and Wellness to All! -deb
If anyone is looking for a safe & effective daily detox that addresses heavy metals, chemicals and other environmental toxins email me. I successfulyy addressed my mercury/mold-induced sudden-onset asthma. She has been episode free for over a year. NO MEDS!!! Not a miracle (though it feels like one), just some heavy-duty protection from the unavoidable environmental assault we are bombarded with on a daily basis. It can't hurt, and it just might help. If you email, please put "our little place" in the "re:" line. Health and Wellness to All! -deb
Added: November 29, 2007
Submitted by
Name: will
From: new hampshire
Name: will
From: new hampshire
Water Extraction & Damage Restoration, Air Cleaning & Purifying Equipment Dealers, Fire & Water Damage Cleaning & Restoration, Fire & Water Damage Restoration Commercial & Industrial, Mold & Mildew Prevention Inspection & Removal
Water Extraction & Damage Restoration, Air Cleaning & Purifying Equipment Dealers, Fire & Water Damage Cleaning & Restoration, Fire & Water Damage Restoration Commercial & Industrial, Mold & Mildew Prevention Inspection & Removal
Added: November 28, 2007
Submitted by
Name: M
From: U.S.
Name: M
From: U.S.
If this is a Christian website, then it would make sense to have a page for people to list churches that have perfume free sections or perfume free services. Duh! There is no website listing even rumored churches to have this, yet I know there are a few churches out there doing this. How hard would it be to set up a page for visitors to name churches they have found that have perfume free something?
Even a heresay-based like like that would be a million times more useful than the arrogant lack of information we are currently faced with. I gave up on going to church years ago, and will not return until I can find one with a perfume free section where I won't suffer.
If this is a Christian website, then it would make sense to have a page for people to list churches that have perfume free sections or perfume free services. Duh! There is no website listing even rumored churches to have this, yet I know there are a few churches out there doing this. How hard would it be to set up a page for visitors to name churches they have found that have perfume free something?
Even a heresay-based like like that would be a million times more useful than the arrogant lack of information we are currently faced with. I gave up on going to church years ago, and will not return until I can find one with a perfume free section where I won't suffer.
Added: November 28, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Christine Lenhart
From: Oklahoma
Name: Christine Lenhart
From: Oklahoma
I came upon your story about Dusty when I was looking for things on pet loss. I am so sorry for your loss. I know Dusty had a WONDERFUL life while you had him.I know its been a while but I know you will never forget him. I am writing because I wanted to share about my loss.I lost my precious Dashchund "SNOOPY" just last night 11-21-07. He had a allergy problem and did what they call reverse sneezing. He did it probably 2-4 times weekly. It would shake his little head horribly. Sunday night around 1:00am he woke me doing it but he yelped loudly this time.I immediatly got up and checked on him and when he tried to come to me he fell on his side.I immediatly thought a stroke. Our vet was NOT open so I called another one they said keep him still until morn. I did so he was at vet when they opened. They called and said he had ruptured a disk in his neck and needed surgery. BUT the thing was they could not do it because it was so bad so they sent us to Oklahoma City to a wonderful vet there and she did his surgery. He pulled out of that ok and would have survived and been ok but he started having a high fever. As my husband took him to city he was having seizure after seizure but we didn't realize thats what it was cause just his little head shook a bit. To make a long long story a bit shorter, he had more seizures, he arrested 2 times and also after CT they said he had 10 -15 strokes in that short of time. They told us he had menigitis and he probably wouldnt make it. This all started with a sneeze or so we thought. We had NO clue he was ill. He showed NO signs of anything BEFORE any of this occured. He and my others are all on Heartgard and Frontline Plus. They have there yearly shots and checkups. We are honest to goodness responsible pet owners.We LOVE our pets as our family members. We are still in shock. I have cried so much since Monday afternoon. I cannot understand how this could have happened to our baby. He was so precious, your story of Dusty reminds me of Snoopy and my others, Molly and Buddy.They also are Dashchunds. Not even 2 months ago we had our Lab "Blacky" put to sleep. He was amost 16 years old we adopted him, and actually we rescued all of our pets. He was getting old and had arthritis and he started to suffer and we felt it was best to let him go. This doesn't even seem real to us we have 2 fresh graves in our yard and it just breaks our hearts. People do not understand what animals do for us humans. We do have children but one is grown with children and youngest is still at home but these are our babys also. I just want people to know that Heartgard and Frontline Plus are NOT 100% foolproof of getting a tick diease. WE thought they were but we were so wrong. We also lost another dog "Sissie" to this tick diease in 1999. Blacky the oldest one we lost on Sept 29th-07 he had it but was treated and survived. Now they are saying that this tick diease can lay dormant for years and thats what killed our "Snoopy". I won't quit using these products because they do help but people need to not have that false sense of security that there pets are protected. It broke my heart and I cried the whole time I read your story on Dusty. Snoopy also had lots of names too. Isn't funny how we do that. I would NOT change having my pets for anything in the world. But I wish it just didn't hurt like it does. God Bless you and THANK YOU accepting my long letter. I guess I really needed to tell someone who has been thru this already who I knew would listen and understand. I hope you have a BLESSED THANKSGIVING.
Christine L.
I came upon your story about Dusty when I was looking for things on pet loss. I am so sorry for your loss. I know Dusty had a WONDERFUL life while you had him.I know its been a while but I know you will never forget him. I am writing because I wanted to share about my loss.I lost my precious Dashchund "SNOOPY" just last night 11-21-07. He had a allergy problem and did what they call reverse sneezing. He did it probably 2-4 times weekly. It would shake his little head horribly. Sunday night around 1:00am he woke me doing it but he yelped loudly this time.I immediatly got up and checked on him and when he tried to come to me he fell on his side.I immediatly thought a stroke. Our vet was NOT open so I called another one they said keep him still until morn. I did so he was at vet when they opened. They called and said he had ruptured a disk in his neck and needed surgery. BUT the thing was they could not do it because it was so bad so they sent us to Oklahoma City to a wonderful vet there and she did his surgery. He pulled out of that ok and would have survived and been ok but he started having a high fever. As my husband took him to city he was having seizure after seizure but we didn't realize thats what it was cause just his little head shook a bit. To make a long long story a bit shorter, he had more seizures, he arrested 2 times and also after CT they said he had 10 -15 strokes in that short of time. They told us he had menigitis and he probably wouldnt make it. This all started with a sneeze or so we thought. We had NO clue he was ill. He showed NO signs of anything BEFORE any of this occured. He and my others are all on Heartgard and Frontline Plus. They have there yearly shots and checkups. We are honest to goodness responsible pet owners.We LOVE our pets as our family members. We are still in shock. I have cried so much since Monday afternoon. I cannot understand how this could have happened to our baby. He was so precious, your story of Dusty reminds me of Snoopy and my others, Molly and Buddy.They also are Dashchunds. Not even 2 months ago we had our Lab "Blacky" put to sleep. He was amost 16 years old we adopted him, and actually we rescued all of our pets. He was getting old and had arthritis and he started to suffer and we felt it was best to let him go. This doesn't even seem real to us we have 2 fresh graves in our yard and it just breaks our hearts. People do not understand what animals do for us humans. We do have children but one is grown with children and youngest is still at home but these are our babys also. I just want people to know that Heartgard and Frontline Plus are NOT 100% foolproof of getting a tick diease. WE thought they were but we were so wrong. We also lost another dog "Sissie" to this tick diease in 1999. Blacky the oldest one we lost on Sept 29th-07 he had it but was treated and survived. Now they are saying that this tick diease can lay dormant for years and thats what killed our "Snoopy". I won't quit using these products because they do help but people need to not have that false sense of security that there pets are protected. It broke my heart and I cried the whole time I read your story on Dusty. Snoopy also had lots of names too. Isn't funny how we do that. I would NOT change having my pets for anything in the world. But I wish it just didn't hurt like it does. God Bless you and THANK YOU accepting my long letter. I guess I really needed to tell someone who has been thru this already who I knew would listen and understand. I hope you have a BLESSED THANKSGIVING.
Christine L.
Added: November 22, 2007
Submitted by
Name: frances
From: Toronto
Name: frances
From: Toronto
Please note that the link to MCS Advocacy has nothing at all to do with multiple chemical sensitivities. You might want to check it out and/or delete the link.
I looked for a way to e-mail this information to the webmaster, but there doesn't appear to be a way to actually do that.
Please note that the link to MCS Advocacy has nothing at all to do with multiple chemical sensitivities. You might want to check it out and/or delete the link.
I looked for a way to e-mail this information to the webmaster, but there doesn't appear to be a way to actually do that.
Added: November 15, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Jeannine
From: Washington State
Name: Jeannine
From: Washington State
Thank you so much for the story of Dusty. I lost my baby Feisty on 11/9/07 and my grief is still very new. Feisty was a black and white Lhasa. He had the cutest white face with a little stripe up his nose. He had a little underbite so he always looked like he was smiling. I miss him terribly. He lived to be 14 years old, almost to the day. Throughout this time I went through some very hard times, and he was always there. He had gone through some health scares but always pulled through. Although he was slowing down and we knew his liver was failing slightly, he was a happy boy up to the end. He was very ill one night with vomiting. I stayed up with him all night and took him to the vet the next day. They thought maybe he had just eaten something that didn't agree with him. But the vet called the next morning and said Feisty was on a downhill slide. I asked if I could bring him home one last time, and the vet said that would be okay, that he would give him some pain medication so he would feel well enough to spend some time with me. However, when I arrived at the vet, he was already going. It happened very fast. The vet carried him in and I could tell he was ready to go. I held him for a few minutes, talked to him, telling him it was okay to go. He took a few breaths and was gone. The vet was so good, saying how special he was and how Feisty had wanted to wait for me, so I could be there when he went to sleep. I stayed for a long time, petting him, loving him, trying to memorize everything about him. It has been a hard week, but I am comforted knowing that Feisty never had a bad day. We took him with us on every excursion, spoiled him shamelessly, and never said an angry word to him. It was not necessary, he was such a sweet boy. Again, thank you for your story. It helps to know that I am not crazy for loving and missing Feisty as much as I am. Jeannine
Thank you so much for the story of Dusty. I lost my baby Feisty on 11/9/07 and my grief is still very new. Feisty was a black and white Lhasa. He had the cutest white face with a little stripe up his nose. He had a little underbite so he always looked like he was smiling. I miss him terribly. He lived to be 14 years old, almost to the day. Throughout this time I went through some very hard times, and he was always there. He had gone through some health scares but always pulled through. Although he was slowing down and we knew his liver was failing slightly, he was a happy boy up to the end. He was very ill one night with vomiting. I stayed up with him all night and took him to the vet the next day. They thought maybe he had just eaten something that didn't agree with him. But the vet called the next morning and said Feisty was on a downhill slide. I asked if I could bring him home one last time, and the vet said that would be okay, that he would give him some pain medication so he would feel well enough to spend some time with me. However, when I arrived at the vet, he was already going. It happened very fast. The vet carried him in and I could tell he was ready to go. I held him for a few minutes, talked to him, telling him it was okay to go. He took a few breaths and was gone. The vet was so good, saying how special he was and how Feisty had wanted to wait for me, so I could be there when he went to sleep. I stayed for a long time, petting him, loving him, trying to memorize everything about him. It has been a hard week, but I am comforted knowing that Feisty never had a bad day. We took him with us on every excursion, spoiled him shamelessly, and never said an angry word to him. It was not necessary, he was such a sweet boy. Again, thank you for your story. It helps to know that I am not crazy for loving and missing Feisty as much as I am. Jeannine
Added: November 14, 2007
Submitted by
Name: RaMarie
From: Columbus, Ohio
Name: RaMarie
From: Columbus, Ohio
Thanks for developing this site. I am not quite as bad as Jacki, but my problems are becoming more and more debilitating. Her story sounds just like me!! I really appreciate all the info and I am going to go after my doctors who just scratch their heads and send me off for more tests for the wrong things.
Take Care.
Thanks for developing this site. I am not quite as bad as Jacki, but my problems are becoming more and more debilitating. Her story sounds just like me!! I really appreciate all the info and I am going to go after my doctors who just scratch their heads and send me off for more tests for the wrong things.
Take Care.
Added: November 14, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Nicole
From: USA
Name: Nicole
From: USA
Are you currently accepting advertising on your website
Thank you,
Marketing Manager
Are you currently accepting advertising on your website
Thank you,
Marketing Manager
Added: November 13, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Allyson
From: Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada
Name: Allyson
From: Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada
I read Dusty's story, I lost my toy poodle, Shadow, only a few weeks ago, and I thought I could cry no more,until I played the song, Precious Little Friend. It really describes hou you feel. God Bless you and your family for sharing a beautiful website.
I read Dusty's story, I lost my toy poodle, Shadow, only a few weeks ago, and I thought I could cry no more,until I played the song, Precious Little Friend. It really describes hou you feel. God Bless you and your family for sharing a beautiful website.
Added: November 4, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Michelle
From: FL
Name: Michelle
From: FL
Added: November 3, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Tester
From: Testing
Name: Tester
From: Testing
Testing here.
Testing here.
Added: October 29, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Stephanie
From: Leland, NC
Name: Stephanie
From: Leland, NC
Your story about "Dusty Bear" was so touching. I cried my eyes out. I lost my Pomeranian of 13 yrs. "Prince" to Conjestive Heart Failure on my birthday 8-3-06. I miss him so much and my heart is still broken. Thank you for sharing your story it's nice to know that there are other's out there that share the same sorrows for there furbabies as I do. Take Care, Stephanie
Your story about "Dusty Bear" was so touching. I cried my eyes out. I lost my Pomeranian of 13 yrs. "Prince" to Conjestive Heart Failure on my birthday 8-3-06. I miss him so much and my heart is still broken. Thank you for sharing your story it's nice to know that there are other's out there that share the same sorrows for there furbabies as I do. Take Care, Stephanie
Added: October 24, 2007
Submitted by
Name: molly
Name: molly
Very helpful website. I am trying to go as natural as I can for myself and the environment.
Thank you!
Very helpful website. I am trying to go as natural as I can for myself and the environment.
Thank you!
Added: October 23, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Carol
From: Nashville, TN
Name: Carol
From: Nashville, TN
I, too, have been diagnosed with MCS..however mine is from air fresheners, fabric softeners, scented candles and perfumes. No one seems to understand me when I tell them I am having a violent coughing, gagging attack from their smell either on their clothes or in public bathrooms and people's homes! I feel so embarrassed as my cough starts small and then gets to an outright "is she dying degree or does she have TB???"..I have decided to pursue this in court and I would like to hear from anyone else who would be interested in filing a class action suit against the manufacturers of these toxic products.
Please come forward with me and win the battle for cleaner air!
I, too, have been diagnosed with MCS..however mine is from air fresheners, fabric softeners, scented candles and perfumes. No one seems to understand me when I tell them I am having a violent coughing, gagging attack from their smell either on their clothes or in public bathrooms and people's homes! I feel so embarrassed as my cough starts small and then gets to an outright "is she dying degree or does she have TB???"..I have decided to pursue this in court and I would like to hear from anyone else who would be interested in filing a class action suit against the manufacturers of these toxic products.
Please come forward with me and win the battle for cleaner air!
Added: October 2, 2007
Submitted by
Name: henkarizsdo
From: henkarizsdo
Name: henkarizsdo
From: henkarizsdo
Hi to all.
I spent 2 hours searching in the network, until find your forum!
I think, I shall stay here for a long time!
G'night, Sebastiano
Hi to all.
I spent 2 hours searching in the network, until find your forum!
I think, I shall stay here for a long time!
G'night, Sebastiano
Added: October 1, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Cindy Lou
From: In the process of moving
Name: Cindy Lou
From: In the process of moving
This is Cindy again, I hadn't checked into your site for a while. I just wanted to thank you for contacting me and asking me if it was okay to display a direct link to my site on your site!
I am also so sorry that so many inconciderate people check in here and have absolutely nothing concideration to any of you nor your visitors. Please don't let them discourage you in anyway. I to get some really stupid emails and offers that are way out of line. If I was you I would talk to someone who can help you set it up so your guestbook is free of all the nonsense. I had a professional set mine up and it does help alot.
My thoughts and prayers are still with all of you. I thought of many of you when I did a trade show for my products. I was doing a demonstration for the window cloth and the envirocloth. They are microfiber cloths that are lined with 99 silver, as many of the cloths are now. For my demonstration I spray a small amount of hairspray on a mirror and show how you just use water and these cloths to clean any glass or shiney surface without the use of chemicals.
During one of my demonstrations I lady who has this problem with chemicals was standing real close. She had to walk away because of the smell of the hairspray. It was such a small amount and it really made her feel awful.
Her children stuck around and told me about how bad she gets with so many scents and chemicals. I apologized over and over again, but they said that she was already feeling ill from walking by some fragrances a section or two away from my booth. Later she stopped back and I was able to apologize to her personally. She said that it was ok and that most people were not that considerate to even say they were sorry.
It horrifies me to think our society has gotten to the point where they think that by spraying a room, a place, or even spraying themselves is in anyway a smart thing to do. This many years of evolution and we still havent learned. Most just don't care. Clean is not suppose to have a smell. People please think before you buy anything with chemicals in it. This includes perfumes. Have a little more self confidence in yourself. TAke a shower or bath and like your own God given Scent.
I know that hairspray is being removed from my demonstrations. Butter works, but after doing it several times, the cloths make the suface actually repel butter. So think when you use something on yourself, your more than likely using a chemical that is going to attract bad smells, dirt, dust and god knows whatelse to you.
Also please remember these dear people who are sensitive to all this stuff....
Spammer please go somewhere else, leave our little place alone.
God bless you and all your vistors
Cindy Lou
This is Cindy again, I hadn't checked into your site for a while. I just wanted to thank you for contacting me and asking me if it was okay to display a direct link to my site on your site!
I am also so sorry that so many inconciderate people check in here and have absolutely nothing concideration to any of you nor your visitors. Please don't let them discourage you in anyway. I to get some really stupid emails and offers that are way out of line. If I was you I would talk to someone who can help you set it up so your guestbook is free of all the nonsense. I had a professional set mine up and it does help alot.
My thoughts and prayers are still with all of you. I thought of many of you when I did a trade show for my products. I was doing a demonstration for the window cloth and the envirocloth. They are microfiber cloths that are lined with 99 silver, as many of the cloths are now. For my demonstration I spray a small amount of hairspray on a mirror and show how you just use water and these cloths to clean any glass or shiney surface without the use of chemicals.
During one of my demonstrations I lady who has this problem with chemicals was standing real close. She had to walk away because of the smell of the hairspray. It was such a small amount and it really made her feel awful.
Her children stuck around and told me about how bad she gets with so many scents and chemicals. I apologized over and over again, but they said that she was already feeling ill from walking by some fragrances a section or two away from my booth. Later she stopped back and I was able to apologize to her personally. She said that it was ok and that most people were not that considerate to even say they were sorry.
It horrifies me to think our society has gotten to the point where they think that by spraying a room, a place, or even spraying themselves is in anyway a smart thing to do. This many years of evolution and we still havent learned. Most just don't care. Clean is not suppose to have a smell. People please think before you buy anything with chemicals in it. This includes perfumes. Have a little more self confidence in yourself. TAke a shower or bath and like your own God given Scent.
I know that hairspray is being removed from my demonstrations. Butter works, but after doing it several times, the cloths make the suface actually repel butter. So think when you use something on yourself, your more than likely using a chemical that is going to attract bad smells, dirt, dust and god knows whatelse to you.
Also please remember these dear people who are sensitive to all this stuff....
Spammer please go somewhere else, leave our little place alone.
God bless you and all your vistors
Cindy Lou
Added: September 25, 2007
Submitted by
Name: lokimikoj
From: lokimikoj
Name: lokimikoj
From: lokimikoj
Very good site! I like it! Thanks!
Very good site! I like it! Thanks!
Added: September 21, 2007
Submitted by
Name: keijo
From: sweden
Name: keijo
From: sweden
Who can were against us if the God is our side right today and forever with love and care in Christ.Let our voice of God´s goodness be heard in everywhere with love and kindful mind and humble hearts.Help too the lost that find Christ and healing with new power,pray for blessed revival soon,thanks and bless and hope,keijo sweden
Who can were against us if the God is our side right today and forever with love and care in Christ.Let our voice of God´s goodness be heard in everywhere with love and kindful mind and humble hearts.Help too the lost that find Christ and healing with new power,pray for blessed revival soon,thanks and bless and hope,keijo sweden
Added: September 19, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Kelly
From: Florida
Name: Kelly
From: Florida
I can't thank you enough for taking the time and caring enough about others to write such an informative web site! If it weren't for your site, I don't think I would have ever found out what is wrong with me. After being misdiagnosed for two years, your site referred me to Dr. Robbins who diagnosed me as having MCS. I can finally start healing. Your wealth of information may have saved my life. Kelly
I can't thank you enough for taking the time and caring enough about others to write such an informative web site! If it weren't for your site, I don't think I would have ever found out what is wrong with me. After being misdiagnosed for two years, your site referred me to Dr. Robbins who diagnosed me as having MCS. I can finally start healing. Your wealth of information may have saved my life. Kelly
Added: September 17, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Kurt
From: Portland,or.
Name: Kurt
From: Portland,or.
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: September 5, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Stephanie
From: Yucaipa, CA
Name: Stephanie
From: Yucaipa, CA
Thankyou for your information. I am searching for cause of hair product sensitivities.
Thankyou for your information. I am searching for cause of hair product sensitivities.
Added: September 1, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Ramon
From: Ramon
Name: Ramon
From: Ramon
nice design
nice design
Added: September 1, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Manas Ranjan Nayak
From: India
Name: Manas Ranjan Nayak
From: India
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: August 30, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Annoumpnell
From: Annoumpnell
Name: Annoumpnell
From: Annoumpnell
hello. i want to create rhe same guestbook in my web site. where i can download this engine and is it easy to setup?
hello. i want to create rhe same guestbook in my web site. where i can download this engine and is it easy to setup?
Added: August 27, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Lena Hagg
From: 1015 Sheridan, Il. 60096
Name: Lena Hagg
From: 1015 Sheridan, Il. 60096
I suffer from many different disabilities which cause me a great deal of pain on a daily basis. As a single mother, with the help of pain medication, I forced myself to work as a waitress for several years. Cigarette smoke wasn't my biggest culprit; It was the women who felt they needed to douse their selves with, well, WAY TOO MUCH perfume/cologne...whatever!!
I had a difficult time taking orders and was thought to be rude because I would have to walk away choking and/or gagging. I have all different types of triggers. I do my best at buying the unscented versions of our everyday necessary products, but come on, I can't even enjoy some of my favorite magazines; The little perfume samples have made me very ill for weeks at a time!!! Don't even get me started on the perfume pushers in the finer department stores; I feel like screaming, "Lady, drop the perfume, and nobody gets hurt!" (I can't run.) I could go on & on, but even some of my closest friends do NOT understand so thank you for letting me vent on this site.
I suffer from many different disabilities which cause me a great deal of pain on a daily basis. As a single mother, with the help of pain medication, I forced myself to work as a waitress for several years. Cigarette smoke wasn't my biggest culprit; It was the women who felt they needed to douse their selves with, well, WAY TOO MUCH perfume/cologne...whatever!!
I had a difficult time taking orders and was thought to be rude because I would have to walk away choking and/or gagging. I have all different types of triggers. I do my best at buying the unscented versions of our everyday necessary products, but come on, I can't even enjoy some of my favorite magazines; The little perfume samples have made me very ill for weeks at a time!!! Don't even get me started on the perfume pushers in the finer department stores; I feel like screaming, "Lady, drop the perfume, and nobody gets hurt!" (I can't run.) I could go on & on, but even some of my closest friends do NOT understand so thank you for letting me vent on this site.
Added: August 20, 2007
Submitted by
Name: John Troglia
From: Phoenix, AZ
Name: John Troglia
From: Phoenix, AZ
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: August 18, 2007
Submitted by
Name: wytashanika drummer
From: west palm beach,fl
Name: wytashanika drummer
From: west palm beach,fl
this website is very helpful,thanks for everything
.i am very relieved after reding this site and praying,thanks a bunch
this website is very helpful,thanks for everything

Added: August 10, 2007
Submitted by
From: Lousy Long Island, NY
From: Lousy Long Island, NY
Using and spiteful OVER use of fabric softener/scented dryer sheets left to run in dryers all day and night seven days a week should be illegal, especially in close proximity residential communities like mobile home parks?
No one should be told they have to put up with feeling sick from this toxic poison in their own bedroom breathing environment. I have no a/c and I rely on window fans to bring in the fresh air at night as I sleep. But all I get is toxic disturbance by these evil neighbors who are dying to get a rise out of me, or possibly destroy me? I'm told they are doing nothing wrong, though it's destroying my health!??
If anyone knows who I can turn to for help, what my rights are, and what areas have 'sane' legislators that make fabric softener/scented dryer sheets left to run in the dryer between the disturbance of the peace hours illegal, especially, please post the info here.
Off topic, but another issue that should be considered as disturbance of peace with air pollution after hours is smoking outside, or blowing/allowing smoke to drift out the window into the neighbors window. So there should be no smoking or perfuming the air during disturbance of peace hours. People have to have a break sometime, and that is not asking for much!
Excuse me... If my cyberstalkers have followed me here... you won't win, I'm going to find a way to end my suffering!
Any caring people, thanks in advance for your response(s)...
Using and spiteful OVER use of fabric softener/scented dryer sheets left to run in dryers all day and night seven days a week should be illegal, especially in close proximity residential communities like mobile home parks?
No one should be told they have to put up with feeling sick from this toxic poison in their own bedroom breathing environment. I have no a/c and I rely on window fans to bring in the fresh air at night as I sleep. But all I get is toxic disturbance by these evil neighbors who are dying to get a rise out of me, or possibly destroy me? I'm told they are doing nothing wrong, though it's destroying my health!??
If anyone knows who I can turn to for help, what my rights are, and what areas have 'sane' legislators that make fabric softener/scented dryer sheets left to run in the dryer between the disturbance of the peace hours illegal, especially, please post the info here.
Off topic, but another issue that should be considered as disturbance of peace with air pollution after hours is smoking outside, or blowing/allowing smoke to drift out the window into the neighbors window. So there should be no smoking or perfuming the air during disturbance of peace hours. People have to have a break sometime, and that is not asking for much!
Excuse me... If my cyberstalkers have followed me here... you won't win, I'm going to find a way to end my suffering!
Any caring people, thanks in advance for your response(s)...
Added: August 6, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Lynn
From: Georgia
Name: Lynn
From: Georgia
I was diagnosed with MCS last year(2006) after long expourse to toxic molds that could not be seen or smelled. It has taken this long for me to begin to accept that my life has changed and will never be the same again. With that said I have started learning about MCS and I came across your site. It is one of the best that I have came across thus far.
Thanks for all your hard work, and please keep up the great work for weak people like me.
Lyn n
I was diagnosed with MCS last year(2006) after long expourse to toxic molds that could not be seen or smelled. It has taken this long for me to begin to accept that my life has changed and will never be the same again. With that said I have started learning about MCS and I came across your site. It is one of the best that I have came across thus far.
Thanks for all your hard work, and please keep up the great work for weak people like me.
Lyn n
Added: August 5, 2007
Submitted by
Name: torokilopz
From: torokilopz
Name: torokilopz
From: torokilopz
Hi! Good site, and realy has more information! I bookmark your site, best greetings and Good Luck!
Hi! Good site, and realy has more information! I bookmark your site, best greetings and Good Luck!
Added: August 4, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Asher Jai Kishan
From: India
Name: Asher Jai Kishan
From: India
Need my trust back and your site reminded me of one important thing that i completely forgot "We don't see the complete picture"
Need my trust back and your site reminded me of one important thing that i completely forgot "We don't see the complete picture"
Added: August 2, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Lisa Ashley
From: Lebanon TN
Name: Lisa Ashley
From: Lebanon TN
Your site has been extremely helpful. I thank you so much for offering such an excellent resource for healthy living. It is wonderful!
Your site has been extremely helpful. I thank you so much for offering such an excellent resource for healthy living. It is wonderful!
Added: July 29, 2007
Submitted by
Name: kat and ken townshend
From: sedona arizona
Name: kat and ken townshend
From: sedona arizona
Thankyou so much for this wonderful web site, you are a blessing to us, i am so happy to have found your page, your music is so precious and may God bless you always for your loving arms.
God bless you,
love and light
Ken and Kat
Thankyou so much for this wonderful web site, you are a blessing to us, i am so happy to have found your page, your music is so precious and may God bless you always for your loving arms.
God bless you,
love and light
Ken and Kat
Added: July 21, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Jorge I. Dominguez
From: St. Louis, Missouri
Name: Jorge I. Dominguez
From: St. Louis, Missouri
Hello, really don't know what to say but found my self with tears in my eyes when I finished reading all about Dusty that was beautiful and sad. I also lost my son his name was Prince and was 15 y/o and I feel lost without him you know he depended so much on me for the last year of his life that sometimes I think if doing ok without me and without my love and care. Take good care. Suffering in silence in St. Louis, MO Jorge.
Hello, really don't know what to say but found my self with tears in my eyes when I finished reading all about Dusty that was beautiful and sad. I also lost my son his name was Prince and was 15 y/o and I feel lost without him you know he depended so much on me for the last year of his life that sometimes I think if doing ok without me and without my love and care. Take good care. Suffering in silence in St. Louis, MO Jorge.
Added: July 20, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Cindy Lou Mahon
From: Minnesota
Name: Cindy Lou Mahon
From: Minnesota
Im sorry I got the email wrong this last time. I noticed it when I read it. it is cindylou
I forgot the u behind the 4
Again god bless you all, my heart goes out to you all.
Cindy Lou Mahon
An Independent Norwex Consultant
Im sorry I got the email wrong this last time. I noticed it when I read it. it is cindylou
I forgot the u behind the 4
Again god bless you all, my heart goes out to you all.
Cindy Lou Mahon
An Independent Norwex Consultant
Added: July 18, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Cindy Lou Mahon
From: Minnesota
Name: Cindy Lou Mahon
From: Minnesota
Hi, it has been awhile since I check in to this site. I am still cleaning houses and still a consultant for Norwex. If anyone is interested in the use of no chemicals, Norwex's goal is to get back to the basics. WATER... The window cloth is a miracle cloth. I use my enviro cloth to wash a window with water and use my window cloth to wipe over the wet clean window and it shines the window up better than any chemical you can get..
Today I just went to a family's house and cleaned for them. She was hurt on the fourth of July by being bucked of a horse. She broke 14 vertabrae in her spine. She is luck to be alive let alone even to be walking.. My sister and I went there to just clean up her house so she didn't over do herself. We charged nothing. I used my red envirocloth and my window cloth and water and cleaned her whole house.... NO Chemicals
People who are sensitive really need to be aware of all the dangers out there. Just because it says it is safe please please do some research.
I am concidering moving to Alabama, Georgia area to sell my products. They are fantastic. Like I said in my previous comment, my whole life has changed for the better, since I have been useing norwex.. Any Interested parties please contact me, I would love to help ease your life. Chemicals hurt us more than we know.
God bless you all
Cindy Lou Mahon, and Independent Consultant for Norwex.
Hi, it has been awhile since I check in to this site. I am still cleaning houses and still a consultant for Norwex. If anyone is interested in the use of no chemicals, Norwex's goal is to get back to the basics. WATER... The window cloth is a miracle cloth. I use my enviro cloth to wash a window with water and use my window cloth to wipe over the wet clean window and it shines the window up better than any chemical you can get..
Today I just went to a family's house and cleaned for them. She was hurt on the fourth of July by being bucked of a horse. She broke 14 vertabrae in her spine. She is luck to be alive let alone even to be walking.. My sister and I went there to just clean up her house so she didn't over do herself. We charged nothing. I used my red envirocloth and my window cloth and water and cleaned her whole house.... NO Chemicals
People who are sensitive really need to be aware of all the dangers out there. Just because it says it is safe please please do some research.
I am concidering moving to Alabama, Georgia area to sell my products. They are fantastic. Like I said in my previous comment, my whole life has changed for the better, since I have been useing norwex.. Any Interested parties please contact me, I would love to help ease your life. Chemicals hurt us more than we know.
God bless you all
Cindy Lou Mahon, and Independent Consultant for Norwex.
Added: July 18, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Thea Weir
From: Oshawa, Ontario
Name: Thea Weir
From: Oshawa, Ontario
I'm glad I found this site. My husband is so sensitive to just about everything, but especially to any chemicals indoor and outdoor. This is the worst summer yet as he has been so sick. Our Dr. just shrugs his shoulders and now, with this site, maybe we can get the help we need to make him feel better. Thanks so much.
I'm glad I found this site. My husband is so sensitive to just about everything, but especially to any chemicals indoor and outdoor. This is the worst summer yet as he has been so sick. Our Dr. just shrugs his shoulders and now, with this site, maybe we can get the help we need to make him feel better. Thanks so much.
Added: July 17, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Antique
From: Antique
Name: Antique
From: Antique
Hi. Me very much to like here. I shall advise this site to the friends.
I am sorry for my English. I only learn this language.
Hi. Me very much to like here. I shall advise this site to the friends.
I am sorry for my English. I only learn this language.
Added: July 12, 2007
Submitted by
Name: rjekolod
From: rjekolod
Name: rjekolod
From: rjekolod
Hi all!
Looks good! Very useful, good stuff. Good resources here. Thanks much!
Hi all!
Looks good! Very useful, good stuff. Good resources here. Thanks much!
Added: July 12, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Frank Sause
From: Hyde Park,New York
Name: Frank Sause
From: Hyde Park,New York
Thank you for caring and having this comforting
Website.I lost the true"love of my life" when
my best friend Maggie my Beagle who died last week at 15 from "Cushings Disease". I am an elderly senior WW2 war veteran and am so sad and
lonely without my special friend,she was so very
smart and with me 24/7 I wrote two poems in her
Memory they are on your Poems sent page, thank you and God Bless..Frank Sause fas5511@optonline,net
Thank you for caring and having this comforting
Website.I lost the true"love of my life" when
my best friend Maggie my Beagle who died last week at 15 from "Cushings Disease". I am an elderly senior WW2 war veteran and am so sad and
lonely without my special friend,she was so very
smart and with me 24/7 I wrote two poems in her
Memory they are on your Poems sent page, thank you and God Bless..Frank Sause fas5511@optonline,net
Added: July 11, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Phyllis
From: Texas
Name: Phyllis
From: Texas
Your story and song are so very uplifting. Our little 15 year old baby is fading fast. It hurts so much, but there is comfort first in God, and family and then friends such as you who have lost and understand. Praise God for precious memories!
Your story and song are so very uplifting. Our little 15 year old baby is fading fast. It hurts so much, but there is comfort first in God, and family and then friends such as you who have lost and understand. Praise God for precious memories!
Added: July 9, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Angel Ballasch
From: Chicago
Name: Angel Ballasch
From: Chicago
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: July 9, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Shanna Duck
From: Texas
Name: Shanna Duck
From: Texas
I'm glad that I stumbled across your web-page. I have FM and knew I was moderately sensitive to strong perfumes, but my father and great-grandmother are/were both more sensitive to scented products, as well as to certain flowers, etc. Your site has really made me rethink my FM and its possible causes..and it's given me hope. I've been beating myself up about not going to church more often- it seems that when I go I start to feel horrible. For a person with chemical sensitivity, church is probably one of the hardest places to go: with hairspray, lotions, perfumes, talc, etc. all in close quarters! BIG THANKS for your efforts!
I'm glad that I stumbled across your web-page. I have FM and knew I was moderately sensitive to strong perfumes, but my father and great-grandmother are/were both more sensitive to scented products, as well as to certain flowers, etc. Your site has really made me rethink my FM and its possible causes..and it's given me hope. I've been beating myself up about not going to church more often- it seems that when I go I start to feel horrible. For a person with chemical sensitivity, church is probably one of the hardest places to go: with hairspray, lotions, perfumes, talc, etc. all in close quarters! BIG THANKS for your efforts!
Added: July 8, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Chassidy
From: Franklin WI
Name: Chassidy
From: Franklin WI
Thank you for writing about your conversion from Roman Catholic to Christianity. I too am going through what you are at this very moment and I think I came across your webpage as a sign from God. Thank you for the inspiration!
Thank you for writing about your conversion from Roman Catholic to Christianity. I too am going through what you are at this very moment and I think I came across your webpage as a sign from God. Thank you for the inspiration!
Added: July 2, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Gina
From: Delaware
Name: Gina
From: Delaware
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: June 26, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Kathy
From: Tennessee
Name: Kathy
From: Tennessee
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: June 23, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Karl Kendall
From: Prescott AZ USA
Name: Karl Kendall
From: Prescott AZ USA
Thanks much for who you are and what you do! I am MCS. 70 years old, and have been poisoned heavily by benzene forty years now! Benzene is in almost everything today! We now make pressure-cast plastic parts for the bee-hives and the insecticides used in the hives are benzene too! Any wonder why the bees die off? Talk about the cannaries!
My grandmother's name was Julia Kendall. Not the same person of course. I worked for the largest auto manufacturer in America when poisoned. Benzene is emitted from all internal and external burning of almost everything! A relationship with our Creator is our only way out of this "mess" we have created. He has shared Ezekiel's vision with me and I am putting together a magnet motor that will need nothing to run for lifetimes. No pollutions,very powerful! He will probably return before we convert though!
My skin has lost much of it's pigment, as did many of my fellow workers "hide" back then. Also have most of the other classic symtoms. His grace can keep us going, for He can "restore the years the locust ate!" I'm trying to educate our church members so I can return a little! I have much to tell about chemicals in society, but it's hard to get it into the media of course! Prayer can play a big part, so send them up there please! Wondeful thing you are doing at your "little place." May God pour his best blessings all over your sweet heads. Please contact me. I'll try to get my body and mind to respond! (928) 445-7853
Thanks much for who you are and what you do! I am MCS. 70 years old, and have been poisoned heavily by benzene forty years now! Benzene is in almost everything today! We now make pressure-cast plastic parts for the bee-hives and the insecticides used in the hives are benzene too! Any wonder why the bees die off? Talk about the cannaries!
My grandmother's name was Julia Kendall. Not the same person of course. I worked for the largest auto manufacturer in America when poisoned. Benzene is emitted from all internal and external burning of almost everything! A relationship with our Creator is our only way out of this "mess" we have created. He has shared Ezekiel's vision with me and I am putting together a magnet motor that will need nothing to run for lifetimes. No pollutions,very powerful! He will probably return before we convert though!
My skin has lost much of it's pigment, as did many of my fellow workers "hide" back then. Also have most of the other classic symtoms. His grace can keep us going, for He can "restore the years the locust ate!" I'm trying to educate our church members so I can return a little! I have much to tell about chemicals in society, but it's hard to get it into the media of course! Prayer can play a big part, so send them up there please! Wondeful thing you are doing at your "little place." May God pour his best blessings all over your sweet heads. Please contact me. I'll try to get my body and mind to respond! (928) 445-7853
Added: June 16, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Christina Seale
From: Brooksville, Florida
Name: Christina Seale
From: Brooksville, Florida
I was very touched to have read your tribute to Dusty. My husband and I are grieving the loss of our beloved BoBo. We had to have him put to peace on 06/09/07, from just the same illness your Dusty had. We had recently moved into our new house and noticed that BoBo was really thin and not as playful as he normally was. We contributed it to his age and the fact that he had relocated with us several times prior to this move. We bagen to boil him chicken every night so he would eat, but he just threw it all back up, I called the vet and told them everything and they said to bring him ASAP. Like you we knew it would be his last ride with us. It hurts so bad, he was with us for 14 years and his brother for 8. When does the pain ease. I know we will never forget him or the joy the he and his brother brought to our lives and our hearts. Thank you Jacki for printing your heart on paper and letting us all read it. Our boys are all playing together I'm sure of it. Thanks, Christina Seale. Bobo's Mommy
I was very touched to have read your tribute to Dusty. My husband and I are grieving the loss of our beloved BoBo. We had to have him put to peace on 06/09/07, from just the same illness your Dusty had. We had recently moved into our new house and noticed that BoBo was really thin and not as playful as he normally was. We contributed it to his age and the fact that he had relocated with us several times prior to this move. We bagen to boil him chicken every night so he would eat, but he just threw it all back up, I called the vet and told them everything and they said to bring him ASAP. Like you we knew it would be his last ride with us. It hurts so bad, he was with us for 14 years and his brother for 8. When does the pain ease. I know we will never forget him or the joy the he and his brother brought to our lives and our hearts. Thank you Jacki for printing your heart on paper and letting us all read it. Our boys are all playing together I'm sure of it. Thanks, Christina Seale. Bobo's Mommy
Added: June 15, 2007
Submitted by
Name: diana
From: pa
Name: diana
From: pa
My great neice is 2 yrs. old. She fell today and hit her head, had a seizures, then stop breathing. This is the 2nd time she has had this happen to her. I know all about toxins& work a awesome business from our home to stay healthy & welathy for life. But I am really stuck on this one. I have been trying to get my neice to switch her home to toxin free. Could it be the toxins of cleaning products or perfume or both? The dr at Childrens Hospital said she would grow out of this. But this is the second seizure since birth which occured about the same time last year!
My great neice is 2 yrs. old. She fell today and hit her head, had a seizures, then stop breathing. This is the 2nd time she has had this happen to her. I know all about toxins& work a awesome business from our home to stay healthy & welathy for life. But I am really stuck on this one. I have been trying to get my neice to switch her home to toxin free. Could it be the toxins of cleaning products or perfume or both? The dr at Childrens Hospital said she would grow out of this. But this is the second seizure since birth which occured about the same time last year!
Added: June 10, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Diana
From: Irwin Pa
Name: Diana
From: Irwin Pa
I love R.M.Barry site. I tell friends to visit it all the time to help them be aware of toxins! Our Home is now safe & clean for our family.
I love R.M.Barry site. I tell friends to visit it all the time to help them be aware of toxins! Our Home is now safe & clean for our family.
Added: June 10, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Cheryl
From: Calgary, Canada
Name: Cheryl
From: Calgary, Canada
I just found out about mcs from a friend today. I have been very sick for many years, but most severely the past two years. I have also been diagnosed with cfs and fibromyalgia in the past. In the past 2 yrs. I have been through almost every test possible and my Dr. has given up. But talking to my friend today and reading Jacki's story has made sense and I believe I have found an answer to my illness. Thank you for sharing your story.
I just found out about mcs from a friend today. I have been very sick for many years, but most severely the past two years. I have also been diagnosed with cfs and fibromyalgia in the past. In the past 2 yrs. I have been through almost every test possible and my Dr. has given up. But talking to my friend today and reading Jacki's story has made sense and I believe I have found an answer to my illness. Thank you for sharing your story.
Added: June 10, 2007
Submitted by
Name: deb
From: new mexico
Name: deb
From: new mexico
Thank you for having such an informative website available. Just tonight for the first time, a friend of mine visited, and I realized that whatever scent she was wearing was making me ill. After she left, I started looking up information on the website, and found yours to be very helpful. Now I know that this is something I can start to look into (especially since many of the symptoms sound awfully familiar). Thanks!
Thank you for having such an informative website available. Just tonight for the first time, a friend of mine visited, and I realized that whatever scent she was wearing was making me ill. After she left, I started looking up information on the website, and found yours to be very helpful. Now I know that this is something I can start to look into (especially since many of the symptoms sound awfully familiar). Thanks!
Added: June 9, 2007
Submitted by
Name: michael & arlene howe
From: montevallo alabama
Name: michael & arlene howe
From: montevallo alabama
dear precious people,
we just lost our little baby boy fremont on may 8th 2007, he was a miniature schnauzer, he would have been 16 on aug. 12
the pain is so difficult for us.
thank you so much for your story about little dusty, it has helped us.without JESUS we could not have endured these past 4 weeks.little dustys
last couple of weeks and fremonts are so much alike, our baby also went from 20lbs to 13 lbs
we sometimes just sit by his grave and i know
he is with god and like you at the end we also did the right thing our final gift to him.
may GOD bless you both and someday soon we will all be with our babies.
michael and arlene howe
dear precious people,
we just lost our little baby boy fremont on may 8th 2007, he was a miniature schnauzer, he would have been 16 on aug. 12
the pain is so difficult for us.
thank you so much for your story about little dusty, it has helped us.without JESUS we could not have endured these past 4 weeks.little dustys
last couple of weeks and fremonts are so much alike, our baby also went from 20lbs to 13 lbs
we sometimes just sit by his grave and i know
he is with god and like you at the end we also did the right thing our final gift to him.
may GOD bless you both and someday soon we will all be with our babies.
michael and arlene howe
Added: June 5, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Catherine
From: North Carolina
Name: Catherine
From: North Carolina
I was diagnosed yesterday with MCS and have just found the web site. I also have Fibromyalgia. For years I have had problems with perfumes, household cleaners, and scented candles.
My doctor has also said I may be sensitive to EMF fields and I should get an EMF meter to check the electrical fields around appliances and electrical items. Does anyone know anything about these meters and where to purchase an inexpensive one? I have found a website that sells them called They sale many of them and I am not sure what kind to buy. My doctor said try Lowe's Home Improvement, but I called my local store and they did not know what I was talking about.
I was diagnosed yesterday with MCS and have just found the web site. I also have Fibromyalgia. For years I have had problems with perfumes, household cleaners, and scented candles.
My doctor has also said I may be sensitive to EMF fields and I should get an EMF meter to check the electrical fields around appliances and electrical items. Does anyone know anything about these meters and where to purchase an inexpensive one? I have found a website that sells them called They sale many of them and I am not sure what kind to buy. My doctor said try Lowe's Home Improvement, but I called my local store and they did not know what I was talking about.
Added: June 3, 2007
Submitted by
Name: leah
From: st.louis
Name: leah
From: st.louis
going thru storms in my life now. it seems when i give up and stop worrying little things begin to happen for the better, but when i keep worrying and trying to fight the storm myself i get sick and feel fatigued. i say this to let people know u will have to trust god sooner or later. he will work for u, just wait on him. bless u all, and keep the faith.
going thru storms in my life now. it seems when i give up and stop worrying little things begin to happen for the better, but when i keep worrying and trying to fight the storm myself i get sick and feel fatigued. i say this to let people know u will have to trust god sooner or later. he will work for u, just wait on him. bless u all, and keep the faith.
Added: May 31, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Cheryl
Name: Cheryl
Hello and thank you for this site!
I have had MCS since 1999 and have been forced to move to a remote location in order to avoid farm chemicals in addition to all the chemicals found in any town or city. The loss of a support system of family and friends who can function within the tight restrictions necessary for me to remain healthy when around them has dwindled. So the thought of an intentional community based on sustainable and completely non chemical living has been tickling the edges of my brain for awhile now. If sighted in the right location it could offer folks with MCS the opportunity of living in a community of people who would be conscious of the difficulties of MCS from first hand experience. We could have a safe chemical free place to live and have friends and be able to socialize once again with out all the guilt and worry. We could also work the community so that we could help each other when we are having bad days. These are just some of the ideas I have had and I was wondering what other people with MCS might think of living in a community that would have strict restrictions in place to minimize chemical exposures, yet offer a place where skills could be used within the community for the benefit of all living there? If there is interest I will continue to research the idea. Thank you.
Hello and thank you for this site!
I have had MCS since 1999 and have been forced to move to a remote location in order to avoid farm chemicals in addition to all the chemicals found in any town or city. The loss of a support system of family and friends who can function within the tight restrictions necessary for me to remain healthy when around them has dwindled. So the thought of an intentional community based on sustainable and completely non chemical living has been tickling the edges of my brain for awhile now. If sighted in the right location it could offer folks with MCS the opportunity of living in a community of people who would be conscious of the difficulties of MCS from first hand experience. We could have a safe chemical free place to live and have friends and be able to socialize once again with out all the guilt and worry. We could also work the community so that we could help each other when we are having bad days. These are just some of the ideas I have had and I was wondering what other people with MCS might think of living in a community that would have strict restrictions in place to minimize chemical exposures, yet offer a place where skills could be used within the community for the benefit of all living there? If there is interest I will continue to research the idea. Thank you.
Added: May 29, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Jennifer
From: Kentucky
Name: Jennifer
From: Kentucky
I have some type of auto immune disease.. they just say fibromyalgia..They have tested for everything... some test come back abnormal. they just initial and go one to the next test. I have low white blood count 3 or 4... Body aches. joint paint and swelling, raynaulds disease. seizures .. They say that they have tested me for lupus.. but say I don't have it.. ana auto immune profile is borderline. but i have auto immune disease.. any help out there..
I have some type of auto immune disease.. they just say fibromyalgia..They have tested for everything... some test come back abnormal. they just initial and go one to the next test. I have low white blood count 3 or 4... Body aches. joint paint and swelling, raynaulds disease. seizures .. They say that they have tested me for lupus.. but say I don't have it.. ana auto immune profile is borderline. but i have auto immune disease.. any help out there..
Added: May 29, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Pam
From: Texas
Name: Pam
From: Texas
This is great. Maybe someday, I will have gotten the house and Us clear from bad chemicals.
Still looking for the purest toothpaste. Thanks so Much
This is great. Maybe someday, I will have gotten the house and Us clear from bad chemicals.
Still looking for the purest toothpaste. Thanks so Much
Added: May 25, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Adriana
From: Arizona
Name: Adriana
From: Arizona
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: May 16, 2007
Submitted by
Name: keijo
From: sweden
Name: keijo
From: sweden
"If a man shut his ear the the cry of the poor,he too will cry out and not be answered."God´s fair good purpose are so lessed and joy to us all still today and he will that we may open our ears to the helpless and lost and win them to Christ,pray for blesed revival soon.Thanks an dbless.keijo sweden
"If a man shut his ear the the cry of the poor,he too will cry out and not be answered."God´s fair good purpose are so lessed and joy to us all still today and he will that we may open our ears to the helpless and lost and win them to Christ,pray for blesed revival soon.Thanks an dbless.keijo sweden
Added: May 8, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Pam
From: USA
Name: Pam
From: USA
What a wonderful site! Thanks!
What a wonderful site! Thanks!
Added: May 6, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Terabanitoss
From: Terabanitoss
Name: Terabanitoss
From: Terabanitoss
Hi all!
You are The Best!!!
Hi all!
You are The Best!!!
Added: May 3, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Pepper
From: San Jose, CA
Name: Pepper
From: San Jose, CA
I have recently been diagnosed with MCS. Like many, I am sensitive to perfume, printer ink, certain foods, cleaning solvents, etc.
I have recently been diagnosed with MCS. Like many, I am sensitive to perfume, printer ink, certain foods, cleaning solvents, etc.
Added: May 1, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Daniel Own Dunlap
From: Oklahoma
Name: Daniel Own Dunlap
From: Oklahoma
Thank you very much for this information. I have watched my father as he suffered from MCS most of my life, and since I have started attending college and have therefore been exposed to chemicals I was not exposed to before as a homeschool student in a home where we tried to keep such chemicals out, I have begun to develop many of the same symptoms. I am currently writing a college research paper over perfumes and fragrances and their effects on MCS sufferers, and have found this website to be most helpful.
Thank you for trying to make the general populace aware of the dangers of chemicals!
Thank you very much for this information. I have watched my father as he suffered from MCS most of my life, and since I have started attending college and have therefore been exposed to chemicals I was not exposed to before as a homeschool student in a home where we tried to keep such chemicals out, I have begun to develop many of the same symptoms. I am currently writing a college research paper over perfumes and fragrances and their effects on MCS sufferers, and have found this website to be most helpful.
Thank you for trying to make the general populace aware of the dangers of chemicals!
Added: April 29, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Cindy Lou Mahon
From: Minnesota
Name: Cindy Lou Mahon
From: Minnesota
This is a very amazing site. I so want to put in my web page, but the comments say please do not enter URL addresses and I respect that. I am a indepentdent Norwex Consultant and I have been doing research on my own about the dangers of household cleaners. Since I started detoxifying my home with Norwex, the experience is awesome. We dont itch no more or wake up completely stuffed up.
I went into my own business 6 months ago, cleaning house's and business's, I also wanted to do it a safe way so I became a partime consultant for Norwex. Once I started reading stories so similiar to alot of yours, I have changed my goal and now have become a full time Norwex consultant. I have been so touched with these stories so much that I have pledged from that day on to donate a percentage to research in area's where they believe toxins and chemicals are the triggers or the reason why certain disorders occur. My first donations are going out to MS. I have a close and dear friend who has this. When I looked up and seen that the trigger for MS is firmly believed to linked to a toxin, I was horrified that my home may have had something I used everyday and it might be linked to something that could trigger any disorder let alone MS.
People really need to open there eyes to the use of just perfume. I use to be a candle burner, never did I once think that they were dangerous. Now since I have detoxed my home and use only Norwex, our way of life has drastically changed.
My site also will be having the updates on donations I do. I know in the near future this will be disorder that I will be donating to, to help find the answers and to reach people that use things that harm all. Our sensitivities are not as severe as some of yours, and I am so sorry for all your pain and suffering. I use to be one of those people who used products like that. I was totally unaware of all the dangers. Educating people is the first step. We were all raised to believe clean is good and to get clean you had to use harsh chemicals. They chemical companies thrive on this and make good money, and they are poisening us. I will not knock any company that strives to lead are environment to a better situation. So if any one is interested in my web page and wants further info please email me at this address. I do not sell the products to just make a living, that is why I decided to do the donations. Because I firmly believe we all need to change how we clean our own home and I believe in Norwex it has made my life, my childrens lifes, and my friends life, alot safer. God bless you all
This is a very amazing site. I so want to put in my web page, but the comments say please do not enter URL addresses and I respect that. I am a indepentdent Norwex Consultant and I have been doing research on my own about the dangers of household cleaners. Since I started detoxifying my home with Norwex, the experience is awesome. We dont itch no more or wake up completely stuffed up.
I went into my own business 6 months ago, cleaning house's and business's, I also wanted to do it a safe way so I became a partime consultant for Norwex. Once I started reading stories so similiar to alot of yours, I have changed my goal and now have become a full time Norwex consultant. I have been so touched with these stories so much that I have pledged from that day on to donate a percentage to research in area's where they believe toxins and chemicals are the triggers or the reason why certain disorders occur. My first donations are going out to MS. I have a close and dear friend who has this. When I looked up and seen that the trigger for MS is firmly believed to linked to a toxin, I was horrified that my home may have had something I used everyday and it might be linked to something that could trigger any disorder let alone MS.
People really need to open there eyes to the use of just perfume. I use to be a candle burner, never did I once think that they were dangerous. Now since I have detoxed my home and use only Norwex, our way of life has drastically changed.
My site also will be having the updates on donations I do. I know in the near future this will be disorder that I will be donating to, to help find the answers and to reach people that use things that harm all. Our sensitivities are not as severe as some of yours, and I am so sorry for all your pain and suffering. I use to be one of those people who used products like that. I was totally unaware of all the dangers. Educating people is the first step. We were all raised to believe clean is good and to get clean you had to use harsh chemicals. They chemical companies thrive on this and make good money, and they are poisening us. I will not knock any company that strives to lead are environment to a better situation. So if any one is interested in my web page and wants further info please email me at this address. I do not sell the products to just make a living, that is why I decided to do the donations. Because I firmly believe we all need to change how we clean our own home and I believe in Norwex it has made my life, my childrens lifes, and my friends life, alot safer. God bless you all
Added: April 23, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Sandra Fasano
From: Youngstown, Ohio
Name: Sandra Fasano
From: Youngstown, Ohio
I am looking for help getting disability compensation because of my sensitivities. I have gone to a lawyer here, but he practically laughed at me because I did not go to tons of doctors for help. Back in the mid-seventies I brought this to the attention of my family doctor and he said I would have to aviod things that make me sick. That is hard to do and I did not seek further help because most everyone I told looked at me like I was crazy. The lawyer here said I probably would not be taken seriously. Please let me know if there is anything I could do to get help.
I am looking for help getting disability compensation because of my sensitivities. I have gone to a lawyer here, but he practically laughed at me because I did not go to tons of doctors for help. Back in the mid-seventies I brought this to the attention of my family doctor and he said I would have to aviod things that make me sick. That is hard to do and I did not seek further help because most everyone I told looked at me like I was crazy. The lawyer here said I probably would not be taken seriously. Please let me know if there is anything I could do to get help.
Added: April 17, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Dianne Smalligan
From: San Diego, CA
Name: Dianne Smalligan
From: San Diego, CA
What a beautiful site. We had to have my 89 year-old father's cat, Heidi, put to sleep, Friday evening, April 13, 2007. I entered her story on, and attended the "candle lighting" ceremony tonight. My beautiful short hair black cat, Ricky, is 11 years old now, and healthy so far. I definitely believe in the Rainbow Bridge. My mother died three years ago, so Heidi was greeted at the bridge my mother and all of our dear pets who preceded her!
What a beautiful site. We had to have my 89 year-old father's cat, Heidi, put to sleep, Friday evening, April 13, 2007. I entered her story on, and attended the "candle lighting" ceremony tonight. My beautiful short hair black cat, Ricky, is 11 years old now, and healthy so far. I definitely believe in the Rainbow Bridge. My mother died three years ago, so Heidi was greeted at the bridge my mother and all of our dear pets who preceded her!
Added: April 17, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Jean
From: Minnesota
Name: Jean
From: Minnesota
I think this chemical sensitivity reaction is real. It's kind of lonely out there. I have this ongoing cough. It gets worse when I'm inhaling some "weird" scent. I am feeling kind of scared by all this. I wish I didn't have this problem.
I feel like some kind of freak with my coughing and irritations. maybe I need to live in a bubble? I'm afraid to go to friend's houses because of the scents. I had easter brunch with some friends, and I coughed the whole time due to some "sweet powder" smell. It was very irritating. Should I see an allergist? I'm single on a tight budget, and I don't have funds to spend on this problem.
I like this web site..........peace. jeanie
I think this chemical sensitivity reaction is real. It's kind of lonely out there. I have this ongoing cough. It gets worse when I'm inhaling some "weird" scent. I am feeling kind of scared by all this. I wish I didn't have this problem.
I feel like some kind of freak with my coughing and irritations. maybe I need to live in a bubble? I'm afraid to go to friend's houses because of the scents. I had easter brunch with some friends, and I coughed the whole time due to some "sweet powder" smell. It was very irritating. Should I see an allergist? I'm single on a tight budget, and I don't have funds to spend on this problem.

I like this web site..........peace. jeanie

Added: April 14, 2007
Submitted by
Name: KC Bear
Name: KC Bear
Could write a book, but that's not why I'm here... Dusty's story is so real for me right now, (& I won't even mention his song)I can't wait for theCD I just ordered from ya'll.... (If anyone else is out there hurting, I strongly recommend Bucky Covington's new CD - just the previews have gotten me thru the toughest time of my life...I lost my heart and soul on 3-28 @ approx. 4pm......16yrs 5mos&20 days.. Hardest thing I've ever done.....This site has helped to heal...Thanks!!!!!
Love to all!!!!!
Could write a book, but that's not why I'm here... Dusty's story is so real for me right now, (& I won't even mention his song)I can't wait for theCD I just ordered from ya'll.... (If anyone else is out there hurting, I strongly recommend Bucky Covington's new CD - just the previews have gotten me thru the toughest time of my life...I lost my heart and soul on 3-28 @ approx. 4pm......16yrs 5mos&20 days.. Hardest thing I've ever done.....This site has helped to heal...Thanks!!!!!
Love to all!!!!!
Added: April 11, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Jennifer and Sean
From: Michigan
Name: Jennifer and Sean
From: Michigan
I just read your memories and tribute to dusty. I am not a person who normally posts to websites, however, I feel compelled to reply to your story of Dusty. Our yorkies name was Winston. He was alomost 17 years old when we sent him to heaven on Good Friday. When I read you story of dusty, I was amazed by the similarities between our two "sons". I am going to ramble a bit here, so forgive me, but I wanted you to know and see the similarities.
Our story starts a bit differently, you see, I always wanted a yorkie and I always knew his name would be Winston. My husband, Sean, found him for me, before he(Winston) was even born. He was in a pet store and happened to see a yorkie that an a employee was taking care of.Sean struck up a conversation with the employee and came to find out that the yorkie was a stray that someone brought into the store. Upon further discussion, he learned that the employee raised championship yorkies and was going to breed this stray female with her male. Sean, knowing of my desire for a yorkie, made a deal with her for a male of the lot. That is how we got Winston.
Winston was a tough little boy from the onset. Early on he had a hernia, and had to have an operation when he was only 1lb.
Winston had an older sister, Kyra a german shepard, who he loved to play with and antagonize. One day, when they were playing, she also must have gotten tired of him harassing him and took a bite at him. Winston immediately went into a seizure and we had to rush him to the hospital. my husband has nicknamed me Mario Andretti for how fast I got him there. To the vets amazement, he survived.This happen about two years before he died. One side effect, was that he had seizures from that day on.
Winston also loved to open presents on christmas. We would have to hide his presents up in the tree, so he would not get to them. On Christmas, every member of our family gave him presents, which he loved to open amd play with or eat...
Winston also was a " Grandmas" boy. Every time we went to grandmas house, he could not wait to get there. He loved garandma for feeding him carrots( one of his favorites) and loved to sit on her lap. Everytime we told him we were going to "grandmas". he would run to the door and could not wait to go.
Of course, we also had many nicknames for him including : little man, boo-boo, beetle man( because he loved to pounce on them), pumpkin, just to name a few.
January 2007. I was away on a business trip. Winston got VERY ill. Sean took him to the hospital. Kidney failure was the diagnosis, phosphorus levels high eInough to kill him. Moma's boy was dying, and I was not there. What to do? We talked every few hours and I said that it was ok for him to go to heaven. But, Sean was insistant taht Winston wanted to see me before he went. Sean went to the hospital 2-3 times each day an kept telling Winston that moma was coming home and to hang on. To the vets amazement, Winston did wait for me to get home.
I am now at the hospital. Winston looks really really bad. I come very close to sending him to heaven right then and there... but I can't. The vet suggests that we take Winston home for a few hours, to say goodbye. They leave the cathatire in, knowing that in a few hours we will have to send him to heaven. That night, Winston sleeps with me.
The next day, when he wakes up, he looks hungry. To our amazement, he is famished and eats like a "piggy"( anolther nicname).!! 3 days later, we take him back to the vet to have the cath. taken out.. They are amazed taht he is still alive!!
Winston stayed with us for 3 more months. Like Dusty, he stopped eating ( even his favorite foods of pizza and steak). After 5 days, we knew it was time. As you said, he was suffering and we could not keep him.
On the way, he was laying on his blanket in the car and when we got only a few minutes from the vet, he suddenly got up ( he had not stood in 3 days without me holding him) and looked a me right in the eye--- I know he was saying that it was ok, he was ready to go and play with his sister ( 2 german shepards that went to heaven before him)
There are many more similarities between Dusty and Winston. I would have never thought it possible-- including squirrels, and understanding things like bath, walk, grandma, treat, ect. Just like Dusty...
It has only been a few days since we lost him... My heart is broken,
Thank you for your story.
I just read your memories and tribute to dusty. I am not a person who normally posts to websites, however, I feel compelled to reply to your story of Dusty. Our yorkies name was Winston. He was alomost 17 years old when we sent him to heaven on Good Friday. When I read you story of dusty, I was amazed by the similarities between our two "sons". I am going to ramble a bit here, so forgive me, but I wanted you to know and see the similarities.
Our story starts a bit differently, you see, I always wanted a yorkie and I always knew his name would be Winston. My husband, Sean, found him for me, before he(Winston) was even born. He was in a pet store and happened to see a yorkie that an a employee was taking care of.Sean struck up a conversation with the employee and came to find out that the yorkie was a stray that someone brought into the store. Upon further discussion, he learned that the employee raised championship yorkies and was going to breed this stray female with her male. Sean, knowing of my desire for a yorkie, made a deal with her for a male of the lot. That is how we got Winston.
Winston was a tough little boy from the onset. Early on he had a hernia, and had to have an operation when he was only 1lb.
Winston had an older sister, Kyra a german shepard, who he loved to play with and antagonize. One day, when they were playing, she also must have gotten tired of him harassing him and took a bite at him. Winston immediately went into a seizure and we had to rush him to the hospital. my husband has nicknamed me Mario Andretti for how fast I got him there. To the vets amazement, he survived.This happen about two years before he died. One side effect, was that he had seizures from that day on.
Winston also loved to open presents on christmas. We would have to hide his presents up in the tree, so he would not get to them. On Christmas, every member of our family gave him presents, which he loved to open amd play with or eat...
Winston also was a " Grandmas" boy. Every time we went to grandmas house, he could not wait to get there. He loved garandma for feeding him carrots( one of his favorites) and loved to sit on her lap. Everytime we told him we were going to "grandmas". he would run to the door and could not wait to go.
Of course, we also had many nicknames for him including : little man, boo-boo, beetle man( because he loved to pounce on them), pumpkin, just to name a few.
January 2007. I was away on a business trip. Winston got VERY ill. Sean took him to the hospital. Kidney failure was the diagnosis, phosphorus levels high eInough to kill him. Moma's boy was dying, and I was not there. What to do? We talked every few hours and I said that it was ok for him to go to heaven. But, Sean was insistant taht Winston wanted to see me before he went. Sean went to the hospital 2-3 times each day an kept telling Winston that moma was coming home and to hang on. To the vets amazement, Winston did wait for me to get home.
I am now at the hospital. Winston looks really really bad. I come very close to sending him to heaven right then and there... but I can't. The vet suggests that we take Winston home for a few hours, to say goodbye. They leave the cathatire in, knowing that in a few hours we will have to send him to heaven. That night, Winston sleeps with me.
The next day, when he wakes up, he looks hungry. To our amazement, he is famished and eats like a "piggy"( anolther nicname).!! 3 days later, we take him back to the vet to have the cath. taken out.. They are amazed taht he is still alive!!
Winston stayed with us for 3 more months. Like Dusty, he stopped eating ( even his favorite foods of pizza and steak). After 5 days, we knew it was time. As you said, he was suffering and we could not keep him.
On the way, he was laying on his blanket in the car and when we got only a few minutes from the vet, he suddenly got up ( he had not stood in 3 days without me holding him) and looked a me right in the eye--- I know he was saying that it was ok, he was ready to go and play with his sister ( 2 german shepards that went to heaven before him)
There are many more similarities between Dusty and Winston. I would have never thought it possible-- including squirrels, and understanding things like bath, walk, grandma, treat, ect. Just like Dusty...
It has only been a few days since we lost him... My heart is broken,
Thank you for your story.
Added: April 10, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Kathy N.
From: Balsam Township, Northern MN
Name: Kathy N.
From: Balsam Township, Northern MN
Wonderful site! My daughter in Tallahassee sent me this info on Easter! Very inspiring and essential. I will also send the info to my friends and others in our family. God bless and heal you all! In Christ's love and grace.
Wonderful site! My daughter in Tallahassee sent me this info on Easter! Very inspiring and essential. I will also send the info to my friends and others in our family. God bless and heal you all! In Christ's love and grace.
Added: April 8, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Nancy
From: Lillooet, B.C., Canada
Name: Nancy
From: Lillooet, B.C., Canada
There is so much support and so many suggestions that I am feeling much more optimistic now. Reading so many comments from so many people I no longer care if the medical "professionals" can validate the existence of my condition.
Really, I should not be surprised at all. Fifteen years ago I diagnosed and created a successful treatment protocol for my daughter's Seasonal Affective Disorder when my doctor literally laughed at me when I suggested she had it. Ten years ago I told my husband he had sleep apnea and needed to have his tonsils removed. He and all the doctors insisted he didn't have it. Lo and behold, he had that exact surgery last October when the doctors finally clued in. Sorry, I needed to vent!
There is so much support and so many suggestions that I am feeling much more optimistic now. Reading so many comments from so many people I no longer care if the medical "professionals" can validate the existence of my condition.
Really, I should not be surprised at all. Fifteen years ago I diagnosed and created a successful treatment protocol for my daughter's Seasonal Affective Disorder when my doctor literally laughed at me when I suggested she had it. Ten years ago I told my husband he had sleep apnea and needed to have his tonsils removed. He and all the doctors insisted he didn't have it. Lo and behold, he had that exact surgery last October when the doctors finally clued in. Sorry, I needed to vent!
Added: April 4, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Cheryl
From: Seattle,Wasington
Name: Cheryl
From: Seattle,Wasington
I have terrible problem,I have Grand Mal Seizures plus I'm Bi-Polar and if that isnt enough my husband is cheating on me.Real kick in the b***,dont know what to do,I guess I'll start packin.Bye all,Cheryl.
I have terrible problem,I have Grand Mal Seizures plus I'm Bi-Polar and if that isnt enough my husband is cheating on me.Real kick in the b***,dont know what to do,I guess I'll start packin.Bye all,Cheryl.
Added: March 30, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Coco
From: usa
Name: Coco
From: usa
I am so glad I found this site! I've been wishing I could find someone like me to talk to but I've never met anyone with MCS!I have had this 23 years and it's been so bad the past 3 years I had to give up on working and I hardly ever leave home! When I do go out, I almost always get a chemical odor on me (smoke, perfume, air "fresheners"
, go into a reaction, and it takes at least a week to recover. It is difficult having people over because the same thing happens--seems repair people always smell like cologne or Bengay/Icy Hot!!! Family doesn't understand--except my husband. To the reader with troubles from neighbors incense, I need similar help. I have a neighbor renting a home next to ours. Their laundry is on the outside porch and every day he comes home, puts laundry in the wash, and pours Downy Fabric softener in!!! It is torcher when he puts the laundry in the dryer--can't go outside for sure. Our central heat and air unit is on the roof on the side closest to his house and if I don't turn it off until he finishes (all the while freezing or burning up hot), it comes in through the air and circulates through the house. The odor comes in our outside unfinished laundry room so I can't do my laundry during this time, and I have to turn on an air filter in each room to help with what comes in through cracks around the door and window--we have applied weather stripping and caulk but some still comes in. Also, I have problems with others' BBQ and chimney smoke coming in. I have to pull off the hose that vents the dryer and cover the end with foil when not in use--if I don't the odors get in my dryer and smell my clothes up. Any suggetions on keeping these odors from blowing in trough the CH & Air?
I am so glad I found this site! I've been wishing I could find someone like me to talk to but I've never met anyone with MCS!I have had this 23 years and it's been so bad the past 3 years I had to give up on working and I hardly ever leave home! When I do go out, I almost always get a chemical odor on me (smoke, perfume, air "fresheners"

Added: March 30, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Susan
From: PA
Name: Susan
From: PA
I have researched the use of molybdenum. It's use is recommended under close care of a doctor. I am happy to hear you have had such good results with this Dee. However, to other severe MCS sufferers like myself,please be careful and talk to your doctor before using this trace mineral. It can be very toxic and has to be in balance with your copper levels. It could actually deplete your system of copper. Not trying to sound preachy.I am not a doctor! But just being cautious . As we know with MCS our bodies are functioning on a fine line of balance day to day. RESEARCH,RESEARCH,RESEARCH!
I have researched the use of molybdenum. It's use is recommended under close care of a doctor. I am happy to hear you have had such good results with this Dee. However, to other severe MCS sufferers like myself,please be careful and talk to your doctor before using this trace mineral. It can be very toxic and has to be in balance with your copper levels. It could actually deplete your system of copper. Not trying to sound preachy.I am not a doctor! But just being cautious . As we know with MCS our bodies are functioning on a fine line of balance day to day. RESEARCH,RESEARCH,RESEARCH!
Added: March 25, 2007
Submitted by
Name: DEE
Name: DEE
Added: March 23, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Susan
From: Ohio
Name: Susan
From: Ohio
wow ... I am not crazy or alone or just a mean old lady. People get mad at me because I choke up over their perfumes and sprays (lysol). Thanks for your site and all the great info.
PS ... love the Tweetie w/gas mask :-)
wow ... I am not crazy or alone or just a mean old lady. People get mad at me because I choke up over their perfumes and sprays (lysol). Thanks for your site and all the great info.
PS ... love the Tweetie w/gas mask :-)
Added: March 23, 2007
Submitted by
Name: patricia
From: Blue Mounds WI
Name: patricia
From: Blue Mounds WI
I just love this site. I just did a search becasue I have MSC and o course no one understands what its like because it s not considered a real condition I've been actively trying to eliminate all chemicals in my home food and limit my exposure do I don't go to stores unless I cannot get anyone else to do it for me. I'm defintely going to try the detox baths after work.
I just love this site. I just did a search becasue I have MSC and o course no one understands what its like because it s not considered a real condition I've been actively trying to eliminate all chemicals in my home food and limit my exposure do I don't go to stores unless I cannot get anyone else to do it for me. I'm defintely going to try the detox baths after work.
Added: March 18, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Jeanie
From: Minnesota
Name: Jeanie
From: Minnesota
Hi,I'm having a problem at work with my two
co-workers wearing lotions/perfumes with strong
fragrances that are making me ill. They don't seem to take me seriously, and I feel like I'm the bad guy, asking them not to wear these products. I work as an RN in an Infusion center and we have patients who might be sensitive to these odors too. I've asked one RN three times already and she continues to wear lotion that permeates the air. AM I crazy? Jean
Hi,I'm having a problem at work with my two
co-workers wearing lotions/perfumes with strong
fragrances that are making me ill. They don't seem to take me seriously, and I feel like I'm the bad guy, asking them not to wear these products. I work as an RN in an Infusion center and we have patients who might be sensitive to these odors too. I've asked one RN three times already and she continues to wear lotion that permeates the air. AM I crazy? Jean
Added: March 15, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Valerie
From: MA
Name: Valerie
From: MA
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: March 14, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Mr.Eze
From: Lome-Togo
Name: Mr.Eze
From: Lome-Togo
I was blown away by your article in People magazine. I even tore out the page to keep! I have always wanted to established something like this in our area and work with the local shelters to continue caring for animals about to be put to sleep until they can be adopted. Unfortunatly, there is not enough money or space at this time.
I was blown away by your article in People magazine. I even tore out the page to keep! I have always wanted to established something like this in our area and work with the local shelters to continue caring for animals about to be put to sleep until they can be adopted. Unfortunatly, there is not enough money or space at this time.
Added: March 14, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Kay Dean
From: Sydney, Australia
Name: Kay Dean
From: Sydney, Australia
This is a great site! I'm also interested in effects of incense but can't find very much on it, if anyone can help in this area...?
And how do I tell neighbours I don't normally speak to that their incense burning is making me sick?
I hope lots more people read up on issues like this.
This is a great site! I'm also interested in effects of incense but can't find very much on it, if anyone can help in this area...?
And how do I tell neighbours I don't normally speak to that their incense burning is making me sick?
I hope lots more people read up on issues like this.
Added: March 8, 2007
Submitted by
Great web site.
Great web site.
Added: March 8, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Kathy Houghton
From: Alaska
Name: Kathy Houghton
From: Alaska
Why scents may not make cents when trying to sell your home.
For many home sellers and realtors who believe the TV commercials that claim chemical sprays “sanitize” the air, plug-ins “freshen” the air and Fragrance emitting devices actually clean the air, well…this may not be good news.
The savvy, health consious home buyer of today has added chemical fragrances to their list of what they don’t want to smell when they are looking to buy a home. These chemical fragrances are now listed right next to mold, cigarette smoke odor and animal urine by many home buyers.
Home buyers today are more educated than ever. Even inexperienced first time home buyers understand that fragrances do not clean the air, they contaminate it and more often than not make people very sick. They have kids with asthma and allergies. They themselves might suffer from migraines, anaphylaxis or fragrance sensitivity.
Home buyers know that clean should not have a smell. So, while the location, square footage and price of your home might be perfect for your would be buyer, the smell of your home just might be the deciding factor on why an offer was not written up.
What does your house smell like?
Once plug in style fragrance emitting devices are used in a home, the oil / fragrance permeates the sheetrock as well as flooring. Similar goes for the fragranced dryer sheets in the laundry room. These chemical odors then circulate in the air vent system and will never come out, no matter what you do.
With the growing population of people suffering with fragrance sensitivity, Asthma and allergies, house hunting can often prove to be quite a challenge.
If you are in the market to sell your home, increase your odds of getting top dollar and more offers by discontinuing the use of fragranced products. Open your windows and let the fresh air in. Clean with non-fragranced products. . Your house will then be marketable to all potential buyers... even those with health issues.
After all, you do want your home to take a buyers breath away... but not literally.
Why scents may not make cents when trying to sell your home.
For many home sellers and realtors who believe the TV commercials that claim chemical sprays “sanitize” the air, plug-ins “freshen” the air and Fragrance emitting devices actually clean the air, well…this may not be good news.
The savvy, health consious home buyer of today has added chemical fragrances to their list of what they don’t want to smell when they are looking to buy a home. These chemical fragrances are now listed right next to mold, cigarette smoke odor and animal urine by many home buyers.
Home buyers today are more educated than ever. Even inexperienced first time home buyers understand that fragrances do not clean the air, they contaminate it and more often than not make people very sick. They have kids with asthma and allergies. They themselves might suffer from migraines, anaphylaxis or fragrance sensitivity.
Home buyers know that clean should not have a smell. So, while the location, square footage and price of your home might be perfect for your would be buyer, the smell of your home just might be the deciding factor on why an offer was not written up.
What does your house smell like?
Once plug in style fragrance emitting devices are used in a home, the oil / fragrance permeates the sheetrock as well as flooring. Similar goes for the fragranced dryer sheets in the laundry room. These chemical odors then circulate in the air vent system and will never come out, no matter what you do.
With the growing population of people suffering with fragrance sensitivity, Asthma and allergies, house hunting can often prove to be quite a challenge.
If you are in the market to sell your home, increase your odds of getting top dollar and more offers by discontinuing the use of fragranced products. Open your windows and let the fresh air in. Clean with non-fragranced products. . Your house will then be marketable to all potential buyers... even those with health issues.
After all, you do want your home to take a buyers breath away... but not literally.
Added: March 6, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Micheal Donnington
From: UK
Name: Micheal Donnington
From: UK
Fantastic information available for everyone to access. Accessibility to information is the way forward for all. Thanks for the inspiration for my company.
Fantastic information available for everyone to access. Accessibility to information is the way forward for all. Thanks for the inspiration for my company.
Added: February 28, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Jason
Name: Jason
I have had bad chemical allergies from as early as I can remember. Those who only recently developed this should feel lucky. If I sleep in a home that has cigarette smoke, I wake up spitting and caughing blood. Today just about an hour ago, a coworker brought laundy detergent into the office and I had to put it into the hallway, because I got weak and light headed. The chemicals are like cryptonite to me.
I have had bad chemical allergies from as early as I can remember. Those who only recently developed this should feel lucky. If I sleep in a home that has cigarette smoke, I wake up spitting and caughing blood. Today just about an hour ago, a coworker brought laundy detergent into the office and I had to put it into the hallway, because I got weak and light headed. The chemicals are like cryptonite to me.
Added: February 26, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Margaret
From: Lincolnshire
Name: Margaret
From: Lincolnshire
After much searching we've found a house we like. But....there is an electricity substation close by!
Comments, anybody PLEASE!
Great site.
After much searching we've found a house we like. But....there is an electricity substation close by!
Comments, anybody PLEASE!
Great site.
Added: February 25, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Amanda
From: GA
Name: Amanda
From: GA
Hi, I first noticed that I started being sensitive to perfumes around Christmas 2000, during a shoping trip. People at a perfume counter were spraying away, trying all sorts of fragrances for possible Christmas gifts....I couldn't go within 10 feet. Things have gotten progressively worse over the years. It is mostly perfumes and candles. About 2yrs ago in a Wed. night Bible class, at church, a lady sat by me with strong perfume on and I tried to turn my head away to breathe "fresh air" I got sicker and sicker. I wound up on a pew in the hallway literally passed out. I barely remember people walking by and speaking to me. I couldn't get up. People do act like you are just being over sensitive or faking it. My son is 12 and has found Axe body spray.....I smell it when he walks in the door and get a forehead headache. I will get nauseas if I continue to smell it.I am in the process of ridding my home of offensive stuff. I am glad I found this site it will certainly help me.
Hi, I first noticed that I started being sensitive to perfumes around Christmas 2000, during a shoping trip. People at a perfume counter were spraying away, trying all sorts of fragrances for possible Christmas gifts....I couldn't go within 10 feet. Things have gotten progressively worse over the years. It is mostly perfumes and candles. About 2yrs ago in a Wed. night Bible class, at church, a lady sat by me with strong perfume on and I tried to turn my head away to breathe "fresh air" I got sicker and sicker. I wound up on a pew in the hallway literally passed out. I barely remember people walking by and speaking to me. I couldn't get up. People do act like you are just being over sensitive or faking it. My son is 12 and has found Axe body spray.....I smell it when he walks in the door and get a forehead headache. I will get nauseas if I continue to smell it.I am in the process of ridding my home of offensive stuff. I am glad I found this site it will certainly help me.

Added: February 21, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Cathy
From: Pennaylvania
Name: Cathy
From: Pennaylvania
Dear Jacki and gorden,
I have visited your site many times and each time I listen to "Precious Little Friend" I bawl my eyes out.
I lost my Lab mix, George, two years ago and am preparing to lose my Brittany. I miss George so much, and losing Brit will be just as hard, but you have to let go.
Plese pray for rittany and George, as I have prayed for you and Dusty over the years.
And I hope that your health inproves as well.
God bless all of you, and Dusty too...for what they teach us.
Dear Jacki and gorden,
I have visited your site many times and each time I listen to "Precious Little Friend" I bawl my eyes out.
I lost my Lab mix, George, two years ago and am preparing to lose my Brittany. I miss George so much, and losing Brit will be just as hard, but you have to let go.
Plese pray for rittany and George, as I have prayed for you and Dusty over the years.
And I hope that your health inproves as well.
God bless all of you, and Dusty too...for what they teach us.
Added: February 6, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Suzie
From: Pportland, Or
Name: Suzie
From: Pportland, Or
Geez, there are more of you out there than I thought!
I've sufferd for so many years! Now I have a neurological disorder called Dystonia. In Fact, there will be a special on about Dystonia this on OPB's Independent Lens on Jan. 30th 07.
Some one out there may benifit from the film.
I told my Dr. that I get worse with chemical exposure but as you may guess she disagrees that's the cause!
My ex-husband attacked me with Chlorophorm and put me unconscience with it - and kidnapped my kids.
Now that I see that it is in the list of dangerous chemicals and causes CNS problems I dare her to dispute it!
My husband sees me get sick. I'm so grateful for his support but friends and family all think I'm nuts!
My step son treats me like a wicked step mom because I've requested him not come over with aftershave on. He dosn't care or listen. It's so sad. My grandaughter (his child) has constant watery eyes. I'm now concearned for her as I read this is a symptom! Maybe now he'll listen!
I found this site because I'm on a mission to educate all the stores and resturants I frequent. They all contract with a company called "Swisher" to clean their bathrooms and put in those automated air fresheners that release a continuous poison. I can no longer go to the bathroom in public! It's awful! It's so bad that my personal air freashener can't compete!
Geez, there are more of you out there than I thought!
I've sufferd for so many years! Now I have a neurological disorder called Dystonia. In Fact, there will be a special on about Dystonia this on OPB's Independent Lens on Jan. 30th 07.
Some one out there may benifit from the film.
I told my Dr. that I get worse with chemical exposure but as you may guess she disagrees that's the cause!
My ex-husband attacked me with Chlorophorm and put me unconscience with it - and kidnapped my kids.
Now that I see that it is in the list of dangerous chemicals and causes CNS problems I dare her to dispute it!
My husband sees me get sick. I'm so grateful for his support but friends and family all think I'm nuts!
My step son treats me like a wicked step mom because I've requested him not come over with aftershave on. He dosn't care or listen. It's so sad. My grandaughter (his child) has constant watery eyes. I'm now concearned for her as I read this is a symptom! Maybe now he'll listen!
I found this site because I'm on a mission to educate all the stores and resturants I frequent. They all contract with a company called "Swisher" to clean their bathrooms and put in those automated air fresheners that release a continuous poison. I can no longer go to the bathroom in public! It's awful! It's so bad that my personal air freashener can't compete!
Added: January 26, 2007
Submitted by
Name: justinehh
From: southeast, usa
Name: justinehh
From: southeast, usa
I have MCS and cannot find any bed linens or new clothes that don't have a chemical odor. Can anyone else relate to this? Does anyone know of where I can purchase these things that don't have that smell? I know it's a petroleum sensitivity.
My old stuff, which I had to disguard, did not have chemical odors. I still have a few and they smell fine. So it's the new fabrics that are being made.
I have no pillowcases or blankets on my bed. I had to make a blanket pinning two old towels together. I have to continuously wash my pillows.
I have MCS and cannot find any bed linens or new clothes that don't have a chemical odor. Can anyone else relate to this? Does anyone know of where I can purchase these things that don't have that smell? I know it's a petroleum sensitivity.
My old stuff, which I had to disguard, did not have chemical odors. I still have a few and they smell fine. So it's the new fabrics that are being made.
I have no pillowcases or blankets on my bed. I had to make a blanket pinning two old towels together. I have to continuously wash my pillows.
Added: January 26, 2007
Submitted by
Name: t. jackson
From: usa
Name: t. jackson
From: usa
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: January 26, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Crystal Howlett
From: PA, currently in Ireland
Name: Crystal Howlett
From: PA, currently in Ireland
Thank you for all the good ideas.
I am 24 and it's depressing that, at my age I have a problem with chemicals...but, perhaps that's a good thing.
Thank you for also, telling people that MCS isn't just something that's in a person's head...
Thank you for all the good ideas.
I am 24 and it's depressing that, at my age I have a problem with chemicals...but, perhaps that's a good thing.
Thank you for also, telling people that MCS isn't just something that's in a person's head...

Added: January 26, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Candice(KahnWolf)
From: Alabama
Name: Candice(KahnWolf)
From: Alabama
What a beautiful, and special song about Dusty. I can tell what a special friend he was, and how much you loved him. You have a beautiful voice and what a wonderful talent. I wish I had a opportunity to have a song written about our Newfoundland Kahn. Kahn has been gone since 2004, but to this day, I grieve for him. I am comforted by our other dogs and our cats. Bear especially keeps Kahns memory alive. Bear also is a Newfoundland. TC
What a beautiful, and special song about Dusty. I can tell what a special friend he was, and how much you loved him. You have a beautiful voice and what a wonderful talent. I wish I had a opportunity to have a song written about our Newfoundland Kahn. Kahn has been gone since 2004, but to this day, I grieve for him. I am comforted by our other dogs and our cats. Bear especially keeps Kahns memory alive. Bear also is a Newfoundland. TC
Added: January 18, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Steve
From: Cranston, RI
Name: Steve
From: Cranston, RI
I also found your website through I found your song "Precious Little Friend" to be very touching. I just lost my Lhasa- Apso to a rare disease at the age of four, and listening to that song reminds me of Mitzi, and how much she ment to me and my wife. I wish you the best of luck with your health problems, and hope you both are doing OK.
God Bless,
I also found your website through I found your song "Precious Little Friend" to be very touching. I just lost my Lhasa- Apso to a rare disease at the age of four, and listening to that song reminds me of Mitzi, and how much she ment to me and my wife. I wish you the best of luck with your health problems, and hope you both are doing OK.
God Bless,
Added: January 15, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Derek Long
From: Valdosta, Georgia
Name: Derek Long
From: Valdosta, Georgia
thank you
thank you
Added: January 14, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Kari
From: Pittsburgh PA
Name: Kari
From: Pittsburgh PA
I found this to be a very interesting site. I have been suffering from symptoms related to chemicals (mainly cleaning agents)and I am looking forward to trying some of the alternative ideas found on this website.
I found this to be a very interesting site. I have been suffering from symptoms related to chemicals (mainly cleaning agents)and I am looking forward to trying some of the alternative ideas found on this website.
Added: January 8, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Sharon Niel
From: Novato, California
Name: Sharon Niel
From: Novato, California
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: January 5, 2007
Submitted by
Name: Joe A. Rodela
From: Baghdad, Iraq
Name: Joe A. Rodela
From: Baghdad, Iraq
I have the most respect for all of the efforts and information provided by many in this nice web page.
I have a (REAL CLOSE FRIEND Shady Lady - AZ) whom, I have admired for many years. If only there would be a soild cure to her condition as many of who are named and shared their stories in this book.
I have my FAITH & TRUST in the Lord our savior with all of my HEART that my friend (Shady Lady - AZ) will gain her health and be herself again.
I will continue to be blessed that, I have my health for it is real hard to view and expect nothing to ever happen in life.
Shady Lady - AZ If you read this, I want YOU to know that, I had always admired and respected YOU to where, I did not know if YOU had felt the same way. In other words, I truly would like for you to see it in your heart if we could make a difference together... JR Alias SnakeMan
I have the most respect for all of the efforts and information provided by many in this nice web page.

I have a (REAL CLOSE FRIEND Shady Lady - AZ) whom, I have admired for many years. If only there would be a soild cure to her condition as many of who are named and shared their stories in this book.

I have my FAITH & TRUST in the Lord our savior with all of my HEART that my friend (Shady Lady - AZ) will gain her health and be herself again.
I will continue to be blessed that, I have my health for it is real hard to view and expect nothing to ever happen in life.
Shady Lady - AZ If you read this, I want YOU to know that, I had always admired and respected YOU to where, I did not know if YOU had felt the same way. In other words, I truly would like for you to see it in your heart if we could make a difference together... JR Alias SnakeMan
Added: December 31, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Lisa Aug.
From: Pennsylvania
Name: Lisa Aug.
From: Pennsylvania
Just want to say that I'm very impressed with your website. I also love Jesus Christ and am being made more and more aware of the Toxic lifestyle we have in this Modern World.
I used to use all the designer perfumes out there, cosmetic, toiletry, and cleansing supplies, but after being made aware of just how dangerous they are to the body, I got rid of everything in a week, and replaced with biodegradable, non toxic alternatives.
You can even get cosmetics, shampoos and conditioners that are free from chemicals and solvents if you search. I like Aubrey Organics for most of my toiletries and Burt's Bees for my cosmetics now.
Citra-Solv and other similar Eco companies sell non-toxic window , furniture polishes, dishwashing detergents, dish cleaner, carpet cleaner-- you name it.-- and they don't cost that much more.
You can get certain Essential Oils to use as perfumes-- and the Heritage Shop sells alot of inexpensive floral sprays made from water and flower petals in Lavendar, Rose, etc.
Where there is a Will, there is a Way- and when you seek out God's Will, He shows His Way!
Alot of my health problems went away after removing man-made toxic filled things from my life. My sense of smell has also improved as well, and my sinus problems are all gone now.
Just want to say that I'm very impressed with your website. I also love Jesus Christ and am being made more and more aware of the Toxic lifestyle we have in this Modern World.
I used to use all the designer perfumes out there, cosmetic, toiletry, and cleansing supplies, but after being made aware of just how dangerous they are to the body, I got rid of everything in a week, and replaced with biodegradable, non toxic alternatives.
You can even get cosmetics, shampoos and conditioners that are free from chemicals and solvents if you search. I like Aubrey Organics for most of my toiletries and Burt's Bees for my cosmetics now.
Citra-Solv and other similar Eco companies sell non-toxic window , furniture polishes, dishwashing detergents, dish cleaner, carpet cleaner-- you name it.-- and they don't cost that much more.
You can get certain Essential Oils to use as perfumes-- and the Heritage Shop sells alot of inexpensive floral sprays made from water and flower petals in Lavendar, Rose, etc.
Where there is a Will, there is a Way- and when you seek out God's Will, He shows His Way!
Alot of my health problems went away after removing man-made toxic filled things from my life. My sense of smell has also improved as well, and my sinus problems are all gone now.
Added: December 29, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Carolynn Wain
Name: Carolynn Wain
Thank you for the service you do. I feel very strongly that education is of utmost importance. So many people are unaware of the toxic effects of the cleaning chemicals they are using in their homes every day.
Thank you for the service you do. I feel very strongly that education is of utmost importance. So many people are unaware of the toxic effects of the cleaning chemicals they are using in their homes every day.
Added: December 27, 2006
Submitted by
Name: jonii
From: plantation, fl
Name: jonii
From: plantation, fl
i am a 30+ female & was referred to you by a family friend who is a patient of yours. she travels from sebastian to see you which is about a 2 hour drive....very impressive. i'm anxious to see what help i might recieve with my asthma & fibromyalgia.
i am a 30+ female & was referred to you by a family friend who is a patient of yours. she travels from sebastian to see you which is about a 2 hour drive....very impressive. i'm anxious to see what help i might recieve with my asthma & fibromyalgia.
Added: December 27, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Jeanne Paradise
From: Bergen County, NJ
Name: Jeanne Paradise
From: Bergen County, NJ
There seems to be a lot of interesting remarks on this site. I have been living a very challenging existence due to chemical hypersensitivities for almost two years now. I reside in Bergen County, NJ. Does any know of a support group in my area? The local support group for Chronic Fatigue is held in a hospital and the members had too much perfume on for me. Who am I kidding, any is too much. Any feedback would be appreciated.
There seems to be a lot of interesting remarks on this site. I have been living a very challenging existence due to chemical hypersensitivities for almost two years now. I reside in Bergen County, NJ. Does any know of a support group in my area? The local support group for Chronic Fatigue is held in a hospital and the members had too much perfume on for me. Who am I kidding, any is too much. Any feedback would be appreciated.
Added: December 18, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Susan
From: Australia
Name: Susan
From: Australia
you have a nice site.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
you have a nice site.
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Added: December 15, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Winnie, Nancy, & Sarah Waller
From: Eatonton, GA
Name: Winnie, Nancy, & Sarah Waller
From: Eatonton, GA
Hi there! We were just checking up on yall. We hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Wish we could see you.
Hi there! We were just checking up on yall. We hope you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Wish we could see you.
Added: December 15, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Susan King
From: Quakertown PA
Name: Susan King
From: Quakertown PA
Hi friends! As a fellow MCS sufferer I have finally found a good M.D. in my area that aknowledges MCS and treats this condition. I am scheduled for January to have I.V. chelation therapy and it is really scary for me and I am overwhelmed with fear as I react to everything and do not like anything invasive. Has anyone ever received this treatment? And has it been sucessful? If anyone could share any thoughts on this I would be so thankful. I do not want my fear of treatment holding me back from possibly a good thing.
Hi friends! As a fellow MCS sufferer I have finally found a good M.D. in my area that aknowledges MCS and treats this condition. I am scheduled for January to have I.V. chelation therapy and it is really scary for me and I am overwhelmed with fear as I react to everything and do not like anything invasive. Has anyone ever received this treatment? And has it been sucessful? If anyone could share any thoughts on this I would be so thankful. I do not want my fear of treatment holding me back from possibly a good thing.
Added: December 14, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Darlene Turner
From: lake St. Louis, Mo.
Name: Darlene Turner
From: lake St. Louis, Mo.
Looking for Tovah Ruth Hagan..
Looking for Tovah Ruth Hagan..
Added: December 12, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Laura
From: Akron, Ohio
Name: Laura
From: Akron, Ohio
I found this website through and I'd just like to say that your song "precious little friend" is very touching and is helping me deal with the loss of my precious little friend who left us too soon. I'd like to say thanks because the lyrics are touching and ring so true. You've helped so much. Thanks again.
I found this website through and I'd just like to say that your song "precious little friend" is very touching and is helping me deal with the loss of my precious little friend who left us too soon. I'd like to say thanks because the lyrics are touching and ring so true. You've helped so much. Thanks again.
Added: December 12, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Shirley
From: Georgia
Name: Shirley
From: Georgia
I am astounded after trying the vinegar detox soak you recommended. I had an infected cyst on my bum and was going to go to the doctor to have it lanced. I thought why not try the detox? After just 20 minutes in the tub with about 2 cups of organic apple cider vinegar added to the tub, my cyst broke all by itself and started draining!!!!! How fabulous is that! No trip to the doctor. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :clap:
I am astounded after trying the vinegar detox soak you recommended. I had an infected cyst on my bum and was going to go to the doctor to have it lanced. I thought why not try the detox? After just 20 minutes in the tub with about 2 cups of organic apple cider vinegar added to the tub, my cyst broke all by itself and started draining!!!!! How fabulous is that! No trip to the doctor. Thank you, thank you, thank you! :clap:
Added: December 11, 2006
Submitted by
From: USA
From: USA
Added: November 28, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Suzanne Combs
From: Charleston, SC
Name: Suzanne Combs
From: Charleston, SC
One of my Dad's friends has a daughter that is 24 years old with chemical sensitivity. I am so glad that we were allowed to meet with her and learn about all the toxins in our environment. I have completely changed the way my family buys products and food. We have chosen to go organic and are looking into holistic ways to cure our illnesses. Love your site! I have passed it on to so many friends!! You are doing a great job educating folks on this topic!! May God continue to BLESS YOU! Suzanne
One of my Dad's friends has a daughter that is 24 years old with chemical sensitivity. I am so glad that we were allowed to meet with her and learn about all the toxins in our environment. I have completely changed the way my family buys products and food. We have chosen to go organic and are looking into holistic ways to cure our illnesses. Love your site! I have passed it on to so many friends!! You are doing a great job educating folks on this topic!! May God continue to BLESS YOU! Suzanne
Added: November 22, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Dawn M. Sage
From: Spokane, Washington
Name: Dawn M. Sage
From: Spokane, Washington
Just found your web site by chance, I have had MCS for over 15 years. I just had a full hysterectomy and hernia surgery three weeks ago and was doing really well in my recovery. One Nov 8th I began struggling with what they "think" is pneumonia which I developed suddenly about 7-8 days out of the hospital (I was there for a total of five days). I have something in the inside of my right lung, and no one seems to know what it is. I am not a smoker and it does not have the appearance of cancer. I have never lived in a second hand smoke environment except as a very small girl when my Dad quit smoking. This thing was amazingly painful the first few days, I was started on antibiotics, and when nothing "happened" after five days, the docs switched me to a stronger antibiotic, which I am currently taking. Needless to say, this med is distressing my irritable bowel, but seems to be slowly improving my condition. I tend to be impatient with my anxiety illnesses (anxiety and panic attacks for nearly six years). I was in emergency twice last week with this thing and had to deal with all the smells in the ER room, which was very difficult. The ER docs mean well, but the throw all these fears into you about what they think is really going on. I was told a tumor, pneumonia )viral and or bacteria), maybe cancer in my colon which may have spread to my lung, all sorts of frightening predictions. The truth is, they just don't know what it is, and I am really frightened and having a hard time being patient. Very discouraged and frustrated. Seeing a pulmonary doc in nine days, but in the meantime, my anxiety disorder and panic attacks are getting the better of me worrying about this, I am not one for medicating myself when I am anxious and have now turned to a childhood girlfriend in CA who called me yesterday and encouraged me to seek God and turn this over to Him. I was raised a very strict Catholic, left the church for many years and for many of the same reasons too long to list. Studied Buddhism for the last 15 but never felt fulfilled. My childhood friend has offered to have other people that she knows contact me to support me through this time in my area, and she has put me in her prayer circle. I have not been able to develop many friendships here during the last five years, due to my chemical restrictions. One of my few friends here, a wonderful woman with MCS for 30 years, ended her live this last May. I was devastated when her daughter called and have tried to offer any support to her elderly grieving widower, who never really understood the extent of her mental and physical sufferings. She was my sounding board for her depression and chemical sufferings and she was mine. I miss her so!!! I am so glad I now have this website to come to, to share thoughts, ideas, frustrations of living with MCS and my fears as I strive to get well from this lung thing. I am awaiting a SS disability hearing coming up this January for my MCS. Wish to find others with MCS in my area, or hear from anyone who may have picked up or acquired pneumonia in a hospital, while there for surgery. The doctors here do not want to deal with overwhelming fears about this lung thing, so I guess I just need to truely turn this over to God, and know that He will take care of me. I still have issues around my "higher power" from years of the guilt and shame-based beliefs that were instilled in me by my Mom. I loved her dearly, but cannot believe in a God who is fear-based as she did. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated. Many thanks to all!!!
Just found your web site by chance, I have had MCS for over 15 years. I just had a full hysterectomy and hernia surgery three weeks ago and was doing really well in my recovery. One Nov 8th I began struggling with what they "think" is pneumonia which I developed suddenly about 7-8 days out of the hospital (I was there for a total of five days). I have something in the inside of my right lung, and no one seems to know what it is. I am not a smoker and it does not have the appearance of cancer. I have never lived in a second hand smoke environment except as a very small girl when my Dad quit smoking. This thing was amazingly painful the first few days, I was started on antibiotics, and when nothing "happened" after five days, the docs switched me to a stronger antibiotic, which I am currently taking. Needless to say, this med is distressing my irritable bowel, but seems to be slowly improving my condition. I tend to be impatient with my anxiety illnesses (anxiety and panic attacks for nearly six years). I was in emergency twice last week with this thing and had to deal with all the smells in the ER room, which was very difficult. The ER docs mean well, but the throw all these fears into you about what they think is really going on. I was told a tumor, pneumonia )viral and or bacteria), maybe cancer in my colon which may have spread to my lung, all sorts of frightening predictions. The truth is, they just don't know what it is, and I am really frightened and having a hard time being patient. Very discouraged and frustrated. Seeing a pulmonary doc in nine days, but in the meantime, my anxiety disorder and panic attacks are getting the better of me worrying about this, I am not one for medicating myself when I am anxious and have now turned to a childhood girlfriend in CA who called me yesterday and encouraged me to seek God and turn this over to Him. I was raised a very strict Catholic, left the church for many years and for many of the same reasons too long to list. Studied Buddhism for the last 15 but never felt fulfilled. My childhood friend has offered to have other people that she knows contact me to support me through this time in my area, and she has put me in her prayer circle. I have not been able to develop many friendships here during the last five years, due to my chemical restrictions. One of my few friends here, a wonderful woman with MCS for 30 years, ended her live this last May. I was devastated when her daughter called and have tried to offer any support to her elderly grieving widower, who never really understood the extent of her mental and physical sufferings. She was my sounding board for her depression and chemical sufferings and she was mine. I miss her so!!! I am so glad I now have this website to come to, to share thoughts, ideas, frustrations of living with MCS and my fears as I strive to get well from this lung thing. I am awaiting a SS disability hearing coming up this January for my MCS. Wish to find others with MCS in my area, or hear from anyone who may have picked up or acquired pneumonia in a hospital, while there for surgery. The doctors here do not want to deal with overwhelming fears about this lung thing, so I guess I just need to truely turn this over to God, and know that He will take care of me. I still have issues around my "higher power" from years of the guilt and shame-based beliefs that were instilled in me by my Mom. I loved her dearly, but cannot believe in a God who is fear-based as she did. Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated. Many thanks to all!!!
Added: November 21, 2006
Submitted by
Name: margie kronewitter
From: maui, hawaii
Name: margie kronewitter
From: maui, hawaii
That smiley is the first thing that made me LAUGH in so long. Where can I get some? Mahalo
That smiley is the first thing that made me LAUGH in so long. Where can I get some? Mahalo
Added: November 21, 2006
Submitted by
Name: margie kronewitter
From: maui, hawaii
Name: margie kronewitter
From: maui, hawaii
I have found amino acid therapy to help the most with physiological and psychological (which are the same...check A book that lists excellent formulas for stress, anxiety, etc. is Seven Weeks to Sobriety by Larsen. It is great even if you don't drink. A lot of problems are caused by ACETALDEHYDE which is what gives you a hang-over, forms the skin of every candida/yeast and most importantly is detoxified (along with formaldehyde) by FOLIC ACID. The govt. limited the amount of folic acid in supplements, so i take many. 800 mcg is less than 1 miligram. Folic acid also controls homocysteine that causes many problems (heart attacks and strokes) and "WE" generally have too much. Gotta sleep. Aloha P.S. Just found the smileys:
#1 re:stress "It will pass"
I have found amino acid therapy to help the most with physiological and psychological (which are the same...check A book that lists excellent formulas for stress, anxiety, etc. is Seven Weeks to Sobriety by Larsen. It is great even if you don't drink. A lot of problems are caused by ACETALDEHYDE which is what gives you a hang-over, forms the skin of every candida/yeast and most importantly is detoxified (along with formaldehyde) by FOLIC ACID. The govt. limited the amount of folic acid in supplements, so i take many. 800 mcg is less than 1 miligram. Folic acid also controls homocysteine that causes many problems (heart attacks and strokes) and "WE" generally have too much. Gotta sleep. Aloha P.S. Just found the smileys:

Added: November 21, 2006
Submitted by
Name: margie kronewitter
From: maui, hawaii
Name: margie kronewitter
From: maui, hawaii
I'm back. After reading some, I had to add that Glutathione and amino acids, DHEA, Melatonin & Ginko seem to help me most. Glutathione (GSH Phenomenon book) is made of sulphur and is one of 3 detox enzymes (also SOD from wheat grass & Catalase). GSH is used up everytime it takes a toxin out. NAC makes more GSH, thins mucous (like Guanifenisin (?sp) that my M.D. gave (but it is blue and I avoid colorings. I just use 50 mg. pills from Source Naturals and disolve them sub-lingually at night or if exposed. The reason garlic, broccoli, vitamin C, E, etc. help the body is they all help GSH. Alpha Lipoic Acid is also both a fat & water anti-oxidant that makes more of the ENZYME Glutathione. Enzymes are the only things that DO things and cause reactions (actividy) in the body. GSH pills also helped my 87 year old mom when she couldn't kick a bug she picked up in Mexico. I'd prefer living in a screen house if I could find fresh outside air. I know MOLD is toxic and equivalent to VOC's. Leviticus 14:33 warns of mold (leprosy). My first symptoms were numb hands. Check your plumbing wall for leaks!!!
I'm back. After reading some, I had to add that Glutathione and amino acids, DHEA, Melatonin & Ginko seem to help me most. Glutathione (GSH Phenomenon book) is made of sulphur and is one of 3 detox enzymes (also SOD from wheat grass & Catalase). GSH is used up everytime it takes a toxin out. NAC makes more GSH, thins mucous (like Guanifenisin (?sp) that my M.D. gave (but it is blue and I avoid colorings. I just use 50 mg. pills from Source Naturals and disolve them sub-lingually at night or if exposed. The reason garlic, broccoli, vitamin C, E, etc. help the body is they all help GSH. Alpha Lipoic Acid is also both a fat & water anti-oxidant that makes more of the ENZYME Glutathione. Enzymes are the only things that DO things and cause reactions (actividy) in the body. GSH pills also helped my 87 year old mom when she couldn't kick a bug she picked up in Mexico. I'd prefer living in a screen house if I could find fresh outside air. I know MOLD is toxic and equivalent to VOC's. Leviticus 14:33 warns of mold (leprosy). My first symptoms were numb hands. Check your plumbing wall for leaks!!!
Added: November 21, 2006
Submitted by
Name: margie kronewitter
From: maui, hawaii
Name: margie kronewitter
From: maui, hawaii
God Bless You. I just found you via Linus Pauling and Mathias Rath of Green Turtle Bay Vitamins. I'll be back. Since 1992 I've had MCS, CFS, Fibromyalgia, etc. from living in a house that had leaking plumbing, plus a lot of STRESS from my teenage son being affected. I'd prayed for more TIME to read the Bible and ended up disabled and out of the rat race. I know HE has a plan in his mysterious ways. ALOHA
God Bless You. I just found you via Linus Pauling and Mathias Rath of Green Turtle Bay Vitamins. I'll be back. Since 1992 I've had MCS, CFS, Fibromyalgia, etc. from living in a house that had leaking plumbing, plus a lot of STRESS from my teenage son being affected. I'd prayed for more TIME to read the Bible and ended up disabled and out of the rat race. I know HE has a plan in his mysterious ways. ALOHA
Added: November 21, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Michele Grabbe
From: Belgrade, MT
Name: Michele Grabbe
From: Belgrade, MT
I have been to your site many times over the past 5 years of suffering with this illness. I have always found it encouraging. I feel an obligation to pass along what is happening to me: After 5 years of getting steadily more and more sensitive, my life was extremely compromised. In May of this year I was introduced to a product called Reliv. It is a nutritional powder that is changing my life! I am reacting to about 1/4 of the things I used to react to. I can eat almost anything I want, perfume doesn't bother me (used to put me in bed for days!). I know it sounds too good to be true, but it isn't. When I first got on it, I spoke with a lady in OK that had used Reliv and her body quit reacting to the things it reacted to. She was inspiration to tryiing it and sticking to it even though I had little faith it would work. If you want more info, email or call me at 406-579-9102...don't despair,there is hope!
I have been to your site many times over the past 5 years of suffering with this illness. I have always found it encouraging. I feel an obligation to pass along what is happening to me: After 5 years of getting steadily more and more sensitive, my life was extremely compromised. In May of this year I was introduced to a product called Reliv. It is a nutritional powder that is changing my life! I am reacting to about 1/4 of the things I used to react to. I can eat almost anything I want, perfume doesn't bother me (used to put me in bed for days!). I know it sounds too good to be true, but it isn't. When I first got on it, I spoke with a lady in OK that had used Reliv and her body quit reacting to the things it reacted to. She was inspiration to tryiing it and sticking to it even though I had little faith it would work. If you want more info, email or call me at 406-579-9102...don't despair,there is hope!
Added: November 16, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Donna Doxtator
From: De Pere, WI
Name: Donna Doxtator
From: De Pere, WI
I am so appreciative of your site and great information regarding MCS. I have had it for 20 years and as I'm more exposed, it becomes more serious. I finally found a church that is very understanding of my problem and also one other parishoner.
Tomorrow morning they have asked if we would explain to the others, why the two of us sit by ourselves. I have printed several of the articles found here and will place them in church for anyone who wishes to know more about this invisible disease. Thank you for your help and God bless.
I am so appreciative of your site and great information regarding MCS. I have had it for 20 years and as I'm more exposed, it becomes more serious. I finally found a church that is very understanding of my problem and also one other parishoner.
Tomorrow morning they have asked if we would explain to the others, why the two of us sit by ourselves. I have printed several of the articles found here and will place them in church for anyone who wishes to know more about this invisible disease. Thank you for your help and God bless.
Added: November 12, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Charles
From: Baltimore
Name: Charles
From: Baltimore
I was diagnosed with MCS and AKC. I had about 10 years of no sick days until I started working at a new office bldg. Gradually, I became sicker everyday I went to work. My problem was the cut grass, smokers, and perfume.
I was diagnosed with MCS and AKC. I had about 10 years of no sick days until I started working at a new office bldg. Gradually, I became sicker everyday I went to work. My problem was the cut grass, smokers, and perfume.
Added: November 10, 2006
Submitted by
Name: sesso
From: Ěîńęâŕ
Name: sesso
From: Ěîńęâŕ
thank u!!
thank u!!
Added: November 9, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Laura P
From: Los Angeles
Name: Laura P
From: Los Angeles
I recently (just over a year ago) became extremely sensitive to chemicals and mold probably due to a place I had just moved into (perhaps it was moldy, it definitely had insecticide sprayed regularly in the walls to kill termites). Since them, it's been a year of moving from place to place (16 total so far, and currently I'm sleeping in a tent in the backyard hoping it won't rain anytime soon!) Fortunately, I'm still able to work and workout, when I'm not using all my time for apartment hunting!, so I'm not quite as affected as many people seem to be. I think regular work outs are great, and they often seem to reset my body. I know when you are in the process of being poisoned (such as I was when I lived in the place that originally made me ill) working out, or even moving fast, just isn't that much of an option. But I can't over recommend exercise. It does wonders.
I'm disappointed that the medical community (for the most part) does not recognize MCS. However, this is a great website. I would be interested in learning more about non toxic building materials, as it seems I might just have to build something myself.
I also wanted to cheer on the posting I read on a previous page.... It's good to keep a sense of humor, keep things in perspective, and try to be reasonable... As much as possible, in any case!
I pasted the posting below:
I know this illness seems to limit our choices, and when exposed often, our judgment, too. Sometimes we sound crazy, and that can only work against us in our goal of educating those who don't yet understand. Let's do all we can to stay in amusement, maintain a reasonable tone, and remember to use SPELLCHECK!
Suzanne <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Monmouth, OR USA - Monday, May 02, 2005 at 02:10:20 (GMT)
I recently (just over a year ago) became extremely sensitive to chemicals and mold probably due to a place I had just moved into (perhaps it was moldy, it definitely had insecticide sprayed regularly in the walls to kill termites). Since them, it's been a year of moving from place to place (16 total so far, and currently I'm sleeping in a tent in the backyard hoping it won't rain anytime soon!) Fortunately, I'm still able to work and workout, when I'm not using all my time for apartment hunting!, so I'm not quite as affected as many people seem to be. I think regular work outs are great, and they often seem to reset my body. I know when you are in the process of being poisoned (such as I was when I lived in the place that originally made me ill) working out, or even moving fast, just isn't that much of an option. But I can't over recommend exercise. It does wonders.
I'm disappointed that the medical community (for the most part) does not recognize MCS. However, this is a great website. I would be interested in learning more about non toxic building materials, as it seems I might just have to build something myself.
I also wanted to cheer on the posting I read on a previous page.... It's good to keep a sense of humor, keep things in perspective, and try to be reasonable... As much as possible, in any case!
I pasted the posting below:
I know this illness seems to limit our choices, and when exposed often, our judgment, too. Sometimes we sound crazy, and that can only work against us in our goal of educating those who don't yet understand. Let's do all we can to stay in amusement, maintain a reasonable tone, and remember to use SPELLCHECK!
Suzanne <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Monmouth, OR USA - Monday, May 02, 2005 at 02:10:20 (GMT)
Added: November 6, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Susan Frias
From: Los Angeles, CA
Name: Susan Frias
From: Los Angeles, CA
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: November 3, 2006
Submitted by
Name: chikwado
From: benin
Name: chikwado
From: benin
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: October 31, 2006
Submitted by
Name: SandraEllison
From: Seattle WA
Name: SandraEllison
From: Seattle WA
hello, and I think this is a great forum, I personally do not suffer from MCS but I have friends who do. If you are interested in learning more about toxic free products please let me know. YOu are more than welcome to email me. I am not soliciting at all in this comment, I simply have been able to help my friends with mcs by providing them more information that can help them live better healthier lives, and even help them work at home too. I would love to help others if they are interested....AGAIN< this is not solicitation!
hello, and I think this is a great forum, I personally do not suffer from MCS but I have friends who do. If you are interested in learning more about toxic free products please let me know. YOu are more than welcome to email me. I am not soliciting at all in this comment, I simply have been able to help my friends with mcs by providing them more information that can help them live better healthier lives, and even help them work at home too. I would love to help others if they are interested....AGAIN< this is not solicitation!
Added: October 30, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Barbara Alonge
From: Sebastian, Florida
Name: Barbara Alonge
From: Sebastian, Florida
I am an RN and am currently working in a local hospital. Everyday that I go to work, I get very ill. But where can I possibly work in my present capacity where I wouldn't be subject to disinfectents, perfumes, cologne, air fresheners, formaldehyde etc...What do people do when they have this. How do they financially adapt. I too am seeing Dr. Robbins and he has helped me tremendously, but I need to make an income. Does anyone have any suggestions for legitamate work from home? Is it possible to even get disability? Home is the only safe haven I have. Every day that I go to work, I find that I become more sensitive much more readily. Your site is such a wealth of information, I refer to it frequently, since I found it. Thank-you so much.
I am an RN and am currently working in a local hospital. Everyday that I go to work, I get very ill. But where can I possibly work in my present capacity where I wouldn't be subject to disinfectents, perfumes, cologne, air fresheners, formaldehyde etc...What do people do when they have this. How do they financially adapt. I too am seeing Dr. Robbins and he has helped me tremendously, but I need to make an income. Does anyone have any suggestions for legitamate work from home? Is it possible to even get disability? Home is the only safe haven I have. Every day that I go to work, I find that I become more sensitive much more readily. Your site is such a wealth of information, I refer to it frequently, since I found it. Thank-you so much.
Added: October 23, 2006
Submitted by
Name: sarah watson
From: atlanta, ga
Name: sarah watson
From: atlanta, ga
What a great forum for us "no toxins folks"! Be brave, be proud and keep persisting. I read one post from a person who's "friend" put her down for wanting to live in a non-toxic work environment. I know what that feels like and just want to say--hang in there and hold your green ground. As a person who sells non-toxic products, I can tell you that many people are threatened by a different way of life even if it might mean they would live longer and feel better. Go figure! Go With God
What a great forum for us "no toxins folks"! Be brave, be proud and keep persisting. I read one post from a person who's "friend" put her down for wanting to live in a non-toxic work environment. I know what that feels like and just want to say--hang in there and hold your green ground. As a person who sells non-toxic products, I can tell you that many people are threatened by a different way of life even if it might mean they would live longer and feel better. Go figure! Go With God

Added: October 23, 2006
Submitted by
Name: susan
From: gig harbor WA
Name: susan
From: gig harbor WA
Thank for the useful info. I know some people who have plug-in deoderizers (in every room) of their house! I can't stand it,so rarely drop by. I searched NCAP & WA toxic C. site to no avail. Thank you for the info on perfumes! Maybe I can help spread the word and keep people healthy. And visit my friends again. Also my chiropractor does the same thing. They unplug it and leave the door open. Big deal! Anyway thanks.
Thank for the useful info. I know some people who have plug-in deoderizers (in every room) of their house! I can't stand it,so rarely drop by. I searched NCAP & WA toxic C. site to no avail. Thank you for the info on perfumes! Maybe I can help spread the word and keep people healthy. And visit my friends again. Also my chiropractor does the same thing. They unplug it and leave the door open. Big deal! Anyway thanks.
Added: October 20, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Uta Thompson
From: Grand Forks, North Dakota
Name: Uta Thompson
From: Grand Forks, North Dakota
Love your website. Keep up the good work of spreading the information. I, too, believe we are the guinea pigs to test out everything.
Love your website. Keep up the good work of spreading the information. I, too, believe we are the guinea pigs to test out everything.
Added: October 19, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Maga
From: USA
Name: Maga
From: USA
keep it upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
keep it upppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp
Added: October 12, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Angelica Woods
From: Washington
Name: Angelica Woods
From: Washington
will love to be able to communicate with MCS patients. I suffer with MCS and I am happy to have found this site.
God bless you
will love to be able to communicate with MCS patients. I suffer with MCS and I am happy to have found this site.
God bless you
Added: October 9, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Virginia Brizzi (Ginny)
From: Sedona, AZ
Name: Virginia Brizzi (Ginny)
From: Sedona, AZ
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: October 1, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Marcy Ikeler
From: IL., then CA.
Name: Marcy Ikeler
From: IL., then CA.
Hi. It was/is wonderful to find this site. I have been in 2 work environments, within the last year, wherein two individuals used chemicals to purposely make me ill, although I had explained my MCSI at both job interviews, and then to my fellow employees, hoping to avoid such scenarios. I am baffled by the apparent hostility to my disclosures, given each employer was willing to hire me. (I know about ADA laws and chose not to sue the employers, as it was not their fault the employees did what they did.) I have since decided I must find a way to make an income at home, where I can protect myself from people with questionable mental health. What made me the saddest, however, was when a good friend critized me and claimed I "was isolating myself and withdrawing from the world," without making any effort to read up on my condition. I am convinced that each of us must speak out about our illness, to remove the stigma, and to educate others, (similar to the manner in which some of the stigma against people with mental illnesses has been reduced.) If we remain silent, and hide our invisible illness, few people will know about the condition, educate themselves about it, and will continue to poison their families. There is a great doctor--Harvard trained, with another degree in botany, by the name of Andrew Weil. In his website:, he has web pages that explain alternative cleaning solutions and practices. Do us all a favor. Print them, copy them, and send them to a few people. (Baby steps?) Thanks for reading, and may God Bless you all, Marcy
Hi. It was/is wonderful to find this site. I have been in 2 work environments, within the last year, wherein two individuals used chemicals to purposely make me ill, although I had explained my MCSI at both job interviews, and then to my fellow employees, hoping to avoid such scenarios. I am baffled by the apparent hostility to my disclosures, given each employer was willing to hire me. (I know about ADA laws and chose not to sue the employers, as it was not their fault the employees did what they did.) I have since decided I must find a way to make an income at home, where I can protect myself from people with questionable mental health. What made me the saddest, however, was when a good friend critized me and claimed I "was isolating myself and withdrawing from the world," without making any effort to read up on my condition. I am convinced that each of us must speak out about our illness, to remove the stigma, and to educate others, (similar to the manner in which some of the stigma against people with mental illnesses has been reduced.) If we remain silent, and hide our invisible illness, few people will know about the condition, educate themselves about it, and will continue to poison their families. There is a great doctor--Harvard trained, with another degree in botany, by the name of Andrew Weil. In his website:, he has web pages that explain alternative cleaning solutions and practices. Do us all a favor. Print them, copy them, and send them to a few people. (Baby steps?) Thanks for reading, and may God Bless you all, Marcy
Added: September 29, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Virginia Brizzi
From: Sedona, AZ
Name: Virginia Brizzi
From: Sedona, AZ
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: September 25, 2006
Submitted by
Added: September 25, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Barb Spencer
From: Missouri
Name: Barb Spencer
From: Missouri
I am so glad to find this site. Years ago my lungs were damaged by propane gas leaks in our home, to the degree of losing 60-65% of my breathing capacity. It has been an uphill struggle to live in this world of ours. I am highly allergic to smoke, perfume, pesticides, mold, petroleum products, fabric softeners, mothballs, chemicals, most filtering machines, formaldyde, freon...the list goes on! Also, allergies to some foods (egg yolks are high on that list), cats, grasses, some trees, dust...You get the picture. Lately, I guess because of my lowered immune system, I have re-occuring eye ulcers. I have God on my side, so I will conquer! God bless you all.
I am so glad to find this site. Years ago my lungs were damaged by propane gas leaks in our home, to the degree of losing 60-65% of my breathing capacity. It has been an uphill struggle to live in this world of ours. I am highly allergic to smoke, perfume, pesticides, mold, petroleum products, fabric softeners, mothballs, chemicals, most filtering machines, formaldyde, freon...the list goes on! Also, allergies to some foods (egg yolks are high on that list), cats, grasses, some trees, dust...You get the picture. Lately, I guess because of my lowered immune system, I have re-occuring eye ulcers. I have God on my side, so I will conquer! God bless you all.
Added: September 22, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Darienne
From: Indiana (currently)
Name: Darienne
From: Indiana (currently)
This site is wonderful! I work in a very disfunctional environment and my request for a "no-scent" zone was met first with shock, then snide remarks and now deliberate use of highly offensive, fragrance laden products. It is a nightmare! So when I stumbled on this site yesterday it was like a long cool drink after a very hot and thirsty trek in the wilderness. I MUST find a source for the flyers...does anyone know where I can get them? Also, I use Arbonne products exclusively on my skin and hair...these are chemical, color, dye, and fragrance free products-pure, safe, and beneficial is the company motto and I'm here to tell you it's true. Have a great day! :-)
This site is wonderful! I work in a very disfunctional environment and my request for a "no-scent" zone was met first with shock, then snide remarks and now deliberate use of highly offensive, fragrance laden products. It is a nightmare! So when I stumbled on this site yesterday it was like a long cool drink after a very hot and thirsty trek in the wilderness. I MUST find a source for the flyers...does anyone know where I can get them? Also, I use Arbonne products exclusively on my skin and hair...these are chemical, color, dye, and fragrance free products-pure, safe, and beneficial is the company motto and I'm here to tell you it's true. Have a great day! :-)
Added: September 22, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Ginny Brizzi
From: Sedona,AZ
Name: Ginny Brizzi
From: Sedona,AZ
Jacki, you did the right thing by removing the "silver" you just had the WRONG dentist. I have been an EI since 1986 finally diagnosed in 1994. Something that might help...accupuncture to rebalance your meridians from the damage done during the sitting in the chair and incorrect movements of the head, jaw, mouth, etc. Did the dentist use a heated neck pack, dental dam, remove the fillings in order of toxicity, give you a homeopathic remedy to counter the chemical effects, have you done master cleanses, IV drips, UBI treatments, Oxygen therapy, peroxide drips....Has your dentist realigned your bit using the new electronic device that measures pressure and stress on each tooth? Where you blood tested for allergic response to dental materials (about a $250.00 test)...your composite should not be crumbling...I've have some that are 14 years old and as strong as the day they were put in. In order for removal to be safe it must be done in a very specific way or it'll reflect in the problems you are having. Is there a Holistic dentist nearby who can give you a second opinion ? There is also available Laser treatments that will reduce dental toxins..also helpful - colonics to remove dental debris. A herbal tincture from Nature's Apothecary - Lymph Cleanse - will also help to move lymph fluid and detox the body. Do you Fast? My husband and I did a 21 day fast 10 months ago and have switched from cooked food to a raw, macrobiotic diet and the results are incredible! After living with CFIDS, FMS, MCS and any other letter you can think of, I've become healthy for the first time in 20 years... If I can help anyone or share information I'll gladly do it....vb
Jacki, you did the right thing by removing the "silver" you just had the WRONG dentist. I have been an EI since 1986 finally diagnosed in 1994. Something that might help...accupuncture to rebalance your meridians from the damage done during the sitting in the chair and incorrect movements of the head, jaw, mouth, etc. Did the dentist use a heated neck pack, dental dam, remove the fillings in order of toxicity, give you a homeopathic remedy to counter the chemical effects, have you done master cleanses, IV drips, UBI treatments, Oxygen therapy, peroxide drips....Has your dentist realigned your bit using the new electronic device that measures pressure and stress on each tooth? Where you blood tested for allergic response to dental materials (about a $250.00 test)...your composite should not be crumbling...I've have some that are 14 years old and as strong as the day they were put in. In order for removal to be safe it must be done in a very specific way or it'll reflect in the problems you are having. Is there a Holistic dentist nearby who can give you a second opinion ? There is also available Laser treatments that will reduce dental toxins..also helpful - colonics to remove dental debris. A herbal tincture from Nature's Apothecary - Lymph Cleanse - will also help to move lymph fluid and detox the body. Do you Fast? My husband and I did a 21 day fast 10 months ago and have switched from cooked food to a raw, macrobiotic diet and the results are incredible! After living with CFIDS, FMS, MCS and any other letter you can think of, I've become healthy for the first time in 20 years... If I can help anyone or share information I'll gladly do it....vb
Added: September 21, 2006
Submitted by
Name: kathy hack
From: florida
Name: kathy hack
From: florida
I am glad to know other people share a similar disease as me. It seems so difficult to deal with alone. God Bless all in their quest to help themselves and their health problems. As a chemical sensitive person I love finding new resources on this subject. Thanks for all the information on this dite.
I am glad to know other people share a similar disease as me. It seems so difficult to deal with alone. God Bless all in their quest to help themselves and their health problems. As a chemical sensitive person I love finding new resources on this subject. Thanks for all the information on this dite.
Added: September 21, 2006
Submitted by
Name: john
From: ved
Name: john
From: ved
HI guys, this page is great. John!
HI guys, this page is great. John!
Added: September 13, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Sandra
From: Washington State
Name: Sandra
From: Washington State
Hi, I have been doing a lot of research lately on better living by taking away the toxins in my life as much as I can, and trying to live healthy and protect the environment. I suffered from infertility but luckily I did overcome it at first through the conventional way but then through the more natural way with herbs. I have found some incredible products to clean my house with and they are all wonderful, including some cosmetics too that work great and do not contain any caustic or toxic chemicals. It is just wonderful and I would love to share the information that i have. Does anyone know how I go about doing this? Thanks
Hi, I have been doing a lot of research lately on better living by taking away the toxins in my life as much as I can, and trying to live healthy and protect the environment. I suffered from infertility but luckily I did overcome it at first through the conventional way but then through the more natural way with herbs. I have found some incredible products to clean my house with and they are all wonderful, including some cosmetics too that work great and do not contain any caustic or toxic chemicals. It is just wonderful and I would love to share the information that i have. Does anyone know how I go about doing this? Thanks
Added: September 10, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Geraldine
From: Vancouver, Canada
Name: Geraldine
From: Vancouver, Canada
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: September 10, 2006
Submitted by
Name: caron lage
From: st cloud mn
Name: caron lage
From: st cloud mn
I so appreciate the kind and knowledgable way you have presented this information. I do wish there was an address for Roberta Rigsby, as I would love to have on hand a professional brochure which gently explains why I sometimes react to things the way I do. If her address becomes availabe could I be contacted?
I so appreciate the kind and knowledgable way you have presented this information. I do wish there was an address for Roberta Rigsby, as I would love to have on hand a professional brochure which gently explains why I sometimes react to things the way I do. If her address becomes availabe could I be contacted?
Added: August 30, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Melissa
From: Kansas
Name: Melissa
From: Kansas
What a wonderful and informative site you have here... and I owe a lot to you guys as well. I stopped by here around four years ago, right after the death of my beloved dog, Misty. I found this site through, and your story about Dusty has been with me ever since. It gave me reassurance in knowing that I'm not the only one to suffer the loss of a wonderful pet and that we did the right thing in putting her down. And the song "Precious Little Friend" still makes me cry...
Thank you and God bless.
What a wonderful and informative site you have here... and I owe a lot to you guys as well. I stopped by here around four years ago, right after the death of my beloved dog, Misty. I found this site through, and your story about Dusty has been with me ever since. It gave me reassurance in knowing that I'm not the only one to suffer the loss of a wonderful pet and that we did the right thing in putting her down. And the song "Precious Little Friend" still makes me cry...
Thank you and God bless.
Added: August 30, 2006
Submitted by
Name: dee bradberry
Name: dee bradberry
WOW! I can't believe what I'm reading! It was by accident that I found this web site.(well, maybe God had something to do with it) My mother has been suffering for the past 20 years from "something", and we have never been able to figure it out. She has had so many symptoms and has had every illness I've ever known. This MCS sounds like what she could have. I can't wait to show her all of this information. She has been told that she is bipolar,has psychatric problems, and been hospitalized for many things related to these. She has always said that it is "in the air", and she just might be right! She claims that paper holds chemicals and makes her sick. She smells things in the air, and her lips tingle, and she can't swallow, and her throat swells shut, those kind of things. Sprays, perfumes, all make her sick,very sick. She even coughs up blood, and this is not good. I have cried and cried reading some of the problems that others on this site have gone through. I'm so sorry for you and your family. I certainly hope that my mother can find out what is wrong with her too. God bless you all, thank you for sharing your lives and making others aware to this on going problem.
WOW! I can't believe what I'm reading! It was by accident that I found this web site.(well, maybe God had something to do with it) My mother has been suffering for the past 20 years from "something", and we have never been able to figure it out. She has had so many symptoms and has had every illness I've ever known. This MCS sounds like what she could have. I can't wait to show her all of this information. She has been told that she is bipolar,has psychatric problems, and been hospitalized for many things related to these. She has always said that it is "in the air", and she just might be right! She claims that paper holds chemicals and makes her sick. She smells things in the air, and her lips tingle, and she can't swallow, and her throat swells shut, those kind of things. Sprays, perfumes, all make her sick,very sick. She even coughs up blood, and this is not good. I have cried and cried reading some of the problems that others on this site have gone through. I'm so sorry for you and your family. I certainly hope that my mother can find out what is wrong with her too. God bless you all, thank you for sharing your lives and making others aware to this on going problem.
Added: August 29, 2006
Submitted by
Name: maugu
From: lome-togo
Name: maugu
From: lome-togo
i don land here 0000000000000000
i don land here 0000000000000000
Added: August 28, 2006
Submitted by
Name: keijo
From: sweden
Name: keijo
From: sweden
"He split the rock in the desert and gave them water as abudant as the seas;"Again this living water will flow from Jesus christ with powerful life and health and new joy and love will bring fort.Help that many may find him,pray for blessed revival soon.Thanks and bless.keijo sweden
"He split the rock in the desert and gave them water as abudant as the seas;"Again this living water will flow from Jesus christ with powerful life and health and new joy and love will bring fort.Help that many may find him,pray for blessed revival soon.Thanks and bless.keijo sweden
Added: August 28, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Susan
From: Pennsylvania
Name: Susan
From: Pennsylvania
Thank you for this wonderful site. It's helping me deal with my MCS by reading about other sufferers of this condition. Most people don't take my condition seriously and think I am exaggerating about my symptoms...even though last week I passed out at work and they called 911. I am on the verge of having to quit my job because of perfume wearers. I have gone to the human resource dept. and they have asked individuals to not wear colonge. These individuals continue to wear it. I can not afford to leave my job. I am not sure what my rights are in this situation. My ability to function daily is becoming impossible. If anyone has any advice on this matter I would greatly appreciate it. And yes, I would love a community just for MCS sufferers. Thanks!
Thank you for this wonderful site. It's helping me deal with my MCS by reading about other sufferers of this condition. Most people don't take my condition seriously and think I am exaggerating about my symptoms...even though last week I passed out at work and they called 911. I am on the verge of having to quit my job because of perfume wearers. I have gone to the human resource dept. and they have asked individuals to not wear colonge. These individuals continue to wear it. I can not afford to leave my job. I am not sure what my rights are in this situation. My ability to function daily is becoming impossible. If anyone has any advice on this matter I would greatly appreciate it. And yes, I would love a community just for MCS sufferers. Thanks!
Added: August 26, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Margo Ralphs
From: Orange Park, FL
Name: Margo Ralphs
From: Orange Park, FL
Greetings good people. Thank you for your wonderful website. I came across your site tonight while surfing for info to help inform people on the dangers of air fresheners. I am a 39 year old mother of two and also a MCS survivor. My first symptoms started at around age 10. I have been fortunate- I have wonderful doctors, the best husband and 2 beautiful children.
My son is 8. He came home from school today and his backpack smelled of air freshener. He is very aware of his mom's MCS and told me that yes the teacher had just plugged an air freshener in a few days ago. I think this should be a crime! My goal is to educate this teacher and the school since I know other rooms have plug-ins as well. Your site has been very helpful. Do you have any other articles linking air fresheners/perfumes to learning disabilities or ADHD?
Would like to have as many facts in hand as I can before I go to the school.
Thank you for your time and God bless,
Greetings good people. Thank you for your wonderful website. I came across your site tonight while surfing for info to help inform people on the dangers of air fresheners. I am a 39 year old mother of two and also a MCS survivor. My first symptoms started at around age 10. I have been fortunate- I have wonderful doctors, the best husband and 2 beautiful children.
My son is 8. He came home from school today and his backpack smelled of air freshener. He is very aware of his mom's MCS and told me that yes the teacher had just plugged an air freshener in a few days ago. I think this should be a crime! My goal is to educate this teacher and the school since I know other rooms have plug-ins as well. Your site has been very helpful. Do you have any other articles linking air fresheners/perfumes to learning disabilities or ADHD?
Would like to have as many facts in hand as I can before I go to the school.
Thank you for your time and God bless,
Added: August 25, 2006
Submitted by
Name: cheryl paine
From: mt iron, minneosta
Name: cheryl paine
From: mt iron, minneosta
(Private post.)
(Private post.)
Added: August 24, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Craig Schaszberger
From: York, PA
Name: Craig Schaszberger
From: York, PA
Hello, I am pleased to see a site like yours. I have been aware of MCS for about 5 years. Fortunately, I have not been personally affected in the respect of my health, but as a hairstylist I was receiving with more frequency requests for hair products that were fragrance free. To my surprise it was a much overlooked area. So, having a background in product ingredients I decided to produce my own line, called Synergy. My first intentions were for monetary gain, but rapidly this gave way to a humanitarian side of numerous personal conversations involving the daily struggles my clients faced. It's those testimonials that truly motivate me. Another web site with a wealth of information is the multiple chemical sensitivity foundation, it's worth looking into. If there is any interest in my line, which is free of color dyes, parabens and fragrance you can search for "synergyhair" online. Best of luck for anyone utilizing this great site! Please know your unseen dilema is gaining it's due recognition with better understanding. Best regards and good health-Craig
Hello, I am pleased to see a site like yours. I have been aware of MCS for about 5 years. Fortunately, I have not been personally affected in the respect of my health, but as a hairstylist I was receiving with more frequency requests for hair products that were fragrance free. To my surprise it was a much overlooked area. So, having a background in product ingredients I decided to produce my own line, called Synergy. My first intentions were for monetary gain, but rapidly this gave way to a humanitarian side of numerous personal conversations involving the daily struggles my clients faced. It's those testimonials that truly motivate me. Another web site with a wealth of information is the multiple chemical sensitivity foundation, it's worth looking into. If there is any interest in my line, which is free of color dyes, parabens and fragrance you can search for "synergyhair" online. Best of luck for anyone utilizing this great site! Please know your unseen dilema is gaining it's due recognition with better understanding. Best regards and good health-Craig
Added: August 24, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Angie crowley
From: USA
Name: Angie crowley
From: USA
nice site !!
nice site !!
Added: August 22, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Taylor
Name: Taylor
Hi it's me at school again not supposed to be on love you bye
Admin reply: Hey, Sweetie - Love you, too!! BTW, You can still go to your special guestbook by changing what it says in the http:// to the right address
Hi it's me at school again not supposed to be on love you bye
Admin reply: Hey, Sweetie - Love you, too!! BTW, You can still go to your special guestbook by changing what it says in the http:// to the right address

Added: August 21, 2006
Submitted by
Name: angela
From: NY
Name: angela
From: NY
The Very Best of.....
The Very Best of.....
Added: August 20, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Taylor
Name: Taylor
Hi this your neice .im at school and im not supposed to be on this but i love yall and miss yall bye
Hi this your neice .im at school and im not supposed to be on this but i love yall and miss yall bye

Added: August 18, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Galya
From: Lakeland, Florida
Name: Galya
From: Lakeland, Florida
I really appreciated reading your message. Thank you for caring enough to post it.
For a year or two, I have been finding out about our toxic environment. Recently, I found out about the toxins inside our homes. I need to know more, and I am planning to order "Tired or Toxic?" by Sherry Rogers.
I really appreciated reading your message. Thank you for caring enough to post it.
For a year or two, I have been finding out about our toxic environment. Recently, I found out about the toxins inside our homes. I need to know more, and I am planning to order "Tired or Toxic?" by Sherry Rogers.
Added: August 16, 2006
Submitted by
Added: August 13, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Michelle
From: NC
Name: Michelle
From: NC
Hi Jacki,
Interesting site. Thanks for all you do to help people! I love you sis!
Hi Jacki,
Interesting site. Thanks for all you do to help people! I love you sis!
Added: August 12, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Lex Blair
From: Saskatoon, Canada
Name: Lex Blair
From: Saskatoon, Canada
(Private post.)
Admin reply: Thanks so much for your comments - I wish you all the best...
(Private post.)
Admin reply: Thanks so much for your comments - I wish you all the best...
Added: August 7, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Luanne
From: Ontario, CANADA
Name: Luanne
From: Ontario, CANADA
Sometimes I feel the need to be rescued. This is a SERIOUS request for prayer. My husband and I (could) be on the verge of bankrupcy. We have two young children. (9 yrs. and 1 yr. - both girls) We are very afraid and stressed out. We don't know what tomorrow will bring. (My husband is a
business man, 52; I am a stay at home mom, 41.) Please...whoever reads this, please pray for us. It is a very frightening time and we need to know someone is out there caring for us. We belong to a wonderful church, and there are people there praying as well. My husband is a litle scared about
telling our pastor how bad things are for fear of being blamed for our situation.
We are trying to be brave through this for our children, but it is hard to even get up in the morning because we don't know what tomorrow will bring. Please pray. If anyone would like to e-mail me I would love
Sometimes I feel the need to be rescued. This is a SERIOUS request for prayer. My husband and I (could) be on the verge of bankrupcy. We have two young children. (9 yrs. and 1 yr. - both girls) We are very afraid and stressed out. We don't know what tomorrow will bring. (My husband is a
business man, 52; I am a stay at home mom, 41.) Please...whoever reads this, please pray for us. It is a very frightening time and we need to know someone is out there caring for us. We belong to a wonderful church, and there are people there praying as well. My husband is a litle scared about
telling our pastor how bad things are for fear of being blamed for our situation.


Added: August 5, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Meg Simmons
Name: Meg Simmons
Thank-you for your excellent and informative website.
I suffer from CFS with neurological, endocrine, pain and exhaustion after exertion- which I have had for one year and six months. Also, chemicals are increasing debilitating. A few days ago, my husband purchased an aerosol "air freshener" and one evening sprayed this stuff in the living
room. Within seconds, these chemicals went up my nose and I felt powerful burning and irritation and pain. I had to run to the bedroom, close the door and put a towel at the bottom of the door. I escaped from the stench that hung in the living room, but I could taste the chemicals and I coughed
and sneezed for hours and my nasal passages swelled. The after effects from this poison continued for days. After this, my husband who is healthy realized that we can not have any of these products in the house. I did some research on these "air fresheners" and the way that these poisons
work is that the aerosol is designed to cover and coat your nasal passages with these "perfumes" and linger in your sinuses so any bad odors will be covered and every time you inhale you get this dangerous poison into your system.. Everyone (even if you don't show sensitivity) should not
purchase this stuff and throw out all plug-ins, "aroma therapy" discs and aerosols. I have removed fabric softener sheets, bathroom chemicals, candles, double rinse my clothes, etc….
The research of Dr. Martin Pall that Sal Salvador e-mail comments pointed out is very important. The common cellular dysfunction in his hypothesis is found in CFS, FM, MCS. Dr. Paul Cheney is doing fascinating research into CFS, and his theory ( he credits Dr. Pall also) is that this disease is a
cellular level energy dysfunction, that then goes on to produce a dyastolic heart dysfunction, which then goes on to produce microcirculation problems and this cycle goes round and round. Dr. Jay Goldstein, was looking at the brain problems of CFS sufferers, and his theory was that the nasal
olfactory system was so permeable, causing substances to be inhaled and would go right to the limbic system in the brain, causing terrible neurological and systemic problems. Some studies indicate that some people have genetic deficiencies that don't allow us to clear chemicals as well as
"normals." Many canaries will have CFS & MCS both or combos such as FM, MCS.
Our food supply is swimming in chemicals- just read a soup can label! You will find chemicals with names as long as your arm in processed food such as frozen convenience foods, junk foods, sauces and flavorings, cereals, canned foods, hydrogenated garbage such as margarine, putrified oils such as
canola , corn (all those light bleached oils) , soft drinks (new research is finding more benzene than previously reported), etc…. As we must stay totally away from those awful fragrance chemicals, I also find myself trying to avoid food loaded with chemicals, preseratives and poison and belive me
it is a struggle. as a society, our tastebuds crave all this MSG and artificial and chemical flavors. My husband makes terrible food choices when he goes shopping alone. Cutting this stuff out brings you down to more basic choices. Even our vegetables are loaded with pesticides!
Here is a fascinating bit of information I read recently about airplanes. I had no idea that it is routine when planes fly from destination to destination, that during refueling it is routine for huge sprays of pesticides to be infused into the plane's air recirculation system, and this must keep
accumulating time after time. In Hillary Johnson's excellent book OSLER"S WEB, she explores the huge increase of CFS in pilots and filght attendants in airline industry (medical field such as hospitals is the highest). No doubt MCS and FM also are rampant.
One book that I will be getting is SKEWED by Martin Walker. He exposes the petrochemical industry and its huge tenticles to everyone from the chemical mongers (Better living through chemicals) which include pharma (who very deeply influence medical dogma and the medical practices that are defined
and delineated by our insurance companies.) drug producers as well as the food industry. This industry is TRILLION dollar business and the rich and powerful have stock in this business. They sit on the boards of powerful medical, universities and private sector affiliates. They are NOT going to
open research up and do studies to come to these conclusions showing direct cause-and-effect of these poisons. The sad part is that so many people don't make any connection at all to the numerous environmental poison and toxins, and don't even have a clue that those "plug-ins", etc… are
damaging their families and their personal health. It is ironic how the average American believes and boasts that the U.S. has a high level of health compared to other countries. The U. S. way down below the level of many countries considered to be at a lower economic level such as third world
countries. The U. S. is experiencing a growing population especially in the area of chronic degenerative disease which is rampant and escalating even in youth. The only area that has improved is in acute coronary emergency medical life saving techniques. Medicine has made progress in this E.R. area
probably because they have had plenty of people with acute coronary life threatening problems to deal with and learn from in the first place. Medical schools education are not doing much with CFS or FM. MCS also.
Education is the key to understanding these diseases. Your website and others help baffled patient who becomes more isolated and disabled in sickness that is called "mysterious" and "nonexistant" by the health industry. Thank-you for the bridge of understanding that you are
creating. More and more people with these diseases are coming forward and their voices are being heard in greater and greater numbers. Our prayers hopefully will lead to the truth and disclosure about these diseases of CFS, FM and MCS.
Thank-you for your excellent and informative website.
I suffer from CFS with neurological, endocrine, pain and exhaustion after exertion- which I have had for one year and six months. Also, chemicals are increasing debilitating. A few days ago, my husband purchased an aerosol "air freshener" and one evening sprayed this stuff in the living
room. Within seconds, these chemicals went up my nose and I felt powerful burning and irritation and pain. I had to run to the bedroom, close the door and put a towel at the bottom of the door. I escaped from the stench that hung in the living room, but I could taste the chemicals and I coughed
and sneezed for hours and my nasal passages swelled. The after effects from this poison continued for days. After this, my husband who is healthy realized that we can not have any of these products in the house. I did some research on these "air fresheners" and the way that these poisons
work is that the aerosol is designed to cover and coat your nasal passages with these "perfumes" and linger in your sinuses so any bad odors will be covered and every time you inhale you get this dangerous poison into your system.. Everyone (even if you don't show sensitivity) should not
purchase this stuff and throw out all plug-ins, "aroma therapy" discs and aerosols. I have removed fabric softener sheets, bathroom chemicals, candles, double rinse my clothes, etc….
The research of Dr. Martin Pall that Sal Salvador e-mail comments pointed out is very important. The common cellular dysfunction in his hypothesis is found in CFS, FM, MCS. Dr. Paul Cheney is doing fascinating research into CFS, and his theory ( he credits Dr. Pall also) is that this disease is a
cellular level energy dysfunction, that then goes on to produce a dyastolic heart dysfunction, which then goes on to produce microcirculation problems and this cycle goes round and round. Dr. Jay Goldstein, was looking at the brain problems of CFS sufferers, and his theory was that the nasal
olfactory system was so permeable, causing substances to be inhaled and would go right to the limbic system in the brain, causing terrible neurological and systemic problems. Some studies indicate that some people have genetic deficiencies that don't allow us to clear chemicals as well as
"normals." Many canaries will have CFS & MCS both or combos such as FM, MCS.
Our food supply is swimming in chemicals- just read a soup can label! You will find chemicals with names as long as your arm in processed food such as frozen convenience foods, junk foods, sauces and flavorings, cereals, canned foods, hydrogenated garbage such as margarine, putrified oils such as
canola , corn (all those light bleached oils) , soft drinks (new research is finding more benzene than previously reported), etc…. As we must stay totally away from those awful fragrance chemicals, I also find myself trying to avoid food loaded with chemicals, preseratives and poison and belive me
it is a struggle. as a society, our tastebuds crave all this MSG and artificial and chemical flavors. My husband makes terrible food choices when he goes shopping alone. Cutting this stuff out brings you down to more basic choices. Even our vegetables are loaded with pesticides!
Here is a fascinating bit of information I read recently about airplanes. I had no idea that it is routine when planes fly from destination to destination, that during refueling it is routine for huge sprays of pesticides to be infused into the plane's air recirculation system, and this must keep
accumulating time after time. In Hillary Johnson's excellent book OSLER"S WEB, she explores the huge increase of CFS in pilots and filght attendants in airline industry (medical field such as hospitals is the highest). No doubt MCS and FM also are rampant.
One book that I will be getting is SKEWED by Martin Walker. He exposes the petrochemical industry and its huge tenticles to everyone from the chemical mongers (Better living through chemicals) which include pharma (who very deeply influence medical dogma and the medical practices that are defined
and delineated by our insurance companies.) drug producers as well as the food industry. This industry is TRILLION dollar business and the rich and powerful have stock in this business. They sit on the boards of powerful medical, universities and private sector affiliates. They are NOT going to
open research up and do studies to come to these conclusions showing direct cause-and-effect of these poisons. The sad part is that so many people don't make any connection at all to the numerous environmental poison and toxins, and don't even have a clue that those "plug-ins", etc… are
damaging their families and their personal health. It is ironic how the average American believes and boasts that the U.S. has a high level of health compared to other countries. The U. S. way down below the level of many countries considered to be at a lower economic level such as third world
countries. The U. S. is experiencing a growing population especially in the area of chronic degenerative disease which is rampant and escalating even in youth. The only area that has improved is in acute coronary emergency medical life saving techniques. Medicine has made progress in this E.R. area
probably because they have had plenty of people with acute coronary life threatening problems to deal with and learn from in the first place. Medical schools education are not doing much with CFS or FM. MCS also.
Education is the key to understanding these diseases. Your website and others help baffled patient who becomes more isolated and disabled in sickness that is called "mysterious" and "nonexistant" by the health industry. Thank-you for the bridge of understanding that you are
creating. More and more people with these diseases are coming forward and their voices are being heard in greater and greater numbers. Our prayers hopefully will lead to the truth and disclosure about these diseases of CFS, FM and MCS.
Added: July 28, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Laura
From: Central NY State
Name: Laura
From: Central NY State
Awesome pages!
Please check out my Melaleuca website for 4 lines of non-toxic household safe products.
I have auto immune Graves and have been trying to let others know of the dangers of what they are exposed to on a daily bases!
Awesome pages!

I have auto immune Graves and have been trying to let others know of the dangers of what they are exposed to on a daily bases!
Added: July 28, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Deb Leonard
From: Alabama
Name: Deb Leonard
From: Alabama
I'm so happy to have found your website! I've suffered from migraines and muscle weakness caused by fragrances for over 15 years. I'm very much a homebody because if it. Very, very rarely go out to a concert, theatre or mueseum. Working is absolute hell for me but yet when I tell co-workers
about how toxic perfumes/colognes, air freshners,, etc are they don't believe me. Now I can give them your website address. Thanks so very much!
Our society has become OVER fragranced. Stores spray scents and they're even being put into clothes. Lipsticks are scented. (Why would a woman want to wear a scented lipstick/gloss anyway??)

I'm so happy to have found your website! I've suffered from migraines and muscle weakness caused by fragrances for over 15 years. I'm very much a homebody because if it. Very, very rarely go out to a concert, theatre or mueseum. Working is absolute hell for me but yet when I tell co-workers
about how toxic perfumes/colognes, air freshners,, etc are they don't believe me. Now I can give them your website address. Thanks so very much!
Our society has become OVER fragranced. Stores spray scents and they're even being put into clothes. Lipsticks are scented. (Why would a woman want to wear a scented lipstick/gloss anyway??)

Added: July 23, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Erik
Name: Erik
I have also had all of my amalgam (mercury) fillings removed! My doctor has been very helpful in educating me about the dangers of toxins, and has quite a bit of experience treating "toxic" people. He has an interesting, online risk a**sment that you can do to get an estimate of your
body's toxic burden.
Take the quiz at:
Blessings to you!
I have also had all of my amalgam (mercury) fillings removed! My doctor has been very helpful in educating me about the dangers of toxins, and has quite a bit of experience treating "toxic" people. He has an interesting, online risk a**sment that you can do to get an estimate of your
body's toxic burden.
Take the quiz at:
Blessings to you!
Added: July 20, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Ross Banerjee
From: London, Ontario, Canada
Name: Ross Banerjee
From: London, Ontario, Canada
Your site is a veritable font of information. For more information about the various difficulties associated with cosmetics, please see: as well as the rest of the site: You will find it very helpful.
Your site is a veritable font of information. For more information about the various difficulties associated with cosmetics, please see: as well as the rest of the site: You will find it very helpful.
Added: July 20, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Lourdes "Sal" Salvador
From: Hawaii
Name: Lourdes "Sal" Salvador
From: Hawaii
I developed mercury poisoning in 1999 and was diagnosed and treated in 2002. At that time I developed MCS, Hashimoto's Thyroidosis, and Adrenal disorders that still to this day baffle doctors.
Before MCS my life was full with my own business, a home I owned on Maui in Hawaii, active competitive bodybuilding, cla**, reading, and more. Since MCS my life has become a shambles and I've lost everything but a vehicle I sleep in. That is my only safe haven from the laundry fumes in
traditional housing neighborhoods that trigger seizures and my world becomes smaller and more lonely each day.
I advocate tirelessly for recognition of MCS and public accomodations for sufferers.
The most painful part of MCS is the insinuation that MCS is all in your head when the physial symptoms are very real and very debilitating. I am hopeful that Dr. Martin Pall's research will soon be completed showing the cause of MCS as eleveated levels of peroxynitrite and nitric oxide so that
doctors will take us seriously.
The last thing in the world I was to do is live on disability but what choice do I have? I'd prefer in a heartbeat to have my life back the way it was before I was poisoned by mercury in 1999.
Thank you for this wonderful site.
I developed mercury poisoning in 1999 and was diagnosed and treated in 2002. At that time I developed MCS, Hashimoto's Thyroidosis, and Adrenal disorders that still to this day baffle doctors.
Before MCS my life was full with my own business, a home I owned on Maui in Hawaii, active competitive bodybuilding, cla**, reading, and more. Since MCS my life has become a shambles and I've lost everything but a vehicle I sleep in. That is my only safe haven from the laundry fumes in
traditional housing neighborhoods that trigger seizures and my world becomes smaller and more lonely each day.
I advocate tirelessly for recognition of MCS and public accomodations for sufferers.
The most painful part of MCS is the insinuation that MCS is all in your head when the physial symptoms are very real and very debilitating. I am hopeful that Dr. Martin Pall's research will soon be completed showing the cause of MCS as eleveated levels of peroxynitrite and nitric oxide so that
doctors will take us seriously.
The last thing in the world I was to do is live on disability but what choice do I have? I'd prefer in a heartbeat to have my life back the way it was before I was poisoned by mercury in 1999.
Thank you for this wonderful site.
Added: July 17, 2006
Submitted by
Name: karen thomas
From: Marysville, WA
Name: karen thomas
From: Marysville, WA
I have had various symptoms of my MCS, but want to know; is an allergic reaction to calla lillies common?
I have had various symptoms of my MCS, but want to know; is an allergic reaction to calla lillies common?
Added: July 12, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Karen
From: Pennsylvania
Name: Karen
From: Pennsylvania
I have been suffering from MCS for at least 12 years now. Many of the information on this website I am familiar with. My husband has decided that he is tired of living the lifestyle that I must follow and is going to divorce me. Does anybody out there know about a community for people who have
I have been suffering from MCS for at least 12 years now. Many of the information on this website I am familiar with. My husband has decided that he is tired of living the lifestyle that I must follow and is going to divorce me. Does anybody out there know about a community for people who have
Added: July 8, 2006
Submitted by
Name: Jacki
From: here
Name: Jacki
From: here

Added: June 11, 2006
Submitted by
Name: gorden
Name: gorden
Added: January 26, 2006
Submitted by
Name: IC Support Desk
From: Maryland!
Name: IC Support Desk
From: Maryland!
YAY I love testing Guestbooks

YAY I love testing Guestbooks

Added: January 26, 2006
Name: Linleigh Adshade
From: Star Valley, Wyoming
My mother is 78 and was given 2 years to live 5 years ago. She was an x ray tech for 30 years. Thanks to the chemicals involved in the processing of x ray films, my mothers lungs look like the lungs of a 50 year smoker. During her work, my mother suffered headaches. After she retired, she lead a healthy life, eating well and walking everyday. 6 years ago she began to show signs of pneumonia. Over and over again doctors asked her how long she smoked. "Never." she would reply. Finally, a pulmonary doctor in Panama City Florida asked her what she did for a living. He knew the cause as soon as she answered.
My mother loved to care for people, that is why she dedicated her life to the medical field. If you know of anyone who is or was an x ray tech, please show them this. LRussellAdshade at gmail is where I can be reached.